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The Crazy Ex Gf - What To Do?


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If you take your time to dig up the op's previous topics, then maybe you will understand some of the answers he will get on this one.

Wow! You actually do research on OP's previous posts? Looks like you actually enjoy making trouble. Get a real life.

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I was taught this technique by a superb American sales trainer years ago, when he went through it with me I thought the guy was on drugs.......after learning it and using it I realized it was me that was on drugs doubting the guy........

All she is really wanting to do is talk her anger out, so let her do it. Antagonizing her will just make the problem worse.......so bore her to death!!!!

ps Apparently your German so you should be naturally talented at boring people.

Not only are "you" boring, but you're insulting also.

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This is exactly the behavior you can expect from a prostitute,

and exactly what you don't have to put up with if you go for a normal girl


I know several people who have had really bad sh*t after breaking up with "normal" women back in Europe. I myself have had real trouble back home from a woman I left. So this has nothing to do with prostitutes. It is down to the women and their temperaments. Here you have to add into the mix that we foreigners have less ability in general to be able to get the law to work for us and we are more liable to be deemed the ones made to pay.

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This is exactly the behavior you can expect from a prostitute,

and exactly what you don't have to put up with if you go for a normal girl

Having been with and had both my experience is opposite to your description. The "normal" girls are far worse than the the BGs hundred fold.

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If you take your time to dig up the op's previous topics, then maybe you will understand some of the answers he will get on this one.

Wow! You actually do research on OP's previous posts? Get a real life.

Yeah -- I noticed that comment, too.

Does the guy also keep dossiers on Thaivisa posters? Does he monitor them and keep graphs that show preferences for certain topics and frequency of posting?


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This is exactly the behavior you can expect from a prostitute,

and exactly what you don't have to put up with if you go for a normal girl

Having been with and had both my experience is opposite to your description. The "normal" girls are far worse than the the BGs hundred fold.

Completely true.

A whore knows her place. She is trailer park trash. She knows she is inferior.

A normal girl, on the hand, considers herself your equal or superior. If a normal girl wants to make BIG TROUBLE then you've got problems.

Edited by PattaniMan
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If you are not aware yet Thailand is a land of laws. Sometimes this fact is not so obvious but true nonetheless. The laws here are not based on western common law so they may seem a bit alien to westerners but they can work for you just the same.

We just got a young neophyte out of a similar problem to yours recently.

The procedure is as follows.

Firstly, obtained her ID card number and her name as on the ID card (in Thai if at all possible but the phonetic equivalent should suffice). Next send a registered mail to her last known address (such as her parents or better that on her ID card). It is easy to send a registered letter here and takes all of 20 minutes at the Post Office. Also we sent an email to her email address. Obtain and retain hard copies of both. In the mails be specific, do not embellish or threaten her simply ask her not to visit you anymore, be succinct and polite but firm.

Next visit the police station for your district (be sure it is for your residential district). Make out a police report that she is harassing you at your home and you feel threatened and unsafe that she may cause you harm. Keep a copy.

With copy in hand return home and visit the manager of the apartment you live in and show them the police report and then show security as well.

After this it is doubtful that security will let her up to your room again. If they do let her up, see the management and intimate that you may sue the apartment building for not upholding the protection you pay for. In shouldn't go that far but the apt management will make sure she won't bother you at the apartment again.

If she bothers you on the street carry the police report copy (even a photocopy) and show it to any policeman and he usually will escort her from your presence.

This is obviously a pain in the rear to have to do this but it does protect you to an extent and on the cheap and if need be, you have put in the initial necessary steps to have her arrested and to sue her family if you so desire.

Thais are scared to death of court here. It is expensive for them and they do not understand it. What they do not understand they fear.

It is the law so use it your advantage.

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I know you are reluctant but I would involve the police, especially if she is claiming you assaulted her. If she goes to the police before you, you do not stand a cat in hells chance of coming out on top. Try and get a restraining order on her and do not let her get anywhere near you unless there are reliable witnesses present..

