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Thai PM Yingluck Confident No Coup Against Her


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No problems with the military : PM

The Nation


PM mum on move to amend defence act; denies any distrust between govt and forces

Prime Minister Yingluck Shina-watra was coy yesterday on the potentially explosive plan to wrest some control from the military by amending the Defence Ministry Administration Act, saying nothing would go against right "principles".

Meeting military top brass for another day, the prime minister voiced confidence in the mutual trust between her government and the military, ruling out concern about being ousted by a coup like her brother Thaksin.

"I have confidence in my striving to serve the public and no one should speculate on my end because only the people can be the judge," she said.

Yingluck was talking to reporters after her introductory visit to the Supreme Command headquarters.

She admitted that as the country's first female prime minister, she had initial reservations about the Armed Forces but her concerns were allayed after meeting and working with the military leaders.

Defence Minister Yuthasak Sasiprapha led the top commanders to welcome her with all the usual pomp, including a guard of honour inspection, organised indoors to be spared the scorching sun.

Supreme Commander General Thanasak Patimapakorn accompanied the prime minister to tour the headquarters, including the main communications room where the joint chiefs of staff monitor the situation.

In her policy statement given to the military, Yingluck emphasised two security priorities: safeguarding the monarchy and bringing about reconciliation.

She said all her fellow Thais shared the same aspiration as the government and the Armed Forces to ensure national unity.

She said her government was looking forward to working with the Armed Forces, particularly the Military Development Corps, to improve the country's infrastructure.

She said the government and the military had proved they could work together well during the flood crisis.

She pledged to back the military development and expected, in return, cooperation from the Armed Forces in dealing with security issues.

Regarding the push to amend the Defence Ministry Administration Act, she said she had not had time to review the issue and did not expect the debate on the provisions on military appointments to come up at this juncture.

"My priority is to work with the Armed Forces in addressing the people's grievances," she said.

Although certain Pheu Thai MPs might have wanted to amend the military provisions, the Cabinet would have the final say on whether to sponsor the proposed amendments, she said.

"We have to differentiate between people's rights to say things they like and the fact that the final decision on such matters rests with the Cabinet," she said.

The alleged plan to amend the act would give the government more power in key military reshuffles, which are currently in the hands of a defence committee dominated by top-ranking soldiers.

Yingluck said she had complete confidence in the Armed Forces, quelling speculation about distrust between the government and the military.


-- The Nation 2011-12-14

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It's funny, for people who call themselves "democrats", that their best hope to come back to power is a military coup.


Given the current state of education in Thailand it is probably their only hope.

But as I said earlier incompetency is not a reason for a coup.

That is a accept way of doing government in Thailand.

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"Don't worry, Bangkok won't be flooded"............"Don't worry, there won't be any disease outbreaks in Bangkok or any of the affected areas"..............."Don't worry, there won't be a military coup against me"

Anyone spot a pattern emerging here??????:jap:.

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Her opinion may change depending on how the government changes the Defence Ministry Administration Act. Taking power away from the military in how they do their promotions could well be a bad move. The military should certainly be held accountable to the people but surely they are in the best position to assess the merits of promotion despite issues of cronyism & buying ranks.

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I doubt the military would stage a coup against her.

They don't stage coup's against incompetency.

How ever if she manages to white wash her brother's crimes and bring him back free and clear of all charges that might be pushing her luck a little to far.

Amen to that. Plus if she try's realigning the military in such a way that will favor her party, look out.

By the by, I was down in Bangkok yesterday to visit with the Somdet at Wat Bowan, and happened to see a sign "Shinawatra University" Boy, he's really trying to cover all the bases isn't he?

And the water outside Lopburi South, man, it looks like an ocean out there. We stopped at a small roadside restaurant to eat lunch, the high water mark in the restaurant was up to my waist, and I'm 5'11" tall. Those people had it rough.

