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Where To Find A Meat Grinder, Hand Powered?


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The old fashion hand meat grinder would seem to be a basic kitchen tool... yet I can NOT manage to locate on of these, and no one seems to have a clue where to find one? I live in Bang Mot (Rama 2 / Central) but could travel anywhere in the BKK area to get this... Thanks!!


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Please go to almost any Thai hardware shop, not only do they have the grinders they also have all of the different size "hole plates" they also usually have the sausage funnels as well! Enjoy your shopping! wai.gif

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I had a sad meat grinder story to tell...about the stolen critical bits and bobs and the suspicion of sabotage...

but the one that the OP has pictured beats my old one all to hell...simplicity and exquisite design and I want one...someone said that they've got 'em in shops in chinatown but I don't get into BKK often...

how the hell are ye supposed to make burgers, meat loaf, chilli con carne and bolognaise at home without one?

'for never was a story of more woe...than that of tutsi and his meat grinder, oh...'

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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I see them quite often in hardware shops that sell to street vendors, I purchased mine in Sattahip, seen them on sale in Pattaya, purchased my sausage funnel and different size grind plates in Nakhon Sawan, where I purchased my pasta maker, and am looking at buying a grain grinder.

Good luck in finding one!


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Ours came from Chinatown where they have sizes up to ones suitable for mincing a whole pig, but most hardware stores should have the smaller ones. Take your picture for clarity of what you want.

A word of warning, YOU will be the one turning the handle, an electric one is soooo much easier on the biceps.

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It's an integral part of the kitchen exercise program! smile.png

I've got a manual grinder and it's not bad. It'll probably last longer than you *and* your children if properly cared for.

Note that if they have a choice between the shiny plated models and the all stainless steel grinders that typically cost 1.5x as much, it's still better to go stainless steel. If the plating wears or chips on the plated model it can lead to spots of rust.

A word of warning, YOU will be the one turning the handle, an electric one is soooo much easier on the biceps.

Edited by voracious
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Tutsi's wife is selling one on ebay wink.png

get outta here...tutsi's wife loves her husband and always wants to help...I suspected the evil step daughter who always gets into my kitchen stuff when I'm away and is a thai food nazi and in that regard she is quite good in the kitchen, I haveta admit...but disabling a device that is dedicated to preparing western food was too hard to resist...

and I never forced her to eat my goddam meat loaf or chilli con carne...goddamit...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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Thanks SO MUCH Guys!!! What terrific help you've all been!!! There's a Makro store near me (been here 6 years and never been in one yet) so this should be a cakewalk!

I'm particularly interested to see if I could use this to make my own peanut butter!!! hehehehe....

I'll get back with the results... after I try that Idea out ;)


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