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Bomb Plot Shows Thailand's Security Gaps: Experts


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Bomb plot shows Thailand's security gaps: experts

by Amelie Bottollier-Depois

BANGKOK, February 23, 2012 (AFP) - A bungled bomb plot by Iranian suspects in Bangkok has highlighted Thailand's vulnerability to terrorist attacks, experts say, even as authorities in the kingdom play down the threat.

The tourist magnet is seen as a soft target because of the easy entry it grants to foreign visitors as part of efforts to boost the economy.

While the alleged plot to kill Israeli diplomats in the Thai capital was unsuccessful, it only came to light because of a series of apparently accidental explosions which rocked a residential neighbourhood on February 14.

Thai officials have denied the blasts -- which came a month after the United States warned of a terror strike in the capital -- were a terrorist incident on the basis that individuals rather than the general public were the targets.

The explosions came a month after police found a large amount of chemicals in a house near Bangkok that could be used to make a bomb. A Lebanese suspect was arrested in connection with that incident.

The safety scares dealt a new blow to a tourism industry still recovering from the fallout of months of devastating floods last year, as well as several rounds of political unrest in recent years.

"Thailand is worried that the bombings will be yet another blow to the country's image as a safe tourist destination, particularly if it admits the blasts were a terrorist attack," said Maria Patrikainen, Southeast Asia political analyst for research firm IHS Jane's.

While the kingdom stepped up security in the wake of the 2002 bombings on the Indonesian resort island of Bali which left more than 200 people dead, "procedures -- particularly regarding visas -- have not been tightened as much as they could be for fear of damaging tourism," Patrikainen said.

Thai intelligence gathering is complicated by factors including poor coordination between the various police and government agencies involved, according to experts.

Furthermore, while the kingdom is no stranger to attacks, it has little experience dealing with international terrorists.

Bangkok has seen numerous mostly minor blasts in recent years but they have been blamed on the country's rival political factions.

An insurgency has also been raging for eight years in the Muslim-majority deep south, where there are near-daily gun or bomb attacks, but the violence is confined to the region and the militants have never targeted Western tourists.

"Thailand appears as a sitting duck," said Paul Chambers, director of research at the South East Asian Institute of Global Studies at Payap University in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand.

"It is more surprising that such bombings have not happened before," he added.

This month's failed attack was not Thailand's first lucky escape.

In 1994, police stumbled across a massive bomb hidden in a truck involved in a minor traffic accident two blocks from the Israeli embassy in Bangkok. An Iranian suspect in the incident was sentenced to death.

"Eighteen years later, we've been lucky again... We cannot rely on luck every time," said Thitinan Pongsudhirak, director of the Institute of Security and International Studies at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University.

He said Thai authorities needed to be more vigilant and proactive.

"So far they have not had very good intelligence. There has been poor coordination, poor analysis," he said, noting that the initial warning of a potential attack had come from the US embassy.

Some observers attribute the security weaknesses in part to the political turbulence that has rocked Thailand since a 2006 coup which ousted controversial premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Since his overthrow there have been a series of street protests by rival political groups which culminated in mass pro-Thaksin demonstrations in early 2010 which sparked a military crackdown that left more than 90 people dead.

The leaders of those rallies, from the "Red Shirt" movement, were charged with "terrorism" and are awaiting trial.

"There has been so much disarray in Thai politics and Thailand's political class has been so focused on other things that having a serious discussion on matters like security hasn't been possible," said Michael Montesano, a research fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.

Thailand's national police "has capable people aware of threats to foreign targets on Thai soil," he said.

"But like members of bureaucracies anywhere they face big challenges in terms of coordination with other parts of the government," Montesano said.

"We need someone to move beyond this state of denial and take real leadership. If recent events prove a wake-up call for the Thais to evolve capacities, it would be a blessing in disguise."


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-02-23

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Well, the military is responsible for the intelligence services and as the military likes to point out, the military does not answer to the civilian government.

Therefore, the baht stops at the desk of the Chief of Defence Forces General Thanasak Patimaprakorn of the RTA .