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"Don't worry, Bangkok won't be flooded"............"Don't worry, there won't be any disease outbreaks in Bangkok or any of the affected areas"..............."Don't worry, there won't be a military coup against me"

Anyone spot a pattern emerging here??????:jap:.

Also, the flooding will have no effect on tourism.

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"Don't worry, Bangkok won't be flooded"............"Don't worry, there won't be any disease outbreaks in Bangkok or any of the affected areas"..............."Don't worry, there won't be a military coup against me"

Anyone spot a pattern emerging here??????:jap:.

Also, the flooding will have no effect on tourism.

Oh yes!!!! Forgot that one!!:D.

Another gem from the deputy finance minister "the 300 baht minimum wage won't have any (or much) affect on the finances as it is A ONE OFF TAX"!!!!!!!!! - a one off tax every day then!!!:jap:. What a bunch of imbeciles!!!:blink:.

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It's funny, for people who call themselves "democrats", that their best hope to come back to power is a military coup.


It´s also funny that Red Shirt terrorists,says they fight for "true democracy" :blink:

For "red democracy" read thuggery and intimidation!!!!;).

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It's funny, for people who call themselves "democrats", that their best hope to come back to power is a military coup.


Given the current state of education in Thailand it is probably their only hope.

But as I said earlier incompetency is not a reason for a coup.

That is a accept way of doing government in Thailand.

plus the current state of social division

more rural poor people = less democrat votes

and while i agree a more educated electorate is obviously important in any country, trt did do more for the rural poor/working class and was at least 'seen' to care more, and why wouldn't it have been seen that way by the poor - "income in the Northeast, the poorest part of the country, rose by 46% from 2001 to 2006. Nationwide poverty fell from 21.3% to 11.3%"

of course outside economics played it's part but the populist policies put in place were very visible in action to the poorer thai and did make some positive difference to many of their lives imo... farmers, taxi drivers...

it's like in most democratic countries with a main two party opposition, one is usually more inclined towards keeping the more well off and middle class sweet and one is more inclined to keep the working classes sweet... eg

america - republicans, democrats

england - conservatives, labour

obviously there are many other elements to it and in the west of course a big part of it is left and right wing views, whereas in thailand both sides are more to the right i reckon!

as long as the democrats are seen to lean towards an electorate of the middle classes and so on (which i believe they do), and the ptp leaning more towards rural poor and working classes (which i believe they do)... it will stay this way forever until there is yet another democratic coup.

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"Yingluck emphasised two security priorities: safeguarding the monarchy and bringing about reconciliation.

She said all her fellow Thais shared the same aspiration as the government and the Armed Forces to ensure national unity."

Safeguarding the monarchy is her priority!!!! For a Statesmen/Statesperson nothing lower than that is expected and if she/he slips on it they should step down.

Fellow Thais showed this in their respectful way to the King in humble ways, it was fully witnessed the world over.

Stating or trying to answer an assumption that the military is on her side.... thats like a little girl saying she is not afraid of the dark :) Lady you are doing well just do what your office expects of you and fulfill all that you have claimed to do!

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It's funny, for people who call themselves "democrats", that their best hope to come back to power is a military coup.


Given the current state of education in Thailand it is probably their only hope.

But as I said earlier incompetency is not a reason for a coup.

That is a accept way of doing government in Thailand.

Oh yeah, cry about that!

Funny, that this point comes up now, when the "stupid isan farmers" vote for TS.

I guess it was of little concern to anyone, when they voted like they "should", i.e. taking the cash from the "establishment" and shut up for the next few years, until the next election, when some politician remembered "Oh yes...there was that place...ahm...in the Northeast...what was it called...ah yeah...Isan! Let's go there and tell some lies to some people!"

All the people who are now moaning about the "uneducated" and their way of voting: you had the f@cking chance to "educate" them for 1000 years.

But you wanted and needed them stupid!

So stop your whining now!

