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Democrats Seek To Impeach Justice Minister Pracha Over Floods


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Democrats seek to impeach Pracha over floods

The Nation


The Democrat Party has lodged an impeachment motion against Justice Minister Pracha Promnok accusing him of botching flood-control operations, chief opposition whip Jurin Laksanawisit said yesterday.

"A total of 148 Democrats have endorsed the impeachment and will take the next step to censure Pracha within the current House session," he said.

Jurin said the Democrats would proceed with impeachment and censure even though other opposition parties had not co-sponsored the motions.

He said he was confident that the censure debate against Pracha could take place before the end of the current session of the House of Representatives.

He also stated that six Pheu Thai MPs were targets for impeachment for transgression in their use of executive power in handling the flooding situation.

The six are Karun Hosakul, Thanusak Lekuthai, Jirayu Huangsap, Surachart Thienthong, Vicharn Minchainant and Vorachai Hemma.

Under the Constitution, the opposition is obligated to file for impeachment before censuring Pracha, as it involves charges of irregularities.

It is the Senate Secretariat's responsibility to verify the signatures of the 148 Democrats within 30 days, before forwarding the motion to the National Anti-Corruption Commission to determine whether there are grounds for impeachment.

Should the NACC rule that it suspects foul play, the Senate will convene an impeachment trial.

House Speaker Somsak Kiartsuranont said the censure debate might be inappropriate because Pracha was not involved in the alleged irregularities in distributing flood-relief supplies.

Somsak said the government was doing its utmost to mitigate the flood crisis.

Bhum Jai Thai Party spokesman Supachai Jaisamut dismissed talk of a rift between the opposition parties.

The Democrats only notified his party about the impeachment motion against Pracha on Wednesday, so Bhum Jai Thai did not have time to adopt a stance on the issue and gather the necessary signatures, Supachai said. He said his junior opposition party agreed with the charges against Pracha.


-- The Nation 2011-11-18

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'Still going on about the floods in a mad way, I see!

This should be listed in the "Satire" section.

148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

In Thailand, there is no crisis until it happens.

When it happens. as is typical of the 9-year old mentality, let's squawk like chickens and flap our wings and run around in circles.

When the natural course of nature removes the problem, in spite of the native efforts to fix it - and subsequently make it worse - then let's forget about it and go back to the catatonic watching of soaps on TV.

Harsh? I don't think so. Stupid is as stupid does. Were this listed under satire, I would commend the article. The fact that this article is listed under "POLITICS" and foolishly attempts a serious lean is exactly that which compels me to be satirical towards it.

I would wager not one of the 148 monsters ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

Why is that? Because before the crisis there was no crisis.

If the 148 ministers have the time and (according to their lofty thinking) power to impeach someone, then why haven't they shown that they have at least made any attempt to supersede the alleged inaction by coming together and using their parliamentary power to override said alleged inactivity? At least then they would have something to show for it in contrast to their heretofore stupid allegations. At least the people would have benefited from the wisdom and well-conceived ideas of these 148 ministers.

But nay! These 148 ministers aren't interested in using their power to supersede alleged lazy asses. They are more interested in sitting back and waiting for any opportunity to geld the first person whom they think deserves it. TO h@ll with the people, it seems they say.

This is about as stupid as getting an international extradition order against Zeus and seeking to impeach him from his role as The God of the Sky.

So, when there is no crisis, the government uses no forethought to known crisis'.

When that crisis happens, they digress to silly behavior and ignore the reason that got them into this in the first place (i.e all Thais are guilty of not preparing for the annual floods. What part of "annual" do they not understand?). They resort to useless remedies that do not directly address the problem, and instead resort to half-hearted attempts to alleviate the pain.

And when this crisis passes, we move on to the next crisis; which when one looks closely, reveals another issue that was heretofore known, and yet unrecognized before it came about.

How is it possible that one can have sympathy for habitual stupidity, unless one is in it for the money?

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

None of the impeachment proceedings involve the rain, typhoons, or the flood itself (so God is not a plaintiff).

I would wager not one of the 148 ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

None of the impeachment proceedings involve actions before the flood.

What the impeachments proceedings do involve:

Opposition chief whip Jurin Laksanavisit said on Thursday that opposition monitoring of the Pheu Thai administration found that seven MPs violated the Constitution, Articles 265 and 266, which bar lawmakers from holding positions in state agencies or exercising their power to intervene, regardless directly or indirectly, in the work of state officials for their own benefit or of others.

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'Still going on about the floods in a mad way, I see!

This should be listed in the "Satire" section.

148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

In Thailand, there is no crisis until it happens.

When it happens. as is typical of the 9-year old mentality, let's squawk like chickens and flap our wings and run around in circles.

When the natural course of nature removes the problem, in spite of the native efforts to fix it - and subsequently make it worse - then let's forget about it and go back to the catatonic watching of soaps on TV.

