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My Top Ten Reasons


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Please respect each other's opinions and remain civil when debating the pro's and con's of living in Thailand.

Each make their own choice and it is not for others to question someone's motives, for example, working as a teacher.

No more nastiness please.

If my posts is the focus of that example it's not relative as that comment has no malice or mean spirit behind it..It needs to be reread again as per my previous post above..
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1. I can own many things in my own name, just not land.

2. I have never had a problem obtaining a visa or a work permit.

3. I have been fully employed for most of my time here and not as a teacher (well paid too).

4. Conceded, but only at tourist attractions, I pay the same for my som tum as the Thai next to me.

5. I am able to look at any site I wish including naughty stuff!

6. I speak, read and write Thai, but even if I didn't I do not believe language to be such a huge barrier.

7. If you think corruption is limited to Asian countries, think again!

8. Really?

9. Last time I looked, Malaysia was a neighboring country and my experience is that Malaysia is more expensive.

10. I have never felt more welcome in a country. The people are lovely, food is great, climate to my liking and lifestyle is wonderful.

Still, everybody is entitled to their opinion and if you still wish to leave, please do not slam the door behind you!rolleyes.gif

Here is just ONE of the 735 posts you have made. Need I say more?

quote: My contribution to the thread is not so much the pressure to buy, but the hordes of staff in all chains of supermarkets that clog up the aisles and stand in little groups picking their noses and chatting as if you do not exist and they are not in the way!

Oh my Gawd!!! That is so true!! I absolutely avoid the weekends when the country folk come to town with the entire family (including gimpy granny or gran pa) ogling and dawdling around the store when I have a real purpose there. The isles are too small and narrow for that family of 8 or 10 sauntering on through one at a time ogling everything like they've never been in a store before and you stand there waiting patiently 5 minutes for everyone to pass.

You can't go to another isle it's full of same etc. it's not a mere inconvenience it takes up MY time and ads not just minutes but hours to days that are already short enough to get anything accomplished.

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1. I can own many things in my own name, just not land.

2. I have never had a problem obtaining a visa or a work permit.

3. I have been fully employed for most of my time here and not as a teacher (well paid too).

4. Conceded, but only at tourist attractions, I pay the same for my som tum as the Thai next to me.

5. I am able to look at any site I wish including naughty stuff!

6. I speak, read and write Thai, but even if I didn't I do not believe language to be such a huge barrier.

7. If you think corruption is limited to Asian countries, think again!

8. Really?

9. Last time I looked, Malaysia was a neighboring country and my experience is that Malaysia is more expensive.

10. I have never felt more welcome in a country. The people are lovely, food is great, climate to my liking and lifestyle is wonderful.

Still, everybody is entitled to their opinion and if you still wish to leave, please do not slam the door behind you!rolleyes.gif

Pretty much spot on except for number 4. I get into tourist attractions at the Thai price by showing my Thai driving license.

Yep, done that for years now..

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FYI Not everyone is a teacher some people actually have other aspirations in life and nothing to be vilified for..mad.gif

Whats with slagging teachers off on this thread? I'm a teacher i work hard and i pay my taxes. I dont come on here abusing fat useless business men who spend most of there time in Cowboy!!!

On the other points, yes visa's can be a pain, but so what. Try being non-EU and getting any visa's for the U.K. Politics are awful in any country and Europe and the U.S. arent exactly doing very well at the moment are they? Cant communicate- let me guess you are one of those people who travel and EXPECT everyone to speak English. Don't be so pig ignorant learn the language. The basics (food, drink, directions e.t.c.) are easy to learn. As for not welcome, maybe that was your general attitude to Thailand and its people shining through. Corruption........... i'll concede that point!!

I never slagged English Teachers what so ever. I know they (you) work hard and all I said was that you get paid crap.

You should however be able to read English and therefore would have read that I have been here 11 years and DO speak fluent Thai so I'm not sure what you are on about?

He used my quote but just as you I also never slagged off teachers and that comment is not written in that context, it is taken completely out of context..