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It could be that the coup could come from within her own party. The Red Shirts could revolt against her, and the government. The police could revolt because they are not getting enough from the government, and the assistant PM is accusing the police of being Black shitrs. The Black shirts were the ones accused of being the killers of soldiers and attackers of innoceent paople in the hospital.


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I think another coup is only a matter of time.

The army has been working their butts off trying to make a good impression on the common folk during the current ( no pun intended) crisis.

When the coup comes, the people will probably be thinking,

"Well, both sides of government did nothing for us during the flood. Let the army run the place for a while."

We can be Burma with electricity. ;)

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Oh yeah, cry about that!

Funny, that this point comes up now, when the "stupid isan farmers" vote for TS.

I guess it was of little concern to anyone, when they voted like they "should", i.e. taking the cash from the "establishment" and shut up for the next few years, until the next election, when some politician remembered "Oh yes...there was that place...ahm...in the Northeast...what was it called...ah yeah...Isan! Let's go there and tell some lies to some people!"

All the people who are now moaning about the "uneducated" and their way of voting: you had the f@cking chance to "educate" them for 1000 years.

But you wanted and needed them stupid!

So stop your whining now!

You really need to do some research before making a total fool of yourself. Such as just who the Isan farmers voted for prior to 2001. Do you even know what the NAP was, who was its leader and deputy leader and what happened to it/them?

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Oh yeah, cry about that!

Funny, that this point comes up now, when the "stupid isan farmers" vote for TS.

I guess it was of little concern to anyone, when they voted like they "should", i.e. taking the cash from the "establishment" and shut up for the next few years, until the next election, when some politician remembered "Oh yes...there was that place...ahm...in the Northeast...what was it called...ah yeah...Isan! Let's go there and tell some lies to some people!"

All the people who are now moaning about the "uneducated" and their way of voting: you had the f@cking chance to "educate" them for 1000 years.

But you wanted and needed them stupid!

So stop your whining now!

You really need to do some research before making a total fool of yourself. Such as just who the Isan farmers voted for prior to 2001. Do you even know what the NAP was, who was its leader and deputy leader and what happened to it/them?

And you should really try to understand, before you accuse someone...

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plus the current state of social division

more rural poor people = less democrat votes

and while i agree a more educated electorate is obviously important in any country, trt did do more for the rural poor/working class and was at least 'seen' to care more, and why wouldn't it have been seen that way by the poor - "income in the Northeast, the poorest part of the country, rose by 46% from 2001 to 2006. Nationwide poverty fell from 21.3% to 11.3%"

of course outside economics played it's part but the populist policies put in place were very visible in action to the poorer thai and did make some positive difference to many of their lives imo... farmers, taxi drivers...

Around in circles we go, back to the great Thaksin the redemptor myth. Yes, the lot of the rural poor improved between 2001 and 2006 (although a great many also fell heavily into debt and were forced to sell the one valuable asset they had - their land, but what the heck, they had a shiny new mobile phone as compensation), but look at the longer term trend. From the 2005 World Bank report on Thailand: "During the last 35 years, the Northeast was one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The Northeast’s average percapita growth rate of 3.3 percent since 1970 has rivaled that of Latin America, South Asia or the group of high-incomecountries... With value-added per person growing three-fold in the Northeast in the last 35 years, household living standards improveddramatically. The poverty headcount fell from 56 percent in 1988 to 17 percent in 2004, and in spite of population growth,the number of poor dropped from 9 million to 3.7 million people. Rising living standards are visible in higher income andconsumption as well as more durable goods. For example, over two thirds of Northeast households had refrigerators in2002, compared to only one seventh in 1988. Almost all families own a television today, relative to only just over one inthree in the late 1980s."

