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Thai Poll Favors Removal Of Justice Minister


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Poll Favors Removal of Justice Minister

According to a recent opinion poll conducted by the National Institute of Development Administration, most people surveyed want Justice Minister Pracha Promnok and MP Karun Hosakul removed from the House.

They also expressed confidence in the judicial system.

The National Institute of Development Administration conducted an opinion poll among 1,084 people throughout the country on the topic of “the impeachment of seven MPs” on December 10 and 11.

According to the poll results, 41.08 percent of the respondents agree with the impeachment of the MPs, 49.08 percent are against it and 9.32 percent are uncertain.

21.96 percent believe that all of the MPs should be dismissed while 49.88 percent think they should keep their jobs.

In comparing the MPs' numbers, 31.09 percent of the impeachment supporters believe that Justice Minister Pracha Promnok should be removed, followed by Karun Hosakul at 29.89 percent.

The list of MPs who are threatened by the impeachment bid also includes Surachart Thienthong, Wicharn Meenchainant, Tanusak Lekuthai and Worachai Hemma.

Meanwhile, most people, 45.02 percent, expressed confidence in the judicial system compared with only 11.81 percent who say they do not trust the system at all.


-- Tan Network 2011-12-21


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Can someone tell me what definition of 'most' is being used here?????

I read it a few times to see if I could find something in there that could be interpreted as "most" ... :blink:

"31.09 percent of the impeachment supporters believe that Justice Minister Pracha Promnok should be removed"

Read: "More people think that the Justice Minister should be removed than any other minister"

That's the closest thing that gets close to "most". :huh:

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Can someone tell me what definition of 'most' is being used here?????

I read it a few times to see if I could find something in there that could be interpreted as "most" ... :blink:

"31.09 percent of the impeachment supporters believe that Justice Minister Pracha Promnok should be removed"

Read: "More people think that the Justice Minister should be removed than any other minister"

That's the closest thing that gets close to "most". :huh:

I agree - a most misleading headline but it will still get the saliva glands on here going; wait for the barking to start

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Can someone tell me what definition of 'most' is being used here?????

I read it a few times to see if I could find something in there that could be interpreted as "most" ... :blink:

"31.09 percent of the impeachment supporters believe that Justice Minister Pracha Promnok should be removed"

Read: "More people think that the Justice Minister should be removed than any other minister"

That's the closest thing that gets close to "most". :huh:

There must be something wrong with the numbers - I am sure Karun Hosakul would be over the moon to hear only around 12 per cent of people polled want him removed from the house and if Pracha only merits 13 per cent and he is the worst it must make this government one of the most popular in the world maybe even beating North Korea.

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There must be something wrong with the numbers - I am sure Karun Hosakul would be over the moon to hear only around 12 per cent of people polled want him removed from the house and if Pracha only merits 13 per cent and he is the worst it must make this government one of the most popular in the world maybe even beating North Korea.

12% ... 13% ??? Where are those numbers? edit: 30% of the 40% ... Well, that depends on whether the question was "Do you think ALL the MPs should be impeached?"

In comparing the MPs' numbers, 31.09 percent of the impeachment supporters believe that Justice Minister Pracha Promnok should be removed, followed by Karun Hosakul at 29.89 percent.

The question is, were respondents able to only choose one or multiple MPs to be removed?

If they could only choose one, then 31% is a pretty high number (it would get you elected!).

If they can choose more than one, then 69% believe he shouldn't be removed.

As usual, without having some reference to the actual questions and only having a reporter's interpretation, we really have no idea what the respondents thought.

Edited by whybother
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There must be something wrong with the numbers - I am sure Karun Hosakul would be over the moon to hear only around 12 per cent of people polled want him removed from the house and if Pracha only merits 13 per cent and he is the worst it must make this government one of the most popular in the world maybe even beating North Korea.

12% ... 13% ??? Where are those numbers?

In comparing the MPs' numbers, 31.09 percent of the impeachment supporters believe that Justice Minister Pracha Promnok should be removed, followed by Karun Hosakul at 29.89 percent.

The question is, were respondents able to only choose one or multiple MPs to be removed?

