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Is Online Lover Exist?


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nowaday technology is advace..no need to go out (ok we'd stcik with real life more than cyberworld) ..but if you guys dont have anytime just sit in front of comp. so we can explode world via cyber space.

i heard many couples got thier lover from internet .. is it kosher??

obviously people can fake themselves in internet .. can do anything hardcore that they can't do in real life ..but plenty people act as the same (net =real life)

from my experience .. i had BFs /dates that i knew them from net ..after that meet in real life ...

some people maybe think its weired ..but for my humble opinion .. its fine .. its not much different as when you guy go out ,walk around the road ,shopping,travel ..etc and find someone interesting ... just cyberworld.. we need not to go out .. just sit in front of the comp..then you can meet people around the world (start with cyberworld and end up in real world)

me, myself i dont think internet is the final answer..for lazy people ( real life is much more reasonable)

but..hey .. i think it works (atleast for me)

what do you think?? :D:D

ps..actaully i just write in my blog ..same ..but i need some opinion from you guys :o

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difficult topic...

Before I joined to this forum I never surf much on the net...so I haven´t meet anyone on real life who I met through internet...

ohhh too difficult I have to think first....

I´ll give my opinion later on... :D

edit: o.k I am going to have a go I may change my opinion later...

Well I think on line lover is quite feasible...

you are reding people´s opinion about certain matters, you are talking about things that are interesting to you, you have a problem and they give you advice,support...so yeah...you may find someone that make you laugh, who share your interests, who share your opinion about certain matters...

you may think that your prince charming is out there ( and maybe he is...)...

On the other hand...it doesn´t seem to real to me...I think words are very powerful...I am not very good with words...but I learnt by experience that people who is very good with words can make you feel things that they are not so real...

Internet doesn´t allow to see the look in people´s eyes, hand movements, body language...is just words...

of course this can happen also in real life but...I think through internet...sweet-talking is easier... :o

I am confused... :D

Edited by Glauka
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Internet doesn´t allow to see the look in people´s eyes, hand movements, body language...is just words...

of course this can happen also in real life but...I think through internet...sweet-talking is easier... :o

internet can make people dare to present themselves in dark side also (for somebody)

well ... if you have Webcam ,Speaker phone and Mic .. u can get what u want/ment ..just the other side cant not touch u in real in that time ... but as i told u .. from cyber space can lead it to real life.. he/she can meet you

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Internet doesn´t allow to see the look in people´s eyes, hand movements, body language...is just words...

of course this can happen also in real life but...I think through internet...sweet-talking is easier... :o

internet can make people dare to present themselves in dark side also (for somebody)

well ... if you have Webcam ,Speaker phone and Mic .. u can get what u want/ment ..just the other side cant not touch u in real in that time ... but as i told u .. from cyber space can lead it to real life.. he/she can meet you

Yes I think you maybe right...I just find it scary...

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please dont get me wrong .. i dont mean we have to stuck in cyber world

but it just like alternative way .... sort of a gate of door that make you can meet people ....and then make it for real ..as real life

example .. i join in cyber space as TV forum ..after that i decided to join and meet people in real life as pissup party ..

if i met a decent guy , who know..what will happend next

but the origin was from cyber space

awwwww...just example i dont mean im trying to grab any TV guy :D:o:D:D

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Hi Bambina

This isnt a romance story coz I am happy married :D

I have met some wonderful people on the internet and am lucky to meet them later in real life. I met someone 8 years ago on internet chat and that person became my best friend and my sister. We met in real life first time after about 1 year of chat. Now we talk together everyday and see each other in real life as often as possible.

I have met others from chat and always have enjoyed the experience. There used to be regular meeting of chatters from Yahoo chat at Hardrock in Bangkok, always was fun to link faces with IDs :o

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Who really knows for sure?

I think it's like anything else, you can meet creeps and liars at a coffee house or a bar, tor hey might pose as if they are rich, or have plastic surgery to look young and take 10-15 yrs off their real age when asked. It takes a while to really know someone for who they really are, and it is not real easy at a bar or shopping mall...

Same is true over the net. The advantage being you can remain virtually anonymous over the internet, so maybe some people are willing to let their guard down and be themselves.

Establishing ongoing emails and chat seems a fairly safe way to establish if someone is a decent person and worth meeting.

However I have yet to do so as I am still a bit weary of meeting face to face with someone over the internet, because I'm just not certain they are who they say they are.

A good example would be sitting here chatting with you. You seem quite nice, intelligent and interesting - but how do I know for sure that pretty girl in your avatar is actual you, or that your actually a girl at all? I guess if I set-up cameras and other equiptment it would help, but I don't have the time and only log-on about once or twice a month.