Harsh? I don't think so. Stupid is as stupid does. Were this listed under satire, I would commend the article. The fact that this article is listed under "POLITICS" and foolishly attempts a serious lean is exactly that which compels me to be satirical towards it.

I would wager not one of the 148 monsters ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

Why is that? Because before the crisis there was no crisis.

If the 148 ministers have the time and (according to their lofty thinking) power to impeach someone, then why haven't they shown that they have at least made any attempt to supersede the alleged inaction by coming together and using their parliamentary power to override said alleged inactivity? At least then they would have something to show for it in contrast to their heretofore stupid allegations. At least the people would have benefited from the wisdom and well-conceived ideas of these 148 ministers.

But nay! These 148 ministers aren't interested in using their power to supersede alleged lazy asses. They are more interested in sitting back and waiting for any opportunity to geld the first person whom they think deserves it. TO h@ll with the people, it seems they say.

This is about as stupid as getting an international extradition order against Zeus and seeking to impeach him from his role as The God of the Sky.

So, when there is no crisis, the government uses no forethought to known crisis'.

When that crisis happens, they digress to silly behavior and ignore the reason that got them into this in the first place (i.e all Thais are guilty of not preparing for the annual floods. What part of "annual" do they not understand?). They resort to useless remedies that do not directly address the problem, and instead resort to half-hearted attempts to alleviate the pain.

And when this crisis passes, we move on to the next crisis; which when one looks closely, reveals another issue that was heretofore known, and yet unrecognized before it came about.

How is it possible that one can have sympathy for habitual stupidity, unless one is in it for the money?

I'm struggling to find any logic in that long winded rant. Did you really think about it or just engage your keyboard?

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'Still going on about the floods in a mad way, I see!

This should be listed in the "Satire" section.

148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

In Thailand, there is no crisis until it happens.

When it happens. as is typical of the 9-year old mentality, let's squawk like chickens and flap our wings and run around in circles.

When the natural course of nature removes the problem, in spite of the native efforts to fix it - and subsequently make it worse - then let's forget about it and go back to the catatonic watching of soaps on TV.

Harsh? I don't think so. Stupid is as stupid does. Were this listed under satire, I would commend the article. The fact that this article is listed under "POLITICS" and foolishly attempts a serious lean is exactly that which compels me to be satirical towards it.

I would wager not one of the 148 monsters ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

Why is that? Because before the crisis there was no crisis.

If the 148 ministers have the time and (according to their lofty thinking) power to impeach someone, then why haven't they shown that they have at least made any attempt to supersede the alleged inaction by coming together and using their parliamentary power to override said alleged inactivity? At least then they would have something to show for it in contrast to their heretofore stupid allegations. At least the people would have benefited from the wisdom and well-conceived ideas of these 148 ministers.

But nay! These 148 ministers aren't interested in using their power to supersede alleged lazy asses. They are more interested in sitting back and waiting for any opportunity to geld the first person whom they think deserves it. TO h@ll with the people, it seems they say.

This is about as stupid as getting an international extradition order against Zeus and seeking to impeach him from his role as The God of the Sky.

So, when there is no crisis, the government uses no forethought to known crisis'.

When that crisis happens, they digress to silly behavior and ignore the reason that got them into this in the first place (i.e all Thais are guilty of not preparing for the annual floods. What part of "annual" do they not understand?). They resort to useless remedies that do not directly address the problem, and instead resort to half-hearted attempts to alleviate the pain.

And when this crisis passes, we move on to the next crisis; which when one looks closely, reveals another issue that was heretofore known, and yet unrecognized before it came about.

How is it possible that one can have sympathy for habitual stupidity, unless one is in it for the money?

No-one is blaming him for the flood, they are criticizing irregularities in his actions.

You seem to have difficulty understanding the roles of the government and the opposition. MINISTERS are members of the government, the opposition has only MPs. As a minority they have no power to propose or alter legislation unless sufficient members of the government decide to vote with them - which would be career suicide in the autocratic PTP.

So many words, so little sense.

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148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

None of the impeachment proceedings involve the rain, typhoons, or the flood itself (so God is not a plaintiff).

I would wager not one of the 148 ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

None of the impeachment proceedings involve actions before the flood.

What the impeachments proceedings do involve:

Opposition chief whip Jurin Laksanavisit said on Thursday that opposition monitoring of the Pheu Thai administration found that seven MPs violated the Constitution, Articles 265 and 266, which bar lawmakers from holding positions in state agencies or exercising their power to intervene, regardless directly or indirectly, in the work of state officials for their own benefit or of others.

Thank you. You just elaborated on a much simpler definition of splitting hairs over silly laws that:

- people ignore anyways and...

- do not get to experience the fun of being accused when the sun is shining

So, we have a crisis, and the government, instead of joining hands and demonstrating sincerity in fixing it, rather spend their time spying on people whom I suspect have been targeted in a premeditated fashion. And then they choose this time of crisis to bring out their sordid hatred against these targets and add to the confusion; at the same time not having the ability to see how they, themselves, look like conspiring rogues in denial of the greater need of the country.

