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Breaking Up


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:o Why is it so hard to breakup with someone, well not just someone my best friend whom I have shared 7 years of my life with. He is joining the police force, I want to travel more and see more of thailand, meet up with a friend I met in thailand and live life to the fullest.

Any suggestions on how to go about it are most welcome.


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Are you both in Thailand now? Is he Thai? Obviously these factors could affect ways in which you could make the break up easier.

If you are in your home country, then I would say jump on a plane and be done with it. Hard I know, but I did it once with an ex of mine in England - I was heartbroken for about a month, but as soon as I really started to settled back into being in Thailand he was soon forgotten - this was definately the best way I could have done it. We are still friends now so it worked for the best.

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Are you both in Thailand now?  Is he Thai?  Obviously these factors could affect ways in which you could make the break up easier.

If you are in your home country, then I would say jump on a plane and be done with it.  Hard I know, but I did it once with an ex of mine in England - I was heartbroken for about a month, but as soon as I really started to settled back into being in Thailand he was soon forgotten - this was definately the best way I could have done it.  We are still friends now so it worked for the best.

No I am in Oz and he is not thai. How long did you stay in Thailand when you headed back?I want to stay there as long as I can, any suggestions as to how to go about it? :o

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Well after the break up with my English boyfriend, I stayed for just under a year, it was great. Then the money ran out, so I was back in UK for 7 months working my ass off! Now have been back for 20 months working here and it is great!

Do you plan on working or just hanging out?

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Well after the break up with my English boyfriend, I stayed for just under a year, it was great.  Then the money ran out, so I was back in UK for 7 months working my ass off!  Now have been back for 20 months working here and it is great!

Do you plan on working or just hanging out?

How did you get to stay in Thailand for so long working? I was looking into teaching english?? Not sure but a few suggestions would be lovely from someone with experience.



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Not a chick here,

but am a foreigner (american) working and living in Thailand for several years. Plenty of work here for foreign chicks, especially teaching, experience/certificate not necesarily required.

Notice how I said WORK. So yes, most people do have to work for a living in Thailand, some foreigners tend to forget that being in such a holiday country, thinking that white skin buys an automatic ticket to slack and easy life. These types of people don't last here and end up on a plane back home in little/no time

While the salary might be lower than Oz, you can make more than enough to get by comfortably (moderate living), despite what you might read from some of the priveleged rich expats posts on Thaivisa that making 20-30,000 baht a month is poverty...It's ubsurd and as a female who won't likely have issues with womanizing and liquor, should find it easy to gey by with little.

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Breaking up may sometimes be hard and other times not. It all depends on the reason for the breakup and whether the break-up is mutual. Just be strong and do it if you have to (i.e. no more feelings etc).

I would suggest moving to a different area after the break-up in order to move on. Change apartments/house if you think the house makes you think of him more. It is never easy to let go and move on but only YOU can do it, no one else can.

I know of a lot of expat women working in Thailand, mostly English teachers. Some like it and some move back home after a year or so. Moving to a different country is not the same as visiting.

Whatever you decide, good luck and never look back with regrets once you have decided!

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