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In your opinion.

The problem here seems to lie with the fact that some people can't accept that other people have differing opinions on what is offensive and to respect those differences.

Perhaps you find it offensive when someone jumps a queue and i don't so does that then make it acceptable if I push in front of you? Having some consideration and respect for other people is called good manners. Something sorely lacking IMO.

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Personally, I think part of Thai culture is to talk about other people and their relationships.

Only Thai culture?? blink.png

Well, Vs the USA, and likely most of Europe, there is a big difference in the way and degree to which people gossip about your personal business.

A concrete example would be the staff at the hotel I often stay at. The hotel isn't in a farang tourist area, often I see Thai business conventions offload a group from a bus that stays at the hotel.

The staff at the hotel know me by now, they ask where do I go, what happened to my other farang friends, where do they stay, who is this women I am with, where do we go?

I am easy going, friendly and laugh a lot, these types of questions also makes me laugh a little. I sort of feel they are part of some extended family. But in the USA, I have stayed at hotels for many months and no one has ever asked me a personal question.

Taxi drivers will ask my Thai GF what is the relationship between all the people in the taxi? In the taxi were a 37 year old farang lady, a 24 year old thai man, me and my Thai GF; It maybe confusing what the relationships are, but taxi drivers in the USA would never ask those sorts of questions.

When I go work out at in the park, many will ask me my age and where I am from? It's one of those free parks that Thailand has set up.

I have seen this sort of thing often. It doesn't bother me at all, just noting that it is a significant difference in culture.

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But having a farang also seems to be a status symbol,

Only to peasants.

As farang = rich they are quite an easy way for a peasant to show off (supposed) wealth while belittling their peasant peers who haven't got such an ATM. Thus creating a sense of happiness within the peasant.

As I said in the orginal post, "But having a farang also seems to be a status symbol, so maybe it either depends on the relationship, or maybe what part of the country one is in. "

To be honest, I don't know enough about all levels of Thai society to be able to predict how different groups will value the status of a farang.

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In your opinion.

The problem here seems to lie with the fact that some people can't accept that other people have differing opinions on what is offensive and to respect those differences.

Perhaps you find it offensive when someone jumps a queue and i don't so does that then make it acceptable if I push in front of you? Having some consideration and respect for other people is called good manners. Something sorely lacking IMO.

Depends if they ASK to jump the queue. Seems to me the OP finds it offencive that someone dare ask.

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Of course you did not.

As others have said, women know very well the difference between casual/friendly offers, flirting (serious or otherwise) and vulgar propositions/demands/encroachments. Because we all of us have abundant experience with all of these.

Men obviously have not had the same life experiences women have, and I find that decent men often find it hard to believe that other men do the sorts of things they do, so in all l innocence they assume the woman must have "misunderstood" because they are imagining the men involved to be like themselves. Little do they know what sort of things some men do and how blatantly and crassly.

Outside of cross-cultural situations, women can often reduce the likelihood of being subject to offensive behavior by avoiding contexts and actions that might give the impression of easy availability. But unfortunately the whole of SE Asia and just being a SE Asian female is taken by some western men to qualify as such, so local women here -- the many who are not "on the prowl" for a western man -- do often suffer inappropriate treatment. ..very inappropriate.

My niece is a very attractive young SE Asian woman living in Thailand and cannot walk through upper Sukhumvit area unmolested no matter how conservatively dressed and even with friends/boyfriend with her. More than once she has had to call for help to literally pry off a foreign man groping and pawing her and insisting on knowing "how much". They assume she has to be available purely on the basis of her race -- and believe me she in no way looks or acts like a bar girl or prostitute. Of course, one understands that they have formed this impression based on the behavior of the Thai women they have the most contact with (bar girls and the like) but that is no excuse for generalizing this to the entire female population.

Put them in their place in no uncertain terms and walk off.

Difficult if the female involved is not fluent in the 'offenders' language'. Especially as Thais hate to give offense and cause someone to 'lose face'.

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The problem here seems to lie with the fact that some people can't accept that other people have differing opinions on what is offensive and to respect those differences.

