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Lets be honest here, Jodphurs with holes in are hardly what the self aclaimed H/M should strutting about in, down to his underpants fro what I have heard and it just not on, letting the side down etc A wooly jumper instead of a red H/M tunic...........is he the right man for the job or would he better peedling TIGER down at your local hostlery? You lot had better sort this out, we dont have that sort of PROBLEM down here! What. ...6 -------1 to the Arsenal, now thats where the real royalty is, I expect Fred is banged up with Leyton Orient, West Ham or Toottenham Hotspurs, is the man beyond repair I ask?

Maybe but it would take a braver man than me to tell him so.

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Lets be honest here, Jodphurs with holes in are hardly what the self aclaimed H/M should strutting about in, down to his underpants fro what I have heard and it just not on, letting the side down etc A wooly jumper instead of a red H/M tunic...........is he the right man for the job or would he better peedling TIGER down at your local hostlery? You lot had better sort this out, we dont have that sort of PROBLEM down here! What. ...6 -------1 to the Arsenal, now thats where the real royalty is, I expect Fred is banged up with Leyton Orient, West Ham or Toottenham Hotspurs, is the man beyond repair I ask?

Better be careful. Fred's Secret Service guys will be watching for any infringement of the KPP Lese majeste laws.

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I have down the Riverside Market today in NS. It is not there, it moved into the inner streets and the temple and has been there apparently for a couple of weeks! The riberside itself is a hive of activity, a lot has been dug up, the river wall is being strengthened and diggers are on the beach. The water looks to be about 8' below the critical level here, however, between the Bangkok Road Bridge and the Pitsanoluk Road Bridge there is a secondary bridge along Kosi Road, this where the defences stop, there is Tesco there and a restaurant called twoees, this likely where the flood water is likely to hit, I have not been there lately but when I last passed by it was at a worrying level for anyone in that area. If I were a betting man I would put it at 100-30 on NS being inundated before the month is out. The flood defences need to go to the Pitsanoluk Bridge, its that simple to anyone who bothers to look.

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Been across the river today to the railway station, the river is still high, from the bridge my guess is about 8' would flood the south side, on the north east bank coming back it looks to be about 10' below the flood level.

The railway station, which I am told does not flood ,had 16 tankers of PTT fuel in th sidings, 6 were then shunted off towards the storage tanks. I am told that these are to ensure fuel supplies for the fuel station in the city, its good that, if this is true, that forward thinking is taking place as we have 4-6 weeks when things could get worse.

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Had a thunderstorm for most of the night last night, a real dump although most of the standing water has now disappeared. My lady showed me on the channel 3 news that the some of the pictures were from Nakhon Sawan, some of the earth that had been put by the river about 1-2 kms east of the Asia Highway ( 1 ) had colapsed into the river so the next few days dont look inspiring, not sure if we will be heading that way in the next few days, more likely next week.

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Been down the 122 by pass today and its pretty grim up the north end, dust or mud depending on the weather. Resurfacing about 3km south of the turn to the south in both directions, lorries down to a crawl so beware.

Under the bridge where the 3005 intersects there is a little flooding on the north side, not to worry its not affecting the roads yet, south bank has a lot of earth banked up but looks ok. The river is high but looks ok.

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Been down the 122 by pass today and its pretty grim up the north end, dust or mud depending on the weather. Resurfacing about 3km south of the turn to the south in both directions, lorries down to a crawl so beware.

Under the bridge where the 3005 intersects there is a little flooding on the north side, not to worry its not affecting the roads yet, south bank has a lot of earth banked up but looks ok. The river is high but looks ok.

That had better be finihsed before King Fred returns.

You can guess what he will be like if his royal horseless carriage gets dirty.

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Been down the 122 by pass today and its pretty grim up the north end, dust or mud depending on the weather. Resurfacing about 3km south of the turn to the south in both directions, lorries down to a crawl so beware.

Under the bridge where the 3005 intersects there is a little flooding on the north side, not to worry its not affecting the roads yet, south bank has a lot of earth banked up but looks ok. The river is high but looks ok.

That had better be finihsed before King Fred returns.

You can guess what he will be like if his royal horseless carriage gets dirty.

Bugger King Fred (no tales please), I will be using that road on Wednesday. Hope it improves or survives 4 more days

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The rough bit is about 1-2 kms, just take care.

Been along the riverside to the west of BIGC and it looks ok, no flooding for the next few days I would say. Thunder around tonight.