I suggest that the writer, Amelie Bottollier-Depois go and ask the General what he is doing about this.

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Well, the military is responsible for the intelligence services and as the military likes to point out, the military does not answer to the civilian government.

Therefore, the baht stops at the desk of the Chief of Defence Forces General Thanasak Patimaprakorn of the RTA .

I suggest that the writer, Amelie Bottollier-Depois go and ask the General what he is doing about this.

Are the border and airport passport control part of the RTA?

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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

I hope Chalerm doesn't see this!

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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

Well, I think that about covers everyone.

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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

An eye for an eye.

They ban us, we ban them.

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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

A great solution to a world wide problem of course as you sit back baking in your glory hope to heck the background check does not require an IQ rating above 10 otherwise I am afraid it is evident you will be taking a one way trip - HOME - wherever that may be - they say Iceland is nice this time of year - ENJOY YOURSELF empahsis on SELF.

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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

You're not Irish by any chance Jaivin2011? Seem to have missed that one. People from St. Helena seem dodgy as well, until you get to know them

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"Thai intelligence gathering is complicated by factors including poor coordination between the various police and government agencies involved, according to experts".

"So far they have not had very good intelligence. There has been poor coordination, poor analysis," he said, noting that the initial warning of a potential attack had come from the US embassy".

Until the government can get the coordination issue sorted out, proper analysis on intelligence and distribution of information obtained to the relevant departments, then Thailand will remain the same. Army and police have to work together.

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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

You forgot those married to Thais, those who have Thai children and all the decrepid retirees who are only using up Thai oxygen.

While you're at it, might as well deport mixed race kids for "thinning down" pure Thai blood.

That should do it.

Edited by philw
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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

The gays, the gays, you forgot the gays.

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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

The gays, the gays, you forgot the gays.

Perhaps he/she is gay Irish; doesn't really make you a bad person, but get onto the list

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... "We need someone to move beyond this state of denial and take real leadership. If recent events prove a wake-up call for the Thais to evolve capacities, it would be a blessing in disguise." -- excerpt from article above.

... the "blessing in disguise ... wake-up call", will happen only after there is a successful, controlled detonation ... probably a few weeks later actually, after foreigner governments point out to the Thai authorities that Thailand is now officially a Terrorist Hub.

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Your article only scratches the surface on the "Thai gap in security." The gap is far more expansive and the problems deeper than you outline. Thailand's security has been breached for years by the insurgency in the south taking over 6,000 lives in the southern provinces.

The big tipoff that Thailand was fertile ground for terrorist activity, cell development, and potentially effective bombs was the closing of the Suvharnibhumi airport by a Thai political protest for 8 days plus cleanup in December 2008. The PAD, know as the yellow shirts, just walked in and commandeered the airport bringing flights, activity, transit, and security to its knees. The army, police, government were totally helpless and took no action as the protesters "camped in" with stranded tourists and commercial shipments at the airport. This was an eye opener for the world including any terrorist minded organizations.

The second gap is the massive corruption within Thai police and army organizations as well as regulatory (almost non existent), political, and commercial components of the Thai system. Corruption is in the DNA of Thailand and is its own worst enemy when going up against something like terrorism and participating in the global world.

You hit on the denial. It is deeper in Thailand than you can imagine. They have a material, economic, and societal agenda that supersedes any law, morality, or safety. It sets up a total breakdown of security issues. You can illustrate many examples of this with the recent devastating floods being vivid. Spend a little time in Thailand, get the hang of it, and don't let them double talk you into believing that they have "measures in place," that they "have an 8 step program." that they "are examining" the situation...etc. Pin them down, ask questions, do some investigative journalism, it will help turn them around and enlist them in to the modern world. Albeit kicking and screaming.

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"Thai intelligence gathering is complicated by factors including poor coordination between the various police and government agencies involved, according to experts".

"So far they have not had very good intelligence. There has been poor coordination, poor analysis," he said, noting that the initial warning of a potential attack had come from the US embassy".

