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Mae Jo Agricultural Fair


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Is this the "real" one sponsored and run by Mae Jo University? The last 2-3 years have only been a mini version where sellers rented a little space along one soi. Those "festivals" sucked IMHO. They were just a little walking street with many food sellers.

The "real" one like they used to have was massive with exhibitors from all over Thailand; many of whom graduated from MJU. I really enjoyed the festivals like they had in 2007 and 2008. Hope this is like those...

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^Agree. Enjoyed both the MaeJo Fair and the CMU Agricultural Fair up until a few years ago when both seemed to become little more than a village market setting with numerous food vendors but fewer big time exhibitors such as tractor companies and animal husbandry exhibits

I will definitely visit Mae Jo this December to 'test the water' so to speak.

I may be wrong but I sensed all exhibitors did not remain the entire time, with many coming and leaving for whatever reason: it would be nice to know if there is a period when all or most will be present.

As an aside, sorely missed is the annual furniture fair that used to be held on the open field of Lanna Tech beside Lanna Hospital; and then, in a seemingly downsized version, moved across the highway to the large open field behind Teso Lotus.

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Is this the "real" one sponsored and run by Mae Jo University? The last 2-3 years have only been a mini version where sellers rented a little space along one soi. Those "festivals" sucked IMHO. They were just a little walking street with many food sellers.

The "real" one like they used to have was massive with exhibitors from all over Thailand; many of whom graduated from MJU. I really enjoyed the festivals like they had in 2007 and 2008. Hope this is like those...

I don't know. I agree, the one last year was a disappointment. Maybe someone living in the area can let us know next week.

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Is it possible to get to the fair using one of the special song thaews that run a fixed route? Which color song thaew and where do they stop in Chiang Mai city? Will the location of the fair be obvious to someone who has never gone? Is it on the campus of the university?

Went to the CMU fair in 2008 and really enjoyed it, especially fun watching the demonstrations of agricultural machinery and seeing the Thai farmers' reactions to the demonstrations. Hope they have that sort of thing at the fair this year. I don't need to go all the way to Mae Jo just to experience a walking street with trinkets and food.

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No problem, I live down the street and was planning on going the first day. I'll post here what I see but can only compare it to last yrs. which I agree was not that exciting.

Is this the "real" one sponsored and run by Mae Jo University? The last 2-3 years have only been a mini version where sellers rented a little space along one soi. Those "festivals" sucked IMHO. They were just a little walking street with many food sellers.

The "real" one like they used to have was massive with exhibitors from all over Thailand; many of whom graduated from MJU. I really enjoyed the festivals like they had in 2007 and 2008. Hope this is like those...

I don't know. I agree, the one last year was a disappointment. Maybe someone living in the area can let us know next week.

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I drove through MJU this morning, and the empty-stands were already set-up, in the central-campus area near the students-union, the soi running down to the food-court hall, and the car-park next to the sports-arena.

Edited by Ricardo
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Is it possible to get to the fair using one of the special song thaews that run a fixed route? Which color song thaew and where do they stop in Chiang Mai city? Will the location of the fair be obvious to someone who has never gone? Is it on the campus of the university?

Went to the CMU fair in 2008 and really enjoyed it, especially fun watching the demonstrations of agricultural machinery and seeing the Thai farmers' reactions to the demonstrations. Hope they have that sort of thing at the fair this year. I don't need to go all the way to Mae Jo just to experience a walking street with trinkets and food.

They had literally dozens and dozens of red songtaews going in both directions every 30 minutes or so when I went to the fairs in 2007 and 2008. In fact I would not even consider trying to park there. I took the songtaew every time and even carried back fruit trees, plants, etc. as everyone else was doing the same thing. If it is indeed the festival put on by MJU then it is quite obvious as it engulfs a major portion of the campus.

I went to the CMU fair as well which was nothing like the MJU fairs in 2007 and 2008. You could even go into the labs where they were coming up with new varieties orchids, etc. and talk with the teachers and students. Many of the exhibitors were Masters and even Ph.D. level who had graduated from CMU at one time and spoke fluent English. There were exhibitors from literally everywhere in Thailand.

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Is it possible to get to the fair using one of the special song thaews that run a fixed route? Which color song thaew and where do they stop in Chiang Mai city? Will the location of the fair be obvious to someone who has never gone? Is it on the campus of the university?