Seems you're having some trouble yourself. coffee1.gif

I think the problem is that this is supposed to be a forum for ladies - but for some obscure reason a few men find it impossible not to 'invade' the forum, and tell us 'ladies' where we are going wrong....

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licklips.gif So as a male let me explain this politely as possible.

They are simply assumig that trhey won't be caught cheating....so there is no penalty involved.

Therefore no risk.

From a biological viewpoint consider this:

A male, in order to be reproductively sucessful...thus passing on his genes...should have as many female partners as possible, thus maximising the chances of his possible offspring surviving. He invests little in the care of those offspring, so only a single long-term partner...from his biplogical viewpoint anyhow...is a bad choice.

Females, on the other hand, invest heavily in bearing and raising any offspring. So for them having one long-term partner is the best solution.

Biology existed long before any religion or morality....and so biology usually wins in the end.

For both sexes.

At least that's the sociobiology answer that scientists would give you.

You can also think of it with the, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" explanation.

But I suspect you already knew that.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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licklips.gif So as a male let me explain this politely as possible.

They are simply assumig that trhey won't be caught cheating....so there is no penalty involved.

Therefore no risk.

From a biological viewpoint consider this:

A male, in order to be reproductively sucessful...thus passing on his genes...should have as many female partners as possible, thus maximising the chances of his possible offspring surviving. He invests little in the care of those offspring, so only a single long-term partner...from his biplogical viewpoint anyhow...is a bad choice.

Females, on the other hand, invest heavily in bearing and raising any offspring. So for them having one long-term partner is the best solution.

Biology existed long before any religion or morality....and so biology usually wins in the end.

For both sexes.

At least that's the sociobiology answer that scientists would give you.

You can also think of it with the, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" explanation.

But I suspect you already knew that.


Alternatively, you could always understand that this is a forum for ladies, and post your views on a male forum?

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So, in response to a story where a girl is stopped at a red light on her motorbike and is asked "how much" you think thats equivalent to hitting on a girl? Afraid that persistent men who don't take no for an answer or who make rude suggestions to women based solely on the fact that they think they should be available is not my idea of respectful to another human being.

Just curious should there be a dress code, scarlet letter or something to establish the ones you should ask? Even still there is bound to be a mistake on occasion and the person being asked should get over herself and consider the environment in which she lives... Maybe she too has to consider her dress or whatever, I'm just saying like, it can't all be on the shoulders of the person making the offer in any case especially here..

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licklips.gif So as a male let me explain this politely as possible.

They are simply assumig that trhey won't be caught cheating....so there is no penalty involved.

Therefore no risk.

From a biological viewpoint consider this:

A male, in order to be reproductively sucessful...thus passing on his genes...should have as many female partners as possible, thus maximising the chances of his possible offspring surviving. He invests little in the care of those offspring, so only a single long-term partner...from his biplogical viewpoint anyhow...is a bad choice.

Females, on the other hand, invest heavily in bearing and raising any offspring. So for them having one long-term partner is the best solution.

Biology existed long before any religion or morality....and so biology usually wins in the end.

For both sexes.

At least that's the sociobiology answer that scientists would give you.

You can also think of it with the, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" explanation.

But I suspect you already knew that.


Humans are also genetically designed to be attracted to exotic races, as a coupling would widen the human gene pool.

Which is why so many Thai and Asian women find white men so attractive and want to mate with us.

Which may also explain why the men described in the OP found the lady so appealing.

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licklips.gif So as a male let me explain this politely as possible.

They are simply assumig that trhey won't be caught cheating....so there is no penalty involved.

Therefore no risk.

From a biological viewpoint consider this:

A male, in order to be reproductively sucessful...thus passing on his genes...should have as many female partners as possible, thus maximising the chances of his possible offspring surviving. He invests little in the care of those offspring, so only a single long-term partner...from his biplogical viewpoint anyhow...is a bad choice.

Females, on the other hand, invest heavily in bearing and raising any offspring. So for them having one long-term partner is the best solution.

Biology existed long before any religion or morality....and so biology usually wins in the end.