I don't remember Thaksin being in charge in the 1970's, 80's and 90's when great leaps in living standards were made - from muddy clay roads, no electricity,and buffaloes being the only means of horsepower. By 2000, if you walked into any Isaan village, you would see the power lines, the mobile phone towers, the pickup trucks, motorcycles and tractors on the roads. Of course, up till then it was the local politicos and their cabals that took the false credit for this - the Banharns, Newins, Chavalits et al. Thaksin simply bought them out (although he later fell out with Newin), centralised the myth of the benevolent leader helping his people from the goodness of his heart and took the marketing hype to new levels.

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Oh yeah, cry about that!

Funny, that this point comes up now, when the "stupid isan farmers" vote for TS.

I guess it was of little concern to anyone, when they voted like they "should", i.e. taking the cash from the "establishment" and shut up for the next few years, until the next election, when some politician remembered "Oh yes...there was that place...ahm...in the Northeast...what was it called...ah yeah...Isan! Let's go there and tell some lies to some people!"

All the people who are now moaning about the "uneducated" and their way of voting: you had the f@cking chance to "educate" them for 1000 years.

But you wanted and needed them stupid!

So stop your whining now!

You really need to do some research before making a total fool of yourself. Such as just who the Isan farmers voted for prior to 2001. Do you even know what the NAP was, who was its leader and deputy leader and what happened to it/them?

And you should really try to understand, before you accuse someone...

Understand what? You clearly don't have a clue about who the rural people have traditionally voted for, and in just whose interest it was, and still is, to keep them uneducated. Here's a clue. Education standards in the Northeast are the lowest in the country. That was so before 2001, and remains so to this day. Now, who is "in charge" of the Northeast now? Who has always been "in charge" of the Northeast, at least since the restoration of democracy in 1988? Who is keeping them uneducated?

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"Yingluck emphasised two security priorities: safeguarding the monarchy and bringing about reconciliation.

She said all her fellow Thais shared the same aspiration as the government and the Armed Forces to ensure national unity."

Safeguarding the monarchy is her priority!!!! For a Statesmen/Statesperson nothing lower than that is expected and if she/he slips on it they should step down.

Fellow Thais showed this in their respectful way to the King in humble ways, it was fully witnessed the world over.

Stating or trying to answer an assumption that the military is on her side.... thats like a little girl saying she is not afraid of the dark :) Lady you are doing well just do what your office expects of you and fulfill all that you have claimed to do!

"Lady you are doing well just do what your office expects of you and fulfill all that you have claimed to do"!

What!!!!!! Please inform me in what policy area or through which of her actions (inaction to be more precise) she is doing well!!!

Her premiership has (as expected) been a complete disaster from the beginning - she doesn't know what to do, lies through her teeth ALL THE TIME, her cabinet ministers don't listen to,respect or obey her and it appears that her one-and-only priority is getting her brother back to Thailand (this has been handled badly as well,thank god)!!!!:jap:.

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Oh yeah, cry about that!

Funny, that this point comes up now, when the "stupid isan farmers" vote for TS.

I guess it was of little concern to anyone, when they voted like they "should", i.e. taking the cash from the "establishment" and shut up for the next few years, until the next election, when some politician remembered "Oh yes...there was that place...ahm...in the Northeast...what was it called...ah yeah...Isan! Let's go there and tell some lies to some people!"

All the people who are now moaning about the "uneducated" and their way of voting: you had the f@cking chance to "educate" them for 1000 years.

But you wanted and needed them stupid!

So stop your whining now!

You really need to do some research before making a total fool of yourself. Such as just who the Isan farmers voted for prior to 2001. Do you even know what the NAP was, who was its leader and deputy leader and what happened to it/them?

And you should really try to understand, before you accuse someone...

Understand what? You clearly don't have a clue about who the rural people have traditionally voted for, and in just whose interest it was, and still is, to keep them uneducated. Here's a clue. Education standards in the Northeast are the lowest in the country. That was so before 2001, and remains so to this day. Now, who is "in charge" of the Northeast now? Who has always been "in charge" of the Northeast, at least since the restoration of democracy in 1988? Who is keeping them uneducated?

