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A Bigger Conflict Awaits: Thailand's PAD Is Making A Comeback


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gregb, #57^

It is why I have extreme respect for the yellow shirts despite disagreeing with some of their methods. The red shirts by contrast are for the most part short sighted, greedy, self serving criminals who have very little concern for anyone but themselves and their immediate gratification. I have never met a single red shirt who has a grasp of history or that I can actually respect.

You've never met a Red Shirt in a meaningful way.

It is strange how those who have the most egregious things to say about them, know very little about them, save what the Opposition media has told them.

As I mentioned before, some who parrot that media do so innocently. They are told by their media and then read Posts like yours, and with no experiential information to the contrary, accept it as the way it must be.

There are also those parrots who are devious. The above quote lauding the PAD in one breath, while denigrating the Red Shirts in the other, suggests to me that you are in this latter catagory. This type of parrot has an anti-red shirt agenda, and will advance it in whatever way possible.

The silver lining in this cloud is that the Red Shirts have effectively emasculated those who you admire, and moved them decisively to the electoral sidelines, where they belong.

Lacking respect for a large swath of the Thai electorate and their political movement, plus not having a sense of political equality amongst citizens, deserve to be politically marginalized.

But for anyone who reads this stuff as if it is based on Red Shirt knowledge, need to know it is not.

Edited by CalgaryII
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All the other charges were fabricated to please the western minds and justify the coup.


The war on drug for example has a large support amongst the thai population.

Luckily red kool aid drinkers aren't a target of the next 'war on drugs'. A steady supply ensures that next time they kill a thousand innocent people without trial you'll be cheering it on as long as it benefits Big T and the Kleptomaniacs

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gregb, #57^

It is why I have extreme respect for the yellow shirts despite disagreeing with some of their methods. The red shirts by contrast are for the most part short sighted, greedy, self serving criminals who have very little concern for anyone but themselves and their immediate gratification. I have never met a single red shirt who has a grasp of history or that I can actually respect.

You've never met a Red Shirt in a meaningful way.

It is strange how those who have the most egregious things to say about them, know very little about them, save what the Opposition media has told them.

As I mentioned before, some who parrot that media do so innocently. They are told by their media and then read Posts like yours, and with no experiential information to the contrary, accept it as the way it must be.

There are also those parrots who are devious. The above quote lauding the PAD in one breath, while denigrating the Red Shirts in the other, suggests to me that you are in this latter catagory. This type of parrot has an anti-red shirt agenda, and will advance it in whatever way possible.

The silver lining in this cloud is that the Red Shirts have effectively emasculated those who you admire, and moved them decisively to the electoral sidelines, where they belong.

Lacking respect for a large swath of the Thai electorate and their political movement, plus not having a sense of political equality amongst citizens, deserve to be politically marginalized.

But for anyone who reads this stuff as if it is based on Red Shirt knowledge, need to know it is not.

Where as a parrot such as yourself has a pro-redshirt agenda and will advance it in whatever way possible.

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I find it sad that not a single person here has as of yet understood Khun Thanong or the very critical message he is trying to convey. I will admit I find his Buddhist tangents over the years a bit distracting, but that is simply the cultural differences between a very intelligent Thai and a very intelligent Westerner.

When I came here in 1998, it was the Sufficiency Economy that really sealed the deal for me. I have long been a supporter of distributism, a third way economic philosophy, realizing that the sieve of the cold war that reduced the entire world to choosing either the capitalist empire or the communist empire would lead the world into ruin.

Some truly smart and benevolent people realized after the meltdown in the late 90's that Thailand needed a different path. Being a vassal state of the capitalist empire was a road to ruin no matter how it was done. These were very, very thoughtful and far sighted people who understood even back then that the rhetoric coming out the American imperial core was simply propaganda designed to fool the masses into thinking that this round of global empire was somehow different than the countless failed civilizations before us that litter the history books.

