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God That'S A 'Busy' Opening Page


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Are you having some problem viewing Thaivisa or is this somehow related to some as yet unexplained thing going on in Chiang Mai?

I think he is talking about the number of pinned topics you have to scroll through to get to the current topics.

What all 5 of them, can see how that would be a major problem

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Agreed, MrBrad.

We'll give the OP another chance to explain his cryptic message.

I would guess he is on a slow connect, and his page takes a while to load, what with all the misc. widgets, ads, etc.

Frustrating, for some folk who are not geeks and don't know how to make things hum along at light speed. Not that I am one of those light speed people, no sir. ;)

If no response by tomorrow, thread will be off to Computer forum, as it is not CM-specific.

Not to bitch or anything...but I can't help but notice that a lot of members seem to be unaware that Thai Visa dot com has many dozens of forums, devoted to everything from Real Estate to Golf to Gays In Thailand to Farming to Motorcycles (titled Bikes) to Investment to Computers and many other fields of interest.....and then all the regional sub-forums as well by city/area.

If one posts a topic on CM, that doesn't have at least a smattering of some relevance to Chiang Mai, it is going to be dispatched off to where it does have relevance.


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Methinks all the forums open up to overly "busy" pages. There are simple solutions available.

Hush! It's Verboten to talk about those!

I do note however that the mobile version is a lot cleaner. To the point of it being a breath of fresh air.

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Methinks all the forums open up to overly "busy" pages. There are simple solutions available.

Hush! It's Verboten to talk about those!

I do note however that the mobile version is a lot cleaner. To the point of it being a breath of fresh air.

Only for another month till the burning starts and thats when the complaining startsbiggrin.png

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The other side of the coin is that it pays the bills. You wouldn't have this site if not for the ads; it's not a charity, apparently. wink.png

Imagine if it was, like Wikipedia, and we had to spend half the year looking at a big banner with George's face requesting donations.. Then I prefer the ads.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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The OP just might mean that there's a lot of useful or interesting threads at the moment - the first page ranges from breeding dogs, to medical check ups to a photo exhibition,. Then there's the all important location where diet coke might be purchased, how to get a Schengen visa, shipping costs, car rental, foot problems, air quality, dermatology - the list is endless, ...I would say that constitutes a 'busy' front page.

All of course are Chiang Mai related and all have a personal contribution from Winnie the Kwai!!!

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The OP just might mean that there's a lot of useful or interesting threads at the moment - the first page ranges from breeding dogs, to medical check ups to a photo exhibition,. Then there's the all important location where diet coke might be purchased, how to get a Schengen visa, shipping costs, car rental, foot problems, air quality, dermatology - the list is endless, ...I would say that constitutes a 'busy' front page.

All of course are Chiang Mai related and all have a personal contribution from Winnie the Kwai!!!

Come on, I did not weigh in on medical check ups or dermatology. And I don't know where Schengen is either, or why you would want a visa for it. Let's keep it real. ;)

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OK, I'll pontificate a bit. Pedant-averse members- hit the exits, please. tongue.png

Yes, Thai Visa is not some wishy-washy bookstore in Seattle, WA that depends on donations in a tip jar to survive, because it stocks books that no one wants to buy. It's a rather large endeavor that has servers and IT and other costs that have to be paid.

It is a community forum that started out very small. Basically a place for farang in LOS to find out how to stay here, and how to navigate the swamp of Thai visa law.

It is what it is today, because of the members, very few at first, that grew into a rather large community. And yes it has advertising. And depending on your interests, and the cookies that you forgot to purge because you don't know what a cookie is....you will be targeted with an ad or 2 or 3 directed at your perceived interest.

My Yahoo page has ads. I don't mind it.

My MSN page has ads, I don't mind it.

My New York Times page has ads, I don't mind it.

Even The Guardian and The Independent pages have ads, duh.