They can make their rules and play their games, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is what is best for the betterment of human kind; much less babies sitting in septic water up to their mid-section. At least I am not seeing it. So, let them play with their articles and jots and tittles and see where this gets them. The little guy should smack them up the side of the head when they come to gaze at their flooded living room. I would!

And what the impeachments proceedings do involve:

Now that is how I see it, and that is my opinion throughout this ludicrous event and the side-tracking events that assail the sincerity of it!

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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'Still going on about the floods in a mad way, I see!

This should be listed in the "Satire" section.

148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

In Thailand, there is no crisis until it happens.

When it happens. as is typical of the 9-year old mentality, let's squawk like chickens and flap our wings and run around in circles.

When the natural course of nature removes the problem, in spite of the native efforts to fix it - and subsequently make it worse - then let's forget about it and go back to the catatonic watching of soaps on TV.

Harsh? I don't think so. Stupid is as stupid does. Were this listed under satire, I would commend the article. The fact that this article is listed under "POLITICS" and foolishly attempts a serious lean is exactly that which compels me to be satirical towards it.

I would wager not one of the 148 monsters ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

Why is that? Because before the crisis there was no crisis.

If the 148 ministers have the time and (according to their lofty thinking) power to impeach someone, then why haven't they shown that they have at least made any attempt to supersede the alleged inaction by coming together and using their parliamentary power to override said alleged inactivity? At least then they would have something to show for it in contrast to their heretofore stupid allegations. At least the people would have benefited from the wisdom and well-conceived ideas of these 148 ministers.

But nay! These 148 ministers aren't interested in using their power to supersede alleged lazy asses. They are more interested in sitting back and waiting for any opportunity to geld the first person whom they think deserves it. TO h@ll with the people, it seems they say.

This is about as stupid as getting an international extradition order against Zeus and seeking to impeach him from his role as The God of the Sky.

So, when there is no crisis, the government uses no forethought to known crisis'.

When that crisis happens, they digress to silly behavior and ignore the reason that got them into this in the first place (i.e all Thais are guilty of not preparing for the annual floods. What part of "annual" do they not understand?). They resort to useless remedies that do not directly address the problem, and instead resort to half-hearted attempts to alleviate the pain.

And when this crisis passes, we move on to the next crisis; which when one looks closely, reveals another issue that was heretofore known, and yet unrecognized before it came about.

How is it possible that one can have sympathy for habitual stupidity, unless one is in it for the money?

No-one is blaming him for the flood, they are criticizing irregularities in his actions.

You seem to have difficulty understanding the roles of the government and the opposition. MINISTERS are members of the government, the opposition has only MPs. As a minority they have no power to propose or alter legislation unless sufficient members of the government decide to vote with them - which would be career suicide in the autocratic PTP.

So many words, so little sense.

"criticizing irregularities in his actions"


No! I do not think I have difficulty understanding the roles of government when such a government behaves according to its own laws. That is not what we have here, and subsequently your allegation is meaningless. We have people who have titles, but as far as following their own rules, I don't see it. So many words, and a lot of sense, in my opinion, because I do not subscribe to hypocrisy, nor do I make attempts to sort out said hypocrisy. There is no future in it.

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148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

None of the impeachment proceedings involve the rain, typhoons, or the flood itself (so God is not a plaintiff).

I would wager not one of the 148 ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

None of the impeachment proceedings involve actions before the flood.

What the impeachments proceedings do involve:

Opposition chief whip Jurin Laksanavisit said on Thursday that opposition monitoring of the Pheu Thai administration found that seven MPs violated the Constitution, Articles 265 and 266, which bar lawmakers from holding positions in state agencies or exercising their power to intervene, regardless directly or indirectly, in the work of state officials for their own benefit or of others.

So, we have a crisis, and the government, instead of joining hands and demonstrating sincerity in fixing it, rather spend their time spying on people whom I suspect have been targeted in a premeditated fashion.

It's the opposition, not the government, spending their time to get the government to do their job.... and since specific government officials have been doing such a poor time doing their job, are seeking to rectify the situation by removing those specific individuals and hold them accountable.

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'Still going on about the floods in a mad way, I see!

This should be listed in the "Satire" section.

148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

In Thailand, there is no crisis until it happens.

When it happens. as is typical of the 9-year old mentality, let's squawk like chickens and flap our wings and run around in circles.

When the natural course of nature removes the problem, in spite of the native efforts to fix it - and subsequently make it worse - then let's forget about it and go back to the catatonic watching of soaps on TV.

Harsh? I don't think so. Stupid is as stupid does. Were this listed under satire, I would commend the article. The fact that this article is listed under "POLITICS" and foolishly attempts a serious lean is exactly that which compels me to be satirical towards it.

