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Hi everyone,

Im just posting on here really because I wanted to find out what other peoples experiences of their partners taking this test have been. I have been quite calm up until today, assured by other posters that its very simple and there is really only a basic level of speaking and listening needed to pass. Thing is, I have just sat down with my partner to take the demo tests and we both think they are too hard. Even before you get onto the actual test you have to fill in a registration form, so if your partner cannot read but is able to speak and listen, how are they supposed to fill this in? And the reading and listening test seems to involve far more reading than listening! eg; listening to a long recording then having to read questions and answer them accordingly. (?)

I am now confused and have a very nervous partner scared to take this test. His English speaking is brilliant but he is not used to using computers.... So does this mean he cannot come to England?! Now I'm not sure whether to bother booking this test for 7000 baht just so he can be sat at a computer made to feel like an idiot.

Am I being too worried, is it easier than this? Are there people in the test centre to help at all? If we fail this, does anyone know what the future of the UKBAs requirements will be, should we expect it to get harder from here?? Or might they realise that these requirements are unnecessary?

Any answers welcome, just feel like I need a bit of support from people in a similar situation right now!

Thanks blink.gif


The BULATS test is business based, and does include reading and writing elements. However, the results he scores in these are irrelevant; even if it means he fails the test!

As long as he scores A1 or better in speaking and listening, that is all that is required for his visa.

It is not the UKBA who introduced this test. The last government were going to, but they lost the election; so the present government did. Any changes to the test, such as raising the standard required, will be made by the government, not the UKBA.

Why do you say that a language requirement is unnecessary? How do expect him to find work and otherwise integrate into UK society if he cannot speak any English?

Remember that in order to obtain Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK he will have to satisfy the much harder Knowledge of language and life in the UK requirement.


My girlfriend has recently took and passed the bulats a1 english test, although she is self taught her english is quite good, she went into the test thinking that she was only taking the A1 level test and not a test for all levels. She actually came out thinking that she had failed, i spoke to paul at thai visa express, and he said dont worry every girl that he has sent for the test thinks they have failed, and so far none have """", so that made us both feel alittle better, to pass the A1 level you need to get 10 - 19 % correct, on the speaking and listening only, the worst thing was the waiting for the results 5 days """", and then 3 1/2 weeks for the certificate to arrive. [ but i think the flooding did slow things down """].


Hi again,

Thank you for the replies. I think the other day I was just getting myself a little wound up and nervous that all our plans would fall apart over this test. I didn't mean to say that I think the language requirements are unnecessary, rather that the levels of the tests that they actually have the option of taking are! Like you say, I know he doesn't need to pass the reading and writing sections, I am just worried that this will throw him and make him more nervous than needs be unsure.gif

I really do still think they 'they' (I'm not sure who actually decides these things?) could find a better way of testing the speaking and listening levels though.

We have now booked to take the test next week anyway so fingers crossed!

Another quick question though; I read somewhere that unless you pass with an overall score (including the reading and writing) of A1 or higher you are not issued with the Cambridge certificate but just the BULATS blue test result papers. Are these blue papers alone accepted as enough proof for the speaking and listening requirements?


It is unfortunate that the approved test providers in Thailand do not consider it worth their while to provide a speaking and listening course/test only; but as they get most of their clients from the business community I suppose I can't blame them. This is what happens when these things are contracted out to private companies; but that's another subject.

Yes, the paper showing the level reached in speaking and listening is fine.

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