I would venture to say that for all who are maligning Khun Thanong, he is probably much more intelligent and more educated than the vast majority of people on this board. I say this having never met him personally, but certainly some of the other supporters of the Sufficiency Economy I have spoken with are extremely enlightened, and truly have the best interests of the Thai people at heart, rather than simply the best interests of themselves. It is why I have extreme respect for the yellow shirts despite disagreeing with some of their methods. The red shirts by contrast are for the most part short sighted, greedy, self serving criminals who have very little concern for anyone but themselves and their immediate gratification. I have never met a single red shirt who has a grasp of history or that I can actually respect.

Today, with peak oil in the rear view mirror, and with energy decline and resource depletion stretching out before us into the indefinite future, it is assured there will be resource wars and that countries such as Thailand, which occupies a crucial position between resource rich countries such as Laos, Burma and Cambodia, are going to be spoils of that war. That is unless an enlightened government acts to thwart the globalist interests who are even now trying to exploit it.

Greek mythological tales such as that of Cassandra tell us that for thousands of years people have ridiculed those who espoused unpopular ideas that threatened our egos, even though those messengers are correct. So I guess people haven't changed all that much since the ancient Greeks. It is what gives me confidence that our current empire will crumble along the same lines as those before us. 5000 years have taught us nothing.

Khun Thanong understands this, and that is why he is worried. And that is why he is mocked.

He's worried because Thaksin is in bed with these globalists, at least the more amoral ones.

Why do you think he and Hun Sen are so cozy, Big Oil Backing is smiling on them both.

Thaksin wants revenge but he wants oil and gas kickbacks even more.

Gazprom, and others are his friend and china is his other market.

China is foaming at the mouth about the whole region,

but Thaksin obviously aims to hand them the chopsticks and plate...

for a nice cut.

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gregb, #57^

It is why I have extreme respect for the yellow shirts despite disagreeing with some of their methods. The red shirts by contrast are for the most part short sighted, greedy, self serving criminals who have very little concern for anyone but themselves and their immediate gratification. I have never met a single red shirt who has a grasp of history or that I can actually respect.

You've never met a Red Shirt in a meaningful way.

It is strange how those who have the most egregious things to say about them, know very little about them, save what the Opposition media has told them.

As I mentioned before, some who parrot that media do so innocently. They are told by their media and then read Posts like yours, and with no experiential information to the contrary, accept it as the way it must be.

There are also those parrots who are devious. The above quote lauding the PAD in one breath, while denigrating the Red Shirts in the other, suggests to me that you are in this latter catagory. This type of parrot has an anti-red shirt agenda, and will advance it in whatever way possible.

The silver lining in this cloud is that the Red Shirts have effectively emasculated those who you admire, and moved them decisively to the electoral sidelines, where they belong.

Lacking respect for a large swath of the Thai electorate and their political movement, plus not having a sense of political equality amongst citizens, deserve to be politically marginalized.

But for anyone who reads this stuff as if it is based on Red Shirt knowledge, need to know it is not.

One needs no more to read your hypocritical, self contradicting, half thought ramblings to gain a low concept of the Red Shirts and their supporters. No "Oppositional" propaganda needed.

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gregb, #57^

It is why I have extreme respect for the yellow shirts despite disagreeing with some of their methods. The red shirts by contrast are for the most part short sighted, greedy, self serving criminals who have very little concern for anyone but themselves and their immediate gratification. I have never met a single red shirt who has a grasp of history or that I can actually respect.

You've never met a Red Shirt in a meaningful way.

It is strange how those who have the most egregious things to say about them, know very little about them, save what the Opposition media has told them.

As I mentioned before, some who parrot that media do so innocently. They are told by their media and then read Posts like yours, and with no experiential information to the contrary, accept it as the way it must be.

There are also those parrots who are devious. The above quote lauding the PAD in one breath, while denigrating the Red Shirts in the other, suggests to me that you are in this latter catagory. This type of parrot has an anti-red shirt agenda, and will advance it in whatever way possible.

The silver lining in this cloud is that the Red Shirts have effectively emasculated those who you admire, and moved them decisively to the electoral sidelines, where they belong.

Lacking respect for a large swath of the Thai electorate and their political movement, plus not having a sense of political equality amongst citizens, deserve to be politically marginalized.

But for anyone who reads this stuff as if it is based on Red Shirt knowledge, need to know it is not.