No. Bad advice. Never, ever go to the police, in Thailand. It always turns out badly for a fareng. I have heard so many stories. Things just get twisted. There are so few honest, truly righteous policemen in Thailand. So few who have real ability to investigate. They just come to conclusions, and assume that in their brilliant minds nothing could be otherwise. Little good ever comes from a foreigner seeking the help of the police here. Maybe the tourist police. But, even that is a maybe. Seek the help of the police here with great caution.

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Every Thai girl I have dated has had a boyfriend somewhere, it is foolish to trust one that has options, because she'll be open to options as long as she has them. If you are looking for love and commitment you should most certainly avoid any Thai girl with looks or sex appeal. Get yourself a nice Dutch or Japanese girl, or if you are over 40 then a Thai woman the same age or above.

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This is exactly the behavior you can expect from a prostitute,

and exactly what you don't have to put up with if you go for a normal girl

Having been with and had both my experience is opposite to your description. The "normal" girls are far worse than the the BGs hundred fold.

Completely true.

A whore knows her place. She is trailer park trash. She knows she is inferior.

A normal girl, on the hand, considers herself your equal or superior. If a normal girl wants to make BIG TROUBLE then you've got problems.

Ok, perhaps the difference is that i treat my girlfriends as my equal, and they treat me as equal.

The good part is there's never any bitching, because i don't pay them a salary to put up with me

the bad part is i can't get them into 3some

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If you take your time to dig up the op's previous topics, then maybe you will understand some of the answers he will get on this one.

Wow! You actually do research on OP's previous posts? Get a real life.

Yeah -- I noticed that comment, too.

Does the guy also keep dossiers on Thaivisa posters? Does he monitor them and keep graphs that show preferences for certain topics and frequency of posting?


So did you read them (his previous posts) ?

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I know the password for the accounts and her dad doesnt speak much english. Not sure whats weird about that.

The weird thing is that you ask questions here on a internet forum about your personal gf problems. Better you ask your parents what to do.

Do you actually believe that his parents are better sources of advice about a Thai girlfriend than the many Thai-savy men on this site?? Or was your comment a failed attempt at humor?

No and yes. :)

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You get psycho women everywhere.

There are many ways to deal with it, but the fastest is definitely move, if she doesn't know where u are she can't start falsely accusing you of rape/assault etc.

If your have Thai mates, ask their advice,

Was good idea about the reg post non harrasment order

But most of all, document, audio/video record everything.

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I know you are reluctant but I would involve the police, especially if she is claiming you assaulted her. If she goes to the police before you, you do not stand a cat in hells chance of coming out on top. Try and get a restraining order on her and do not let her get anywhere near you unless there are reliable witnesses present..

No. Bad advice. Never, ever go to the police, in Thailand. It always turns out badly for a fareng. I have heard so many stories. Things just get twisted. There are so few honest, truly righteous policemen in Thailand. So few who have real ability to investigate. They just come to conclusions, and assume that in their brilliant minds nothing could be otherwise. Little good ever comes from a foreigner seeking the help of the police here. Maybe the tourist police. But, even that is a maybe. Seek the help of the police here with great caution.

Whilst I am not a big fan of the Police in Thailand, I'll have to disagree with you in this case.

Visit the police station with a reputable Thai who can explain the situation, be reasonably dressed and you will get taken seriously and in this case you will get the paperwork you need, and potentially get the Police to make a phone call to the girl in question and perhaps a police contact to call should she visit you again. Will it cost you a few thousand? Maybe. Money well spent? Definitely.

Dress in shorts, singlet and flip flops, accompanied by a BG or dubious looking Thai, and likely you are correct.

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This is exactly the behavior you can expect from a prostitute,

and exactly what you don't have to put up with if you go for a normal girl

Having been with and had both my experience is opposite to your description. The "normal" girls are far worse than the the BGs hundred fold.

The cultural differences are to wide to ensure a successful relationship with a young, attractive Thai woman - unless she has spent at least two thirds of her life overseas and has had a lot of life experience.

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Do you actually believe that his parents are better sources of advice about a Thai girlfriend than the many Thai-savy men on this site??

Frankly, having read the numerous posts advising the OP to quietly relocate, I'd say he'd have been better off seeking our his parents' counsel. It's not surprising that so many - but definitely not ALL - farang men have so much trouble with women here; they're mostly clueless about what makes Thai women tick.