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I have to respectfully disagree with some of the items on your list. For example,

1. With a valid work permit you can own anything under your name with exception of land. I have never had problems buying a car or having it under my name.

No need for a work permit, you can buy anything you want without one (except land).

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I have to respectfully disagree with some of the items on your list. For example,

1. With a valid work permit you can own anything under your name with exception of land. I have never had problems buying a car or having it under my name.

No need for a work permit, you can buy anything you want without one (except land).

I think the difference here is cash versus finance..
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My question would be why do so many expats (read non citizens with severely restricted rights and freedoms) get all defensive and their panties in a twist every time, any time someone relays their OWN PERSONAL feelings and makes it known they're discontent and leaving? How does that revelation effect anyone here personally especially people who are not even citizens of this country??

Your'e entitled to your blinded justification whatever that may be but can't you allow someone else their own perception, opinion and justification without vilifying them for it? Apparently a rhetorical question..

It's not villifying at all, people are just pointing out what he is saying is completely wrong.

If he's using wrong logic as a reason for leaving Thailand that's the OPs problem.

But it seems more like it's the OP that is attacking people for pointing out he's wrong.

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Anyone who THINKS they have been accepted in Thai society (especially the ones who drive around with no helmets and their dogs perched upon their Motocy or in their side-car) really needs to think twice. All the Thai's think when they see you is "look at that stupid poor farang."

Trust me when I say that if you think their Family has accepted you, it's ONLY because of your bank account. If for 1 minute they thought their daughter could be with a younger farang with triple your bank account, YOU'RE OUT THE DOOR.

All the posters who have counter-posted my OP in all 10 ways are just dreamers. You say that you own your house (just not the land) again believe me if they wanted you out, YOU'RE OUT.

These are all posts from people who have gone native on us (or so they think) and have only adjusted your make-belief-life to suffice for reality.

I understand people not agreeing with some of my 10 points but to slag all 10? Come on man, you are pathetic.

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My question would be why do so many expats (read non citizens with severely restricted rights and freedoms) get all defensive and their panties in a twist every time, any time someone relays their OWN PERSONAL feelings and makes it known they're discontent and leaving? How does that revelation effect anyone here personally especially people who are not even citizens of this country??

Your'e entitled to your blinded justification whatever that may be but can't you allow someone else their own perception, opinion and justification without vilifying them for it? Apparently a rhetorical question..

It's not villifying at all, people are just pointing out what he is saying is completely wrong.

If he's using wrong logic as a reason for leaving Thailand that's the OPs problem.

But it seems more like it's the OP that is attacking people for pointing out he's wrong.

Well that's funny because I read some of his reasons as being wrong too but irrelevant if he sees it that way and a preponderance of other posters vilifying him for his choice just because it's not theirs.. I also see many of those same posters blinded by their own blinkered perspectives and unable to see it from his point of view out of pure denial of their own surroundings.

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1. I can own many things in my own name, just not land.

2. I have never had a problem obtaining a visa or a work permit.

3. I have been fully employed for most of my time here and not as a teacher (well paid too).

4. Conceded, but only at tourist attractions, I pay the same for my som tum as the Thai next to me.

5. I am able to look at any site I wish including naughty stuff!

6. I speak, read and write Thai, but even if I didn't I do not believe language to be such a huge barrier.

7. If you think corruption is limited to Asian countries, think again!

8. Really?

9. Last time I looked, Malaysia was a neighboring country and my experience is that Malaysia is more expensive.

10. I have never felt more welcome in a country. The people are lovely, food is great, climate to my liking and lifestyle is wonderful.

Still, everybody is entitled to their opinion and if you still wish to leave, please do not slam the door behind you!rolleyes.gif

take of the pink glasses,he not wrong with all

U can't just go buy a house and land and put it in ur name,thais are paranoid about that,if a thai marry a german,and wants to live in germany he or she must pass a language test,after that the thai can do whatever he she wants to do,work there or there and gets the same salary as germans,I don't know of double pricing in germany if people go to a zoo or national park,I don't think they block any websites in germany,sure u canwatch all u want here with certain programs but if u do that,then u r with 1 leg in prison already,well germans don't speak english,corruption sure have in germany but compared with thailand........,the politicans really suck here,and yes the prices go up here,and not slow,but i guess in malay or Laos too,we are no longer welcome here,i guess it was always like that,did"nt just start now,so all in all i think he not wrong with everything and if it is a reason to leave then byebye

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^see what I mean.