One needs no more to read your hypocritical, self contradicting, half thought ramblings to gain a low concept of the Red Shirts and their supporters. No "Oppositional" propaganda needed.

Compare the two Posts!

Being articulate and professional is obvious to most.

The message vs. messenger thing speaks volumes.

I rest my case.

Edited by CalgaryII
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Ok, I have meet dozens of red shirts and red supporters, and not one has made coherent arguments other than the sloganeering sound bites their masters have fed them. And when you posit other ways of looking at a problem in a very nice way they either get blank looks, or clam up.

Or just answer a question with a sound bite that doesn't address the actual question asked. And their understanding of Thaksins actual 'on the record' actions is much smaller than you would expect a native to comprehend. Poor souls often come across as well meaning and confused. I wish them well. Others just plain closed minded and mean. Those are the ones to fear in their manufactured state of fear.

I wish I could come up with a better appraisal, but there it is.

Edited by animatic
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To everyone here jumping the "The Farang Did it Bandwagon", perhaps you should consider the possibility the author is not talking about the Pataya bar flies who piss away their sad little pension on cheap beer and women... Perhaps open your eyes to the fact that there are indeed foreign powers trying to influence the political situation in Thailand (as they do in most countries around the globe) ... Look up the National Endowment for Democracy and look into who they're funding in Thailand. Now since there is no such things as a free lunch, we can then start to think what's offered in return for these funds.

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Ok I have meet dozens ofd red shirts and red supporters and not one has made coherent arguments other than the sloganeering sound bites their masters have fed them. And when you posit other ways of looking at a problem in a very nice way they either get blank looks or clam up.

Or just answer a question with a sound bite that doesn't adress the actual question asked. And their understanding of Thaksins actual on the record actions is much smaller than you would expect a native to be. Poor souls often come across as well meaning and confused. Others just plain closed minded and mean.

I wish I could come u with a better appraisal, but there it is.

Regardless how you contemptuously characterize the UDD/Red Shirts, the voters think otherwise.

I respect the Thai electorate, and their electoral record.

They miraculously have seen through all this coupist, Oppositional self-aggrandizement, and have pegged it correctly.

As a result, those who share your opinion of this massive political movement are being shunted aside.

A political minority failing to respect the majority political opponents, and in fact begrudging them their rightful and equal political space, is a road to political oblivion. There is a limit to how much one can use force instead of electoral legitimacy to achieve one's objectives.

Be happy in anti-UDD/Red Shirt rhetoric, over where you are politically inconsequential.

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The reds are the majority in a few districts, but far from all,

and the Reds in Parliament were placed there as PTP Partly List MPs,

high enough on the list to guaranteed a seat.

Not one voted in by their constituents back home.

So the attempts to say the Reds are the backbone PTP voting block,

or the voters preferred choice is claptrap.

The voters want something more for themselves, same as it's always been.

Some segments have been led to believe that only their regional masters

can give them more... but they only do it in unsustainable ways that will

bite them and their children in the ass in the future,

and done only as a means to power through manipulations.

Rhetoric in this case means making accusations of grandios statements

and making them answers to arguments. What it really means is not simply

the 1st definition , but more often the 2nd, 3rd and 4th meanings.

Rhet·o·ric noun [ret-er-ik]

1. (in writing or speech) the undue use of exaggeration ordisplay; bombast.

2. the

art or science of all specialized literary uses of language

in prose or verse, including the figures of speech.

3. the study of the effective use of language.

4. the ability to use language effectively.

5. the art of prose in general as opposed to verse.

Stating facts about conversations I have had on neutral territory with

assorted Red side people, is not rhetoric but personal anecdotal evidence.

It can be anecdotal because there is no need of it going to court.

I have used definition #3 and #4 to make my points clear,

and unlike CalgaryIIs habitude , I rarely employ #1

There's no need to, since I have points that CAN be made

using well written prose.

And I could care less what the talking points the damned hampster hands out,

it doesn't make his propaganda any more true to be organized about it.

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Ok I have meet dozens ofd red shirts and red supporters and not one has made coherent arguments other than the sloganeering sound bites their masters have fed them. And when you posit other ways of looking at a problem in a very nice way they either get blank looks or clam up.