For both sexes.

At least that's the sociobiology answer that scientists would give you.

You can also think of it with the, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" explanation.

But I suspect you already knew that.


Humans are also genetically designed to be attracted to exotic races, as a coupling would widen the human gene pool.

Which is why so many Thai and Asian women find white men so attractive and want to mate with us.

Which may also explain why the men described in the OP found the lady so appealing.

Except... amazingly, few Western women in their home countries are married to foreign men. Yes, there are a few 'mixed' marriages - but generally the 'foreigners' marry their own as do the residents.

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licklips.gif So as a male let me explain this politely as possible.

They are simply assumig that trhey won't be caught cheating....so there is no penalty involved.

Therefore no risk.

From a biological viewpoint consider this:

A male, in order to be reproductively sucessful...thus passing on his genes...should have as many female partners as possible, thus maximising the chances of his possible offspring surviving. He invests little in the care of those offspring, so only a single long-term partner...from his biplogical viewpoint anyhow...is a bad choice.

Females, on the other hand, invest heavily in bearing and raising any offspring. So for them having one long-term partner is the best solution.

Biology existed long before any religion or morality....and so biology usually wins in the end.

For both sexes.

At least that's the sociobiology answer that scientists would give you.

You can also think of it with the, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" explanation.

But I suspect you already knew that.


Humans are also genetically designed to be attracted to exotic races, as a coupling would widen the human gene pool.

Which is why so many Thai and Asian women find white men so attractive and want to mate with us.

Which may also explain why the men described in the OP found the lady so appealing.

Except... amazingly, few Western women in their home countries are married to foreign men. Yes, there are a few 'mixed' marriages - but generally the 'foreigners' marry their own as do the residents.

Really? I'm afraid you'd have to consider the amount of males of a different race than the 'local population' that are living in a country, then consider the amount that haven't bedded, or married into the local race though being unwanted.

I'd imagine the numbers would be quite low. Any Western country I've been to the exotic foreign men have had queues of local women looking for a bang.

As an exotic foreign man, you simply have local women throwing themselves at you. This is regardless of country, continent, etc. ime.

Edited by hehehoho
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licklips.gif So as a male let me explain this politely as possible.

They are simply assumig that trhey won't be caught cheating....so there is no penalty involved.

Therefore no risk.

From a biological viewpoint consider this:

A male, in order to be reproductively sucessful...thus passing on his genes...should have as many female partners as possible, thus maximising the chances of his possible offspring surviving. He invests little in the care of those offspring, so only a single long-term partner...from his biplogical viewpoint anyhow...is a bad choice.

Females, on the other hand, invest heavily in bearing and raising any offspring. So for them having one long-term partner is the best solution.

Biology existed long before any religion or morality....and so biology usually wins in the end.

For both sexes.

At least that's the sociobiology answer that scientists would give you.

You can also think of it with the, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" explanation.

But I suspect you already knew that.


Alternatively, you could always understand that this is a forum for ladies, and post your views on a male forum?

F1 this is the denial and defensiveness in western women that makes them undesirable to most here and is growing throughout the male population world wide. He is stating in real science the facts as they are and you are allowing your western education and emotional view point to pollute your logic.

We are animals in nature and tend to forget that fact and try to deny the facts of nature just because we're more intelligent and seemingly should be able to deny the forces of nature as such.. But I dare say that I believe this also a cause for many women having PMS as it is a moral conflict with their physical needs inspired by nature and the need to procreate.. It is not considered moral or "lady like" by modern standards to engage in a singular sexual encounter just for the sake of gratification and this is instilled in girls from their youth. This is supported by the fact that most women need to have an excuse or to lower their inhibitions by way of alcohol or other stimulus to let themselves go and excuse the encounter lest they be branded a whore or other.

My feeling is that PMS is a woman's moral conscience fighting her natural urge to procreate and causing internal stresses and conflicts that manifest through these symptoms. There are some who are comfortable in monogamous relationships and some who are not, suffice to say we are guided by our natural instincts in any case. Even in nature in prides or other social groups there is a dominant male and female and they mate but there is also other potential mates to strengthen the pride and to spread the genes lest inbreeding destroy the very fabric of the species and for the dominant male many mates as Farang described so, this can be denied and attacked but still none the less is true for most animals in nature of which we are included..

