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Green Valey Marketing Materials

Hog Head

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Does anyone have the marketing materials for house lot sales at Green Valley Golf Course in Mae Rim?

It looks like we residents are shaping up for an arguement over what is common property in the development and original marketing brochures etc would help our position

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As a newbie, I don't have anything that would help you, but as a resident of Green Valley, I'd be very interested to know what's going on. My landlord, living in another part of Thailand now, would like to know as well, I'm sure. Anything more you could tell me would be appreciated!

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The Land Office that dealt with the development is (I believe) supposed to keep copies of the sales material and official prospectus on file because cases like this crop up all the time. The glossy brochures usually carry a disclaimer that points you at the prospectus which should be unambiguous about what is included as common property but older developments in particular were pretty lax about it. I can't cite a case but I seem to remember reading that the courts have taken the view that if the Club House, swimming pool, tennis courts and other amenities are featured prominently as part of the overall package then the people who bought into the development at least have a continuing right to their use. This was at the centre of the World Club Land controversy.

The problem on many developments is that the Thais don't like to cause a fuss and so organising any kind of group prepared to face up to "Big Power" in whatever form, is a struggle.

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As a newbie, I don't have anything that would help you, but as a resident of Green Valley, I'd be very interested to know what's going on. My landlord, living in another part of Thailand now, would like to know as well, I'm sure. Anything more you could tell me would be appreciated!

I take it that you did not go the meeting last week called by the Management. Everyone got a letter announcing such a meeting.

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As a newbie, I don't have anything that would help you, but as a resident of Green Valley, I'd be very interested to know what's going on. My landlord, living in another part of Thailand now, would like to know as well, I'm sure. Anything more you could tell me would be appreciated!

I take it that you did not go the meeting last week called by the Management. Everyone got a letter announcing such a meeting.

Weird. I didn't get a letter, unless my staff saw my landlord's name on it, and put it aside for him for some reason. I'd still like to know if there's something going on we should be aware of, if you wouldn't mind telling me, by PM if you prefer, what are the issues. I'd be most grateful..

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As a newbie, I don't have anything that would help you, but as a resident of Green Valley, I'd be very interested to know what's going on. My landlord, living in another part of Thailand now, would like to know as well, I'm sure. Anything more you could tell me would be appreciated!

I take it that you did not go the meeting last week called by the Management. Everyone got a letter announcing such a meeting.

Weird. I didn't get a letter, unless my staff saw my landlord's name on it, and put it aside for him for some reason. I'd still like to know if there's something going on we should be aware of, if you wouldn't mind telling me, by PM if you prefer, what are the issues. I'd be most grateful..

Just were told by the office that the only thing being proposed is to raise the fee for garbage collection, which doesn't sound like what you're asking about, so I'm completely lost .... I'd be happy to ask my landlord, who's a great guy, if he knows anything about what he got when he bought this house, but without knowing what to ask, it's a little hard.

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Raising the monthly fee is their main issue as over 75% of the landowners do not pay any fee and they want those who do pay to make up the shortfall. Not surprising that the office did not want to enlighten you on the big picture.

Good luck in their raising the fee, as I for one have no intention of paying more when others are not paying at all, paying a fee to a body that I have no say in, nor paying to maintain common property when the management claims that there is no common property at all. This all begs the question that if there is no common property, then what is the fee for?

One issue that interests me is what constitutes common property - ie property owned by the landowners as a group. Typically this would include the roads, clubhouse and related sports area, and property unmarked for development in the prospectus. It appears that the management has been selling off common property or trading property for bank debt and the residents now would like to know what was denoted as common property in the original sales literature and prospectus. As noted above, the Management in last weeks meeting said that there is no common property and that they own all the infrastructure.

There are several other issues, but this is the main one, and one that oddly the Management does not seem inclined to discuss.

If your landlord is an original owner, then we as Owners would be very interested in seeing the original sales literature and prospectus.

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Many thanks for the helpful information Hog Head. My landlord bought this property 7-8 years ago but I don't think he was the original owner. We will write to him and ask him what he knows though. He pays a fee to the moo baan I know, since he, being a wonderful landlord, said he would continue to do this since he felt it was his responsibility. That being the case, I'm sure he would be most interested in what is going on.

Thanks again.

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There is a bit more going on as well such as the Management selling access to a condo development using the "common property" road. This will exasperate the already dismal security, and create additional, unwanted traffic on "our" road.

Many many more issues such as the Bank assuming in a debt for equity trade, and then selling off for development, what I understand is common property.

Good on your Landlord for paying the monthly fee, however I would be surprised if he is also willing to pay for the 75% of those who do not pay the fee.

The answer as to what constitutes common property is key to sorting out the mess, hence my interest in marketing materials or better yet the original prospectus.

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