But it seems more like it's the OP that is attacking people for pointing out he's wrong.

Yes I see that he has made some valid points and why anyone would take them personally is beyond me... Let me ask do you REALLY believe you own your property here? So tell me what your rights are if you're visa is revoked say tomorrow for no apparent reason and you're forced to leave? What about your business? Do you think somehow that you have any REAL rights to that either? Far too great a gamble for me to invest in a society that has no political stability and very little desire to open up it's policies and provide guarantees of your foreign rights here...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I have to respectfully disagree with some of the items on your list. For example,

1. With a valid work permit you can own anything under your name with exception of land. I have never had problems buying a car or having it under my name.

No need for a work permit, you can buy anything you want without one (except land).

I think the difference here is cash versus finance..

With a residence permit you can get finance under the same terms as a Thai. Granted, it would ne nice if Thailand made it easier to get PR, but I got it easily enough without using a lawyer.

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1) Oh really? Can you own more than 49% of a business too?


If you are American you can own a business 100% under the Amity Treaty.

Any nationality of person can hold 100% of a Thai company without the need to to have 2 million baht for each foreigner with a work permit and without the need for 4 Thais to one foreigner.

The BOI has nine categories of business that can get these and other benefits. I have done this under 3 categories.

Many, many kinds of companies qualify, and it has gotten easier and cheaper over the years. The BOI are helpful in trying to get you privileges and offer advice on which category to apply and how to present your application.

This does not apply to opening bars or doing very simple businesses that would compete with Thais.

But neither is it as hard as many naysayers believe....

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I have to respectfully disagree with some of the items on your list. For example,

1. With a valid work permit you can own anything under your name with exception of land. I have never had problems buying a car or having it under my name.

No need for a work permit, you can buy anything you want without one (except land).

I think the difference here is cash versus finance..

With a residence permit you can get finance under the same terms as a Thai. Granted, it would ne nice if Thailand made it easier to get PR, but I got it easily enough without using a lawyer.

How do you get a residence permit without getting finance if you can't pay cash for your house? Your example is not really standard though is it?? And is actually another reason to make the case for leaving due to the strict (read mostly impossible) procedure and requirements for PR.

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1) Oh really? Can you own more than 49% of a business too?


If you are American you can own a business 100% under the Amity Treaty.

Any nationality of person can hold 100% of a Thai company without the need to to have 2 million baht for each foreigner with a work permit and without the need for 4 Thais to one foreigner.

The BOI has nine categories of business that can get these and other benefits. I have done this under 3 categories.

Many, many kinds of companies qualify, and it has gotten easier and cheaper over the years. The BOI are helpful in trying to get you privileges and offer advice on which category to apply and how to present your application.

This does not apply to opening bars or doing very simple businesses that would compete with Thais.

But neither is it as hard as many naysayers believe....

Like I said..............................Cash................... Not the typical expat circumstances applied........

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1. I can own many things in my own name, just not land.

2. I have never had a problem obtaining a visa or a work permit.

3. I have been fully employed for most of my time here and not as a teacher (well paid too).

4. Conceded, but only at tourist attractions, I pay the same for my som tum as the Thai next to me.

5. I am able to look at any site I wish including naughty stuff!

6. I speak, read and write Thai, but even if I didn't I do not believe language to be such a huge barrier.

7. If you think corruption is limited to Asian countries, think again!

8. Really?

9. Last time I looked, Malaysia was a neighboring country and my experience is that Malaysia is more expensive.

10. I have never felt more welcome in a country. The people are lovely, food is great, climate to my liking and lifestyle is wonderful.