I'd be very curious to see a study done amongst women who prostitute and those who don't to see the number of PMS cases and the severity of their symptoms..

The thing is and there's no way around this. Man has not and can not be studied as we've studied all other animals as we don't live in a natural environment but instead we live in a world wide, man made zoo of our own making that is unnatural so we don't really know how man and his relationships would evolve in our natural surroundings without all the moral and false implications, we can only speculate.

It's pretty certain few would take a single mate their entire lives and this unreal expectation of every male makes many women very unhappy and bitter in their current lives seeking what is for many just a fairy tale dream... Lambaste away!!

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licklips.gif So as a male let me explain this politely as possible.

They are simply assumig that trhey won't be caught cheating....so there is no penalty involved.

Therefore no risk.

From a biological viewpoint consider this:

A male, in order to be reproductively sucessful...thus passing on his genes...should have as many female partners as possible, thus maximising the chances of his possible offspring surviving. He invests little in the care of those offspring, so only a single long-term partner...from his biplogical viewpoint anyhow...is a bad choice.

Females, on the other hand, invest heavily in bearing and raising any offspring. So for them having one long-term partner is the best solution.

Biology existed long before any religion or morality....and so biology usually wins in the end.

For both sexes.

At least that's the sociobiology answer that scientists would give you.

You can also think of it with the, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" explanation.

But I suspect you already knew that.


Humans are also genetically designed to be attracted to exotic races, as a coupling would widen the human gene pool.

Which is why so many Thai and Asian women find white men so attractive and want to mate with us.

Which may also explain why the men described in the OP found the lady so appealing.

Except... amazingly, few Western women in their home countries are married to foreign men. Yes, there are a few 'mixed' marriages - but generally the 'foreigners' marry their own as do the residents.

This couldn't be about available numbers could it? Not defending hehehoho mind you, just saying like..

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licklips.gif So as a male let me explain this politely as possible.

They are simply assumig that trhey won't be caught cheating....so there is no penalty involved.

Therefore no risk.

From a biological viewpoint consider this:

A male, in order to be reproductively sucessful...thus passing on his genes...should have as many female partners as possible, thus maximising the chances of his possible offspring surviving. He invests little in the care of those offspring, so only a single long-term partner...from his biplogical viewpoint anyhow...is a bad choice.

Females, on the other hand, invest heavily in bearing and raising any offspring. So for them having one long-term partner is the best solution.

Biology existed long before any religion or morality....and so biology usually wins in the end.

For both sexes.

At least that's the sociobiology answer that scientists would give you.

You can also think of it with the, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" explanation.

But I suspect you already knew that.


Humans are also genetically designed to be attracted to exotic races, as a coupling would widen the human gene pool.

Which is why so many Thai and Asian women find white men so attractive and want to mate with us.

Which may also explain why the men described in the OP found the lady so appealing.

Except... amazingly, few Western women in their home countries are married to foreign men. Yes, there are a few 'mixed' marriages - but generally the 'foreigners' marry their own as do the residents.

Really? I'm afraid you'd have to consider the amount of males of a different race than the 'local population' that are living in a country, then consider the amount that haven't bedded, or married into the local race though being unwanted.

I'd imagine the numbers would be quite low. Any Western country I've been to the exotic foreign men have had queues of local women looking for a bang.

As an exotic foreign man, you simply have local women throwing themselves at you. This is regardless of country, continent, etc. ime.

I'm sure you're right, even though that is not my experience.

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"everything happens through emails, recently there was an occasion where I met many of them" - MsClueless

Was it at a Bangkok Trader Monthly Launch Party?

from "Six Days Seven Nights" (1998)

Robin Monroe: What are you looking at?

Quinn Harris: Nothing.

Robin Monroe: Something.

Quinn Harris: Nothing.

Robin Monroe: Oh, don't give me that, you were ogling.