Hard to say. I suppose I would like to sometime if it felt right to me and worth the trouble. I just have the back of my brain always telling me it's not going to be what I would be expecting - a trust issue I guess.

Maybe you could help me out to learn how you've made your choices in the past. and what sort of proof do you need before really trusting someone from the cyberworld.

PS. That's not me in my avatar -Thank God

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On line dating services are quite common these days. Couples present their profile and sit back and wait for someone to bite.

Their first means of contact is usually an exchange of emails, then a computer program that allows them to communicate in private. (verbal and visual contact.)

When they think that they know each other fairly well, they start sending cyber hugs and cyber kisses.

Next they get a little cheeky with each other and before you know it, they have taken their lap tops into bed and it's full on cyber sex. Trying to keep the lens of the video camera from fogging up can be quite difficult.

After that, they advance to phoning each other for telephone sex. The moaning, groaning and whiring of sex toys is all part of the fun.

The couples are now all sexcited and eager to meet in person. The date is made, body parts are washed, karma sutra positions are referred to, a room in a motel is booked and a meeting place established.

They finally meet in person.

She immediately notices that his breath smells and his nasal hairs are long overdue for a trim.

He immediately notices her overpowering body odour and that she walks pigeon toed.

They go to a little restaurant for dinner. She eats with her mouth open, he eats peas off his knife. Neither is impressed with the other.

They finally get to the motel and with diminishing sexual enthusiasm they undress. She notices his tiny, shrivelled weeny and his hairy back. He notices her inverted nipples and the tattooes below her navel of the names of her last three boyfriends.

They both simultaneously develop migraine headaches and make excuses to each other for needing to immediately go home separately.

....and so endeth another cyber relationship. :o

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Clearly no, same as Glauka's post :

Internet doesn´t allow to see the look in people´s eyes, hand movements, body language...is just words...

of course this can happen also in real life but...I think through internet...sweet-talking is easier... 

I doubt that virtual world can replace the true world. I hope so. :o

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I think Internet love is possible just like people have romanced via letters in the past, though some people are more likely to than others... I think we fall in love with the idea of another person rather than the actual person. Over a long relationship, we slowly learn who the other person is, changing our idea at the same time we are actually changing them (and vice versa).

Some people live more "abstract" mental lives than others, and these people can more easily fall in love with an idea of a person based in words. Others need the physicality of gestures, expressions, touch, sound, and scent. To these people, the idea of an internet romance sounds cold and impossible...

I agree with people above who say that risks are similar, i.e. some people can appear quite differently in one medium or another. Who is to say whether it is the writing or the "in person" social behaviors which are the "real person"? Some people might even get excited by the mystery of such inconsistencies, while others become defensive and consider it dishonesty... another risk is to fall in love with someone who is not interested in expanding the relationship. In other words, to fall for a flirt who enjoys the interactions in one place but has another life they go back to and do not want to blend.

In the end, the risk is having an incomplete picture and finding that you are incompatible with the whole person. I don't mean to sound pessimistic, you can also fall in love with half the person and then fall in love all over again with the other half! And in a really good relationship, you keep doing this like Zeno's arrow and never quite get through to the end. :o

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I had some great experiences on the internet before I was married.

The first girl I met was about 20 stone and a great laugh and we met a few times, but I couldn't handle the comments - elephant with farang etc.

The second was a beatiful, hi-so lady who came round to my apartment in a brand new BMW - Pudgiemelons dream! She was educated abroad and had 2 degrees and very influential parents. But a pain in the arse and too old - 34, she'll be 40 now!

The third was a very nice girl but didn't like me :o , but fortunately for me, I met my wife just after that but not on the internet, at a wedding.

Bambi -

อะไรจะเกิดก็ให้มันเกิด or should that be the other way around?

but internet can help start things off! :D

Edited by Neeranam
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Fully possible to use for both casual dating and with a view to serious relationships, if you take the necessary precautions and realize the risk of falling in love with a person's writing instead of the person themselves. My advice is to not wait too long with meeting IRL - the risk of you or the other person building up too many expectations is very real.

I did some internet flirting/dating in the past, both in my home country and Thailand, and it was interesting. It's not how I met the love of my life though. But one girl who I did date at that time did meet her life partner right after we stopped dating, and I know at least three long-term couples who met the same way.

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Fully possible to use for both casual dating and with a view to serious relationships, if you take the necessary precautions and realize the risk of falling in love with a person's writing instead of the person themselves

การกระทำย่อมดีกว่าคำพูด "gaan gra-tam yom dee gwaa kam poot"=Actions speak louder than words


but be caerful of จับปลาสองมือ

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I believe that the internet is a great medium to make initial strides in forging a relationship with a person but the relationship cannot progress past a certain stage unless the people finally get together. It's a very interesting & different way to meet people, even exciting, but has its limitations.

