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Post removed due to the following forum rule.

English is the only acceptable language, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.


It seems like every move you make to impress folks here on the forum, the deeper the hole you dig for yourself. On top of that you already played your, I’m even older than Ian, get out of jail free card. Looks like it is down hill from here.


I do not meed to impress anyone, I am what I am, nothing more nothing less, impressions do not accomplish anything ask any politician. A personal history is just that, they are accomplishment that can be proven. But at my age who cares I am trying to get information and nothing more if I need to let a little out to get that then be it. Being judgemental is not information. I am Hawaiian I look for the Ohana and the Mana that is present in all, perhaps it is just my upbringing that possibly expect too much, however the feedback from these posts seem to point in a positive directions, and that is refreshing to know.



To be honest Hrican, you have offered a lot of information about your background that really isn't necessary to receive the information that you required. For someone who is 80 you seem a bit of a braggadocio. It really isn't necessary to parade your degrees or your jobs, or any of the rest that you discuss. If you weren't trying to impress, then why is it necessary to state everything. Your post reads more like a resume. Simply stating that I enjoy line dancing and that my wife and I can teach anyone who wants to learn, would have been enough. I lived here 40 years ago, why is it necessary to add about making movie here. It really isn't relevant unless you were trying to impress.

I didn't know that Hawaiin is English. Perhaps removing Hawaiin words from your post in an English forum might also make you sound less arrogant.

Other than that, I think that you will fit right in. Most retired expats bugle their own horns a lot. The new one is bragging about their wives and how well educated or how much more money they make. Anything to set them apart from "those other kinds"

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I would say this poster has been very genuine and forthright and he has had to suffer rudeness for no apparent reason. I welcome him to Chiang Mai. If others aren't currently engaging in the hobbies he enjoys here, my guess is that they will be in only a matter of months after his arrival. Enjoy your retirement sir. It looks like you've lived a full life and i think you're going to like it here, despite the mixed welcome.


Thank you lannarebirth I appreciate your comments, , as well as all those comments that allows me to get an idea of the people that are currently living in the area. Pro or con thank you.

In reply to my using Hawaiian words now and then, your culture is part of you no matter where you are, it allows the interaction between cultures and better understanding. English is not the only language in the world, I noticed a few spanish words in these posts, there does not seem to be any objection to them. Just wondering if I had used barrio instead of ohana or poder instead of mana would the comments be the same or haole instead of white????



I don't see what rudeness he has suffered. He has received lots of tips and advice. A few posters including myself have commented on his need to over expose his background. My only reason for mentioning it was that if he didn't write a long response including his degrees, current job, wife's background, etc. he wouldn't expose himself to criticism about his humility.

For Example:

Hrican posted "English is not the only language in the world, "

One could respond by listing his/her ability in other languages and his/her knowledge of other cultures and list every country that he/she has lived or could just ignore the comment.

I think that the OP seems like a very honest and sincere person. I think that he will enjoy his life here and be able to create venues for his hobbies. He seems like someone with a lot of energy and will be able to make a lot of friends here. He will do very well here. I actually have no animosity towards him. My comments were only suggestions on his extensive justifications and explanations about his backgroud. I have read a lot of posts on this site and some posters will flame others and be very offensive. My comments were so that he could avoid this.


In the expat community of Thailand one is exposed to a multitude of cultural diversity. Some may find over the top self promotion to be tacky and distasteful, while others may admire it. Given the OPs advanced years I am sure he can get away with almost anything in person, as people will make an exception to accommodate his age. On forums, longevity doesn’t offer you as much leeway as normal social interaction.

Some may find helpful and well meaning insights tacky and distasteful, while others may be appreciative of the opportunity to better understand how others view their actions. I have an acquaintance who boasts incessantly about his extravagant lifestyle and what a gentleman he is. No one has had the heart to burst his overinflated bubble and suggest that perhaps a real gentleman doesn’t boast or proclaim himself such.

The OP is of course free to dismiss all helpful advice as not corresponding to his own cultural bias.


Your first opportunity to display your Line Dancing technique may be at the local Immigration Office.

It's a gig with guaranteed repeat performances.

Boogie on Bro.


Line Dancing. OMG!

Didn't the Chiang Mai Chronicle predict some kind of cultural apocalypse around this time?

I've checked my edition of the Chronicle [Wyatt1995] and could find no reference to an apocalypse cultural or otherwise.

You may be thinking of the Mayan Calendar.

The Chiang Mai Chronicle records a long series of disasters experienced by the people of Chiang Mai through 1827 AD.

If this old dude is able to get here, Line Dancing can be added as an update.


Your first opportunity to display your Line Dancing technique may be at the local Immigration Office.

It's a gig with guaranteed repeat performances.

Boogie on Bro.

What about those long long Immigration lines at Swampy?

The sight of a once docile line suddenly gone jiggy with it would light a fire under those guys and gals who welcome us here and stamp our passports.

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