Or just answer a question with a sound bite that doesn't adress the actual question asked. And their understanding of Thaksins actual on the record actions is much smaller than you would expect a native to be. Poor souls often come across as well meaning and confused. Others just plain closed minded and mean.

I wish I could come u with a better appraisal, but there it is.

Regardless how you contemptuously characterize the UDD/Red Shirts, the voters think otherwise.

I respect the Thai electorate, and their electoral record.

They miraculously have seen through all this coupist, Oppositional self-aggrandizement, and have pegged it correctly.

As a result, those who share your opinion of this massive political movement are being shunted aside.

A political minority failing to respect the majority political opponents, and in fact begrudging them their rightful and equal political space, is a road to political oblivion.

Be happy in anti-UDD/Red Shirt rhetoric, over where you are politically inconsequential.

The word "ditto" immediately comes to mind here.

Or just answer a question with a sound bite that doesn't adress the actual question asked.

clap2.gif Calgary II is proving your argument for you.

When faced with an intelligent audience who isn't swayed by ridiculous rhetoric, simply keep repeating the same old, tired propaganda. Heaven forbid any red shirt would actually try and discuss the facts under analysis.

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Get a grip on yourself, man. Seriously?! "External forces controlling Thai economic policies? Reduced to a slave country? Third World War?" One has to conclude that you've gotten a stronghold on some good smokey-smoke stuff!

If Thai officials (govt and private sector) stopped collecting every handout they could get their greedy little mitts on and actually spent time doing some good governance instead of filing lawsuits every time people point out the obvious (you are drunk. you are incompetent. you lied. you stole. you killed someone. you used your position for personal gain. the list goes on), then maybe the rest of the world would realize it was a force to be reckoned with. Instead, it's a target... just an easy target where everybody wants a chance to take a piece of the easy money pie.

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Ok I have meet dozens ofd red shirts and red supporters and not one has made coherent arguments other than the sloganeering sound bites their masters have fed them. And when you posit other ways of looking at a problem in a very nice way they either get blank looks or clam up.

Or just answer a question with a sound bite that doesn't adress the actual question asked. And their understanding of Thaksins actual on the record actions is much smaller than you would expect a native to be. Poor souls often come across as well meaning and confused. Others just plain closed minded and mean.

I wish I could come u with a better appraisal, but there it is.

Regardless how you contemptuously characterize the UDD/Red Shirts, the voters think otherwise.

I respect the Thai electorate, and their electoral record.

They miraculously have seen through all this coupist, Oppositional self-aggrandizement, and have pegged it correctly.

As a result, those who share your opinion of this massive political movement are being shunted aside.

A political minority failing to respect the majority political opponents, and in fact begrudging them their rightful and equal political space, is a road to political oblivion.

Be happy in anti-UDD/Red Shirt rhetoric, over where you are politically inconsequential.

The word "ditto" immediately comes to mind here.

Or just answer a question with a sound bite that doesn't adress the actual question asked.

clap2.gif Calgary II is proving your argument for you.

When faced with an intelligent audience who isn't swayed by ridiculous rhetoric, simply keep repeating the same old, tired propaganda. Heaven forbid any red shirt would actually try and discuss the facts under analysis.

Mimeo graphic hagiography on display.

Must be sniffing the paper fresh from the 'mimeograph machine' too much.

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Animatic, #76^

"Mimeo graphic hagiography on display.

Must be sniffing the paper fresh from the 'mimeograph machine' too much"

The old message vs. messenger thing, speaks volumes about the paucity of debating substance.

Edited by CalgaryII
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Animatic, #76^

"Mimeo graphic hagiography on display.

Must be sniffing the paper fresh from the 'mimeograph machine' too much"

The old message vs. messenger thing, speaks volumes about the paucity of debating substance.

No it's just ironic commentary about your content..., with a joke added.

Some people appreciate black humor in tough times. Others just don't get it.

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A very good article. It really goes straight to the heart of the problem and explains what the PAD is about. Abhisit is clearly described for what it is, a weasel and a traitor who jumped on the bandwagon when the PAD defeated Thaksin then distanced himself from his benefactors when they became too toxics for his "moderate" (read gutless) electors.

