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Another Lewd Thai Music VDO Goes Viral


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Really easy to make it a "W".whistling.gif

As in the old joke of the mother with an 'M' tattooed on each cheek,

When she was standing it speeled MOM,

When she was on here back it spelled WOW.

Edited by z12
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I'm pretty sure you can pick up more risque offerings from TrueVisions exorbitant, vacuous, poor quality packages advertised on the internet. I remember seeing some pretty scantily clad women in provactive poses on the K-Pop network

K-pop is great. True sucks.

And anyway, you cannot seriously say that you don't know ADHD is just an invented disorder that no serious medic should pronounce.

I have a theory that could theoretically be interesting. For people who draw lines between dots.

100% of people have ADHD.

I'll show my working, but I shouldn't really have to. Also I wouldn't want to ruin the top post I'm writing here, with a wall of words. I know how people are terrified of words. It's confusing, though. How do they read?

I guess, one sentence at a time.

Crap, I've gone and shown my working. Made the case. And lost the attentions of every - valuable - reader in the process. I would guess, at around Line 4? Rats.

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I know it's a long word to type, but would anybody mind if we stayed with 'VIDEO' instead of VDO?

+1 clap2.gif

In a world of LOL, BRB, LMAO, IMHO etc etc....

Good to know that someone is fighting the good fight


OK you win, if the Two Ronnies can do it in a sketch 20-30 years ago then so be it...... Genius - Four Candles


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pretty mild really. Hotter stuff on MTV et al.

This ridiculously unscientific comment by Wallop is another example of the appalingly low level of critical comment from so-called experts in the country. And people just swallow it. What is the reference to his research? I would like to assess it.

The more probable dangers from this video are RSI and carpal tunnel syndrome amongst cetain middle aged male psychiatrists (give me a grant and I will research that).

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To me the gang banging look of the group and the alcohol is far more of a disturbing and dangerous influence then the sexy girls and dance. I'd love to see some of the amateurs competing videos..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Another song, following on the back of Gan Huu (if that is anatomically possible).

Same play - roll in some "experts", try to shut it down, disgace to Thailand etc. not realising that this strategy works extremely well for the "band". YouTube in conjunction with internet availability makes these kind of things mushroom in no time at all.

Psychiatrist - "attention deficit disorder". Allow me to evaluate you by internet - you're an idiot that gives his profession a bad name. You probably harbour a grudge against women because couch time with you is enough to make a patient give up the will to live.

Well he is called Dr. WALLOP, what'd u expect.
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Quick search of standard academic databases indicates that Wally Wallop Piyamanodham has NO internationally published reasearch. Could not find any locally published either, but that may not be in normal d'bases.

What a fraud!

Like Yingluck.

Why do you have to attack Prime Minister Yingluck? Why do you imply she is a fraud? In what respect? Thanks.
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Quick search of standard academic databases indicates that Wally Wallop Piyamanodham has NO internationally published reasearch. Could not find any locally published either, but that may not be in normal d'bases.

What a fraud!

Does he own a chocolate factory and consort with oompa loompas?

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Quick search of standard academic databases indicates that Wally Wallop Piyamanodham has NO internationally published reasearch. Could not find any locally published either, but that may not be in normal d'bases.

What a fraud!

Like Yingluck.

Why do you have to attack Prime Minister Yingluck? Why do you imply she is a fraud? In what respect? Thanks.

I bet you sure play a mean pinball.

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Quick search of standard academic databases indicates that Wally Wallop Piyamanodham has NO internationally published reasearch. Could not find any locally published either, but that may not be in normal d'bases.

What a fraud!

Like Yingluck.

Why do you have to attack Prime Minister Yingluck? Why do you imply she is a fraud? In what respect? Thanks.

It was a remark regarding Yingluck's lack of qualifications as leader of the country, but there are other threads to discuss her incompetence in-depth. So let's stay on topic regarding the M-leg:


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Quick search of standard academic databases indicates that Wally Wallop Piyamanodham has NO internationally published reasearch. Could not find any locally published either, but that may not be in normal d'bases.

What a fraud!

Like Yingluck.

Why do you have to attack Prime Minister Yingluck? Why do you imply she is a fraud? In what respect? Thanks.

Agree there is no relevance but have to say it did get a chuckle from me.

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Why do you have to attack Prime Minister Yingluck? Why do you imply she is a fraud? In what respect? Thanks.