Quinn Harris: Ogling? Let me ask you something. When you go into a department store to buy something like that what do you say to the clerk 'give me that outfit so no one will look at me?'

Robin Monroe: No, I like people looking - just not you.

Cha ching!! And then look at what happened in the end? So when is "no" no and when is it "maybe" if the price and conditions are right? Many of those signals being mentioned here come off to men as just mixed signals...Kinda like trying to understand Chiglish but with an added mixture of "lost in translation" to boot..
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licklips.gif So as a male let me explain this politely as possible.

They are simply assumig that trhey won't be caught cheating....so there is no penalty involved.

Therefore no risk.

From a biological viewpoint consider this:

A male, in order to be reproductively sucessful...thus passing on his genes...should have as many female partners as possible, thus maximising the chances of his possible offspring surviving. He invests little in the care of those offspring, so only a single long-term partner...from his biplogical viewpoint anyhow...is a bad choice.

Females, on the other hand, invest heavily in bearing and raising any offspring. So for them having one long-term partner is the best solution.

Biology existed long before any religion or morality....and so biology usually wins in the end.

For both sexes.

At least that's the sociobiology answer that scientists would give you.

You can also think of it with the, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" explanation.

But I suspect you already knew that.


Alternatively, you could always understand that this is a forum for ladies, and post your views on a male forum?

F1 this is the denial and defensiveness in western women that makes them undesirable to most here and is growing throughout the male population world wide. He is stating in real science the facts as they are and you are allowing your western education and emotional view point to pollute your logic.

We are animals in nature and tend to forget that fact and try to deny the facts of nature just because we're more intelligent and seemingly should be able to deny the forces of nature as such.. But I dare say that I believe this also a cause for many women having PMS as it is a moral conflict with their physical needs inspired by nature and the need to procreate.. It is not considered moral or "lady like" by modern standards to engage in a singular sexual encounter just for the sake of gratification and this is instilled in girls from their youth. This is supported by the fact that most women need to have an excuse or to lower their inhibitions by way of alcohol or other stimulus to let themselves go and excuse the encounter lest they be branded a whore or other.

My feeling is that PMS is a woman's moral conscience fighting her natural urge to procreate and causing internal stresses and conflicts that manifest through these symptoms. There are some who are comfortable in monogamous relationships and some who are not, suffice to say we are guided by our natural instincts in any case. Even in nature in prides or other social groups there is a dominant male and female and they mate but there is also other potential mates to strengthen the pride and to spread the genes lest inbreeding destroy the very fabric of the species and for the dominant male many mates as Farang described so, this can be denied and attacked but still none the less is true for most animals in nature of which we are included..

I'd be very curious to see a study done amongst women who prostitute and those who don't to see the number of PMS cases and the severity of their symptoms..

The thing is and there's no way around this. Man has not and can not be studied as we've studied all other animals as we don't live in a natural environment but instead we live in a world wide, man made zoo of our own making that is unnatural so we don't really know how man and his relationships would evolve in our natural surroundings without all the moral and false implications, we can only speculate.

It's pretty certain few would take a single mate their entire lives and this unreal expectation of every male makes many women very unhappy and bitter in their current lives seeking what is for many just a fairy tale dream... Lambaste away!!

Lambaste? Why would I bother? I go back to my post that you have quoted - this is a forum for women - not about women.

Fortunately I am too long in the tooth (and have been through too much) to care that Western men here find us Western women un-attractive.

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licklips.gif So as a male let me explain this politely as possible.

They are simply assumig that trhey won't be caught cheating....so there is no penalty involved.

Therefore no risk.

From a biological viewpoint consider this:

A male, in order to be reproductively sucessful...thus passing on his genes...should have as many female partners as possible, thus maximising the chances of his possible offspring surviving. He invests little in the care of those offspring, so only a single long-term partner...from his biplogical viewpoint anyhow...is a bad choice.

Females, on the other hand, invest heavily in bearing and raising any offspring. So for them having one long-term partner is the best solution.

Biology existed long before any religion or morality....and so biology usually wins in the end.

For both sexes.

