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Schweppes Tonic Water


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Try one of the numerous "cash and carry" style shops which are dotted around Pattaya.

They always have multi-packs of cans,etc piled up outside their shops.

There is one located at the bottom of Thepprasit road,heading towards Jomtien.

I managed to buy 3 multi-packs of Coke Zero there a couple of weeks ago.

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I realise the elderly can be cantankerous but why should it be schweppes?

There's Thai tonic water freely available now and aside from visual there's no difference.

I am afraid that as a dedicated G&T drinker your statement is absolute rubbish, there is a difference in taste. My Tonic of choice in UK is Fever Tree and over here Schweppes, I will go without rather than sully the gin with other tonics.

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I realise the elderly can be cantankerous but why should it be schweppes?

There's Thai tonic water freely available now and aside from visual there's no difference.

really ? never seen it ? where do they sell it and whats it called ..

Ah, as to what it's called you've got me, perhaps nam soda? , smallish bottle with red markings.

Wholesaler (open to public) on Soi 17 - go down Soi Day & Night towards Soi 17 and you'll see lots of them.

To be more accurate, yesterday. I ain't been out yet.

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Soda water and Tonic water are indeed totally different, as any blue-blooded G&T drinker knows. Gin and soda water is not nice.

Schweppes Bitter Lemon isnt Tonic water either, though it works better than soda does.

I've not seen proper Tonic water for several weeks, and it wasn't carried by all shops prior to that. Presumably there is only one factory and it got flooded.

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thanks all..

we went to jomtien and found none .

there is a small drink warehosue(thai style) on the corner opposite the old carrefour, we found some there.. they have around 20 cases left as of 4pm today.

pepsi max.. now thats naother matter lol .. we found a case of that at foodmart? the one on thappraya road .. we had the one and only case lol

now our next search .. a bottle of Warninks Advocaat .. this may be a little harder to find :(

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If my memory serves me right i think i have seen Schweppes in Carfour - I don't know if Big C would have it since taking over . What i have never seen is Bitter Lemon apart from something that had Bitter Lemon on the label but was so sweet it rivelled the sugar cane drinks. I can't imagine Tonic Water would be popular outside of the falung population.

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