Still, everybody is entitled to their opinion and if you still wish to leave, please do not slam the door behind you!rolleyes.gif

Here is just ONE of the 735 posts you have made. Need I say more?

quote: My contribution to the thread is not so much the pressure to buy, but the hordes of staff in all chains of supermarkets that clog up the aisles and stand in little groups picking their noses and chatting as if you do not exist and they are not in the way!

And your point is???

I did not start this thread my Aussie friend, nor did I say that Thailand is perfect. There are many things that annoy me here as there are in most countries I visit, but I do not start a thread bashing that country whenever I am annoyed.

If in fact, you have lived here 11 years and you speak fluent Thai? I would think you would have adjusted to the things that get your goat and maintained a Jai Yen Yen. (Which is what I do when I run into said shop assistants picking their noses).

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My question would be why do so many expats (read non citizens with severely restricted rights and freedoms) get all defensive and their panties in a twist every time, any time someone relays their OWN PERSONAL feelings and makes it known they're discontent and leaving? How does that revelation effect anyone here personally especially people who are not even citizens of this country??

Your'e entitled to your blinded justification whatever that may be but can't you allow someone else their own perception, opinion and justification without vilifying them for it? Apparently a rhetorical question..

I was the first responder to the OP and in no way did I vilify him I did exactly what you are exhorting people to do..... I gave him MY perception, MY opinion and MY justification. He of course then raced to see my profile, researched any other posts I may have made and then vilified ME.

I am not a Thai apologist, nor do I wear rose tinted glasses. There are lots of things in Thailand that do not like, but in the interests of low blood pressure and continued Sanuk I avoid those things wherever possible.

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^see what I mean.

But it seems more like it's the OP that is attacking people for pointing out he's wrong.

Yes I see that he has made some valid points and why anyone would take them personally is beyond me... Let me ask do you REALLY believe you own your property here? So tell me what your rights are if you're visa is revoked say tomorrow for no apparent reason and you're forced to leave? What about your business? Do you think somehow that you have any REAL rights to that either? Far too great a gamble for me to invest in a society that has no political stability and very little desire to open up it's policies and provide guarantees of your foreign rights here...

You don't need a visa to buy property in Thailand.

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I have to respectfully disagree with some of the items on your list. For example,

1. With a valid work permit you can own anything under your name with exception of land. I have never had problems buying a car or having it under my name.

No need for a work permit, you can buy anything you want without one (except land).

I think the difference here is cash versus finance..

With a residence permit you can get finance under the same terms as a Thai. Granted, it would ne nice if Thailand made it easier to get PR, but I got it easily enough without using a lawyer.

I don't even think you need a work permit or residence permit you only need a guarantor to get finance.

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Anyone who THINKS they have been accepted in Thai society (especially the ones who drive around with no helmets and their dogs perched upon their Motocy or in their side-car) really needs to think twice. All the Thai's think when they see you is "look at that stupid poor farang."

Trust me when I say that if you think their Family has accepted you, it's ONLY because of your bank account. If for 1 minute they thought their daughter could be with a younger farang with triple your bank account, YOU'RE OUT THE DOOR.

All the posters who have counter-posted my OP in all 10 ways are just dreamers. You say that you own your house (just not the land) again believe me if they wanted you out, YOU'RE OUT.

These are all posts from people who have gone native on us (or so they think) and have only adjusted your make-belief-life to suffice for reality.

I understand people not agreeing with some of my 10 points but to slag all 10? Come on man, you are pathetic.

Finding it kinda hard to believe that you wrote that crap! You start the thread, then when people respond with their (flawed or not) opinions, they are all pathetic? Would love to meet you face to face so that I could debate some of your points with you, but on the other hand it seems that only one opinion can be right....yours.

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No need for a work permit, you can buy anything you want without one (except land).

I think the difference here is cash versus finance..

With a residence permit you can get finance under the same terms as a Thai. Granted, it would ne nice if Thailand made it easier to get PR, but I got it easily enough without using a lawyer.

How do you get a residence permit without getting finance if you can't pay cash for your house? Your example is not really standard though is it?? And is actually another reason to make the case for leaving due to the strict (read mostly impossible) procedure and requirements for PR.