It was a remark regarding Yingluck's lack of qualifications as leader of the country, but there are other threads to discuss her incompetence in-depth. So let's stay on topic regarding the M-leg:

She’s a lot better than most in her position. She isn’t power-hungry, she’s not addicted to the application of power, she has no motive to generate domestic terror campaigns and fear. She seems primarily focused on getting her older brother back; which one can sympathise with. Thailand could do a lot worse; like, for example, if they had a Democratic President of either France or the US or Iran; all of whom are obsessed with all of those things (not one of whom got into politics to bring an older brother back home).

Long, incredibly important story, below. But I’m not entirely a ‘bore’. I can contribute.


Another interpretation of M...

What is the reference to his research? I would like to assess it.

The more probable dangers from this video are RSI and carpal tunnel syndrome amongst cetain middle aged male psychiatrists (give me a grant and I will research that).

You should be recognised for such courage. I’ve read their research. Sorry, I should really have included the inverted single apostrophes, for the sake of accuracy. I’ve read their ‘research’. A great deal of it, in fact.

It’s hauntingly similar to the ‘research’ one might expect from a ‘doctor’ of theocracy. Wild (often salacious) assertions are almost always either entirely unsupported; or - in the case of the more ‘qualified’ or respected (not to be confused with respectable) doctors (not to be confused with doctors) of psychiatry - primarily ‘supported’ by cherry-picked ‘evidence’ from various sources without any reference to entirely contradicting conclusions drawn from similarly weak - but often a great deal more convincing - ‘studies’. To put it somewhat more aptly; they write like the girls in my politics and economics classes at uni who would “go with their gut” and decide the - correct - answer prior to skimming the Mandatory Reading lists for supporting lines to paraphrase.

The guys did this as well; of course. But I didn’t want to sleep with them so we were cool.


Just a quick - very important - story about RSI; I was once told by two surgeons (both of whom promptly scheduled me into theatre as if to suggest the mere consideration that they might be incorrect never occurred to anyone, ever) that I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I had every reason to believe them, and no reason to suspect they could have a motive (what with their theatres being booked 3 and 5 weeks in advance, respectively). I was informed of the long delay by the staff of both, who were all very apologetic - the skills of their employer were in such demand, I understood to be the implication. I was vaguely reminded of a VIP line outside a nightclub my friend owned - so quick in that ‘VIP’ line, but then this was only a manufactured illusion for the benefit of those who were forced to wait, quite literally; even if there were no VERY IMPORTANT people to be ushered through ahead of them.

I missed the first appointment because I was terrified. I was informed by both surgeons there was “a less than 50%” success rate after they slice you up in a very - awkward - location (I still have the scars from a rugby ACL reconstruction visible, a decade after the year of physio - I was terrified of a lifetime of enduring creeps looking at my wrist scars and having the ‘decency’ not to ask; after staring brazenly, they’d “think better of it” and remain silent because they wouldn’t want to make me ‘uncomfortable’ - I know people very well, and they would keeping wondering, of course, until I wouldn’t be able to stand their awkward insanity and then they’d be unconvinced with my explanation - because people, are very shrewd; this is what they imagine as they’re being exploited by everyone they trust, like surgeons). I understand a little bit about statistics, and am not unfamiliar with numbers; and I pressed them for a less ridiculous answer than “less than 50%”. Of course, I was very diplomatic; so diplomatic I was forced to accept that ridiculous non-answer as The Final Answer from both - or risk ‘offending’ them. As their hands would hold the scalpels slicing my body open whilst I lay helpless, (hopefully) under anesthesia; I was uncomfortable with both the ridiculous answer (0% is “less than 50%”, if you’re not a numbers person) and the seemingly only alternative; to risk offending them by pushing it when it was strikingly clear they were both too busy for such ‘irrelevant’ considerations. This is, of course, not to mention the fact that both my wrists would be out of action for 6 months before I would even know if the operation had adequately released the pressure in my carpals. But after 8 months of pain which had gotten so ridiculous, I couldn’t sleep even with painkillers as my wrists were being strapped ever tighter by physios (to whom I paid tens of thousands, to screw me) to the point where they simply couldn’t strap tighter; it was abundantly apparent that surgery was my last remaining option. I had no intention of missing the second appointment.

3 weeks later, I noticed a humble little shopfront with a cute Swedish blonde who was either the “physio-chiro-holistic” therapist as advertised, or a patient. With no one else inside, I thought I’d get some redundant treatment. She grit her jaw at my saying I had no expectations, surgery in a fortnight etc; then her face brightened and said “so we still have two weeks, right?”

She only needed one.