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I think Internet love is possible just like people have romanced via letters in the past, though some people are more likely to than others... I think we fall in love with the idea of another person rather than the actual person.  Over a long relationship, we slowly learn who the other person is, changing our idea at the same time we are actually changing them (and vice versa).

Some people live more "abstract" mental lives than others, and these people can more easily fall in love with an idea of a person based in words.  Others need the physicality of gestures, expressions, touch, sound, and scent. To these people, the idea of an internet romance sounds cold and impossible...

I agree with people above who say that risks are similar, i.e. some people can appear quite differently in one medium or another. Who is to say whether it is the writing or the "in person" social behaviors which are the "real person"?  Some people might even get excited by the mystery of such inconsistencies, while others become defensive and consider it dishonesty... another risk is to fall in love with someone who is not interested in expanding the relationship. In other words, to fall for a flirt who enjoys the interactions in one place but has another life they go back to and do not want to blend.

In the end, the risk is having an incomplete picture and finding that you are incompatible with the whole person. I don't mean to sound pessimistic, you can also fall in love with half the person and then fall in love all over again with the other half!  And in a really good relationship, you keep doing this like Zeno's arrow and never quite get through to the end.  :o

my point exactly...

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Nothing is ever as it seems on the Internet Bambi.

A lot of people live their fantasies on the web.

Sure lots of success stories....but a lot of frauds.

Hansum rich man turns into flat broke gargoyle etc etc.

Gorgeous size 8 gal is actualy a size 18 etc etc

But there a half a billion people connected and communication is instantaneous so have a go!!!

I think Internet love is possible just like people have romanced via letters in the past, though some people are more likely to than others... I think we fall in love with the idea of another person rather than the actual person.  Over a long relationship, we slowly learn who the other person is, changing our idea at the same time we are actually changing them (and vice versa).

Some people live more "abstract" mental lives than others, and these people can more easily fall in love with an idea of a person based in words.  Others need the physicality of gestures, expressions, touch, sound, and scent. To these people, the idea of an internet romance sounds cold and impossible...

I agree with people above who say that risks are similar, i.e. some people can appear quite differently in one medium or another. Who is to say whether it is the writing or the "in person" social behaviors which are the "real person"?  Some people might even get excited by the mystery of such inconsistencies, while others become defensive and consider it dishonesty... another risk is to fall in love with someone who is not interested in expanding the relationship. In other words, to fall for a flirt who enjoys the interactions in one place but has another life they go back to and do not want to blend.

In the end, the risk is having an incomplete picture and finding that you are incompatible with the whole person. I don't mean to sound pessimistic, you can also fall in love with half the person and then fall in love all over again with the other half!  And in a really good relationship, you keep doing this like Zeno's arrow and never quite get through to the end.   :o

my point exactly...

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Nothing is ever as it seems on the Internet Bambi.

A lot of people live their fantasies on the web.

Sure lots of success stories....but a lot of frauds.

Hansum rich man turns into flat broke gargoyle etc etc.

Gorgeous size 8 gal is actualy a size 18 etc etc

But there a half a billion people connected and communication is instantaneous so have a go!!!

I think Internet love is possible just like people have romanced via letters in the past, though some people are more likely to than others... I think we fall in love with the idea of another person rather than the actual person.  Over a long relationship, we slowly learn who the other person is, changing our idea at the same time we are actually changing them (and vice versa).

Some people live more "abstract" mental lives than others, and these people can more easily fall in love with an idea of a person based in words.  Others need the physicality of gestures, expressions, touch, sound, and scent. To these people, the idea of an internet romance sounds cold and impossible...

I agree with people above who say that risks are similar, i.e. some people can appear quite differently in one medium or another. Who is to say whether it is the writing or the "in person" social behaviors which are the "real person"?  Some people might even get excited by the mystery of such inconsistencies, while others become defensive and consider it dishonesty... another risk is to fall in love with someone who is not interested in expanding the relationship. In other words, to fall for a flirt who enjoys the interactions in one place but has another life they go back to and do not want to blend.

In the end, the risk is having an incomplete picture and finding that you are incompatible with the whole person. I don't mean to sound pessimistic, you can also fall in love with half the person and then fall in love all over again with the other half!  And in a really good relationship, you keep doing this like Zeno's arrow and never quite get through to the end.   :D

my point exactly...

in my defence I have to add that i am the beautiful flamenco dancer shown in my pictures...actually I am even prettier in real world...


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(Quote): in my defence I have to add that i am the beautiful flamenco dancer shown in my pictures...actually I am even prettier in real world...

