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Mediators And Negiotators In Positions Of Authority


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Hi Guys\Girls,

I guess will seem laughable to many on this forum but I will ask anyway.

Has any of you long timers used a Mediation and Negotiation Service that proved successful? When you had a break with a partner. I hear the laughs now.....

Naturally all lawyers not really seem willing to do and those that will charge 5000-8000 baht every hour and seem defeated before they begin. So I see it in their best interests to drag it out as much as humanly possible and live off our pain and suffering- Lol. Bit too much but we all know lawyers.

The matter is to do with parental rights over my son. I was granted sole custody in Aussie, now need to prove in court I actually the Dad and then apply for custody. Aka. 200,000 baht later the bills will still be coming and it a long drawn out process.

Whereas i know the Thai family will accept a cash offer to give me parental power, only I need a good mediator on my side to get this done. As naturally my X has stated I am the most Jai Dam person in the world. So i cannot visit or access my son in anyway, unless used force. Or other tactics that are a risk to our health and wellbeing.

He only has Aussie Passport with myself listed as sole parent. Granted sole custody when she stabbed me and was given a suspended jail sentence. So court wise they feel no issue, yet I will need to wait months for my son. I would prefer a quick and speedy outcome... plus I need to have custody until court. Even if they dispute my rights. I need him in school and being looked after by my current partner.

Now as I can show passport and papers I can pick him up from the grand parents by thai law, but not the MUM in this country. She often heading from Lamphun to Chiang Mai to catch her next Farang, so that is when I plan to take him from the Grand Parents. They will put up one hell of a fight in this small village, so I gather armed security needed.

Thus the mediator can simply stress the situation and the expense of court. Then they will hand over my son with visiting rights for them all peacefully (yer right), etc and receive a nice cash payment for all their troubles. Done Deal.

In Aussie we need to attend x2 Mediations at least, before it enters court and 97% of matters never reach court due to this fact. So it makes perfect sense- NO..... saids the legal teams here and they seem to take a large step back and large breath at even the thought of us reaching an agreement. I try tell them I worked as a manager of a law firm in Aussie and it works very well if performed correctly and professionally. NO....

MEDIATORS & NEGIOTATORS of good standing in community will be my next advert.... it seems a joke they force you to go to court. Or makes fees double if you try negotiate, Good one CMai lawyers we are onto you.... Any help would be appreciated. PM or post. Thanks.

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Is this an extension of your other thread?

You are not correct about "all lawyers" by the way. I agree that it can be challenging to located competent counsel in the land of smiles, but they do exist, even in Chiang Mai.

As I said on your other thread concerning your 'family' situation, good luck.

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Ven law... John fr pun pun told me u were in his place for lunch yesterday. Would have been good to chat.

I think the best place for this topic is Chiang Mai. As it is amazing to me that we have no genuine & professional Mediators in Cmai. They maybe able to resolve conflicts & headache many of us go through. Without the sort of action some pay for.

The rates to formally mediate via the better law firms seems excessive for thailand. In terms of lawyers as a whole, like anything there are good/average and bad.

I have heard thais can get lawyers for a fraction of what we pay...in many cases even for free. This means more risk in the case & negiotation will off the table. Fact is this will be a once in a lifetime shock to the village thai family who are asset rich yet cash poor. No other solution seems avaiable than causing all great hardship for months.

So what does my son do now until the case finished, as he is passed around the whole village. The sole purpose being to extract ceremony $$$ fr me. Comments like have ceremony & pay 200k then see ur son when u wish.

Some thais have the habit of thinking that a farang can take no action. This is far fr the truth and l pity the girls family for what they may lose. A mediator with evidence in hand could resolve the conflict peacefully. Yet only option appears to be hard & harse. I do not believe there are no good mediators in all Cmai.

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I'd just send a lawyer to the Pu Yai Baan there and explain the situation to him, and make him make the grandparents give up the kid. Since the lady stabbed you I am pretty sure the village will know what to think about her... unlikely she's a lamb at home... you probably need to befriend police too, but that's also the job of lawyers here in Thailand...

Erm, they don't all cost 8,000 baht / hour - find a proper local lawyer, it's not that hard.

Good luck!

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