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Chalerm Seeks Speedy Killing Of Drug Convicts


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For the harm that they do society, and other people. Big drug dealers deserve the punishment of death. Yes, I said punishment, not deterence! For hard drugs the death penalty is appropriate.

Should everyone involved with the production and manufacturing of alcohol also be put to death since alcohol harms society more than illegal drugs?

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For the harm that they do society, and other people. Big drug dealers deserve the punishment of death. Yes, I said punishment, not deterence! For hard drugs the death penalty is appropriate.

The quickest and easiest way to put ilegal drug dealers out of business is to undercut them and take their clients. The legal ones you will never get rid of.

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talk about not knowing what you're on about!

drugs would be more expensive he says

he'll be allowed smoke crack in work he says, what just like you're allowed to drink a bottle of whiskey is it?

yet to see any hint of a solid argument in this thread.

They'll be cheaper?


Meth is so much better than tequila.

cheaper drugs would equal substantially less crime, so yeah, outstanding.

meth is better than tequila is it? i don't know, i haven't tried it myself.

The irony that your avatar is a clown is not lost on me.

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- sniper --

Wasa, point taken, especially on the clean drugs. And yes, I also see it as hypocrytical with legal production v enforcement. I have answered (forgot to include you) in post #171 to Nisa & Nurofiend.

Conceding to most, but still with doubts. wai.gif

IMO, is that there is no good answer but controlled legalization seems to be the best. Stop making this a bad boy type thing for kids to want to get into but rather have it be seen as an illness that is either managed or treated when it comes to the life destroying and addictive drugs. As for marijuana ... simply control it like booze .. again this is just my my opinion.

Give people their crack and heroin at the clinic and let them know they can get help while they are there. Bottom line is if a crack or heroin addict has a choice of free dope vs. having to buy it and possibly commit a crime to get the money and got to jail where they will be without their drugs ... they are going to pick going to the clinic and hearing somebody out for a few minutes to get their high.

And for real .. people strung out on drugs don't want to be there but they feel they have no power or choice to stop. Sure getting to the point of being strung out can be fun but once you cross the line it is no fun at all. Let them go to the clinic every day and see those strung out but at the same time know that they don't have to get to that point and also let those who have crossed the line know there is hope and help available.

I am not sure I buy into the whole addiction is a disease thing but I don't have any problem treating it as one as it seems nobody is immune to becoming an addict but some are certainly more prone .. i think they even have suggested they have found an addiction gene which greatly increases your chance of becoming an addict.

As for the dealers ... some of them are just hardcore murdering thugs who are going to be criminals with or without drugs. However, there are drug dealers who are mellow, don't hurt anyone and simply supply a substance adults are willing to buy. Yes, deal with them for breaking the law but killing them??? A bit extreme in my book.

"And for real .. people strung out on drugs don't want to be there but they feel they have no power or choice to stop."

Drugs are more powerful than people. Alcohol included. Once people get to a certain point, it is not IMO even that they "feel" that they have no power or choice to stop, but even when they really want to stop, they often don't have the power necessary to do it. People in this situation need a lot of help.

In AA and NA, which are 12 step programs, the first step is admitting your are powerless over your addiction.

Do they even have AA and NA in Thailand? These are supposedly great programs that people swear by but I think with addicts they first need to detox before the program can really work. Alcohol and Heroin withdrawl can be brutal but there are some things like Crack and Speed where it is more about regaining your sanity which can take a great deal of time.

I once had a doctor at a mental hospital call me about an old friend, who had my contact info, and who got locked up and the doctor wanted to know if they were a speed user because he explained there was really no way for them to know if the persons behavior was a result of prolonged speed use or if they were bipolar or manic depressive. I'm not sure if and how long it takes a person like this to return to normal.

Sadly, I think most all of us have seen the effects of drugs be it ourselves, loved ones or friends. 99% of the time we are helpless to help and it is probably because they actually feel more helpless than us.

You are right about programs. And the programs do have some success. On the other hand, I was shocked to learn that for alcohol abuse, reform programs have around a 5% success rate. I did not verify that number, but (1) it is shockingly low, and (2) I have a friend where I watched it not work... It was a graphic example of the power of alcohol, not to speak of other drugs.

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I guess, if you just cool down your hatred for us liberals for a second and start using whatever is between your ears, you might come up with even more advantages!

Yes, like no more HIV infections from shared needles, to name just one. There are plenty more, but I'm on the run, so don't have time now.

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talk about not knowing what you're on about!

drugs would be more expensive he says

he'll be allowed smoke crack in work he says, what just like you're allowed to drink a bottle of whiskey is it?

yet to see any hint of a solid argument in this thread.

They'll be cheaper?


Meth is so much better than tequila.

cheaper drugs would equal substantially less crime, so yeah, outstanding.

meth is better than tequila is it? i don't know, i haven't tried it myself.

The irony that your avatar is a clown is not lost on me.

is it a clown?? ..... or is it an atomic bomb verbally blowin your ass up! boom

whatever man, just because you don't have the ability to debate the content of what i say and have to resort to pettiness.. says a lot more about you than me.

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<deleted> disgusting. Maybe if the thai government took better care of their people they wouldn't have to live in such poverty and take such extreme measures to make money to look after their families. The death penalty is disgusting and barbaric and doesn't take into account that not all people with drug-related convictions are actually guilty. Anyone who supports this has no compassion. And I can guarantee if it was your brother, son, father or daughter, your opinion and outlook would be completely different. It's murder and it's disgusting. Some Buddhist country.

