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Looking to get a Schengen Visa for my Thai wife to travel to France (Paris) or Belgium (Brussels), we will also be traveling to the UK (which is easier for us to get a visa for).

I have heard that the French Embassy is being a bit stricter on giving Visas, is this still true and what seems to be the problems?

We plan to land in Europe, stay a night then go on Eurostar to the UK, pick up a car at Ebbsfleet, then travel down south, then come back and use Eurostar to Paris or Brussels and have a few days of relaxation there.


The only change I had heard of recently (June) with the French Schengen process was that the application center was being stricter about enforcing the rules around which Schengen member state an applicant submits his/her application to. If your travel plans include visits to multiple Schengen states, the guideline has always been that you must apply for a visa from (1) the state where you are planning to spend the most time or (2) if you are spending equal time in two or more states, the state of your first entry into the Schengen zone.

In the past, the TLScontact application centre has been flexible on the interpretation of these guidelines, e.g. they have accepted applications where France was the first state of entry but the majority of the visit was being spent in another Schengen state. In June, I was told of one applicant who had been advised by the center not to submit her application as her itinerary indicated that she would be spending more time in Italy than in France (17 nights vs. 15 nights). The TLS advisor said that the French Embassy had begun rejecting applications where the proposed itinerary didn't strictly meet the guidelines.

However, if you are an EU citizen, your wife is not required to answer a number of questions on the visa application form, including the one that asks for details of hotels/temporary accomodation for every night of the proposed stay (i.e. the itinerary). She simply needs to state her proposed entry and exit dates from the Schengen zone. She should also be exempt from Schengen visa fees.


thanks for the reply, I was going to include an itinerary as we will plan and book hotels (free cancellation). So there is no fee as I am English?

She will get her UK visa first then the Schengen Visa.


As the spouse of an EEA national traveling with said EEA national, the Schengen visa will be free.

Check the application form and guidance carefully, many of the questions and requirements wont apply to her.


Thanks for the answers I did notice on the application form that questions about accommodation and expenses do not need to be filled in if travelling with me.


I shall be doing something similar with gf.

From Thailand to Germany for a week or so then a week in UK then back to Germany. Does the Schengen Visa allow multiple entries (in his case two) ?


Interesting. Does anyone have any experience or views regarding Austria ? I phoned the Austrian consulate saying my ( Thai ) wife and I were going to the UK for a month, and during this stay we wanted to visit friends and relatives in Austria for maybe 3 or 4 days. The lady told me that it was nigh on impossible for me to get a schengen visa for my wife to visit Austria even though I am an EU citizen and we are leally married. Any help or comments will be gratefully received.


Interesting. Does anyone have any experience or views regarding Austria ? I phoned the Austrian consulate saying my ( Thai ) wife and I were going to the UK for a month, and during this stay we wanted to visit friends and relatives in Austria for maybe 3 or 4 days. The lady told me that it was nigh on impossible for me to get a schengen visa for my wife to visit Austria even though I am an EU citizen and we are leally married. Any help or comments will be gratefully received.

Then the person you talked to does not know the rules. Or the Austrian embassy does not follow the EU rulings for visa for spouse to EU citizen.

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Österreichische Botschaft Bangkok/ Austrian Embassy BangkokMag. Barbara NaudéGeneralkonsulin/Consul General14, Soi Nandha, off Soi 1, Sathorn Tai Rd.

Tel. +66-2-3036046/3036047 www.aussenministerium.at/bangkok

mail- [email protected]

Try the above contact numbers-e.mail, I had the possibility to meet Miss Naude personly and had e.mail contact several times.She seems open minded, helpful and friendly.



My Wife recently visited the Uk and applied for a Schengen Visa for Switzerland at Swiss enbassy Thailand which was granted with no problems whatsoever but she is financially stable and we have been married officially for over 5 years and has a healthy bank balance.


My wife is employed by a big Multinational company, has a healthy bank balance, 2 condos in her name, so we should have no problems, but you never know.

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