It cost me $135 for 3 sessions at $45/hr. The physio had been doing literally the worst possible thing in strapping my wrists ever tighter, to ‘allow’ me to sleep. My wrist stabilising muscles had simply been weak; leading to the RSI. The physios turned my wrists into a cash cow with their - peculiarly illogical (once it was explained to me, rather awkwardly by a girl so sweet she didn’t like to think poorly of people) - ‘treatment’. Such dedicated ‘caring’ from Brisbane’s finest sports physiologists; two of whom informed me during our first session that they treated stars from the Broncos and Lions, respectively. They just let it drop, in passing. I barely noticed, in this world of name-dropping creeps; I long since learned to let such things slide.

My little physician dropped no names. She was pure professionalism. She healed my wrists with a range of specific strengthening exercises targeted at tiny but - I can vouch for this fact - incredibly important muscles which had been neglected primarily because I will do resistance training to impress girls, but then if I even knew these muscles existed, I would have mocked a trainer’s suggestion that we waste time on them. Not that any trainer would even know such a thing, of course; what with Brisbane’s finest surgeons unaware of their existence. It took her one week, to heal me; and a month to achieve 100% recovery. But after one week, I had recovered 90%; and in raptures I was automatically booking a 4th appointment when she insisted that there was no need for her involvement as long as I followed the routine for the rest of the month. I understood, she didn’t want to profit from her genius; she just wanted to heal people.

This was about 6 years ago, and I kept meaning to pop in and - gush - gratitude, basically; throw 10k at her and refuse to take no for an answer or something - but when I managed to get around to it whilst back in Brisbane a few years ago, her shopfront in the Valley had been turned into a high-end retail store, of the sort that sells $5 T-shirts for $200. I know this because I lived in the Valley. Also, because I shrugged and bought a few.

This is a very important story. If you don’t realise how and why, you should endeavour to remedy that. It would be in your best interests.

I am pretty dumb about things I’m not interested in, but when I am ruthlessly victimised; I have some teeth. I immediately refused to accept my ‘caring’ physios couldn’t have ‘known’ that their ‘solution’ wasn’t therapeutic. I know that they knew it was the opposite. It would be so easy to prove, I explained to a barrister who already knew all these things. He wasn’t winding down the clock, I just wasn’t letting him get a word in. I was furious about the surgeons as well. They needed to be shown to an entire country to be the fraudulent criminals they were, with their sleazy childish 'tricks' (of the sort that have creeped me out my entire life - why do you "small talk", by the way? Is it polite to insult me with the pretence you could care about my interests, but only if I lie about things and tell you 'pleasant' insults in return?); and I concluded my rant with why it was so important; RSI was about to hit a computing world unable to spell “ergonomics” in a big way. Then, I was introduced to the horrifying reality (that is only ever as horrifying, as those who've 'protected' you from Reality, have led you to believe...in Fantasy).

It wasn’t about the $, they explained. They’d do it ‘pro bono’ (i.e. they take the lion’s share of a successful litigation payout or ‘settlement’), they explained; if they thought there stood a chance. But, as it was rather accurately - if brutally - explained to me, I was not the first victim of the dark side of the medical industry. Which, one of them tendered weakly, was something of a pity. Because now those industries are entrenched. They had a lot of money. They have a lot of fools who will - one imagines - be equally as outraged at the slandering of their 'miracle' workers (all it takes is 1 in 1000 victims and then if you do 2000 operations on "carpal tunnel", you have two against one - you see?). I did. I am stupid but only when people don't explain things to me. I'm a lot like you, in that way; I imagine. When things are explained to me, I understand them - completely. I understood, for example, why good and decent people would be exploited even further by those who exploited them and got 'lucky'. Casinos do this all the time. And I know a thing or two about creeps in denial; too frightened of giving the ‘good thing’ they got going. I'd be fighting an entire industry which would come down viciously on the side of their guild-paying “brother” under ruthless (but understandable, albeit 'misguided' slander); they would seek to educate me, they would tell you - without letting me explain it's all a bit too simple for anyone to 'misunderstand' - not to mention governments full of politicians who (traditionally) don't like to be on the wrong side of Spam v Victims. Because potential victims are always on the side of Spam, or apathetic. They won't want to get “mixed up” in this sort of thing, one of the barristers (who may have been a QC, I think) wryly reminded me. I thought about the acupuncturist who had a habit of stabbing at my chi, and hitting me instead; and I understood. It was David v Goliath, or it should have been. But when 19 million Goliaths are disinterested? Suddenly Goliath looks very small compared to an industry of united, cashed-up creepy Davids. My $ didn’t matter, to their kind of wealth. Unless I wanted to ‘burn’ millions on a battle which probably would still lose, in the end; the barristers informed me that there was no recourse. No justice possible. I understood.