I would wager not one of the 148 monsters ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

Why is that? Because before the crisis there was no crisis.

If the 148 ministers have the time and (according to their lofty thinking) power to impeach someone, then why haven't they shown that they have at least made any attempt to supersede the alleged inaction by coming together and using their parliamentary power to override said alleged inactivity? At least then they would have something to show for it in contrast to their heretofore stupid allegations. At least the people would have benefited from the wisdom and well-conceived ideas of these 148 ministers.

But nay! These 148 ministers aren't interested in using their power to supersede alleged lazy asses. They are more interested in sitting back and waiting for any opportunity to geld the first person whom they think deserves it. TO h@ll with the people, it seems they say.

This is about as stupid as getting an international extradition order against Zeus and seeking to impeach him from his role as The God of the Sky.

So, when there is no crisis, the government uses no forethought to known crisis'.

When that crisis happens, they digress to silly behavior and ignore the reason that got them into this in the first place (i.e all Thais are guilty of not preparing for the annual floods. What part of "annual" do they not understand?). They resort to useless remedies that do not directly address the problem, and instead resort to half-hearted attempts to alleviate the pain.

And when this crisis passes, we move on to the next crisis; which when one looks closely, reveals another issue that was heretofore known, and yet unrecognized before it came about.

How is it possible that one can have sympathy for habitual stupidity, unless one is in it for the money?

I'm struggling to find any logic in that long winded rant. Did you really think about it or just engage your keyboard?

I'm struggling to find any logic in that short winded rant. Did you really think about it or just engage your keyboard?

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It's the opposition, not the government, spending their time to get the government to do their job.... and since specific government officials have been doing such a poor time doing their job, are seeking to rectify the situation by removing those specific individuals and hold them accountable.

Yeah? Well, they would do that wouldn't they?

"removing those specific individuals and hold them accountable" = "shoot first and ask questions later"

There is nothing here that the "opposition" posts are telling me that is new. It's the same mantra, but with a different wrapper. I do understand your points. Really, I do. I do not disagree with them as far as that understanding goes. Where I disagree is when someone tries to pull the wool over my eyes and tells me that the thing I am expressing an opposing view against is something that deserves respect and that it is built upon a foundation of truth, honor and consideration for one's fellow man.

My point is there is no point in this because there is no foundation of truth. It is all built on lies, deceit, and the blood of the victims. So, I'll give you a clue by explaining that I have no respect for people like that. I do not care what position they hold. I don't have to necessarily understand someone or something that I know in my heart is corrupt, evil, dishonest and full of lies. There is a better remedy and quicker solution for such obstacles in the betterment of human kind. A man who will not stand his watch and draw a line in the sand is not a man. There is no honor in all of this.

Using the flood as a podium to make allegations against someone who is no more guilty that the accusers is deplorable and demonstrates a desperate attempt to conceal one's own stupidity and guilt.

That the media keeps on cycling this crap makes it even more ludicrous. Anyone can complain, but it takes a genuine healthy and fully developed conscience to bring people together, create a solution, and then fix it.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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It's the opposition, not the government, spending their time to get the government to do their job.... and since specific government officials have been doing such a poor time doing their job, are seeking to rectify the situation by removing those specific individuals and hold them accountable.

Yeah? Well, they would do that wouldn't they?

"removing those specific individuals and hold them accountable" = "shoot first and ask questions later"

I should have reworded it as:

"Remove those specific individuals as a means of holding them accountable"

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Bhumjai Thai Party to Not Partake in Justice Minister Censure Debate

The Bhumjai Thai Party spokesperson announced that the party will not take part in the upcoming censure debate against the justice minister, citing insufficient time to inform its MPs.

Bhumjai Thai Party spokesperson Supachai Jaisamut has announced that his party will not take part in the upcoming censure debate against Justice Minister Pracha Promnok.

Supachai says his party was just informed about the debate by the Democrat Party on November 16 and did not have enough time to call a meeting among its MPs.

In any case, the Bhumjai Thai Party believes the Democrat Party has already brought a strong and valid accusation against the justice minister.

Meanwhile, Supachai insisted his party is not abandoning the Democrat Party and will continue to perform its role as an opposition member by monitoring the government.

Regarding the possibility that the party may change its mind and participate in the debate, Supachai said he is not sure if that is possible given that the party did not endorse the motion for the debate in the first place.


-- Tan Network 2011-11-18


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Censure debate against Pracha expected on Nov 27

A no-confidence debate against Justice Minister Pracha Promnok may be held on November 27, House Speaker Somsak Kiartsuranon said Friday.

Somsak was speaking to reporters after Democrat MP Jurin Laksanavisit, the chief opposition whip, submitted a no-confidence motion against Pracha to him at Parliament.

Jurin said the motion was signed by 153 opposition MPs.

Somsak said he personally though the debate could start at 9:30 am on November 27 and end before midnight and a vote of no-confidence would be held in the following morning.


