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Xmas Tree


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I think its all up to familly tradition, some families have the tradition that Santa brings the tree so they do it like you've said you did in the past, the night before.

IMHO I love the smell a really nice tree brings to the house and how early really depends on how fresh it is. I just helped my parents get theirs into the stand and its in the garage probably for another week.

Its been my experience that the sooner you can get it out of the hands of the seller the better, even if its just to let it sit outside your house in a bucket of water. But then again its 35-40 degrees here so you may not have the option. But still if its already been cut and its just sitting on the ground at the sellers lot Id say go grab it and if room permits it keep it somewhere in a bucket of water. Its only going to get worse and worse laying on the ground without water.

My folks got a 11 footer this year, going to be fun trying to fit the big ass star they have for the top on it.

Plus the kids love looking at it, so the sooner the better IMHO.

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Our family tradition was always to decorate for Christmas during the Thanksgiving holiday. (That would be the weekend after the 4th Thursday in November.) Decorations down on New Year's Day.

This year we were a little late. Tree went up Thanksgiving weekend, but I just got the lights on the house up yesterday....

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Irelevant to anywhere outside of the good ole USA
Hmmm i am not american and have no idea when or why you have Thanksgiving - after all why would i..... bit like WORLD series knowledge eh?? :D

I told you when Thanksgiving is earlier in the thread:

"...the 4th Thursday in November."

Yea, but who cares what the rest of 'em think. We have more nukes than them :o Thanksgiving is when the Dallas Cowboys play somebody whoever and my family pigs out the enire day...man, I miss those days!

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Irelevant to anywhere outside of the good ole USA
Hmmm i am not american and have no idea when or why you have Thanksgiving - after all why would i..... bit like WORLD series knowledge eh?? :o

I told you when Thanksgiving is earlier in the thread:

"...the 4th Thursday in November."

Exactly - and should have no reference to Xmas trees? :D

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In my family it was usually cut, up and decorated a few days before Christmas, Dec. 21 oe 22. It always stayed up for the twelve days of Christmas (Dec. 25 - Jan. 5, Jan. 6 being Epiphany). However most people (in New England/U.S.A.) seem to put them up a bit earlier, and they are out for trash day the first Monday after Christmas. I stayed with friends in the U.S.A. earlier this week and they had a tree, sitting in a bucket of water in the garage, but had not yet put it up. It was a fine looking tree too.

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Irelevant to anywhere outside of the good ole USA
Hmmm i am not american and have no idea when or why you have Thanksgiving - after all why would i..... bit like WORLD series knowledge eh?? :D

I told you when Thanksgiving is earlier in the thread:

"...the 4th Thursday in November."

Yea, but who cares what the rest of 'em think. We have more nukes than them :D Thanksgiving is when the Dallas Cowboys play somebody whoever and my family pigs out the enire day...man, I miss those days!

http://www.compfused.com/directlink/1059/ :o


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In my family we used to put the tree up as ealry as possible, my Mum would then play nothing but carols.

As nausiating as it was I do miss those days, my wife does not understand the xmas deal and I hve been in muslim countries for xmas since we have been married anyway.

I have promised myself that as soon as my children are old enough to enjoy it I am going to make sure I am home and do my best to give them the xmas tht I had when I was a kid.

The reasons behind xmas do not matter at all to me, it is the idea of one day a year where we can all celebrate my, and my kids culture.

Merry Xmas to all.

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