Went to the CMU fair in 2008 and really enjoyed it, especially fun watching the demonstrations of agricultural machinery and seeing the Thai farmers' reactions to the demonstrations. Hope they have that sort of thing at the fair this year. I don't need to go all the way to Mae Jo just to experience a walking street with trinkets and food.

They had literally dozens and dozens of red songtaews going in both directions every 30 minutes or so when I went to the fairs in 2007 and 2008. In fact I would not even consider trying to park there. I took the songtaew every time and even carried back fruit trees, plants, etc. as everyone else was doing the same thing. If it is indeed the festival put on by MJU then it is quite obvious as it engulfs a major portion of the campus.

I went to the CMU fair as well which was nothing like the MJU fairs in 2007 and 2008. You could even go into the labs where they were coming up with new varieties orchids, etc. and talk with the teachers and students. Many of the exhibitors were Masters and even Ph.D. level who had graduated from CMU at one time and spoke fluent English. There were exhibitors from literally everywhere in Thailand.

OK, but can we just ask any red song thaew in central CM city to take us to MaeJo University? I thought there were special fixed route song thaews (green or blue, can't remember exactly) which run a route from Warorot to MaeJo. Is that the only place we can get them? Do the fixed route song thaews run by MJU?

Also, not clear about the comparison between the CMU fair and the MJU fairs in 2007 and 2008. Which was the one with the lab visits and exhibits? I recall seeing things like this at the CMU fair in 2008. Was MJU even better?

I'm really looking forward to the reports from the first day visitors since we'll probably want to go on the second day.

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Is it possible to get to the fair using one of the special song thaews that run a fixed route? Which color song thaew and where do they stop in Chiang Mai city? Will the location of the fair be obvious to someone who has never gone? Is it on the campus of the university?

Went to the CMU fair in 2008 and really enjoyed it, especially fun watching the demonstrations of agricultural machinery and seeing the Thai farmers' reactions to the demonstrations. Hope they have that sort of thing at the fair this year. I don't need to go all the way to Mae Jo just to experience a walking street with trinkets and food.

For you kind lady, a serious reply.

Green song thaews go to Mae Joe. You can get them at the Warorot Market. Do ask before you get in because the greens may have two lines as do some of the other colors. Fare should be under 20 Baht. I used to ride them but not recently but it is now only 17 Baht to Mae Rim.

Just tell them Mae Joe University, you really can not miss it, yes the fair is on campus which is on the right just through the 3 way traffic light at the beginning of town, big sign right on the corner, entrance down about 80 meters. It is much more than a walking street with trinkets. Give it a go, get out of town.

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I thought my reply was serious...

But yes, he is correct that the dark green songtaews leave Kad Luang headed for Mae Jo for 17 Baht. But during the big MJU Agricultural Festival, the red songtaews are lined up by the dozens and seem to go everywhere, including heading back into the city. I don't know where they originate from but I imagine Thapae, etc. The festival starts with a parade of classic cars from Pratu Thapae.

The MJU fairs were 100X times better than the CMU Fair is what I meant. Much more comprehensive. Also they have Muay Thai there which is broadcast live on television. The 1st year I went a guy whom I met there gave me 2 VIP tickets he could not use. The g/f and I were sitting there next to police generals and other "VIP's". It was actually very funny. :lol: They have dog shows, livestock and all kinds of interesting things to see and do. Prices on plants and trees were so cheap...

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Any further news?

If this is the big festival, traditionally it starts with a procession of at least 25 classic cars and a parade-like caravan with horses, etc. that leaves Thapae Gate in the morning and makes its way to MJU. I was out a few minutes ago and didn't see the usual groups of songtaews along Mae Jo Road heading to the festival. I don't see any billboards either. They usually have them all over.

Anybody see anything?

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The fair is in progress. I was there this morning, and there were many plants and other agri-things on display. Being the first day, and early at that, there were a number of vendors and displays in the process of setting up, so the full fair was not up and running yet. It looks like I need to make a second visit in a day or two.

