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Thai PM Backs Suu Kyi In Landmark Myanmar Talks


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Do you think the fact that she was under house arrest might have had something to do with him not visiting when he was there?

Yes of course that made it more difficult, perhaps impossible.Hence the need for courage and strong public statement of support.But from Abhisit, a fellow Oxonian, not a squeak.

Abhisit could have ask for permission to visit her. He did not.

Many other leaders did, and permission granted.

I think, IMHO, he couldn't care less.

Myanmar supplies much energy to Thailand. If a Thai politician ever were to upset the generals by showing solidarity with ASSK half of isaan could be without lights or something similar.

I imagine YL's boss decided a visit with ASSK would make YL look good and give the red party a boost.

Likely Mr T assured the generals it is only for "show"

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Thaksin was in Burma last week before travelling to Nepal. He told reporters in Nepal that his visit was to smooth the visit of his sister, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. During the visit, he met Burma's President Thein Sein and former president Than Shwe.


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Please allow me to remind you what ASSK said about Thailand back in 2006. She was right all along.

"A new government coming to power under a constitution drawn up by the military will never be stable," he cited her as saying. "We do not need to see very far. We just see Thailand," she said. "Thaksin was an elected person. The military seized the power from an elected person. The constitution was drawn up by the military," she said.

"After that, what happened with the first (government)? It was not stable," she said of the short-lived administration that followed the coup. "This was a result of the constitution being written by the military."

ouch! Truth hurts doesn't it.

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