-- The Nation 2011-11-18

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Thai people are easy happy people. They like to be entertained. They elect their politicians who have entertained them locally and will be entertaining them in media political shows. All problems are like soap opera end in 2-3 months. And new crisis starts up another new soap opera.

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Thai people are easy happy people. They like to be entertained. They elect their politicians who have entertained them locally and will be entertaining them in media political shows. All problems are like soap opera end in 2-3 months. And new crisis starts up another new soap opera.

Boom! I was just thinking that as I as I got into the second to last article above, and then I arrived at your post.

And that is another point isn't it? Thais simply love to engage in and remain mired in perpetual semantics; jabberwocky and senseless debates. My wife is addicted to the soaps. I have given up on trying to get her to adopt some sort of mentally challenging hobby. When I pass through and glance at the television, and I kid you not; 99% of the time these hi-so and village people caricatures are constantly on the go with spiteful arguing, threatening, venomous hate spewing out of their mouths and dripping from their fangs. It sickens me to the point of such debased thoughts of "the cure" that I have to go have a smoke.

So, this is the rubbish that is being pumped into their noggins from an early age onwards. This leaves no surprise to their problem solving abilities, inspiration and motivation towards preventative measures. Most of these articles are about alleged crimes against each other, and none of the allegations (whether true or not), would ever have any visible affect upon the little guy, so it would seem. It's all about the gods and their games way up in the clouds. We just hear the thunder and see the lightening and either like it or hide under the blankets.

Merely an observation as compared to people I have met and admired for their reasoning abilities and intelligence.I do not enjoy finding myself in this position of expressing my observations of issues such as these, however, that is the intention of a forum; to express one's views as truthfully as one sees it. And when such nonsense as these articles are made public, I believe it is fair game to call it as one sees it and emphasize that one is making an opinion.

It's not necessarily about the articles, rather, it is more about the underlying level of development (and the lack thereof) that keeps the ball rolling.

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As predicted the Dems and their handlers did not impeach the CTP agriculture minister over an issue they were moaning on about as number one priority untikl they discovered it wasnt a PTP minister but a mate of old Banharn who the elite and Dems will do anything o make happy in some vague hope it will one day help them into government.

Interesting that BJT wont touch it, which signals they are mor einterested in being invited back to the table of Shin than lining up for a rerun of Abhisit shows how to lose in really grand style

Poltics is such an interesting game and not about anything other than getting into power/staying in power and who really cares about country or people. Not unique to Thailand either

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'Still going on about the floods in a mad way, I see!

This should be listed in the "Satire" section.

148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

In Thailand, there is no crisis until it happens.

When it happens. as is typical of the 9-year old mentality, let's squawk like chickens and flap our wings and run around in circles.

When the natural course of nature removes the problem, in spite of the native efforts to fix it - and subsequently make it worse - then let's forget about it and go back to the catatonic watching of soaps on TV.

Harsh? I don't think so. Stupid is as stupid does. Were this listed under satire, I would commend the article. The fact that this article is listed under "POLITICS" and foolishly attempts a serious lean is exactly that which compels me to be satirical towards it.

I would wager not one of the 148 monsters ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

Why is that? Because before the crisis there was no crisis.

If the 148 ministers have the time and (according to their lofty thinking) power to impeach someone, then why haven't they shown that they have at least made any attempt to supersede the alleged inaction by coming together and using their parliamentary power to override said alleged inactivity? At least then they would have something to show for it in contrast to their heretofore stupid allegations. At least the people would have benefited from the wisdom and well-conceived ideas of these 148 ministers.

But nay! These 148 ministers aren't interested in using their power to supersede alleged lazy asses. They are more interested in sitting back and waiting for any opportunity to geld the first person whom they think deserves it. TO h@ll with the people, it seems they say.

This is about as stupid as getting an international extradition order against Zeus and seeking to impeach him from his role as The God of the Sky.

So, when there is no crisis, the government uses no forethought to known crisis'.

When that crisis happens, they digress to silly behavior and ignore the reason that got them into this in the first place (i.e all Thais are guilty of not preparing for the annual floods. What part of "annual" do they not understand?). They resort to useless remedies that do not directly address the problem, and instead resort to half-hearted attempts to alleviate the pain.

And when this crisis passes, we move on to the next crisis; which when one looks closely, reveals another issue that was heretofore known, and yet unrecognized before it came about.

How is it possible that one can have sympathy for habitual stupidity, unless one is in it for the money?

I didn't realise there were as many as 148 ministers in the Thai government or that they were in the habit of impeaching one of their own number. Either I am mistaken or this post is the work of a somewhat unhinged mind.

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'Still going on about the floods in a mad way, I see!

This should be listed in the "Satire" section.

148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

In Thailand, there is no crisis until it happens.

When it happens. as is typical of the 9-year old mentality, let's squawk like chickens and flap our wings and run around in circles.