I not believe you :D

Have to check first lah.

But if your heart is as beautifull as you look you would be the perfect partner for anyone...... :o

I think meeting someone through cyberspace first is a good thing.

To find out how people think/react from some distance is a good way to filter out the ones you don't like. In my experience people tend to be more open about themselves in cyberspace.



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True love certainly does not happen with words alone but they are a good start to a serious friendship.

While the internet is relatively new, long-distance communication is not. I met people all the way back to the fifties through ham radio and they remain close friends to this very day. And with a few of them, we communicated through Morse code! Funny, eh? Dots and dashes and now it is digital off and on code.

There are also risks in "real life" meetings - physical attractions that get the juices flowing have nothing to do with our ability to form a successful long-term relationship. Da bone has led me down SO many dead-end streets..!

Our own personal preferences are important as well and "falang with elephant" can be a reasonable concern if it is important to you. My wife/soulmate is 30 years younger than I and there are MANY who incorrectly assume that she was a barlady or is with me due to monetary considerations. But that's life, ain't it? People are going to think what they think and it is only important if WE think it is...

Anyway.. Communicate using every available medium but STOP LOOKING!

When it is right, it will fall upon you like a windshield falls upon a bug - but only if you are completely open and not totally involved in your expectations/demands...

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(Quote): in my defence I have to add that i am the beautiful flamenco dancer shown in my pictures...actually I am even prettier in real world...

I not believe you   :D Have to check first lah.

you see that´s the problem with cybeworld...you cannot prove you are not lying... :o:D

But if your heart is as beautifull as you look you would be the perfect partner for anyone...... :D

I am any men dream...BUT NOBODY KNOWS IT YET!!! :D  :D  :D

I think meeting someone through cyberspace first is a good thing.

To find out how people think/react from some distance is a good way to filter out the ones you don't like. In my experience people tend to be more open about themselves in cyberspace.



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I'd say dating is a no but because I've seen three of my friends all having found their partners on the internet my opinion is changing slightly. Everyone is different and maybe it is fate that some people are destined to meet their partner online, I'm not sure.

One of my friends is married and he tells me everyday his wife is the best thing that happened to him :o

Another traveled all the way to America to see his online partner and they are still dating now, he even has started teaching in America and they look amazing together like any other normal couple would. I think no different of them for meeting through the internet.

But I can say this is not for me, for other people yes but for me no. I could see myself having good friends through the internet though but you only get to know the person so much online. The bad parts of that person don't shine through a computer screen.

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But I can say this is not for me, for other people yes but for me no. I could see myself having good friends through the internet though but you only get to know the person so much online. The bad parts of that person don't shine through a computer screen.

Icy I think when people are desperate to find a partner they try anything, from dating agency to internet.

The question is why are they seeking a partner.

There are more then 5 billion people on this planet how would you ever know that person is the right one for you. You can meet someone that you are physically atracted to (if that is what you are looking for) or mentally.

To have a partner is to be able to share precious moments in live, to know there is always someone there to be with you, to support you in the suffering we call life.



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I think its ok to meet people from online. It's just a different medium for communication.

The only danger to it is getting ur hopes too high about who you are going to meet and when you finally meet them your devistated by the person you see.

Think of it like shopping. You don't normally shop in only one store. Why limit yourself to only one way to meet someone.

Just don't loose touch with reality and end up with the internet as your only social outlet of communication.

Also, if someone tells you that your spending too much time chatting,......then you probably are.

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i have developed a crush on sbk just by reading her posts, but i think she's married and couldn't care less anyway, sigh. internet relationships are possible but a real stretch because people are caught up with their own realities.

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But I can say this is not for me, for other people yes but for me no. I could see myself having good friends through the internet though but you only get to know the person so much online. The bad parts of that person don't shine through a computer screen.

Icy I think when people are desperate to find a partner they try anything, from dating agency to internet.

The question is why are they seeking a partner.

There are more then 5 billion people on this planet how would you ever know that person is the right one for you. You can meet someone that you are physically atracted to (if that is what you are looking for) or mentally.

To have a partner is to be able to share precious moments in live, to know there is always someone there to be with you, to support you in the suffering we call life.



Alex I didn't question the motives of people using the internet for dating :o

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please dont get me wrong .. i dont mean we have to stuck in cyber world

but it just like alternative way .... sort of  a  gate  of  door that make  you can meet people ....and then  make it for real ..as real life

example  .. i join in cyber space as TV forum ..after that i decided to join and meet  people in real life as pissup party ..

if i met a decent guy ,  who know..what will happend next

but the  origin  was from cyber space

awwwww...just example i dont mean im trying to grab any TV guy  :D  :o  :D  :D

Me!!! Me!!!! :D

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