At least that's the sociobiology answer that scientists would give you.

You can also think of it with the, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" explanation.

But I suspect you already knew that.


Alternatively, you could always understand that this is a forum for ladies, and post your views on a male forum?

F1 this is the denial and defensiveness in western women that makes them undesirable to most here and is growing throughout the male population world wide. He is stating in real science the facts as they are and you are allowing your western education and emotional view point to pollute your logic.

We are animals in nature and tend to forget that fact and try to deny the facts of nature just because we're more intelligent and seemingly should be able to deny the forces of nature as such.. But I dare say that I believe this also a cause for many women having PMS as it is a moral conflict with their physical needs inspired by nature and the need to procreate.. It is not considered moral or "lady like" by modern standards to engage in a singular sexual encounter just for the sake of gratification and this is instilled in girls from their youth. This is supported by the fact that most women need to have an excuse or to lower their inhibitions by way of alcohol or other stimulus to let themselves go and excuse the encounter lest they be branded a whore or other.

My feeling is that PMS is a woman's moral conscience fighting her natural urge to procreate and causing internal stresses and conflicts that manifest through these symptoms. There are some who are comfortable in monogamous relationships and some who are not, suffice to say we are guided by our natural instincts in any case. Even in nature in prides or other social groups there is a dominant male and female and they mate but there is also other potential mates to strengthen the pride and to spread the genes lest inbreeding destroy the very fabric of the species and for the dominant male many mates as Farang described so, this can be denied and attacked but still none the less is true for most animals in nature of which we are included..

I'd be very curious to see a study done amongst women who prostitute and those who don't to see the number of PMS cases and the severity of their symptoms..

The thing is and there's no way around this. Man has not and can not be studied as we've studied all other animals as we don't live in a natural environment but instead we live in a world wide, man made zoo of our own making that is unnatural so we don't really know how man and his relationships would evolve in our natural surroundings without all the moral and false implications, we can only speculate.

It's pretty certain few would take a single mate their entire lives and this unreal expectation of every male makes many women very unhappy and bitter in their current lives seeking what is for many just a fairy tale dream... Lambaste away!!

Lambaste? Why would I bother? I go back to my post that you have quoted - this is a forum for women - not about women.

Fortunately I am too long in the tooth (and have been through too much) to care that Western men here find us Western women un-attractive.

So women here don't gain any understanding by a mans point of view? Just dismiss it is all?? So then nothing more then a womens gossip and commiseration forum then? Sounds all too familiar...

Edit: I'd also like to include that I for one still find western women attractive as I'm certain many others do but part of my attraction to any person just as it is for women is their personality and attitude and that is what I find increasingly less and less attractive about western women..

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No, I don't think that is the problem but rather, a woman comes on here about an issue, the men make it all about themselves and then tell the women what they should be thinking. Not all men do this of course, but it is rather common.

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licklips.gif So as a male let me explain this politely as possible.

They are simply assumig that trhey won't be caught cheating....so there is no penalty involved.

Therefore no risk.

From a biological viewpoint consider this:

A male, in order to be reproductively sucessful...thus passing on his genes...should have as many female partners as possible, thus maximising the chances of his possible offspring surviving. He invests little in the care of those offspring, so only a single long-term partner...from his biplogical viewpoint anyhow...is a bad choice.

Females, on the other hand, invest heavily in bearing and raising any offspring. So for them having one long-term partner is the best solution.

Biology existed long before any religion or morality....and so biology usually wins in the end.

For both sexes.

At least that's the sociobiology answer that scientists would give you.

You can also think of it with the, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" explanation.

But I suspect you already knew that.


Humans are also genetically designed to be attracted to exotic races, as a coupling would widen the human gene pool.

Which is why so many Thai and Asian women find white men so attractive and want to mate with us.

Which may also explain why the men described in the OP found the lady so appealing.

Except... amazingly, few Western women in their home countries are married to foreign men. Yes, there are a few 'mixed' marriages - but generally the 'foreigners' marry their own as do the residents.