Spot on!!!!

When you consider the length of time that Thaksinesque parties have been in power compared to the Democrats then you begin to understand who has been responsible for holding them back (education wise)!!!!

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If the military tries another coup, they will be pushing their luck.

The UN is tired of their antics. All the coup makers are the real criminals. They got off thought they are clear traiters and you write about Thaksin being a criminal.....the liberal hypocrisy of westerners is astounding.


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Are you just naive or another loud mouth socialist hypocrite?

The Thaksin's have been trying to remove the power of the military over Siam for a long time.....her brother tried to modernize the stock market and put police equal to the army and look what happened to him. you and your kind are ridiculous....you come from the West as i do but dare to consistently override the thai voters and their clear signals for over a decade they want thaksin and his side back in power....go back to where you came from or shut up and let the thais sort their own politics out.

Thaksin was and is no more corrupt than the sex tourist foreigner (hmmm) and most other thai policians....

Do you have the brains to realize the yellow shirts were and are nothing but those out to keep the poor trapped in their poverty.....oh! now we see, you simply want your cheap t&a.

He wasn't trying to "remove the power of the military". He was trying to take it over.

Countries at the Crossroads 2007

Thaksin actively re-politicized the military, installing his old friends, classmates, and relatives in key positions.
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Oh yeah, cry about that!

Funny, that this point comes up now, when the "stupid isan farmers" vote for TS.

I guess it was of little concern to anyone, when they voted like they "should", i.e. taking the cash from the "establishment" and shut up for the next few years, until the next election, when some politician remembered "Oh yes...there was that place...ahm...in the Northeast...what was it called...ah yeah...Isan! Let's go there and tell some lies to some people!"

All the people who are now moaning about the "uneducated" and their way of voting: you had the f@cking chance to "educate" them for 1000 years.

But you wanted and needed them stupid!

So stop your whining now!

You really need to do some research before making a total fool of yourself. Such as just who the Isan farmers voted for prior to 2001. Do you even know what the NAP was, who was its leader and deputy leader and what happened to it/them?

And you should really try to understand, before you accuse someone...

Understand what? You clearly don't have a clue about who the rural people have traditionally voted for, and in just whose interest it was, and still is, to keep them uneducated. Here's a clue. Education standards in the Northeast are the lowest in the country. That was so before 2001, and remains so to this day. Now, who is "in charge" of the Northeast now? Who has always been "in charge" of the Northeast, at least since the restoration of democracy in 1988? Who is keeping them uneducated?

Oh man...so: THAI SOCIETY keeps them uneducated! Because the ruling "elite" (not the ruling government!) needs them to be uneducated!

Funny that the whining about the "uneducated" only occurred when TS started winning their votes "en masse"!

And THAT is what I mean!

No one EVER (as far as I know, but you may have some numbers and names to go along with, to impress us morons!) was complaining about the votes of the "uneducated" unless their votes really made a difference, in a way that the "old elite" didn't want!

EACH and EVERYONE is keeping them uneducated.

Only one side doesn't constantly complain about it, and that is the side that is winning AT THE MOMENT!

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Oh man...so: THAI SOCIETY keeps them uneducated! Because the ruling "elite" (not the ruling government!) needs them to be uneducated!

Funny that the whining about the "uneducated" only occurred when TS started winning their votes "en masse"!

And THAT is what I mean!

No one EVER (as far as I know, but you may have some numbers and names to go along with, to impress us morons!) was complaining about the votes of the "uneducated" unless their votes really made a difference, in a way that the "old elite" didn't want!

EACH and EVERYONE is keeping them uneducated.

Only one side doesn't constantly complain about it, and that is the side that is winning AT THE MOMENT!

Except those that are in power at the moment are constantly using "The Elite are keeping the people uneducated" when in fact those people are no different than anyone else that has been in power.

Edited by whybother
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