Does anyone think that the so called Kink Fred has fled to Blighty because of the floods? Perhaps his stables ( where the boy lives ) will be inundated and when he returns it will be the domain of the local crocodilesbiggrin.png

Its all gone a bit quite up in KPP even though I keep the economy moving with a bottle of Chang every now and then, which is more than the so called leader cbiggrin.png n manage, he is far up the Tiger what!

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The rough bit is about 1-2 kms, just take care.

Been along the riverside to the west of BIGC and it looks ok, no flooding for the next few days I would say. Thunder around tonight.

Does anyone think that the so called Kink Fred has fled to Blighty because of the floods? Perhaps his stables ( where the boy lives ) will be inundated and when he returns it will be the domain of the local crocodilesbiggrin.png

Its all gone a bit quite up in KPP even though I keep the economy moving with a bottle of Chang every now and then, which is more than the so called leader cbiggrin.png n manage, he is far up the Tiger what!

A chill wind is blowing through Kamphaeng Phet now that the Hunt Master has departed to distant shores. Some say that they have seen him walk on water although,admittedly, that was in the middle of a road on a very hot day. Some say that he is,in fact,not in England but on the International Space Station directing operations. Where will I go for my cup of (expensive) Earl Grey and (very expensive,he even charges English VAT rates) crumpets now he's gone?

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A chill wind is blowing through Kamphaeng Phet now that the Hunt Master has departed to distant shores. Some say that they have seen him walk on water although,admittedly, that was in the middle of a road on a very hot day. Some say that he is,in fact,not in England but on the International Space Station directing operations. Where will I go for my cup of (expensive) Earl Grey and (very expensive,he even charges English VAT rates) crumpets now he's gone?

Not half as chill as the wind where he has gone.


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For all you who doubt HRH Fred whereabouts. He has gone to assist HM Lillibet at the opening of Parliament and to proof read her speech before it goes out live. He is also doing a bit of personal business when he grants her an audience. It is not well known that Fred and one of his minions has invented a whitening cream for ladies intimate regions. It is in all the newspapers and TV this week, even in the News section of Thai Visa. Fred did let it slip that he was going to ask Lizzie for a Royal Warrant for the product, so he can make even more grandiose adverts for the hot selling stuff which is conservatively known till now as "ladies down below whitening cream". Just imagine having a whatnot whitening cream "as used by the Queen of England"

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A chill wind is blowing through Kamphaeng Phet now that the Hunt Master has departed to distant shores. Some say that they have seen him walk on water although,admittedly, that was in the middle of a road on a very hot day. Some say that he is,in fact,not in England but on the International Space Station directing operations. Where will I go for my cup of (expensive) Earl Grey and (very expensive,he even charges English VAT rates) crumpets now he's gone?

Not half as chill as the wind where he has gone.


So very true.
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For all you who doubt HRH Fred whereabouts. He has gone to assist HM Lillibet at the opening of Parliament and to proof read her speech before it goes out live. He is also doing a bit of personal business when he grants her an audience. It is not well known that Fred and one of his minions has invented a whitening cream for ladies intimate regions. It is in all the newspapers and TV this week, even in the News section of Thai Visa. Fred did let it slip that he was going to ask Lizzie for a Royal Warrant for the product, so he can make even more grandiose adverts for the hot selling stuff which is conservatively known till now as "ladies down below whitening cream". Just imagine having a whatnot whitening cream "as used by the Queen of England"

Fred in Wonderland eh!

Dreamland is more like it, I expect he is still trying to safe enough for his 1st pint!

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Have been to the Metropolis that is Nakhon sawan and serveyed the the great River. Its well below the parrapets so no immediate danger of flooding and many diggers are errecting more steel re-inforced concrete barriers that dont look temporary and will enhance the evening stroll along the prom no end. There is still the worry at the eatern end where it all comes to an end I will have send a runner to view the situation in due course. For now though, all can sleep soundly anf go about their business safe in the knowledge that things are ok for the next few days.

It also needs to be told that some of us did not run away to blighty at the first downpour and flooded stables!

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For all you who doubt HRH Fred whereabouts. He has gone to assist HM Lillibet at the opening of Parliament and to proof read her speech before it goes out live. He is also doing a bit of personal business when he grants her an audience. It is not well known that Fred and one of his minions has invented a whitening cream for ladies intimate regions. It is in all the newspapers and TV this week, even in the News section of Thai Visa. Fred did let it slip that he was going to ask Lizzie for a Royal Warrant for the product, so he can make even more grandiose adverts for the hot selling stuff which is conservatively known till now as "ladies down below whitening cream". Just imagine having a whatnot whitening cream "as used by the Queen of England"

Well I am not putting any white stuff from any queen down there.

