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Thai Bride Reject Threatens To Kill Herself At British Embassy In Bangkok


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A THAI woman is claiming more than £2million damages after being denied entry to Britain and spending one night in a cell.

As usual its never about the money licklips.gif


Could a farang get free lawyer help to file a lawsuit against Thailand should they be detained and get human rights to help us?

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Kanokrat Booth was arrested and deported when she arrived at Glasgow airport in May 2010. Her husband Denis Booth, 67, a retired kilt maker from Galashiels, had tipped of the U.K. Border Agency to say that his Thai wife had deserted him and had another lover.

hmm That tells me she was not married in Scotland so why does she need to go there for a divorce, if she waits three years from when they split she can get a divorce in Thailand no problem! once again the truth is behind the smokescreen.

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Kanokrat Booth was arrested and deported when she arrived at Glasgow airport in May 2010. Her husband Denis Booth, 67, a retired kilt maker from Galashiels, had tipped of the U.K. Border Agency to say that his Thai wife had deserted him and had another lover.

hmm That tells me she was not married in Scotland so why does she need to go there for a divorce, if she waits three years from when they split she can get a divorce in Thailand no problem! once again the truth is behind the smokescreen.

She was legally married in Galashiels

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Chr**t are we nuts in Europe,,,,this rag gets to the UK Immigration board and the European Human rights court?? Are we for real??? Guess who pays for all of this?

She has deserted her husband , has no intention of living with him and she has rights???? The mind boggles and blood boils.

A foreigner trying to stay in Thailand??

Fraudently stripped of his assets, usually by a Thai partner/"wife"...(see A Drummonds other well informed articles)

Thrown into jail


We have absolutely no rights at all here. This is just so unbalanced and so unjust for all of the foreigners cheated and conned and defrauded in Thailand..

In ten years I haven't been cheated and conned here and it sounds like you don't even live here, are you just banging a drum in support of the wasters who show up in every trashy article you've ever read about Thailand, goodness me!

Well good for you....what a boast. To boast of not having been cheated in 10 yeras speaks volumes for your concern regarding the many many others who have been cheated. Why should you have to boast about not been cheated? Is it not your right not to be defrauded/cheated?

Phuket, especially, is full of cases before the courts for property fraud...as I already said, see Andrew Drummonds articles, and topics here on TV, before you write such ill informed statements. I personally have 2 friends who between them have been cheated and defrauded out of 100 million baht in property.

Whether I live in Thailand or not is of no concern to you or relevent to this topic. There are many "thrasy" articles , as you eloquently call them, but very unfortunately for the innocent victims a lot of them just happen to be true.

Can you live with that? Or will you continue to have tunnel vision about good old, smiling, happy, honest, just and fair Thailand?

Edited by harleyclarkey
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Chr**t are we nuts in Europe,,,,this rag gets to the UK Immigration board and the European Human rights court?? Are we for real??? Guess who pays for all of this?

She has deserted her husband , has no intention of living with him and she has rights???? The mind boggles and blood boils.

A foreigner trying to stay in Thailand??

Fraudently stripped of his assets, usually by a Thai partner/"wife"...(see A Drummonds other well informed articles)

Thrown into jail


We have absolutely no rights at all here. This is just so unbalanced and so unjust for all of the foreigners cheated and conned and defrauded in Thailand..

In ten years I haven't been cheated and conned here and it sounds like you don't even live here, are you just banging a drum in support of the wasters who show up in every trashy article you've ever read about Thailand, goodness me!

Well good for you....what a boast. To boast of not having been cheated in 10 yeras speaks volumes for your concern regarding the many many others who have been cheated. Why should you have to boast about not been cheated? Is it not your right not to be defrauded/cheated?

Phuket, especially, is full of cases before the courts for property fraud...as I already said, see Andrew Drummonds articles, and topics here on TV, before you write such ill informed statements. I personally have 2 friends who between them have been cheated and defrauded out of 100 million baht in property.

Whether I live in Thailand or not is of no concern to you or relevent to this topic. There are many "thrasy" articles , as you eloquently call them, but very unfortunately for the innocent victims a lot of them just happen to be true.

Can you live with that? Or will you continue to have tunnel vision about good old, smiling, happy, honest, just and fair Thailand?

I don't suggest for one moment that Thailand (or anywhere else for that matter) is just, fair and good, but I do think that many of the people who come here to live/play are not equipped to deal with the challenges presented by the country and its population. I'm sorry to hear that you know of two people who have lost large amounts of money here, that wasn't particularly smart or clever on there part, was it. Tell us, if you know, was it excess greed, lack of caution, shortage of common sense, what were the reasons why they lost such large amounts?

As for my not caring about them, too true, I don't, you make your bed in this world and you lay in it, live with it I certainly can.