It also makes clear that the Reds rose as an answer to the Yellows and not the other way around (2nd paragraph).

As far as foreigners are concerned, it makes clear that we are not welcomed. But that's a common opinion amongst both PAD members and "democrats". Ask any Bangkok middle class (the core electorate of the democrats) what they think about foreigners owning their own house in Thailand. They are definitely against, Thailand is for Thais and Thais only.

If people here were able to read the various blogs on the internet, they would have known for long what the PAD is really about. And the worst is that the democrats won't say anything as long as they believe the PAD will serve their interest. Some people mentioned the Nuremberg crowd, look no further than the democrats.

As foreigner I am against foreigner owning their own house. I have seen at some lakes in Austria, every house owned by a German and the wealth between Austria and Germany wasn't that different than between Europe and Thailand.

Soon every Farang would have a nice house on the beach and the prices would go up till now middle class Thai could buy land anymore.

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Animatic, #76^

"Mimeo graphic hagiography on display.

Must be sniffing the paper fresh from the 'mimeograph machine' too much"

The old message vs. messenger thing, speaks volumes about the paucity of debating substance.

No it's just ironic commentary about your content..., with a joke added.

Some people appreciate black humor in tough times. Others just don't get it.

But hey, how about that word 'paucity'.

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One post has been removed because the quote has been altered, please see the following rule:

30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

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Ridiculous hit piece.

PAD storming and shutting down Suvarnabumi wasnt an act of terror?

Comparing 2001 NYC. Mr. Khanthong is a zionist bootlicker.

PAD storming and shutting down the Suvanabumi airport never happened! They protested outside and did not storm it. They were even official allowed to use the VIP parking slots. Than the airport shut down on itself and the PAD even negotiated that some airplanes were allowed to fly (for the moslems who had the once in a life chance to visit Mecca) and than they were attacked and went complete inside.

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Like me, PAD never like Farang; that is a known fact.

Eventhough PAD and I both support the richest man in Thailand, that doesn't make me a PAD,

However, I do miss those free food and good music at the airports; and a game of indoor badmintion too.

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A very good article. It really goes straight to the heart of the problem and explains what the PAD is about. Abhisit is clearly described for what it is, a weasel and a traitor who jumped on the bandwagon when the PAD defeated Thaksin then distanced himself from his benefactors when they became too toxics for his "moderate" (read gutless) electors.

It also makes clear that the Reds rose as an answer to the Yellows and not the other way around (2nd paragraph).

As far as foreigners are concerned, it makes clear that we are not welcomed. But that's a common opinion amongst both PAD members and "democrats". Ask any Bangkok middle class (the core electorate of the democrats) what they think about foreigners owning their own house in Thailand. They are definitely against, Thailand is for Thais and Thais only.

If people here were able to read the various blogs on the internet, they would have known for long what the PAD is really about. And the worst is that the democrats won't say anything as long as they believe the PAD will serve their interest. Some people mentioned the Nuremberg crowd, look no further than the democrats.

As foreigner I am against foreigner owning their own house. I have seen at some lakes in Austria, every house owned by a German and the wealth between Austria and Germany wasn't that different than between Europe and Thailand.

Soon every Farang would have a nice house on the beach and the prices would go up till now middle class Thai could buy land anymore.

I understand your point of view but it is a typical Bangkok point of view. When you go to the countryside people don't see foreigners as a problem because the few who invest there are actually seen as beneficial. But for them the people who push the prices up and kick the local people out of their land are the city people, Thai city people, not the foreigners. (city means Bangkok and other big urban areas)

Edited by JurgenG
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Ridiculous hit piece.

PAD storming and shutting down Suvarnabumi wasnt an act of terror?

Comparing 2001 NYC. Mr. Khanthong is a zionist bootlicker.

PAD storming and shutting down the Suvanabumi airport never happened! They protested outside and did not storm it. They were even official allowed to use the VIP parking slots. Than the airport shut down on itself and the PAD even negotiated that some airplanes were allowed to fly (for the moslems who had the once in a life chance to visit Mecca) and than they were attacked and went complete inside.

