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Change A 30 Days On Arrival Stamp To Retirement Extension Still Possible ?

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I t has been a while that for health and other reasons I had to stay in Japan.

I am now free to move about and I want to consider Thailand again

I am 57 retired, have a decent lump sum now and some pension starting at 61

I still have a bank account in Krung Thai Bank in Isaan. I am not sure which my immigration office would be, the nearest big town to Khun Han is Sisaket

Could you please refresh my memory ?

1. I should have at least more than 20 days left on my 30 days stamp before aplying for a visa change from a 30 days stamp to an Non-Im O

2. Should have at least 800.000 baht in my Thai bank account for 3 months previous to the application

3. Should have an embassy letter certifying my adress

Anyting else I should know or are missing ?


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1. even less is now allowed.

2. often it is enough if the money is there in the bank for the conversion itself, when yu go back for the 1 year extension of stay the money must be there for 2 months (first time) and 3 moth every extension there after.

3. No need. But proof of address might be required, such as utility bill etc (depending on the office)..

Many immirgation offices will not convert but will send you to Bangkok to do the conversion. Plus if you come without a visa, you might be denied boarding without a ticket out of the country.

If you can't get a non-O in Japan, you might consider a flight within the first week of arrival in Thailand to a neighbouring country for a non-O visa. That would satisfy the visa exempt entry requirement and getting the non-O migh be simpler than doing the conversion. No idea if your immigration office will do that.

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You must make the extension of stay in the province you live so that will be Sisaket. When you visit office please try to obtain full address/phone numbers and Google map location and post so we can update information as that office does not appear to be on our map. If anyone else has the information please post for OP and us. Thanks.

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Enter on day 1 and get 60 days in Thailand, during the last week or so you visit immigraiton and ask for an extension f stay for 30 days (cost 1,900 baht). The extension starts when your 60 days end. On Day 90 you leave the country and enter and leave another country and come back to Thailand for another 60 days and extension of 30 days for 1,900 baht.

If you meet the requirements for an extension of stay, it is more cost effective to get a single tourist visa and convert.

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Sorry to be thick but do you mean that a tourist visa can be extended for a year if I meet the retirement's financial requirements ?

Is this the case outside of Bangkok or only at Bangkok's immigration office ?

Thanks for your help

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No a tourist visa can not be but the entry from a tourist visa would allow conversion to non immigrant entry if you qualify for retirement extension of stay (extra cost 2,000 baht). But a single entry tourist visa would allow travel to Thailand without airline issues and provide time to make a bank deposit here and then convert to non immigrant entry - it would make more sense than using 2 entry tourist visas and two extensions of stay and a trip outside country for most people who do not have a financial reason for longer delay.

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Thanks that is clearer now for me

I still have a bank account which I can bring up to the required 800.000 baht or more for 3 months or more before I enter on a single entry tourist visa which I can then convert to a non-O and extend for a year

Do you know if the conversion from a tourist visa to a non-O is possible outside of Bangkok as I am looking at doing it in Isaan south of Sisaket maybe Kap Cheong if that office still exists

Thanks for your time

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