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Killing them quicker should really help serve as a deterrent. jerk.gif We know already that criminals weigh the penalty of their crime greatly before committing them .. surely anyone dealing drugs only does it because they know they will only serve 20 to 30 years (or life) in a Thai prison as opposed to be executed. Clearly they are not thinking simply in terms of not getting caught because anybody is happy to serve 20+ years in prison to make a few bucks. But now that executions will move quicker and shave 1 or 2 years off their time on death row, certainly many will now rethink if it is worth it to sell drugs.

This will only serve as a deterrent if you capture and kill the Big Bosses. Workers (street peddlers, mules) that are executed will only be replaced quickly and easily. If Thailand really wanted to eradicate illegal drugs, which has not been successfully done anywhere in the world, then the money/power that runs these drug gangs must be sought out and eradicated. Given that these drug gangs are known by all here to be run from people in high places, and or law enforcement, I don't see this happening, which makes this all just political. Having people executed "quickly" for political reasons sounds so very familiar in this country. Isn't it wonderful to have the Shinawatra clan back in power.

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I like all the coments about Chalerm. But it makes no difference to him. He has proven that he is above the law buy getting rid of all the witnesses before his sons court case. He was lucky the military didn't get him during the coupe a few yers ago. The military wanted him dead, but he was able to escape to Singapor by boat. Now Thailand is paying heavely for the military missing him.

I agree. I would like to start a new thread entitled: Chalerm is a C^*t!

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IMO, is that there is no good answer but controlled legalization seems to be the best. Stop making this a bad boy type thing for kids to want to get into but rather have it be seen as an illness that is either managed or treated when it comes to the life destroying and addictive drugs. As for marijuana ... simply control it like booze .. again this is just my my opinion.

Give people their crack and heroin at the clinic and let them know they can get help while they are there. Bottom line is if a crack or heroin addict has a choice of free dope vs. having to buy it and possibly commit a crime to get the money and got to jail where they will be without their drugs ... they are going to pick going to the clinic and hearing somebody out for a few minutes to get their high.

And for real .. people strung out on drugs don't want to be there but they feel they have no power or choice to stop. Sure getting to the point of being strung out can be fun but once you cross the line it is no fun at all. Let them go to the clinic every day and see those strung out but at the same time know that they don't have to get to that point and also let those who have crossed the line know there is hope and help available.

I am not sure I buy into the whole addiction is a disease thing but I don't have any problem treating it as one as it seems nobody is immune to becoming an addict but some are certainly more prone .. i think they even have suggested they have found an addiction gene which greatly increases your chance of becoming an addict.

As for the dealers ... some of them are just hardcore murdering thugs who are going to be criminals with or without drugs. However, there are drug dealers who are mellow, don't hurt anyone and simply supply a substance adults are willing to buy. Yes, deal with them for breaking the law but killing them??? A bit extreme in my book.

"And for real .. people strung out on drugs don't want to be there but they feel they have no power or choice to stop."

Drugs are more powerful than people. Alcohol included. Once people get to a certain point, it is not IMO even that they "feel" that they have no power or choice to stop, but even when they really want to stop, they often don't have the power necessary to do it. People in this situation need a lot of help.

In AA and NA, which are 12 step programs, the first step is admitting your are powerless over your addiction.

Do they even have AA and NA in Thailand? These are supposedly great programs that people swear by but I think with addicts they first need to detox before the program can really work. Alcohol and Heroin withdrawl can be brutal but there are some things like Crack and Speed where it is more about regaining your sanity which can take a great deal of time.

I once had a doctor at a mental hospital call me about an old friend, who had my contact info, and who got locked up and the doctor wanted to know if they were a speed user because he explained there was really no way for them to know if the persons behavior was a result of prolonged speed use or if they were bipolar or manic depressive. I'm not sure if and how long it takes a person like this to return to normal.

Sadly, I think most all of us have seen the effects of drugs be it ourselves, loved ones or friends. 99% of the time we are helpless to help and it is probably because they actually feel more helpless than us.

You are right about programs. And the programs do have some success. On the other hand, I was shocked to learn that for alcohol abuse, reform programs have around a 5% success rate. I did not verify that number, but (1) it is shockingly low, and (2) I have a friend where I watched it not work... It was a graphic example of the power of alcohol, not to speak of other drugs.

I really have doubts that it (addiction) is a disease like many professionals in this field say but I sure got to tell you that it seems like one. It is like cancer in terms of it striking every segment of society and even if you beat it there is always the chance of relapse.

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The reason any of there drugs have an effect on people is because we have receptors for them in our brain cells, this means these drugs naturally occur in our bodies, usually in very small amounts. These receptors are switshes, when stimulated they turn a reaction, feeling, sense or action on or off. When we take drugs they flood the receptors with a massive amount which hyper stimulates the response, feeling, sense or action. As this hyperstimulation continue over a period your body reduces or stops natural production of these drugs or substances and you become reliant on the drugs you are taking for normal functioning. That is you become addicted.

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FYI, Docs will tell you not to go "Cold Turkey", ( This is not Wild Turkey on ice!) and i am sure their are some specialists out there that know more than I about this but i believe the procedure is to taper. Alcohol detox is more dangerous than coming off of heroin, best let the doctors take vitals and the such during this recovery.coffee1.gif

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