This might be something that is changing. I can think of at least 5 women in my direct circle of knowledge that have married or had kids with foreign men (in Australia). Probably more if i gave it thought. It is becoming increasingly common for younger generations.

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Personally, I think part of Thai culture is to talk about other people and their relationships.

Only Thai culture?? blink.png

Well, Vs the USA, and likely most of Europe, there is a big difference in the way and degree to which people gossip about your personal business.

A concrete example would be the staff at the hotel I often stay at. The hotel isn't in a farang tourist area, often I see Thai business conventions offload a group from a bus that stays at the hotel.

The staff at the hotel know me by now, they ask where do I go, what happened to my other farang friends, where do they stay, who is this women I am with, where do we go?

I am easy going, friendly and laugh a lot, these types of questions also makes me laugh a little. I sort of feel they are part of some extended family. But in the USA, I have stayed at hotels for many months and no one has ever asked me a personal question.

Taxi drivers will ask my Thai GF what is the relationship between all the people in the taxi? In the taxi were a 37 year old farang lady, a 24 year old thai man, me and my Thai GF; It maybe confusing what the relationships are, but taxi drivers in the USA would never ask those sorts of questions.

When I go work out at in the park, many will ask me my age and where I am from? It's one of those free parks that Thailand has set up.

I have seen this sort of thing often. It doesn't bother me at all, just noting that it is a significant difference in culture.

As a foreigner you/we are something unique to parts of Thailand especially in a "non farang" location so it stands to reason they have curiosity in the states you're just another Joe or fare so who cares? But I'm from the states and the problem I see there is that people are way too far into your business for potentially nefarious reasons or just plain nosiness in most cases. My feeling here is they are mostly just being friendly except I agree where your income is concerned as it's all too often used here to gloat or position someone's self, so openly discussed which I find personally invasive.

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No, I don't think that is the problem but rather, a woman comes on here about an issue, the men make it all about themselves and then tell the women what they should be thinking. Not all men do this of course, but it is rather common.

Yep once again a western womans point of view, it's often when a man expresses his point of view and the woman doesn't agree with it it's all about the man.. Anyway, I felt her response was dismissive when he was expressing his male point of view in an open forum regardless of whether or not it's the Womens forum or not.. Carry on coffee1.gif

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No, I don't think that is the problem but rather, a woman comes on here about an issue, the men make it all about themselves and then tell the women what they should be thinking. Not all men do this of course, but it is rather common.

Yep once again a western womans point of view, it's often when a man expresses his point of view and the woman doesn't agree with it it's all about the man.. Anyway, I felt her response was dismissive when he was expressing his male point of view in an open forum regardless of whether or not it's the Womens forum or not.. Carry on coffee1.gif

Really? and you don't see the reversal of that at all? i do. Far more from men than I do from women, but I guess its difficult to take a step back outside of one's own preconceived notiions and prejudicial attitudes and look at it from someone else's perspectives.

And before you start with that old chestnut that so many guys here like to drag out, contrary to whatever notions you may have, I have no issues with western guys at all, love my dad, my nephews and personally count among my closest friends several western guys. I enjoy their company and enjoy talking with them, so no, its not that I have it in for guys, I just think that there are some men on this forum who have forgotten what human empathy, good manners and consideration for others is all about.

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licklips.gif So as a male let me explain this politely as possible.

They are simply assumig that trhey won't be caught cheating....so there is no penalty involved.

Therefore no risk.

From a biological viewpoint consider this:

A male, in order to be reproductively sucessful...thus passing on his genes...should have as many female partners as possible, thus maximising the chances of his possible offspring surviving. He invests little in the care of those offspring, so only a single long-term partner...from his biplogical viewpoint anyhow...is a bad choice.

Females, on the other hand, invest heavily in bearing and raising any offspring. So for them having one long-term partner is the best solution.

Biology existed long before any religion or morality....and so biology usually wins in the end.

For both sexes.

At least that's the sociobiology answer that scientists would give you.

You can also think of it with the, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" explanation.

But I suspect you already knew that.


Humans are also genetically designed to be attracted to exotic races, as a coupling would widen the human gene pool.