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While you guys continue to go on and on with your pomp and circumstance, does anyone know where to buy canned (oops - tinned) anchovies in NS. I've tried Big C, Tesco and Mackro with no luck unless they stock them somewhere other than in the grocery department.

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While you guys continue to go on and on with your pomp and circumstance, does anyone know where to buy canned (oops - tinned) anchovies in NS. I've tried Big C, Tesco and Mackro with no luck unless they stock them somewhere other than in the grocery department.

The only other place you might try that I can think of is Vittethep. If you have been to Tesco in Fairyland its only 5 minutes on foot, keep heading east on the Sawanvittee and it comes up on your right white turqouise/green building, they have their own car park.

If you can eat fresh you can try the markets for small fresh fish and mariante them yourself, otherwise its a bit of a stumper and the only font of all knowledge has returned to the UK till the floods finish, a part time colonialbiggrin.png

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Have been to the Metropolis that is Nakhon sawan and serveyed the the great River. Its well below the parrapets so no immediate danger of flooding and many diggers are errecting more steel re-inforced concrete barriers that dont look temporary and will enhance the evening stroll along the prom no end. There is still the worry at the eatern end where it all comes to an end I will have send a runner to view the situation in due course. For now though, all can sleep soundly anf go about their business safe in the knowledge that things are ok for the next few days.

It also needs to be told that some of us did not run away to blighty at the first downpour and flooded stables!

Came over the by pass at 7pm Wednesday, was OK except for the part being "repaired". However, about Sing Buri, just as darkness was falling, there were many trees broken in the road median and had fallen on to the main road. Must have been one helluva wind to do that. Council crews were out dealing with the mess.

I am 25 miles SW of Kamphaeng Phet and at 5am this morning was wakened by the hardest rain I had ever seen in my life, thought it was actuallt thunder. So, if this was widespread, NS will get a hiding pretty soon

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Been down to the riverside for eats tonight about 1km west of the main bridge, the river is not high, my guess about 12' below the top so now orries at the moment, a lot of what I guess is last year's floods still visible. Lot of rubbish flowing down by the river, has an equestrian centre come to grief in KPP? Smell them jodphurs! Good lord you can understand why there are no foxes up there!

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While you guys continue to go on and on with your pomp and circumstance, does anyone know where to buy canned (oops - tinned) anchovies in NS. I've tried Big C, Tesco and Mackro with no luck unless they stock them somewhere other than in the grocery department.

Do not forget to check the jars of food too.

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While you guys continue to go on and on with your pomp and circumstance, does anyone know where to buy canned (oops - tinned) anchovies in NS. I've tried Big C, Tesco and Mackro with no luck unless they stock them somewhere other than in the grocery department.

Do not forget to check the jars of food too.

I've looked everywhere several times over the past 14 years. There are sardines packed in everything that you can think of but no anchovies. As an antidote: When I first came to Thailand in 1997 I had a small restaurant in Samui. We ran out of eggs, my wife wasn't there and I knew if I sent the cook she would be gone for hours so I went myself. I looked all over the dairy dept but no eggs and I didn't have a clue what the Thai word was so I went to the manager and did my "chicken laying an egg imitation". After they stopped rolling on the floor laughing one of the girls took me down an aisle and there were the eggs, neatly stacked between the hammers and electrical supplies. True story at the market across from Soi Regee if it's still there.

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While you guys continue to go on and on with your pomp and circumstance, does anyone know where to buy canned (oops - tinned) anchovies in NS. I've tried Big C, Tesco and Mackro with no luck unless they stock them somewhere other than in the grocery department.

Do not forget to check the jars of food too.

I've looked everywhere several times over the past 14 years. There are sardines packed in everything that you can think of but no anchovies. As an antidote: When I first came to Thailand in 1997 I had a small restaurant in Samui. We ran out of eggs, my wife wasn't there and I knew if I sent the cook she would be gone for hours so I went myself. I looked all over the dairy dept but no eggs and I didn't have a clue what the Thai word was so I went to the manager and did my "chicken laying an egg imitation". After they stopped rolling on the floor laughing one of the girls took me down an aisle and there were the eggs, neatly stacked between the hammers and electrical supplies. True story at the market across from Soi Regee if it's still there.