Until the government can get the coordination issue sorted out, proper analysis on intelligence and distribution of information obtained to the relevant departments, then Thailand will remain the same. Army and police have to work together.

Who is looking at the security issue from inside. What about all these Red shirt villages all around Thailand training and making illegal weapons. To me this is more worrisome than couple stupide and incompetent terrorists

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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

This is a joke isn't it? ( PS Britain is a country,,I don't think it's coming here anytime soon. Britons are British)

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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

I hope Chalerm doesn't see this!

Yes, get rid of all these the tourist and police revenue will fall to 3,000 baht biweekly.

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"Thai intelligence gathering is complicated by factors including poor coordination between the various police and government agencies involved, according to experts".

"So far they have not had very good intelligence. There has been poor coordination, poor analysis," he said, noting that the initial warning of a potential attack had come from the US embassy".

Until the government can get the coordination issue sorted out, proper analysis on intelligence and distribution of information obtained to the relevant departments, then Thailand will remain the same. Army and police have to work together.

Who is looking at the security issue from inside. What about all these Red shirt villages all around Thailand training and making illegal weapons. To me this is more worrisome than couple stupide and incompetent terrorists

Yes the real threat to stability is coming from within, but directed from without.

Edited by animatic
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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

Such a racist comment u just made... so u think decent education background is only with whites? no Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians, Africans and Muslims dont have this?

When Europe and the rest of western world was in dark age, Muslims were developing science, literature and arts... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_in_the_medieval_Islamic_world

If u stop watching Fox News, ur life would be much better and based on the facts... not only on fictions... (remember WMDs in Iraq?)

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The authorities here are completely unprepared for this type of terrorist activity.

All they can do is deny that the problem is there and hope to god nothing really goes wrong. They are ineffective, which when married to face and the need to keep tourist dollars makes the likelihood that they are ever going to voluntarily, preemptively stop any terrorist attack virtually zero.

All we can hope is that people keep blowing themselves up, because Sgt Somchai isn't going to help, believe me.

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The first thing that the Thai Authorities should do is to ban all Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalians and Africans from coming to this country and then followed by vetting all Muslims who are entering the country. This also should be follwed by vetting all Britains, Americans and also Australians and Germans . Swedish and only provide visas to those wth decent educational backgrounds and also financial resources as they are also a lot of trash whites in the kingdom these days indulging in sinister activities like running online gambling stuff, porn sites and also running bars and brothels along with money laundering activities.

OK... enough of these type of racist and hateful comments.

It may have been made tongue-in-cheek but trolling is also not allowed on the forum.

Any more like this will earn you a suspension from the forum.

I am leaving the post visible because it has been left for several days now, but I'll request that other members please refrain from responding to this any more.

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"Thai intelligence gathering is complicated by factors including poor coordination between the various police and government agencies involved, according to experts".

"So far they have not had very good intelligence. There has been poor coordination, poor analysis," he said, noting that the initial warning of a potential attack had come from the US embassy".

Until the government can get the coordination issue sorted out, proper analysis on intelligence and distribution of information obtained to the relevant departments, then Thailand will remain the same. Army and police have to work together.

Who is looking at the security issue from inside. What about all these Red shirt villages all around Thailand training and making illegal weapons. To me this is more worrisome than couple stupide and incompetent terrorists

Yes the real threat to stability is coming from within, but directed from without.

Excellent line Animatic!

Thailand needs to diversify in its intelligence setup, and, as has rightly been commented on look at the internal issues as well as the external threat.

I am certain this is being done right now with the length of time the problems have been running in the South and the increase of incidents involving foreign nationals on Thai soil, it has just not been made public, or rather not made it to the public domain which is correct and neccessary for any intelligence organization to operate efficiently.

My comment on coordination between sections/organizations remains. IMHO, the most important factor to any successful outcome.

Political incitement towards violence (I refuse to call it terrorism, although by defination it probably falls in that catogory), again IMO, is another issue but needs to be monitored closely and included in the intelligence picture.

Only through organization and coordination can Thailand succeed. Walk before you run!

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