Which is why so many Thai and Asian women find white men so attractive and want to mate with us.

Which may also explain why the men described in the OP found the lady so appealing.

Except... amazingly, few Western women in their home countries are married to foreign men. Yes, there are a few 'mixed' marriages - but generally the 'foreigners' marry their own as do the residents.

This might be something that is changing. I can think of at least 5 women in my direct circle of knowledge that have married or had kids with foreign men (in Australia). Probably more if i gave it thought. It is becoming increasingly common for younger generations.

The women were presumably Australian, where did their husbands originate?

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No, I don't think that is the problem but rather, a woman comes on here about an issue, the men make it all about themselves and then tell the women what they should be thinking. Not all men do this of course, but it is rather common.

Yep once again a western womans point of view, it's often when a man expresses his point of view and the woman doesn't agree with it it's all about the man.. Anyway, I felt her response was dismissive when he was expressing his male point of view in an open forum regardless of whether or not it's the Womens forum or not.. Carry on coffee1.gif

Really? and you don't see the reversal of that at all? i do. Far more from men than I do from women, but I guess its difficult to take a step back outside of one's own preconceived notiions and prejudicial attitudes and look at it from someone else's perspectives.

And before you start with that old chestnut that so many guys here like to drag out, contrary to whatever notions you may have, I have no issues with western guys at all, love my dad, my nephews and personally count among my closest friends several western guys. I enjoy their company and enjoy talking with them, so no, its not that I have it in for guys, I just think that there are some men on this forum who have forgotten what human empathy, good manners and consideration for others is all about.

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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No, I don't think that is the problem but rather, a woman comes on here about an issue, the men make it all about themselves and then tell the women what they should be thinking. Not all men do this of course, but it is rather common.

Yep once again a western womans point of view, it's often when a man expresses his point of view and the woman doesn't agree with it it's all about the man.. Anyway, I felt her response was dismissive when he was expressing his male point of view in an open forum regardless of whether or not it's the Womens forum or not.. Carry on coffee1.gif

Really? and you don't see the reversal of that at all? i do. Far more from men than I do from women, but I guess its difficult to take a step back outside of one's own preconceived notiions and prejudicial attitudes and look at it from someone else's perspectives.

And before you start with that old chestnut that so many guys here like to drag out, contrary to whatever notions you may have, I have no issues with western guys at all, love my dad, my nephews and personally count among my closest friends several western guys. I enjoy their company and enjoy talking with them, so no, its not that I have it in for guys, I just think that there are some men on this forum who have forgotten what human empathy, good manners and consideration for others is all about.

You're being too kind.

Why do I have to keep saying this is a forum for women! Of course men here have a different POV, but that is something they can express only too frequently on all the other forums.

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No, I don't think that is the problem but rather, a woman comes on here about an issue, the men make it all about themselves and then tell the women what they should be thinking. Not all men do this of course, but it is rather common.

Yep once again a western womans point of view, it's often when a man expresses his point of view and the woman doesn't agree with it it's all about the man.. Anyway, I felt her response was dismissive when he was expressing his male point of view in an open forum regardless of whether or not it's the Womens forum or not.. Carry on coffee1.gif

Really? and you don't see the reversal of that at all? i do. Far more from men than I do from women, but I guess its difficult to take a step back outside of one's own preconceived notiions and prejudicial attitudes and look at it from someone else's perspectives.

And before you start with that old chestnut that so many guys here like to drag out, contrary to whatever notions you may have, I have no issues with western guys at all, love my dad, my nephews and personally count among my closest friends several western guys. I enjoy their company and enjoy talking with them, so no, its not that I have it in for guys, I just think that there are some men on this forum who have forgotten what human empathy, good manners and consideration for others is all about.

You're being too kind.

Why do I have to keep saying this is a forum for women! Of course men here have a different POV, but that is something they can express only too frequently on all the other forums.

Hmmm more dismissiveness.... Here was I thinking this was "Thai Visa" and the ladies forum was only a sub forum for all to contribute, silly man passifier.gif... Now where is that whipping icon? ... Edited by WarpSpeed
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