I didn’t have millions to burn. But I had a million (courtesy of one of the finest human beings alive who wiped 8 months of pain away in a week for $135) which I would have happily invested in seeing the whole lot of them carted off, wrists in handcuffs (not too tightly, no need to be moronically vindictive - this is about justice, not revenge - if it were up to me, I'd sentence them to reeducation, where they'd learn about their own best interests and how to more intelligently pursue them; no need for incarceration and prison rape, not really sure how that's 'rehabilitating' but maybe you are more certain than correct about these sorts of things). But with no hope of interesting the millions of shrewd and petty victims-in-waiting about their own best interests; I shrugged and decided to let them off the hook. I’ve been doing that my whole life, actually; and I’m not the sort of person who doesn’t have the ‘opportunity’ (often enthusiastically suggested to me, by the sorts of fellows who - even though they ride bikes and wear leather jackets with distinct aesthetic preferences - might surprise you with their appreciation of concepts like “justice” or “a fair go”) to pursue other avenues. But I never have. And many people have been hurt by my adherence to the judicial process. I guess I just hoped the judiciary would catch up. Boy was I naive.

I have never had any need for wealth. I have never had any use for bling. But I forgot who I was amidst the pain and blur of that year, and spent a couple furious years “catching up” after one of the finest human beings alive mercifully cut the exploitation short. So, paying it backwards instead of forwards, I spent a couple years exploiting the finest minds I’ve ever met playing the dumbest ‘game’ in the history of games. So I had both the means and the motive and the guilt to take on these creeps - I was furious at scum, and furious at myself, so I was willing to spend 7 figures destroying criminal fraudulent ‘medics’ and I had planned to give the entirety of the proceeds to an organisation which raised awareness about these sorts of creeps. So I thought I'd just give them the money instead, rather than burn it on redundancy. Or barristers who had plenty already; and who were about as convincingly happy as any millionaire I've ever met (and I've met more than you, because of a freakish year of pain where I forgot who I was and why I don't exploit people - "just because you can" is a terrible reason, by the way - I'm sure you have a better one). But like I said, boy, was I naive.

Long story short(er), no such organisation exists. Surgeons still operate without any recourse for victims of their crimes. Dr Patel, anyone? He was only caught when he had fired so many amazing humans the sheer numbers of nurses he was firing became ‘problematic’. And even then, if I remember correctly, only once another surgeon (good on him) refused to operate with him. Then...the media...suddenly 'became' interested. But not before warning him to escape. That was sweet of the media, how they all focused on that one - ‘evil’ - butcher; rather than on why it took so many years of decent humans to speak out and get fired before they listened to a 'peer'. Physios still pretend to be oblivious to what seemed impossibly simplistic stuff; basically common-sense logic really, just like any illusionist’s miracle - when the non-shrewd girl who remembered why she started studying medicine, explained her ‘magic’ to my very happy wrists.

But you know, I’m not typing up this story for my benefit. So if it bores you, dear reader, you can scroll down the page a little. I apologise for contributing to your non-existent RSI, but then maybe you’ll thank me one day. You might have to go to Sweden though, or maybe she’s working as a waitress now; what do I know.

I just know there’s no - money - in healing people. There’s a lot of - money - in doing the opposite. Is your doctor affluent? Taking a long time to - not - heal you? Does he seem to be doing a lot of "hitting and hoping"? Does each new 'cure' seem - to him - to be the one he should have tried in the first place (if he's so certain)? What makes him so confident now that you'll come along for yet another ride? Perhaps he’s not the physician he or she is pretending to be. Heaven forbid they could actually be like almost every ‘healer’ I’ve ever thrown money at; at their best, incompetent. Can't hardly 'blame' them. What was I thinking? Throwing money at pain, to go away! I'm normally brighter than this, although I've never actually been. But I should be. We all should be brighter than to throw money at pain to go away. You know what's going to happen, don't you? You're going to learn you didn't know the first thing about pain, if you throw money at pain to go away. We are supposed to be brighter than this, humanity! But at their worst? Well...8 months of not being able to sleep unless heavily sedated is no laughing matter. In pain, you’d be amazed at how much pain you cause without giving a fig (at the time). It can have follow-on effects for decades. Or generations. I am reliably told there are 3 million orphans in Iraq who hate freedom. But not really, lolz. They just think Americans killed their parents. I would tell them it's silly; what motive could Americans have had to do such a thing - but they're just crazy. They don't listen because I cannot write in Arabic. They seem to be certain Americans killed their parents. Gosh but there are going to be 3 million children who are ripe to go BOOM, don't you think? One can only imagine a world free from the pain caused by those in pain.

