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Thai Education Minister Suchart Welcomes 'Donations' To Schools


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Scorecard/ Reasonableman - I'm interested, what would your approach be to stop the existing culture of bribery for school seats?

Though the question isn't addressed to me I think it's bloody obvious - announce test results for all to see - those who get higher marks get in, those who don't apply to the next school. What's so difficult? They can also set up a complaints office where people can appeal if they think they lost their place undeservedly.

Thailand is not the only country in the world where there is competition of placement in better schools and universities. It all has been done before.

There will always be ways for a couple of rich kids to sneak in but the percentage and attached shame minimize the impact. Here we have a proposal to create special, better equipped classes instilling pride in those who can't pass the tests but can pay. Inside free government schools? Crazy, just crazy.

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RE: CalgaryII

From reading your posts over the past few months one of your main grievences has been the years of inequality in Thai society as a result of for want of a better word 'the elite' and their influence both internal and external on successive previous governemts. As such a staunch opponant of the social inequality in Thai society I find it unfathomable that you support a legalised system of creating in effect a two tier system of eduction (the fact that it has been and would remain so is irrelevent) with the haves (elites) at the top and the have nots (phrai) at the bottom.

The focus of the education minister should be on providing fair and equal access to the highest possible standard of education for all Thais, based on ability not money.

The Education minister is advocating the legalisation and continuation of a system which will continue to result in the poor elements of society getting a poor level of education, when he should be seeking to redress the balance. All you are doing by defending this is supporting the educationbal inequality which exisits in Thailand. Bravo CalgaryII !!!!

Jon, the amazing thing here is that our dear member Calgaryll with all his 181 rather controversial posts, has been able to convey the impression to have been here for months whereas he only registered 11 days ago. Still not suspended, not banned, maximum number of posters p_ssed off, now that's a prestation. Bravo, indeed dry.png

I assume it's against forum rules to advocate an 'ignore this member' campaign, so I will refrain from doing so wink.png

Isn't R. Amsterdam from Canada originally? I wonder what city he's from? Calgary maybe?

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Scorecard/ Reasonableman - I'm interested, what would your approach be to stop the existing culture of bribery for school seats?

Though the question isn't addressed to me I think it's bloody obvious - announce test results for all to see - those who get higher marks get in, those who don't apply to the next school. What's so difficult? They can also set up a complaints office where people can appeal if they think they lost their place undeservedly.

Thailand is not the only country in the world where there is competition of placement in better schools and universities. It all has been done before.

There will always be ways for a couple of rich kids to sneak in but the percentage and attached shame minimize the impact. Here we have a proposal to create special, better equipped classes instilling pride in those who can't pass the tests but can pay. Inside free government schools? Crazy, just crazy.

ADD: enforce anti-corruption laws and (legal) penalties for perpetrators.

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Scorecard/ Reasonableman - I'm interested, what would your approach be to stop the existing culture of bribery for school seats?

Though the question isn't addressed to me I think it's bloody obvious - announce test results for all to see - those who get higher marks get in, those who don't apply to the next school. What's so difficult? They can also set up a complaints office where people can appeal if they think they lost their place undeservedly.

Thailand is not the only country in the world where there is competition of placement in better schools and universities. It all has been done before.

There will always be ways for a couple of rich kids to sneak in but the percentage and attached shame minimize the impact. Here we have a proposal to create special, better equipped classes instilling pride in those who can't pass the tests but can pay. Inside free government schools? Crazy, just crazy.

If this is what he proposed then he is an idiot.

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