When the natural course of nature removes the problem, in spite of the native efforts to fix it - and subsequently make it worse - then let's forget about it and go back to the catatonic watching of soaps on TV.

Harsh? I don't think so. Stupid is as stupid does. Were this listed under satire, I would commend the article. The fact that this article is listed under "POLITICS" and foolishly attempts a serious lean is exactly that which compels me to be satirical towards it.

I would wager not one of the 148 monsters ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

Why is that? Because before the crisis there was no crisis.

If the 148 ministers have the time and (according to their lofty thinking) power to impeach someone, then why haven't they shown that they have at least made any attempt to supersede the alleged inaction by coming together and using their parliamentary power to override said alleged inactivity? At least then they would have something to show for it in contrast to their heretofore stupid allegations. At least the people would have benefited from the wisdom and well-conceived ideas of these 148 ministers.

But nay! These 148 ministers aren't interested in using their power to supersede alleged lazy asses. They are more interested in sitting back and waiting for any opportunity to geld the first person whom they think deserves it. TO h@ll with the people, it seems they say.

This is about as stupid as getting an international extradition order against Zeus and seeking to impeach him from his role as The God of the Sky.

So, when there is no crisis, the government uses no forethought to known crisis'.

When that crisis happens, they digress to silly behavior and ignore the reason that got them into this in the first place (i.e all Thais are guilty of not preparing for the annual floods. What part of "annual" do they not understand?). They resort to useless remedies that do not directly address the problem, and instead resort to half-hearted attempts to alleviate the pain.

And when this crisis passes, we move on to the next crisis; which when one looks closely, reveals another issue that was heretofore known, and yet unrecognized before it came about.

How is it possible that one can have sympathy for habitual stupidity, unless one is in it for the money?

I didn't realise there were as many as 148 ministers in the Thai government or that they were in the habit of impeaching one of their own number. Either I am mistaken or this post is the work of a somewhat unhinged mind.

Alright! Typo! Don't be such a c@nt about it! That last comment is a swipe and I am swiping back! Should I imply you are unhinged because you cannot spell realize correctly? Not my style. Move on!

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'Still going on about the floods in a mad way, I see!

This should be listed in the "Satire" section.

148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

In Thailand, there is no crisis until it happens.

When it happens. as is typical of the 9-year old mentality, let's squawk like chickens and flap our wings and run around in circles.

When the natural course of nature removes the problem, in spite of the native efforts to fix it - and subsequently make it worse - then let's forget about it and go back to the catatonic watching of soaps on TV.

Harsh? I don't think so. Stupid is as stupid does. Were this listed under satire, I would commend the article. The fact that this article is listed under "POLITICS" and foolishly attempts a serious lean is exactly that which compels me to be satirical towards it.

I would wager not one of the 148 monsters ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

Why is that? Because before the crisis there was no crisis.

If the 148 ministers have the time and (according to their lofty thinking) power to impeach someone, then why haven't they shown that they have at least made any attempt to supersede the alleged inaction by coming together and using their parliamentary power to override said alleged inactivity? At least then they would have something to show for it in contrast to their heretofore stupid allegations. At least the people would have benefited from the wisdom and well-conceived ideas of these 148 ministers.

But nay! These 148 ministers aren't interested in using their power to supersede alleged lazy asses. They are more interested in sitting back and waiting for any opportunity to geld the first person whom they think deserves it. TO h@ll with the people, it seems they say.

This is about as stupid as getting an international extradition order against Zeus and seeking to impeach him from his role as The God of the Sky.

So, when there is no crisis, the government uses no forethought to known crisis'.

When that crisis happens, they digress to silly behavior and ignore the reason that got them into this in the first place (i.e all Thais are guilty of not preparing for the annual floods. What part of "annual" do they not understand?). They resort to useless remedies that do not directly address the problem, and instead resort to half-hearted attempts to alleviate the pain.

And when this crisis passes, we move on to the next crisis; which when one looks closely, reveals another issue that was heretofore known, and yet unrecognized before it came about.

How is it possible that one can have sympathy for habitual stupidity, unless one is in it for the money?

No-one is blaming him for the flood, they are criticizing irregularities in his actions.

You seem to have difficulty understanding the roles of the government and the opposition. MINISTERS are members of the government, the opposition has only MPs. As a minority they have no power to propose or alter legislation unless sufficient members of the government decide to vote with them - which would be career suicide in the autocratic PTP.

So many words, so little sense.

more like NO SENSE AT ALL

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As predicted the Dems and their handlers did not impeach the CTP agriculture minister over an issue they were moaning on about as number one priority untikl they discovered it wasnt a PTP minister but a mate of old Banharn who the elite and Dems will do anything o make happy in some vague hope it will one day help them into government.