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Get yourself a sheep. Next time she comes around open the door with a stonking hard-on and the sheep spread-eagled on the bed. That might put her off.

where can y find a sheep in thailand baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D

I've got a blow up one he can borrow,all it needs is a good wash out. :whistling:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is what you do. Since she wants to run into walls and say you hit her.

Next time she bangs on that door, open your door real real fast, grab her by the neck, pull her in the room, slam the door, throw her on the bed, cover her mouth and black both of her eyes, look deep into her eyes, don't say anything, stand up, walk over her semi limp body calmly, and close the door behind you, and hang out at the bars untill 11pm.

Bet she won't come around anymore.

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I know the password for the accounts and her dad doesnt speak much english. Not sure whats weird about that.

The weird thing is that you ask questions here on a internet forum about your personal gf problems. Better you ask your parents what to do.

I´ve seen far worse threads than this so what's so wrong adding another one? I´m sure you have your fair share of problems that you've been ventilating here once or twice...

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This is what you do. Since she wants to run into walls and say you hit her.

Next time she bangs on that door, open your door real real fast, grab her by the neck, pull her in the room, slam the door, throw her on the bed, cover her mouth and black both of her eyes, look deep into her eyes, don't say anything, stand up, walk over her semi limp body calmly, and close the door behind you, and hang out at the bars untill 11pm.

Bet she won't come around anymore.

55555 This is hilarious! Man, you have been watching too many movies!

Hang on, how do you black both her eyes then look deep into them?

Anymore 007?

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This is what you do. Since she wants to run into walls and say you hit her.

Next time she bangs on that door, open your door real real fast, grab her by the neck, pull her in the room, slam the door, throw her on the bed, cover her mouth and black both of her eyes, look deep into her eyes, don't say anything, stand up, walk over her semi limp body calmly, and close the door behind you, and hang out at the bars untill 11pm.

Bet she won't come around anymore.

55555 This is hilarious! Man, you have been watching too many movies!

Hang on, how do you black both her eyes then look deep into them?

Anymore 007?


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This is what you do. Since she wants to run into walls and say you hit her.

Next time she bangs on that door, open your door real real fast, grab her by the neck, pull her in the room, slam the door, throw her on the bed, cover her mouth and black both of her eyes, look deep into her eyes, don't say anything, stand up, walk over her semi limp body calmly, and close the door behind you, and hang out at the bars untill 11pm.

Bet she won't come around anymore.

Yeah, that's great advice. If you're a psychopath. He's worried about her complaining that he assaulted her, so the solution is to physically attack and assault her and then leave her alone in his own house. Classy. Alternatively you could drive around town, wearing her head as a hat. She won't come around anymore after that either. rolleyes.gif

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Sounds familiar. A few years ago I ended up almost brawling in the street to get away from a crazy ex-girlfriend. The only solution is that over time the situation will calm down once your actions make it absolutely clear that you don't want to have any contact with her whatsoever.

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Get yourself a sheep. Next time she comes around open the door with a stonking hard-on and the sheep spread-eagled on the bed. That might put her off.

where can y find a sheep in thailand baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa biggrin.gif

I've got a blow up one he can borrow,all it needs is a good wash out. :whistling:

hahaha now that's funny

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over 15 years ago i met one of the few well endowed thai girls at HRC, she started telling me about some french guy that kept begging her to marry him, so she said she would, if he bought her a house, so he bought her a house and after a short while she kicked him out.

another well endowed thai from Annie's i had the pleasure of knowing, apparently some guy hired her for the day or several days, so she made an excuse to leave, shopping for shoes or some such crap, and came over to be with me.

moral of the stories, short time is best, and as the guy said in the movie

"Four Brothers" (2005) "You don't pay a ho to fuc_k you. You pay her to leave."

and also this:

“[O]wners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods.” - Christopher Hitchens

so, if you want unconditional love and be treated like a GOD, get a dog, (human or animal)

get a hot woman and everything you do for her just confirms to her that she is a goddess,,,

"Worship Me, Pigs!" - Judy Tenuta

a canine beyotch, man's best friend

a human beyotch, man's worst nightmare

Edited by wxyz
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