Modern merchandising methods in Thailand. O found the weigh scales in Big C where the bicycles were, eventually, after going up and down the bathrrom accessories aisle several times!

The other night we down to a local market and the wife had to have a papaya salad to take home, in one of the jars of ingredients was looked like a small fried fish, it tasted a bit anchovish to me, so next time you are out have look and that might give you the lead you need.

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While you guys continue to go on and on with your pomp and circumstance, does anyone know where to buy canned (oops - tinned) anchovies in NS. I've tried Big C, Tesco and Mackro with no luck unless they stock them somewhere other than in the grocery department.

Do not forget to check the jars of food too.

I've looked everywhere several times over the past 14 years. There are sardines packed in everything that you can think of but no anchovies. As an antidote: When I first came to Thailand in 1997 I had a small restaurant in Samui. We ran out of eggs, my wife wasn't there and I knew if I sent the cook she would be gone for hours so I went myself. I looked all over the dairy dept but no eggs and I didn't have a clue what the Thai word was so I went to the manager and did my "chicken laying an egg imitation". After they stopped rolling on the floor laughing one of the girls took me down an aisle and there were the eggs, neatly stacked between the hammers and electrical supplies. True story at the market across from Soi Regee if it's still there.

Modern merchandising methods in Thailand. O found the weigh scales in Big C where the bicycles were, eventually, after going up and down the bathrrom accessories aisle several times!

The other night we down to a local market and the wife had to have a papaya salad to take home, in one of the jars of ingredients was looked like a small fried fish, it tasted a bit anchovish to me, so next time you are out have look and that might give you the lead you need.

Home made pa-la. They make it all of the time around where I live, but not the same, small fermented fish, scales, bones guts and all. Have used it it some recipes though.

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To the west of the main bridge here in the Heavenly City,about 1km and some road into Sawvittee 64 there is abig market/aybe soem rides as well. It here for about another 7 days, worth a look but dont expect any bargains, a 2m frontage is costing 6000bts so you can do the figures, a possible 10 days of trading. Got the trots a couple of years ago so think twice but maybe we were both unlucky.

Free to look though but a charge to park, naturally.

River level is no problem.

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Still no news of the Hunting Chappie from KPP then? I do hope we have not got to get a search party up or worse still start a crusade! So much for so called super star status! On the other hand maybe Border Control have got him trying to get into Blighty with his horse and cart!!laugh.png

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Local football, regional league(D2) "Champions League" will start 6th October. There are 2 groups both 6 teams and best 2 from both group gets promoted Division 1 for next year. Paknampho NSRU is in group A and they start matches at home against Phitsanulok. They use Nakhon Sawan stadium for this minileague so easy to go see action.

6/10 Paknampho v Phitsanulok 6PM

14/10 Paknampho v Pattani

20/10 Ayutthaya v Paknampho

28/10 Paknampho v Rayong Utd

3/11 Roi Et Utd v Paknampho

11/11 Phitsanulok v Paknampho

17/11 Pattani v Paknampho

25/11 Paknampho v Ayutthaya

1/12 Rayong Utd v Paknampho

9/12 Paknampho v Roi Et Utd

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Been to have a look at the state of the Ping at the secondary bridge along the eastern end of Kosi Road tonight, the river appears to have slowed and dropped by about 3' or a metre ( take your pick ), its does not look likely to flood in the near future unless the dams are holding the water back for a special delivery.

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Been to have a look at the state of the Ping at the secondary bridge along the eastern end of Kosi Road tonight, the river appears to have slowed and dropped by about 3' or a metre ( take your pick ), its does not look likely to flood in the near future unless the dams are holding the water back for a special delivery.

Looked at the Ping yesterday in KPP, actually looked pretty low here. Gf, however, went out an hour ago to go to KPP and something has happned as she called me to say the road was closed with "big water". We are quite a ways from town, so bugger me where she is now.

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Been to have a look at the state of the Ping at the secondary bridge along the eastern end of Kosi Road tonight, the river appears to have slowed and dropped by about 3' or a metre ( take your pick ), its does not look likely to flood in the near future unless the dams are holding the water back for a special delivery.

Looked at the Ping yesterday in KPP, actually looked pretty low here. Gf, however, went out an hour ago to go to KPP and something has happned as she called me to say the road was closed with "big water". We are quite a ways from town, so bugger me where she is now.

The Ping was low last Thursday in KPP but it has rained a bit since then.

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