Interesting that BJT wont touch it, which signals they are mor einterested in being invited back to the table of Shin than lining up for a rerun of Abhisit shows how to lose in really grand style

Poltics is such an interesting game and not about anything other than getting into power/staying in power and who really cares about country or people. Not unique to Thailand either

On the 9th of October PM Yingluck declared the 'disaster law' to be in effect and setup the FROC with head Justice Minister Pol.Gen. Pracha to be able to better co-ordinate, demand and control flood related activities. Seems the first target for the impeachement motion. The Agriculture Minister can wait till we get round to questioning the 'rice price pledging scheme' and it's enormous costs ;)

BTW Pol.Gen. Pracha was the leader of the Puea Pandin Party before applying for Pheu Thai membership on the 25th of April this year. I vaguely remember there was talk of him becoming a possible PM candidate for PT, but that didn't work out. Not sure how high he ended up on the party list.


Edited by rubl
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'Still going on about the floods in a mad way, I see!

This should be listed in the "Satire" section.

148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

In Thailand, there is no crisis until it happens.

When it happens. as is typical of the 9-year old mentality, let's squawk like chickens and flap our wings and run around in circles.

When the natural course of nature removes the problem, in spite of the native efforts to fix it - and subsequently make it worse - then let's forget about it and go back to the catatonic watching of soaps on TV.

Harsh? I don't think so. Stupid is as stupid does. Were this listed under satire, I would commend the article. The fact that this article is listed under "POLITICS" and foolishly attempts a serious lean is exactly that which compels me to be satirical towards it.

I would wager not one of the 148 monsters ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

Why is that? Because before the crisis there was no crisis.

If the 148 ministers have the time and (according to their lofty thinking) power to impeach someone, then why haven't they shown that they have at least made any attempt to supersede the alleged inaction by coming together and using their parliamentary power to override said alleged inactivity? At least then they would have something to show for it in contrast to their heretofore stupid allegations. At least the people would have benefited from the wisdom and well-conceived ideas of these 148 ministers.

But nay! These 148 ministers aren't interested in using their power to supersede alleged lazy asses. They are more interested in sitting back and waiting for any opportunity to geld the first person whom they think deserves it. TO h@ll with the people, it seems they say.

This is about as stupid as getting an international extradition order against Zeus and seeking to impeach him from his role as The God of the Sky.

So, when there is no crisis, the government uses no forethought to known crisis'.

When that crisis happens, they digress to silly behavior and ignore the reason that got them into this in the first place (i.e all Thais are guilty of not preparing for the annual floods. What part of "annual" do they not understand?). They resort to useless remedies that do not directly address the problem, and instead resort to half-hearted attempts to alleviate the pain.

And when this crisis passes, we move on to the next crisis; which when one looks closely, reveals another issue that was heretofore known, and yet unrecognized before it came about.

How is it possible that one can have sympathy for habitual stupidity, unless one is in it for the money?

No-one is blaming him for the flood, they are criticizing irregularities in his actions.

You seem to have difficulty understanding the roles of the government and the opposition. MINISTERS are members of the government, the opposition has only MPs. As a minority they have no power to propose or alter legislation unless sufficient members of the government decide to vote with them - which would be career suicide in the autocratic PTP.

So many words, so little sense.

more like NO SENSE AT ALL

more like NO SENSE AT ALL

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I didn't realise there were as many as 148 ministers in the Thai government or that they were in the habit of impeaching one of their own number. Either I am mistaken or this post is the work of a somewhat unhinged mind.

Alright! Typo! Don't be such a c@nt about it! That last comment is a swipe and I am swiping back! Should I imply you are unhinged because you cannot spell realize correctly? Not my style. Move on!

He spelt "realise" correctly. So he mustn't be unhinged.

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As predicted the Dems and their handlers did not impeach the CTP agriculture minister over an issue they were moaning on about as number one priority untikl they discovered it wasnt a PTP minister but a mate of old Banharn who the elite and Dems will do anything o make happy in some vague hope it will one day help them into government.

Interesting that BJT wont touch it, which signals they are mor einterested in being invited back to the table of Shin than lining up for a rerun of Abhisit shows how to lose in really grand style

Poltics is such an interesting game and not about anything other than getting into power/staying in power and who really cares about country or people. Not unique to Thailand either

On the 9th of October PM Yingluck declared the 'disaster law' to be in effect and setup the FROC with head Justice Minister Pol.Gen. Pracha to be able to better co-ordinate, demand and control flood related activities. Seems the first target for the impeachement motion. The Agriculture Minister can wait till we get round to questioning the 'rice price pledging scheme' and it's enormous costs ;)

BTW Pol.Gen. Pracha was the leader of the Puea Pandin Party before applying for Pheu Thai membership on the 25th of April this year. I vaguely remember there was talk of him becoming a possible PM candidate for PT, but that didn't work out. Not sure how high he ended up on the party list.