If they could only choose one, then 31% is a pretty high number (it would get you elected!).

If they can choose more than one, then 69% believe he shouldn't be removed.

As usual, without having some reference to the actual questions and only having a reporter's interpretation, we really have no idea what the respondents thought.

The way it is worded specifically states that the 31.09 per cent is a percentage of the subset of impeachment supporters (41.08 per cent) so, from a starting point of 1084 ppl there were 445 were for impeachment of which 138 (31.08 per cent) were for removal.

I am sure that is not what the reporter meant to write and your version makes more sense but it just goes to underline how ridiculous this article is.

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Who cares about most, this is interesting.

21.96 percent believe that all of the MPs should be dismissed while 49.88 percent think they should keep their jobs.

If this is written correctly,

22% of the population doesn't thing one single MP deserves to be in his seat.

And less than 50% believe they should keep their jobs.

leaving 28% backing MP's to actually keep their phony baloney jobs.

Why would anyone want a job that is considered so face losing?

Oh yeah.... MONEY!

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Who cares about most, this is interesting.

21.96 percent believe that all of the MPs should be dismissed while 49.88 percent think they should keep their jobs.

If this is written correctly,

22% of the population doesn't thing one single MP deserves to be in his seat.

And less than 50% believe they should keep their jobs.

leaving 28% backing MP's to actually keep their phony baloney jobs.

Why would anyone want a job that is considered so face losing?

Oh yeah.... MONEY!

It's a poll of 1084 people - it's useless waste of space as a poll.

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Who cares about most, this is interesting.

21.96 percent believe that all of the MPs should be dismissed while 49.88 percent think they should keep their jobs.

If this is written correctly,

22% of the population doesn't thing one single MP deserves to be in his seat.

And less than 50% believe they should keep their jobs.

leaving 28% backing MP's to actually keep their phony baloney jobs.

Why would anyone want a job that is considered so face losing?

Oh yeah.... MONEY!

"If this is written correctly, " - BIG IF.

More likely it's referring to the 7 that were impeached.

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Can someone tell me what definition of 'most' is being used here?????

I read it a few times to see if I could find something in there that could be interpreted as "most" ... :blink:

"31.09 percent of the impeachment supporters believe that Justice Minister Pracha Promnok should be removed"

Read: "More people think that the Justice Minister should be removed than any other minister"

That's the closest thing that gets close to "most". :huh:

Maybe the writer of this article doesn't understand the the English terms, but maybe he actually does. There's a difference between impeachment (accusation, trial) and being removed from office.

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Can someone tell me what definition of 'most' is being used here?????

I read it a few times to see if I could find something in there that could be interpreted as "most" ... :blink:

"31.09 percent of the impeachment supporters believe that Justice Minister Pracha Promnok should be removed"

Read: "More people think that the Justice Minister should be removed than any other minister"

That's the closest thing that gets close to "most". :huh:

Maybe the writer of this article doesn't understand the the English terms, but maybe he actually does. There's a difference between impeachment (accusation, trial) and being removed from office.

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A more interesting poll would have asked about impeachment for each individual MP. This poll seems to have only asked about whether people agreed with the impeachment of all MPs, then only if they agreed with the impeachment of all MPs should these individuals be removed from office. The numbers may have been significantly more interesting and meaningful if, for example the first question was "do you agree that the Justice Minister should be impeached?" and the second question was "should the Justice Minister be removed from office?"

That said, there are clearly some problems with the math in this article.

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"21.96 percent believe that all of the MPs should be dismissed..."

Now there's an idea that deserves support! Why don't we re-open Tarutao Island as the remote penal colony it once was and ship the whole bunch there, so they can engage in their very own "Survivor" show with eachother? And no, no immunity idol will be provided.

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It's a poll of 1084 people - it's useless waste of space as a poll.

If you knew anything about statistics you would know that a sampling of 1040 people is enough for an acceptable margin of error, given that the sampling was done in a good order.

If the sampling is slanted the number of people polled doesn't matter until one starts to reach a very-very high number, as it will always be wrong.

So it isn't the number that is the crucial part.

And in other news, it is often not the answer but the question that is most important as to know how to interpret the results.

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