I just ignore them. I don't believe Pavlovian antique Russian science, that I will somehow be brainwashed and have to buy that special deal on agoda.com to fly to Hong Kong and stay at a 5 star hotel, just because I see a webpage ad.

I am a Wikipedia member, and donate money to them every year, because they don't have advertising. I give because they are a worthy cause, and need member donations to continue their operations.

There is no free lunch, as the saying goes.....rolleyes.gif

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Not to bitch or anything...but I can't help but notice that a lot of members seem to be unaware that Thai Visa dot com has many dozens of forums, devoted to everything from Real Estate to Golf to Gays In Thailand to Farming to Motorcycles (titled Bikes) to Investment to Computers and many other fields of interest.....and then all the regional sub-forums as well by city/area.

If one posts a topic on CM, that doesn't have at least a smattering of some relevance to Chiang Mai, it is going to be dispatched off to where it does have relevance.


Ah.... a nub to get to :) From chatting to friends (real) who use TV, they use TV like me! My bookmark is to the CM forum page and that is almost the only part of the forum I use. Before the update of the software, we used to get a ticker tape of news flashes that I (and they) would click on if something sparked an interest! For me, TV IS the CM forum... I don't go to the Pub or the Parents or Gays or even farming... This is something that I feel would deserve further investigation should you wish to understand you user base better :)

Have a good one :)


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Not to bitch or anything...but I can't help but notice that a lot of members seem to be unaware that Thai Visa dot com has many dozens of forums, devoted to everything from Real Estate to Golf to Gays In Thailand to Farming to Motorcycles (titled Bikes) to Investment to Computers and many other fields of interest.....and then all the regional sub-forums as well by city/area.

If one posts a topic on CM, that doesn't have at least a smattering of some relevance to Chiang Mai, it is going to be dispatched off to where it does have relevance.


Ah.... a nub to get to smile.png From chatting to friends (real) who use TV, they use TV like me! My bookmark is to the CM forum page and that is almost the only part of the forum I use. Before the update of the software, we used to get a ticker tape of news flashes that I (and they) would click on if something sparked an interest! For me, TV IS the CM forum... I don't go to the Pub or the Parents or Gays or even farming... This is something that I feel would deserve further investigation should you wish to understand you user base better smile.png

Have a good one smile.png


don't go to the Pub? I'm sure we met there one evening cowboy.gif

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I hated the news ticker; it only led to the News Forum, which is a complete snakepit, inhabited by some of the saddest cases you could ever have the misfortune to meet in Thailand.

sad cases? on TV? surely not?

I thought it was inhabited by the brightest minds, intellectually relevant and politically neutral who share with us dumb folk the 'wisdom' of their 1000s upon 1000s of posts about the political landscape, particularly, and their vision of the folly of the Thai people daring to have elections that did not reflect their unheralded (except on TV) superior knowledge and understanding of 'what should be' here in Thailand.

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Whenever a website, blog, forum whatever, is offering a product or service to visitors, that product of sevice should be visible on arrival, at eye level, and definitely above the fold. Any website, blog, or forum, that requires its visitors to go looking for the product or service on offer, by using vertical or horizontal-scroll bars, or both, is just plain wrong, and the result of either amature web design, or a greedy attempt at getting ads clicked as a main priority.

In-your-face ads could be justified by saying the project has costs and so needs to be monetised, but there are better ways to do that than fill every nook and cranny with flashing banners. When it comes to web layout, less is more, both for visitors and monetisation strategy.

The forum owners could say that there would be no forum if it wasn't for the advertisers, but guess what? There would defiantely be no forum if it wasn't for the visitors and members who patronise it. Think on, try to compromise, and work smarter, not harder, if you know what I mean?

This is just my opinion, but this has got to be one of the messiest looking forums on the internet. I'm sure you will appreciate constructive cristism from your members here? It is by listening that online business grow and prosper.


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Not Chiang Mai related, moving to forum support where it will be seen by the admin in charge of this kind of thing, suggest in the future you try posting in the location likeliest to get a real response

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