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Sporting star's from many sports get paid millions of dollars for performing.....at the end of the day, that money comes from u and me, the sports fan.....

So why is it that if one of them gets caught using steriods, that he is banned ?

He was just doing something so that he can keep on performing at an elite level, keeping us happy, his team winning and making himself a fortune along the way......

If there was a pill, that if taken by the English football team, would then assure them victory in the next World Cup, would u be against them taking that pill on the quite...hmmmmm

Most sport men and women are into steriods these days anyway, so why not just let them take the courses and perform for longer, they sure get paid enough to take the risks....

We might get to see Beckham and his "showhawk" at a few more World Cups.....

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Sporting star's from many sports get paid millions of dollars for performing.....at the end of the day, that money comes from u and me, the sports fan.....

So why is it that if one of them gets caught using steriods, that he is banned ?

He was just doing something so that he can keep on performing at an elite level, keeping us happy, his team winning and making himself a fortune along the way......

If there was a pill, that if taken by the English football team, would then assure them victory in the next World Cup, would u be against them taking that pill on the quite...hmmmmm

Most sport men and women are into steriods these days anyway, so why not just let them take the courses and perform for longer, they sure get paid enough to take the risks....

We might get to see Beckham and his "showhawk" at a few more World Cups.....

It's called cheating.

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Sporting star's from many sports get paid millions of dollars for performing.....at the end of the day, that money comes from u and me, the sports fan.....

So why is it that if one of them gets caught using steriods, that he is banned ?

He was just doing something so that he can keep on performing at an elite level, keeping us happy, his team winning and making himself a fortune along the way......

If there was a pill, that if taken by the English football team, would then assure them victory in the next World Cup, would u be against them taking that pill on the quite...hmmmmm

Most sport men and women are into steriods these days anyway, so why not just let them take the courses and perform for longer, they sure get paid enough to take the risks....

We might get to see Beckham and his "showhawk" at a few more World Cups.....

I've heard a few claims trying to justify this in the olympics, as performance enhancing drugs do already prosper. The most rediculous aspect of this though is that sports performers are role models, if they get away with drug taking of any kind, naive followers will do the same (not pointing any fingers superfly :o ), without any limitations.

Allowing or even considering football (soccer) players and other team sports to legally take drugs which will enhance their performance is completely ignorant and not feasible.

they sure get paid enough to take the risks....
No they don't. If someone offered me 50 grand a week to take PED such as androgenic anabolic steroids for about 15 years (about the career expectancy of a sportsmen) I'd tell them to <deleted> right off. No amount of money is worth risking your life.
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It's called cheating.

Not if everyone does it......

It's about aiding your personal performance.

It's exactly the same as someone fielding in Cricket and wearing a Baseball glove to aid his catching ability (athough Pieterson could have done with one) :o before you know it "hey presto" it will develop into Baseball and cricket is lost.

Or a 100m sprinter doing it on Horseback and thus using an Horse as his aid. Before you know it, all the sprinters will be using an Horse as their aid also and "Hey presto" we have horse racing :D

So, instead of saying "Not if everyone does it" why don't we just say "Nobody do it".......Oh wait a minute, that's what they are saying and that is the rule :D

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BJang and Dav......u got to keep in mind that its all through sport now anyway....u think that a million dollar player doesnt take aids to keep his place in a team....to keep the bank balance, to keep the lifestyle......

Yes thhe arguement that the young kids with do the smae is there, but thats what watchful coaches and parents should be looking out for.....it is the rule now, but in 20 years when the last of the old guard has moved on, things may start to relax....

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