Sounds to me like you've never actuall looked into getting PR or citizenship.

try reading here.



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^see what I mean.

But it seems more like it's the OP that is attacking people for pointing out he's wrong.

Yes I see that he has made some valid points and why anyone would take them personally is beyond me... Let me ask do you REALLY believe you own your property here? So tell me what your rights are if you're visa is revoked say tomorrow for no apparent reason and you're forced to leave? What about your business? Do you think somehow that you have any REAL rights to that either? Far too great a gamble for me to invest in a society that has no political stability and very little desire to open up it's policies and provide guarantees of your foreign rights here...

Spot On. I have read all the post's most of them rubbish.

For my three pence worth you can only live here without any problem's if you have money not a bit load's. Have a wife /Girl friend with NO family or maybe some that live at least 500 km away. But no Mother or father. Rent a place or buy a cheap one that wont cause you any money problem's, never give her any monies except for the daily food bill and pay all the other bill's yourself. And be prepared to walk/run away at anytime, back to where you came from. Inform your lady friend that's exactly what you will do if it go's tit's up.

I have lived here full time for over 15 year's and that's exactly what I have done. I never get any problem's from family, G/L, or anyone come to that all paperwork agro is sorted by the G/L and life's a joy. Last by not least never live in a tourist area, well you can if you don't mind spending at least 50% more + there's the temptation's that are round every other corner.

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Anyone who THINKS they have been accepted in Thai society (especially the ones who drive around with no helmets and their dogs perched upon their Motocy or in their side-car) really needs to think twice. All the Thai's think when they see you is "look at that stupid poor farang."

Trust me when I say that if you think their Family has accepted you, it's ONLY because of your bank account. If for 1 minute they thought their daughter could be with a younger farang with triple your bank account, YOU'RE OUT THE DOOR.

All the posters who have counter-posted my OP in all 10 ways are just dreamers. You say that you own your house (just not the land) again believe me if they wanted you out, YOU'RE OUT.

These are all posts from people who have gone native on us (or so they think) and have only adjusted your make-belief-life to suffice for reality.

I understand people not agreeing with some of my 10 points but to slag all 10? Come on man, you are pathetic.

Seems to be some bad experiences involved here. huh.png

Me thinks the opposite is possible too! biggrin.png

Most people meet their match...........whistling.gif

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for leaving this place 1 ITS DIRTY 2 not safe to walk along foot path motorbikes come at you from both sides 3 they just don't like you that smile is not for you but your money 4 i cant cycle around any where without cars or motorbikes trying to kill you that's no joke 5 you get no respect 6 the police will not help you when a Thai cause you and injury you are to blame regardless.7, you pay a higher price 8, its is not a nice place to retire to very UN-safe. 9 get food poison no one cares. 10, nothing to do here unless your in to drinking day and night as for bars there just crap places.

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^see what I mean.

But it seems more like it's the OP that is attacking people for pointing out he's wrong.

Yes I see that he has made some valid points and why anyone would take them personally is beyond me... Let me ask do you REALLY believe you own your property here? So tell me what your rights are if you're visa is revoked say tomorrow for no apparent reason and you're forced to leave? What about your business? Do you think somehow that you have any REAL rights to that either? Far too great a gamble for me to invest in a society that has no political stability and very little desire to open up it's policies and provide guarantees of your foreign rights here...

You don't need a visa to buy property in Thailand.

Ok so now your intentionally being difficult in splitting hairs or being obtuse so which is it before I respond?
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No need for a work permit, you can buy anything you want without one (except land).

I think the difference here is cash versus finance..

With a residence permit you can get finance under the same terms as a Thai. Granted, it would ne nice if Thailand made it easier to get PR, but I got it easily enough without using a lawyer.

I don't even think you need a work permit or residence permit you only need a guarantor to get finance.

Only need a guarantor? Sure! Know anyone who will do that for a complete stranger, they're just queuing up to offer their signatures, I mean are you for real?? I think your're trolling now.. Besides......... Ahhh never mind, waste of time and bandwidth trying to explain.. Edited by WarpSpeed
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