Who knows, maybe some rich doctors might never realise how miserable they really are. Yes they have a beautiful Mercedes. Or a yacht. They can fly first class, but I have done all these things; and all I could say about them is that it’s easy to mistake pain relief, for happiness. You don’t realise - of course - that until the pain hit, that you were happy already. Look at some children, not-yet-corrupted-by-spam. They’ll play with anyone who wants to have fun, just for the sake of fun. I feel impossibly sad that so many people who think identical thoughts, keep their thoughts to themselves because they’re ashamed. Fools might think there is something wrong with them, because fools - KNOW - how happy they’d be once they get the things Spam convinced them they needed. I knew a fool like that, once. I have never met a happy fool, and I know more millionaires than you will ever know. Kid millionaires too, but then they're the most miserable of all. And the most likely to dabble in denial and bling and horrifying obsessions with 'VIP'. It's understandable, they're in the most pain.

But I don’t listen to fools who don’t know the first thing about their “best interests”, anymore. I would like to value their opinions, but first they have to make their opinions worth valuing.

Apologies for the ‘length’ to all the impossibly busy VIPs, who don’t like being forced to scroll past their own best interests. But who do have time, ironically; to comment about their preference for those who communicate with them, to do so with brevity. I’m not sure anything worth saying can be quipped. No offence to politicians, who are masters of sound-bytes. Or the media (not to be confused with those who work for the media, with exceptions for Dan Rivers types); which are often guilty of ignoring all these sorts of things (being owned by the Sponsors, now; who often don't let decency get a word in). Or some - honourable - magistrates, who never show their working at all. They won’t be drawn into it. You’ll be in contempt of court, for attempting to draw them into tendering an explanation for why they sided with (invariably well-funded) Spam v (an invariably unsupported) Victim representing many potential victims, like you. It’s contemptible, but then I’m mostly talking about your lack of contempt for such things.

Quick search of standard academic databases indicates that Wally Wallop Piyamanodham has NO internationally published reasearch. Could not find any locally published either, but that may not be in normal d'bases.

What a fraud!

Say it ain’t so, Joe!

But if it’s so, he would have a lot in common with the frauds who - are - published by internationally recognised and respected (not to be confused with respectable) ‘peer-reviewed’ academic (not to be confused with educational) journals.

Not all humans are frauds, of course. 99% have no motive to knowingly deceive. But then the ones that know a thing or two, aren’t likely to be published by those journals; are they? Maybe they’re waiting tables in Sweden, if only because they're one of the finest physicians of their generation who could have used my creepy ability to be 'pragmatic'. Or maybe they're living happily (the version I like to imagine), just healing lucky people, somewhere, oblivious to the miserable world of scalpels and exploitation and pain and misery and tears and suffering and cries for "Death! to Wikileaks". Wouldn't that be nice. But I am a realist. I always have been. And I know the Reality is probably more like bankruptcy because physicians who work 'miracles' of science, probably aren't that cognisant of fundamentally uninteresting (to miracle-workers) crap like - the economics, of running a inner-city clinic where you - heal - people, fighting a losing war against the ever escalating rents driven ever higher by a pain-filled world of Spam-obsessed morons - like this one moron I knew, who shrugged at her missing clinic of healing, and bought a thousand dollars 'worth' of shirts.

Edited by TheyCallmeScooter
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I'm glad there wasn't (at least I hope) a video camara at my usual bar. I'm mean who hasn't or wanted to have a bunch of women hanging around and pouring your drink for ya? Isn't that kind of the whole idea in being a man? Because you can, as long as nobody gets hurt? LOL.

I'll wait behind that tree over there for the arrows that are headed my way.....

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I know it's a long word to type, but would anybody mind if we stayed with 'VIDEO' instead of VDO?

That is a whole three syllables. You're asking for the impossible. Nakhon Ratchasima is too much of a mouthfull for most so Korat it is. giggle.gif

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Looks like a Sadurday night at my place.....

Where do you live? I'll bring the beers.


what a rogue , trying to get in by few bottles of sweet piss, it is bit sneaky and under handed.

Oil Works usually smell like distillery! maybe you have to bring few more merchandise in order to squeeze in!

But I doubted he would like completion, or allow you to muscle in on his meditation!

By meditation I mean that of a Sultan in a harem, not a hermit in a grotto !

Edited by kujirasan
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