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The More She Speaks, The Worse Things Get: Thai Opinion


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Yes it is propaganda but there is some truth in it.

Can most people really disagree with this sentiment? I mean the part that she is a pretty show puppet with no there there in the brain department?

Her speech was so poorly received with her political opponents saying she was better equipped to participate in a fashion show rather than sharing her vision.

She may or may not be an airhead, at least she is a democratically elected Prime Minister of Thailand, with what's more, an absolute majority. A lot more than most PM's over the last 25 years in Thailand.

Unfortunately, this is the nature of democracy, and whilst Thailand appears to worry about the "image" of their politicians on the world stage, don't they realise that as a rule, the international business community in Davos, really doesn't figure Thailand at the top of its priorities because as I said on a previous message, there is NOTHING NEW for her to announce to them to attract any interest.

Does anyone really think that the international community believes anything she (or most other previous PM's) says about controlling the floods, being open for business, attracting foreign business , liberalising the economy, changing tax rates, when they have heard the same story for the last 20 years. Thailand has attracted as much foreign business as it wants to allow the Thai-Chinese business and a select few essential monopoly over vast tracts of industry here, and NO ONE is going to be allowed to change this.

No one cares what she is saying because they have heard it all before.

With respect ,Do you REALLY think she is running the Country?

Well here we have the crunch, who runs the country. We have a party made up of apparently pretty corrupt business people and up country politicians, who cannot carry out effective change because they are terrified that what they do will spark a coup, or that even the smallest changes they make will be categorised as anti-country and they will be tarnished forever.

On the other hand, there is a bunch who are pretty much unelectable (with slightly less corruption involved) and they can only get in with a bump up from the army to whom they must be very loyal, not rock the boat and not enact any policies that change anything too much either.

So in a word, in answer, "No.". But then again, it is increasingly apparent that it isn't politicians running the country at all, and that will eventually (already has) cause bigger and bigger issues in Thailand.

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Interesting that TAN publishes this laughably skewed trash from Manager, organ of Sondhi and the quasi fascist PAD.Perhaps they also publish articles from the Redshirt propaganda sheets - but I haven't seen them

Well TAN is from Sondhi. While they act pretty independent of course the lean to one side. If it is an opinion and marked as opinion it is OK. I would say PAD is very monarchist but not fascist, some leader come from the Socialist-Communist area. It is a "Thaksin get out"-movement with extreme left wing, middle and extreme right wing, but most of the people are just middle class average.

That is also the reason why they can't have a future as party.

Indeed, the political ethos of the "middle class average" party doesn't hold much sway.

What is middle class average in Thai terms, 10 thousand baht a month more than 300 baht a day. Sorry to split hairs, but the funny thing is that in other parts of the world they wouldn't be so quick to want to separate themselves, but then who would the "middle class" have to look down on if the farmers and factory workers all got richer???

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Well here we have the crunch, who runs the country. We have a party made up of apparently pretty corrupt business people and up country politicians, who cannot carry out effective change because they are terrified that what they do will spark a coup, or that even the smallest changes they make will be categorised as anti-country and they will be tarnished forever.

On the other hand, there is a bunch who are pretty much unelectable (with slightly less corruption involved) and they can only get in with a bump up from the army to whom they must be very loyal, not rock the boat and not enact any policies that change anything too much either.

So in a word, in answer, "No.". But then again, it is increasingly apparent that it isn't politicians running the country at all, and that will eventually (already has) cause bigger and bigger issues in Thailand.

What "effective change" has this government suggested that they can't carry out? What "effective change" has any Thaksin party ever carried out?

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It's fine to needle Tragic, and, the point you (and he) make is the truth.

Inside a corporation, there is no democracy, nor freedom of speech. There is no right to privacy, and everything belongs to the corporation.

Inside a corporation, there is no relationship with democracy, red, yellow, or otherwise. Cross the boss... hit the road...

Even within the workplace people have rights you know, but supposing they didn't and supposing tragickingdom really was the boss of some big corporation in Thailand, what sort of an ass would he be to start dictating to staff what paper they choose to read in their lunch break? A big one is the answer.

Fortunately, there's very little chance of him ever being in a position of any authority.


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Well here we have the crunch, who runs the country. We have a party made up of apparently pretty corrupt business people and up country politicians, who cannot carry out effective change because they are terrified that what they do will spark a coup, or that even the smallest changes they make will be categorised as anti-country and they will be tarnished forever.