Finally, about these trashy stories: a whole host of people on TV seem to know of other people who've been ripped off by locals in some way, I wonder, do all those people sit at the same bar in the evenings and exchange the same stories because I've only ever met very few people who've been conned here although I've heard/read of hundreds of second hand stories. Of the people I've met first hand and listened to their tales of woe, virtually all have admitted it was their own stupid mistake in one way or another. Unfortunately there's not too many people who care to publicly admit their stupidity, most prefer to find someone else to blame and then reap the ensuing sympathy!

A couple of middle aged guys I've met have been "ripped off" by their Thai wives, by ripped off they mean that their wives took the house and car they put in their names, because they were screwing around with other women! Others I've met have had their bank accounts cleaned out by their Pattaya "girlfriends" because they gave them the card and the PIN! A third group of farangs involves those who have "lost" money to wives/girlfriends as a result of loans/sick buffalo's/investments and so on - none of these guys were actually mugged at gunpoint and forced to part with their money, fact is they all made bad decisions using poor judgement or became too greedy and lost the plot.

So, finally, comming back to our Scottish kilt maker: was he a victim of the nasty wench or did he make a series of bad decsions and then looked for an easy/cheap way out, I don't know for sure but I certainly wouldn't dismiss the latter out of hand just because the woman is Thai.

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Chr**t are we nuts in Europe,,,,this rag gets to the UK Immigration board and the European Human rights court?? Are we for real??? Guess who pays for all of this?

She has deserted her husband , has no intention of living with him and she has rights???? The mind boggles and blood boils.

A foreigner trying to stay in Thailand??

Fraudently stripped of his assets, usually by a Thai partner/"wife"...(see A Drummonds other well informed articles)

Thrown into jail


We have absolutely no rights at all here. This is just so unbalanced and so unjust for all of the foreigners cheated and conned and defrauded in Thailand..

In ten years I haven't been cheated and conned here and it sounds like you don't even live here, are you just banging a drum in support of the wasters who show up in every trashy article you've ever read about Thailand, goodness me!

Well good for you....what a boast. To boast of not having been cheated in 10 yeras speaks volumes for your concern regarding the many many others who have been cheated. Why should you have to boast about not been cheated? Is it not your right not to be defrauded/cheated?

Phuket, especially, is full of cases before the courts for property fraud...as I already said, see Andrew Drummonds articles, and topics here on TV, before you write such ill informed statements. I personally have 2 friends who between them have been cheated and defrauded out of 100 million baht in property.

Whether I live in Thailand or not is of no concern to you or relevent to this topic. There are many "thrasy" articles , as you eloquently call them, but very unfortunately for the innocent victims a lot of them just happen to be true.

Can you live with that? Or will you continue to have tunnel vision about good old, smiling, happy, honest, just and fair Thailand?

I don't suggest for one moment that Thailand (or anywhere else for that matter) is just, fair and good, but I do think that many of the people who come here to live/play are not equipped to deal with the challenges presented by the country and its population. I'm sorry to hear that you know of two people who have lost large amounts of money here, that wasn't particularly smart or clever on there part, was it. Tell us, if you know, was it excess greed, lack of caution, shortage of common sense, what were the reasons why they lost such large amounts?

As for my not caring about them, too true, I don't, you make your bed in this world and you lay in it, live with it I certainly can.

Finally, about these trashy stories: a whole host of people on TV seem to know of other people who've been ripped off by locals in some way, I wonder, do all those people sit at the same bar in the evenings and exchange the same stories because I've only ever met very few people who've been conned here although I've heard/read of hundreds of second hand stories. Of the people I've met first hand and listened to their tales of woe, virtually all have admitted it was their own stupid mistake in one way or another. Unfortunately there's not too many people who care to publicly admit their stupidity, most prefer to find someone else to blame and then reap the ensuing sympathy!

A couple of middle aged guys I've met have been "ripped off" by their Thai wives, by ripped off they mean that their wives took the house and car they put in their names, because they were screwing around with other women! Others I've met have had their bank accounts cleaned out by their Pattaya "girlfriends" because they gave them the card and the PIN! A third group of farangs involves those who have "lost" money to wives/girlfriends as a result of loans/sick buffalo's/investments and so on - none of these guys were actually mugged at gunpoint and forced to part with their money, fact is they all made bad decisions using poor judgement or became too greedy and lost the plot.

So, finally, comming back to our Scottish kilt maker: was he a victim of the nasty wench or did he make a series of bad decsions and then looked for an easy/cheap way out, I don't know for sure but I certainly wouldn't dismiss the latter out of hand just because the woman is Thai.

The fact she is Thai is of no consequence to me.....it just happens to matter here on TV

The cases I know directly was out and out fraud aided and abetted by local police, lawyers and most probable a contact in the land office. They did not make their bed and lie on it ...it was set on fire for them. I have, like you, no huge sympathy for those who put assets in anothers name without a side addendum to any legal document. But there is a thing called trust and many do have this quality. It is NOT those who are trusting but those who breach this trust who are the bad guys. Your point seems to disregard this basic, to me anyway, principle. I do NOT have any time for those who cheat and rob by breaching trust.