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re .. Anybody see anything?

no ... grrrrr

youll love this one ... i got up early and started to make my way there and passed my barbers who was empty

so i had my hair cut : )

i decided to let the wind blow the bits of hair off my head while riding my bike and promptly ran into a police check : (

pull over here ... 400 baht fine for no helmet which i paid at mea ping police station later : (

i got to the staging point just before mae jo uni and im the only person there : (

no horses .. no army .. no marching band .. no cars or trucks ... just me : (

its 11 ish so i thought id walk to the uni in case the parade was going to be later on ?

when i got there zilch signs of any bunting . flags or police so i wandered down the road

a bit and then back to where i started .

there was a man on a speaker talking in there but no signs of an agricultural show that i could see

not a good day ... dave2 : ( ... maybe the parades tomorrow or saterday ? i might try again

ps ... i see mr brad went in ... but youd never know it was there from the outside but i did see this poster which i cant read : (





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Went at 2:30 pm and it was really good. Around the same size plant market as last yr. but a really nicely done farm put on by diff. seed companies. Otherwise it was much bigger than last yr. with lots of crafts, herbal teas and clothes etc. but much more interesting and better quality than the usual markets. There was also lots of food which also was much better than the regular fare at these event. Only had an hr. to chk things out and many things were just setting up like the "China Street" whatever that will be. Looking forward to going back this weekend. (And the added attraction of all the Uni girls sure didn't hurt the eyes)

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re .. Anybody see anything?

no ... grrrrr

youll love this one ... i got up early and started to make my way there and passed my barbers who was empty

so i had my hair cut : )

i decided to let the wind blow the bits of hair off my head while riding my bike and promptly ran into a police check : (

pull over here ... 400 baht fine for no helmet which i paid at mea ping police station later : (

i got to the staging point just before mae jo uni and im the only person there : (

no horses .. no army .. no marching band .. no cars or trucks ... just me : (

its 11 ish so i thought id walk to the uni in case the parade was going to be later on ?

when i got there zilch signs of any bunting . flags or police so i wandered down the road

a bit and then back to where i started .

there was a man on a speaker talking in there but no signs of an agricultural show that i could see

not a good day ... dave2 : ( ... maybe the parades tomorrow or saterday ? i might try again

ps ... i see mr brad went in ... but youd never know it was there from the outside but i did see this poster which i cant read : (

Sorry to hear about your bad day dave2. But thanks as always for your efforts and excellent contributions. And oh...you should befriend a policeman. Then you would have to pay only 100 Baht for tickets. ;)

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2 go or not 2 go?? The last two years were a disapointment with mostly the same same junk and junkfood that you see at all the fairs [not much farm related]. Earlier MJU and CMU fairs were like the old time farm fairs they had in the US with lotsa demonstrations, animal shows and cool farm equipment, but the last fairs seem to be mostly taken over by corporate agribusiness demos and the ever present junk and junk food.

I'll wait for the first reports today before fighting traffic and parking.

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:D _We attended the Maejo Ag. Fair yesterday and really enjoyed it. Points of Note:

1. Parking is available but you will probably have a ten minute walk to most of the exhibit areas. Suggesat you go early in the day-we got there around 11:00 and drove right to a parking spot. When we left at 2:30 traffic was backed up to get into the Uni.

2. There were well over a hundred stalls selling plants and flowers which should satisfy

your gardening desires. Most everything was clearly priced and reasonable.

3. Commercial displays were of interest and there were a number of home products you might feel the "need" to buy. If you need a garden tractor or wood chipper you certainly will find it.

4. Food stalls were the usual and very plentiful- well set apart from the ag. displays so

you can ignore them completely if you want.

5. Fair number of general merchandise stalls but also well segregated from the ag, displays.

Included a section called "China Street" with Chinese companies selling all sorts of cheap

merchandise and jewelry. Don't waste your time here unless you really like that kind of stuff.

6. Nice opportunity also to see the Maejo University campus which has a great number of interesting looking buildings and nice landscaping.

7. There are a complete selection of ATMs from all the banks in the student cafeteria

section if you need to buy a heavy duty wood chipper.

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Hit the last day of the fair today and even though some booths were already packing up, it was very impressive. The biggest question I left with was whether those saw tools really work or was that demo guy just that good. The way he could cut curves in concrete board, nail stacks, and PVC pipe was unreal. He didn't get my 900 baht, but it was close!

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