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PM Yingluck Denies Meeting Thaksin In Singapore


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PM Denies Meeting Thaksin in Singapore

The Prime Minister denies having met her elder brother Thaksin during her official visit to Singapore.

She assured the Singaporean president that Thailand can restore the economy during post-flood.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra denied reports that she met with her elder brother Thaksin during her official visit to Singapore yesterday.

The Prime Minister said she would not have time to meet anybody, given her tight schedule.

During her meeting with Singapore's President Tony Tan Keng Yam, Yingluck congratulated the Singaporean leader on his election as the 7th president of Singapore.

She believes his long political experience will be important in propelling his country forward.

The Thai prime minister expressed satisfaction over the close relations between Thailand and Singapore at all levels. Both country leaders expressed their commitment to strengthening bilateral ties.

Yingluck also reassured Singapore of Thailand's political stability after the neighboring country expressed concern over the potential impact of Thailand's political uncertainty on trade and the formation of the ASEAN Community.

She gave assurance to Singapore that the Thai government has implemented post-flood economic measures and expressed her gratitude to the Singaporean government for giving assistance in the recovery and restoration efforts.

Meanwhile, the Singaporean president said this will be a good opportunity for Thailand to overhaul its water resources management system, and he believes the Thai government can normalize the situation soon.


-- Tan Network 2011-12-09


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She believes his long political experience will be important in propelling his country forward. :whistling:

Then the back slapping, continued.


That caught my attention also.

Let's follow that logic a few steps ahead.

So, if Tony Tan, didn't have "long political experience" one could assume that he would have trouble "propelling his country forward".

The inference being that in order to propel a country foreword, "long political experience" is important.

Therefore if someone lacked "long political experience", the country would likely stagnate.

Are you seeing where I'm going with this?

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The irony here being that both Ying luck and the President of Singapore both hold ceremonial posts. It's the Prime Minister of Singapore (or rather his ailing father) that actually runs the country. The President has absolutely no powers whatsoever and answers to a higher being.

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I can't fathom this stupid hatred for the PM. What is this "experience" that she has supposedly not had??

Experience in what, for fksks?

If you look around you at all the "experienced" world leaders what do we fkn find? That Putin was head of the KGB (Ok, I grant that was some experience), or the PM of Italy is a stooge of Goldman Sachs (ditto the new PM of Greece)....not a single moment's "experience" among them. Or the Republicans were about to push forward a guy, Herman Cain, whose only experience appeared to be in taking his trousers off three times a day after meals. Very able guy.

Shall we go on?

What experience of actual government did Tony Bliar have before he got into a position to ruin the UK? (Ditto G. Brown).

So, why this stupid sneering at a woman who has had at least as much "experience" in business as some of these a**h*les the world so admires. Leave her alone. It's so boring. Predictable. Have another beer.

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The irony here being that both Ying luck and the President of Singapore both hold ceremonial posts. It's the Prime Minister of Singapore (or rather his ailing father) that actually runs the country. The President has absolutely no powers whatsoever and answers to a higher being.

I doubt Yingluck even knows that about the President/Prime Minister aspect.


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She believes his long political experience will be important in propelling his country forward. :whistling:

Then the back slapping, continued.


That caught my attention also.

Let's follow that logic a few steps ahead.

So, if Tony Tan, didn't have "long political experience" one could assume that he would have trouble "propelling his country forward".

The inference being that in order to propel a country foreword, "long political experience" is important.

Therefore if someone lacked "long political experience", the country would likely stagnate.

Are you seeing where I'm going with this?

I doubt her advisors had thought this out. They don't seem to think much through when they let her speak in public. I mean, what the hay, she is the big boss, so stuff it. :-

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I can't fathom this stupid hatred for the PM. What is this "experience" that she has supposedly not had??

Experience in what, for fksks?

If you look around you at all the "experienced" world leaders what do we fkn find? That Putin was head of the KGB (Ok, I grant that was some experience), or the PM of Italy is a stooge of Goldman Sachs (ditto the new PM of Greece)....not a single moment's "experience" among them. Or the Republicans were about to push forward a guy, Herman Cain, whose only experience appeared to be in taking his trousers off three times a day after meals. Very able guy.

Shall we go on?

What experience of actual government did Tony Bliar have before he got into a position to ruin the UK? (Ditto G. Brown).

So, why this stupid sneering at a woman who has had at least as much "experience" in business as some of these a**h*les the world so admires. Leave her alone. It's so boring. Predictable. Have another beer.

You forgot ol Obama

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Experience in business is not experience in holding a political office. If you applied to be CEO at Thailand Cement Corporation would you be considered with no business education and no business experience? Of course not. (Do they still have mail rooms?)

Edited by Jingthing
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I can't fathom this stupid hatred for the PM. What is this "experience" that she has supposedly not had??

The experience that she has not had, not supposedly, is in any sort of a government / political capacity, and the reason why this is pointed out here as frequently as it is, and why the inexperience you mention in other world leaders isn't, isn't because she is being singled out, nor is it because she is a woman, it is because this is a forum that on the main, deals with issues regarding Thailand... of which she happens to currently be PM.

Now, as a defence of her inexperience, are you seriously citing inexperience in others? What next? As a defence of her mishandling of disaster relief, citing of another country where disaster relief has been even more badly mishandled?

You talk about stupid hatred, but what i'm seeing right now is more along the lines of stupid blind loyalty.

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There are rare cases in the world where exceptional people have been propelled into offices of great power, without any political office experience, where they performed as competent, effective, leaders. In Thailand, we clearly are seeing no such case.

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She believes his long political experience will be important in propelling his country forward. :whistling:

Then the back slapping, continued.



Would be interesting to know his reply on her political experience.:rolleyes:

He believes her short (as in: non-existent) political experience will cause her country to back-track?

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Going back to an(other) particular point in the OP:

"She gave assurance to Singapore that the Thai government has implemented post-flood economic measures "

'has implemented'? Have I missed something?

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Pfft. As if our esteemed Eton educated and Oxford graduated politicians could do any better.

You are right, I thought her deer in headlights performance during the floods was better than anything Mark could have done.

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Anything wrong with a sister meeting her brother if they happen to be in the same country? would like to think my sister would bother if she came to Thailand, what difference would it make? its not like they don't speak on the phone regularly is it!

Her brother is a wanted man on the run, and she is a Prime Minister of the country supposedly tasked from bringing him in.

Big difference mate, bloody huge one.

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Anything wrong with a sister meeting her brother if they happen to be in the same country? would like to think my sister would bother if she came to Thailand, what difference would it make? its not like they don't speak on the phone regularly is it!

Her brother is a wanted man on the run, and she is a Prime Minister of the country supposedly tasked from bringing him in.

Big difference mate, bloody huge one.

Not really not in my book, bloods thicker than water.

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Anything wrong with a sister meeting her brother if they happen to be in the same country? would like to think my sister would bother if she came to Thailand, what difference would it make? its not like they don't speak on the phone regularly is it!

Her brother is a wanted man on the run, and she is a Prime Minister of the country supposedly tasked from bringing him in.

Big difference mate, bloody huge one.

Not really not in my book, bloods thicker than water.

So nepotism is okay I guess just as long as you aren't the one being dudded over by it...

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