The "challenges" you refer to are not challenges at all but real and insurmountable obstacles that you do not find in other countries with proper law and order. Thailand certainly has no proper law and order when it comes to foreigners. Witness the many murders, frauds, manslaughter's, such as policemen killing foreigners, multiple foreigners dying unexpectedly in the same guest house, also multiple deaths on an island, falls from balconies etc etc etc. Has any of these being solved and if so what happened to the perpetrators? Little if anything. The recent murder of a newspaper editor/owner will no doubt go the same way...get the little guy and leave Mr. Big to triumph and commit foul deeds gain.

No...Thailand has an awful lot to answer to and this topic is about individual rights being exploited, wrongly in my view, in Europe while we, and you, have no such rights here. Wrong...wrong...wrong. .

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Seems like this woman is really only interested in a "Pay Out" from the UKBA for infringing her Human Rights.

I think the UKBA was correct to deny her entry to the UK,we have enough Gold Diggers already,maybe she should try a human rights application in Thailand.

Ridiculous women,trying to play the system!

Great,let's say you are married with a thai lady,lets say she want you out of Thailand,lets say you are in UK and you go to thai embassy and try to obtain a Non O visa ,lets say the embassy refuse to give you a visa without any reason,on top you get knowledge of how your wife went to immigration in thailand and told them to put you on a blacklist,,you think thats the right way?If the UK refuse to give a her visa because her legal husband not happy with it,then I would say UK is takatukaland same thailand

Let's say:surmising in such detail is not worth an in depth discussion.

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It's a bit of a shame we can't have another question and answer session with the British Ambassador.

Question: Ambassador, how do you intend to handle the scorned female esconced outside the embassy?

Ahmad: Every year around the world we have to deal with all kinds of situations. Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Nikolas Sarkosy and the most dangerous of the whole lot, neurotic Thai women.

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‘Marriage is not a love service and needs no probation’

Obviously it does, even the USA I believe, has such a requirement for women like this, that are committing fraud.

"She also claims she was denied an interpreter"


I thought foreign wives had to learn english first before they can go to the UK.

Migrants marrying UK citizens must learn English first


Uk Visa For Thai Wife That Cannot Speak English


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This came up some time ago and it is just a continuation on the same theme.

She is just smart enough to cause trouble,

but not smart enough, or too smarting from loss of face to just drop it

and walk away with a modest settlement.

She just can't understand that she has to call it a day,

and clearly has some advisor / lawyer hoping for a cut of the profits,

telling her to fight it to the last dregs of common sense.

The same attitude that makes her fight UK right into the EU courts

is likely the same reason he wants nothing more to do with her;

a right total pain in the arse, who is showing her true colors;

give me, and my lawyer, more money, and we go away,

if not....

Sure this is reading between the lines, but the lines kinda jump out at you.

She's 'going to kill herself on Valentines Day in front of the British Embassy'

over a divorce she can do right here? <deleted>. This is a publicity stunt,

because yet again she isn't being allowed back into UK to raise a ruckus there.

Why doesn't she apply for a tourist visa??????

Why would you apply for a spousal visa when your spouse has already dropped you in the poop once. Of course no absolute guarantee that she would get it, but presuming she has an ok job and some cash she should be able to get the visa no problem.

Also to petition the court for divorce, she probably doesn't need to be personally in the country. If she places the divorce petition in the court through a lawyer, and shows the embassy she has to attend the court, I presume the embassy has very little right to refuse the visa application.

Sorry a lot of presumptions, but having been removed from the country whilst apparently in possession of a spousal visa, why would anyone go down the route of re-asking? One wonders if she has got advice from Somchais visa service???

She is smart enough to know that having been refused 2 Visas,she has exhausted all further appeals,and is now entitled to take her case the the European Court of Human Rights,for a final appeal. and European Courts have an atrocious reputation for bad decisions in favour of claimants who have no real grievances in the first place.

On the other side of the coin,this is the same legal system that refused UK Pensioners Annual Increases on their Pensions,because they are living abroad,and non Resident in the UK.And were quite happy to deprive pensioners of their Human rights to an annual increase,that they have worked all their lives for.

The European Court in Strasburg is a wooly minded liberal organisation that have passed many stupid decisions over the years.

So in this case: hope for a sensible Verdict,but expect the worst,it's that simple,and heavily loaded against common sense.

To the winner the spoils!

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This came up some time ago and it is just a continuation on the same theme.

She is just smart enough to cause trouble,

but not smart enough, or too smarting from loss of face to just drop it

and walk away with a modest settlement.