Nope, not buying. PAD hijacked Suvarnabumi airport. They shut down because the air traffic towers were threatened, PAD endangered lives and property. The fact PAD was negotiating some flights could go and others could not is controlling the airports functions.

If your baseless comments stem from word choice of "storm"...keep trying. At least we agree PAD are terrorists.

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Ridiculous hit piece.

PAD storming and shutting down Suvarnabumi wasnt an act of terror?

Comparing 2001 NYC. Mr. Khanthong is a zionist bootlicker.

PAD storming and shutting down the Suvanabumi airport never happened! They protested outside and did not storm it. They were even official allowed to use the VIP parking slots. Than the airport shut down on itself and the PAD even negotiated that some airplanes were allowed to fly (for the moslems who had the once in a life chance to visit Mecca) and than they were attacked and went complete inside.

Not what happened at Phuket. Just better security at Bkk.

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Wow. I really do not know what is wrong with some people.

Completely inappropriate and racist comments towards Jewish people, and separate but equally racist comments towards Thai people have been removed. Stay on topic and keep the racist BS out of this thread or I will suspend you.

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Quote: "And finally, they are in favour of amending the lese majeste law so that anybody can attack the monarchy freely."

The true part:

And finally, they are in favour of amending the lese majeste law....

The false part (In fact absolute rubbish):

........so that anybody can attack the monarchy freely.

The last part of the quote is intended to scare the public into defending that feudalistic law.

As feudalistic as that may be the real truth is that most practitioners would have no problem with a "full democracy" replacing the "constitutional monarchy" in Thailand, if that was being proposed. Have a good look at the "thieves and murderers and general plunderers" that are at the helm of what some of this rabble want to do with the constitution. Some of them want to put themselves above the law with "political immunity". That is dangerous thinking in any governance agenda. This lot under the leadership of the convicted fugitive criminal Thaksin want to turn Thailand into a "populist dictatorship". At the moment until the Isaan people can replace the current Isaan Khwai leadership within the Reds and Pheu Thai then democracy's best and shortest term route to "full democracy" is via that "Feudalist Law". I have no problem with the Army for all its faults being the final arbitrator in that call for what is hopefully a shorter term. The Army may have the monarchy to heart, but they also place a higher level of value on Thailand and its people than the rabble currently in governance.

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gregb, #57^

It is why I have extreme respect for the yellow shirts despite disagreeing with some of their methods. The red shirts by contrast are for the most part short sighted, greedy, self serving criminals who have very little concern for anyone but themselves and their immediate gratification. I have never met a single red shirt who has a grasp of history or that I can actually respect.

You've never met a Red Shirt in a meaningful way.

It is strange how those who have the most egregious things to say about them, know very little about them, save what the Opposition media has told them.

As I mentioned before, some who parrot that media do so innocently. They are told by their media and then read Posts like yours, and with no experiential information to the contrary, accept it as the way it must be.

There are also those parrots who are devious. The above quote lauding the PAD in one breath, while denigrating the Red Shirts in the other, suggests to me that you are in this latter catagory. This type of parrot has an anti-red shirt agenda, and will advance it in whatever way possible.

The silver lining in this cloud is that the Red Shirts have effectively emasculated those who you admire, and moved them decisively to the electoral sidelines, where they belong.

Lacking respect for a large swath of the Thai electorate and their political movement, plus not having a sense of political equality amongst citizens, deserve to be politically marginalized.

But for anyone who reads this stuff as if it is based on Red Shirt knowledge, need to know it is not.

One needs no more to read your hypocritical, self contradicting, half thought ramblings to gain a low concept of the Red Shirts and their supporters. No "Oppositional" propaganda needed.

I have met a red shirt in a meaningful way, up to and including various acts of sexual intercourse. While she's a nice kid and I love her dearly, that won't sway me to accept her political views largely based on false information, lack of education, superstition, etc.

If Thaksin ever dies, I'm sure that she will be worried about his ghost coming to haunt our house, based on previous predictions of Michael Jackson's imminent visit due to me cracking a few jokes.

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