It kind of reminds me of professional sports; the players aren't loyal to the fans anymore. They go to the highest bidder and also establish their own side-businesses when not politicking. I don't even bother to watch sports anymore because I can't take the players seriously when they are out there playing, because tomorrow they may be wearing another color. It's all a big joke, but I think it is mostly on the fans and constituents who remain loyal out of principle and abject religious fervor. The media simply act as the pimps who try to keep the addicts involved. In this case, only intelligent people who are not in it for the money and corruption will lose interest.

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At worst the man/men responsible for self servicing action, will be moved to "inactive post" status. This must be one of the larger groups of government employee, although, to date, there has been no "Ministry of inactivity" designated.

It would be interesting to bring to light the number in this elite group, length of stay, etc. Its my understanding that the appointed governors , when replaced by new government, are placed in the catch all category. Has to be a rapidly expanding number and job security must be pretty good. Wonder if vacation/sick leave are accumulated while serving their country?

Come to think of it, they may be the least threat to efficient government, depending on the budget allocation.

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I didn't realise there were as many as 148 ministers in the Thai government or that they were in the habit of impeaching one of their own number. Either I am mistaken or this post is the work of a somewhat unhinged mind.

Alright! Typo! Don't be such a c@nt about it! That last comment is a swipe and I am swiping back! Should I imply you are unhinged because you cannot spell realize correctly? Not my style. Move on!

He spelt "realise" correctly. So he mustn't be unhinged.

Whatever, on both accounts.

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As predicted the Dems and their handlers did not impeach the CTP agriculture minister over an issue they were moaning on about as number one priority untikl they discovered it wasnt a PTP minister but a mate of old Banharn who the elite and Dems will do anything o make happy in some vague hope it will one day help them into government.

Interesting that BJT wont touch it, which signals they are mor einterested in being invited back to the table of Shin than lining up for a rerun of Abhisit shows how to lose in really grand style"?

Poltics is such an interesting game and not about anything other than getting into power/staying in power and who really cares about country or people. Not unique to Thailand either

On the 9th of October PM Yingluck declared the 'disaster law' to be in effect and setup the FROC with head Justice Minister Pol.Gen. Pracha to be able to better co-ordinate, demand and control flood related activities. Seems the first target for the impeachement motion. The Agriculture Minister can wait till we get round to questioning the 'rice price pledging scheme' and it's enormous costs ;)

BTW Pol.Gen. Pracha was the leader of the Puea Pandin Party before applying for Pheu Thai membership on the 25th of April this year. I vaguely remember there was talk of him becoming a possible PM candidate for PT, but that didn't work out. Not sure how high he ended up on the party list.


Surely the first target for "impeachment" would be whoever was the government responsible for having the dams dangerously full in the monsoon season?


"The Agriculture Minister can wait till we get round to questioning the 'rice price pledging scheme' and it's enormous costs". The reasonable "Dutch uncle" halo has slipped a bit there Rubl - fully aligned to the Democrat party now are we?

Just out of interest (though off topic) can you tell me just how much rice has been pledged to date, floods and all hampering the harvesting part of that I would have thought? Is it "enormous"? And do you have a specific interest, it seems to be on your mind a lot?

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Surely the first target for "impeachment" would be whoever was the government responsible for having the dams dangerously full in the monsoon season?


"The Agriculture Minister can wait till we get round to questioning the 'rice price pledging scheme' and it's enormous costs". The reasonable "Dutch uncle" halo has slipped a bit there Rubl - fully aligned to the Democrat party now are we?

Just out of interest (though off topic) can you tell me just how much rice has been pledged to date, floods and all hampering the harvesting part of that I would have thought? Is it "enormous"? And do you have a specific interest, it seems to be on your mind a lot?

The FROC with it's head Justice Minister Pol.Gen. Pracha was setup specifically to deal efficiently with the flooding. Since it hasn't been effcient (some would even say, a bit of a new man-made disaster) he's the first target.

I have yet to see a clear, factual report on how the release/non-release of waters by the Bhumipol/Sirikit (and possibly other) dams has really influenced the water flow and flooding and by how much. Start a commission on that first before tackling the Minister for Agriculture.

As for the 'rice price pledging' between THB 350 - 410 billion was reserved for the period October 7th, 2011 till February 28th, 2012. Current status as of today

"It was reported that the government currently has about 2 million tonnes of rice in its warehouses. The Commerce Ministry reported that about 600,000 tonnes of paddy rice had been pledged to stocks to date, below government expectations because of the severe floods.

The pledging project started on October 7 and will last until the end of February. The government is expecting more than 10 million tonnes of paddy rice to enter its stocks under the project."


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Surely the first target for "impeachment" would be whoever was the government responsible for having the dams dangerously full in the monsoon season?



Were they "dangerously full" at the beginning of the monsoon season?

The were twice as full as last year, but with the dams reaching record lows last year, that doesn't mean much.

In August and September, even after the first typhoon hit, the release volume was still low. Then in October they were tripled.

Why wasn't the release volume increased in September before the second and third typhoons hit?

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