She just can't understand that she has to call it a day,

and clearly has some advisor / lawyer hoping for a cut of the profits,

telling her to fight it to the last dregs of common sense.

The same attitude that makes her fight UK right into the EU courts

is likely the same reason he wants nothing more to do with her;

a right total pain in the arse, who is showing her true colors;

give me, and my lawyer, more money, and we go away,

if not....

Sure this is reading between the lines, but the lines kinda jump out at you.

She's 'going to kill herself on Valentines Day in front of the British Embassy'

over a divorce she can do right here? <deleted>. This is a publicity stunt,

because yet again she isn't being allowed back into UK to raise a ruckus there.

Why doesn't she apply for a tourist visa??????

Why would you apply for a spousal visa when your spouse has already dropped you in the poop once. Of course no absolute guarantee that she would get it, but presuming she has an ok job and some cash she should be able to get the visa no problem.

Also to petition the court for divorce, she probably doesn't need to be personally in the country. If she places the divorce petition in the court through a lawyer, and shows the embassy she has to attend the court, I presume the embassy has very little right to refuse the visa application.

Sorry a lot of presumptions, but having been removed from the country whilst apparently in possession of a spousal visa, why would anyone go down the route of re-asking? One wonders if she has got advice from Somchais visa service???

She is smart enough to know that having been refused 2 Visas,she has exhausted all further appeals,and is now entitled to take her case the the European Court of Human Rights,for a final appeal. and European Courts have an atrocious reputation for bad decisions in favour of claimants who have no real grievances in the first place.

On the other side of the coin,this is the same legal system that refused UK Pensioners Annual Increases on their Pensions,because they are living abroad,and non Resident in the UK.And were quite happy to deprive pensioners of their Human rights to an annual increase,that they have worked all their lives for.

The European Court in Strasburg is a wooly minded liberal organisation that have passed many stupid decisions over the years.

So in this case: hope for a sensible Verdict,but expect the worst,it's that simple,and heavily loaded against common sense.

To the winner the spoils!

Sadly Andrew attacks the Scot victim and sides with the Thai perpetrator of this fraud.


Note to Andrew, you need a proofreader or get somebody to do your writing.

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Very weird case. The immigration department of a country is tasked to ensure that only legitimate visas are granted, and that all illegitimate visas are denied. While she may have some human rights claims they do not force an embassy to issue a visa to enter the UK.

Give it up,

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Very weird case. The immigration department of a country is tasked to ensure that only legitimate visas are granted, and that all illegitimate visas are denied. While she may have some human rights claims they do not force an embassy to issue a visa to enter the UK.

Give it up,

IMO its all about a large payoff,wether from her Husband,the European Courts directive, anywhere except Thailand,the payout would be too small for her.

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Very weird case. The immigration department of a country is tasked to ensure that only legitimate visas are granted, and that all illegitimate visas are denied. While she may have some human rights claims they do not force an embassy to issue a visa to enter the UK.

Give it up,

IMO its all about a large payoff,wether from her Husband,the European Courts directive, anywhere except Thailand,the payout would be too small for her.

She is trying hard to win the marriage lottery by hook or crook.

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Anyone that thinks it is fair that anyone should lose 50% of their wealth for being married for 1 year needs their head examined.

That really cuts to the chase.

ESPECIALLY if once the papers are signed,

one of the two parties suddenly changes personality,

and demands substantially more or there will be hell to pay,

and the con job they pulled on the other becomes painfully apparent.

5 years, would appear a reasonable attempt,

1 year is naught but gold digger territory.

Of course threatening to sue either Britain or the EU

for 2 million sterling or euros is purely greedy lawyer land.

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If she really spent ₤100k on this, you can be sure that she is looking for a huge payoff. Face or not, I cannot see anyone spending that kind of money in order to present their side in court for a divorce. It does not make sense. If she sent him an email saying, "The next time I see you I will cut you," I could believe that as she is p!ssed off. But GBP 100k out of pocket? That sounds extremely unlikely.

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If she really spent ₤100k on this, you can be sure that she is looking for a huge payoff. Face or not, I cannot see anyone spending that kind of money in order to present their side in court for a divorce. It does not make sense. If she sent him an email saying, "The next time I see you I will cut you," I could believe that as she is p!ssed off. But GBP 100k out of pocket? That sounds extremely unlikely.

More money than sense.

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The answer to "Give me money or I'll kill myself" has to be: "Emotional blackmail only works when there....are emotions."

An old movie called a woman like this a-- Psycho-hose-beast. Truer words were never said.

Countries demanding probationary marriage prevent human trafficking, greedy wenches, and psycho-hose-beasts from becoming glorified and sanctioned legal prostitutes.

It is my dearest hope that a dingy photograph of Loch Lomand posted in the katoi ladies toilet in Soi Cowboy is the closest she ever gets to Scotland!

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