On the other hand, there is a bunch who are pretty much unelectable (with slightly less corruption involved) and they can only get in with a bump up from the army to whom they must be very loyal, not rock the boat and not enact any policies that change anything too much either.

So in a word, in answer, "No.". But then again, it is increasingly apparent that it isn't politicians running the country at all, and that will eventually (already has) cause bigger and bigger issues in Thailand.

What "effective change" has this government suggested that they can't carry out? What "effective change" has any Thaksin party ever carried out?

They effectively raised the price of drugs after the slaughter of thousands in Thaksin's Drug War,


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Even within the workplace people have rights you know, but supposing they didn't and supposing tragickingdom really was the boss of some big corporation in Thailand, what sort of an ass would he be to start dictating to staff what paper they choose to read in their lunch break? A big one is the answer.

Tragickingdom can speak for himself, but I read his comment to mean that reading the manager would be indicative of the employees intelligence & judgment, not that he would literally fire someone based on their choice of reading material. But maybe ...

Somewhat academic as what we are discussing is quite likely simply the product of someone's imagination, but how you interpret the below to mean an indication of an employees intelligence and judgment, when there is no mention of that, only the mention of firing them, i really don't understand.

Anyone caught red handed in my office reading "the manager" will no longer be "a manager" and gets fired.

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Anyone caught red handed in my office reading "the manager" will no longer be "a manager" and gets fired.

Yay for Red Democracy!


If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

George Washington

As with freedom of thought and freedom of the press.

Edited by wxyz
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Inside a corporation, there is no democracy, nor freedom of speech. There is no right to privacy, and everything belongs to the corporation.

Inside a corporation, there is no relationship with democracy, red, yellow, or otherwise. Cross the boss... hit the road...

It sounds like the Shinawatra clan's ultimate goal for Thailand Plc.

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But than again the more "The Managers" you buy the better your cat likes it. It is always a great time when she has a shit on "the manager" owned by the crooked and failed former media mongkul Sondhi... I must admit when I see Sondhi's or Sonthi's picture in the Nation I get the same urge as the cat. Anyone caught red handed in my office reading "the manager" will no longer be "a manager" and gets fired.

So presumably you're basing this view on never reading it. Unless of course you've been fired.

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But than again the more "The Managers" you buy the better your cat likes it. It is always a great time when she has a shit on "the manager" owned by the crooked and failed former media mongkul Sondhi... I must admit when I see Sondhi's or Sonthi's picture in the Nation I get the same urge as the cat. Anyone caught red handed in my office reading "the manager" will no longer be "a manager" and gets fired.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

Notice it says peaceably assemble, unlike the 'red shirts' / 'black shirts'. And violating other citizens rights is not peaceful.

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Inside a corporation, there is no democracy, nor freedom of speech. There is no right to privacy, and everything belongs to the corporation.

Inside a corporation, there is no relationship with democracy, red, yellow, or otherwise. Cross the boss... hit the road...

It sounds like the Shinawatra clan's ultimate goal for Thailand Plc.

It sounds very much how things were during his regime.

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Well here we have the crunch, who runs the country. We have a party made up of apparently pretty corrupt business people and up country politicians, who cannot carry out effective change because they are terrified that what they do will spark a coup, or that even the smallest changes they make will be categorised as anti-country and they will be tarnished forever.

On the other hand, there is a bunch who are pretty much unelectable (with slightly less corruption involved) and they can only get in with a bump up from the army to whom they must be very loyal, not rock the boat and not enact any policies that change anything too much either.

So in a word, in answer, "No.". But then again, it is increasingly apparent that it isn't politicians running the country at all, and that will eventually (already has) cause bigger and bigger issues in Thailand.

What "effective change" has this government suggested that they can't carry out? What "effective change" has any Thaksin party ever carried out?

They effectively raised the price of drugs after the slaughter of thousands in Thaksin's Drug War,


And they successfully reintroduced the 30B hospital-charge recently, thus helping the poor, by ... erm ... making them pay for something which was previously free. dry.png

And there's their success in cutting the cost of pork & rice & diesel & electricity, the list goes on, also the 'immediate universal minimum-wage of 300B/day', why aren't the poor more-grateful for all these "effective changes" ? rolleyes.gif

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