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Pile Of Sh!te In Neighbors Garden.


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Walk over to your neighbour and place price tags on each item of "rubbish." Write very high prices on each tag.

Then place a huge sign out the front of his house advertising a sale.

You will either make a small fortune from selling off his junk or, he will come out of his house, refer to each item and your valuation of them, realize how rich he really is and take his valuable pieces inside his house for safe keeping.

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My house didn't cost 1.5 million, neither did the messy one.

I don't live on a village with a 'headman', what ever that might be.

Some of you might live in places in a worse state than this garden, but is that something to be proud of?

Maybe I should let it go. Maybe general untidiness and noisy habits are a cultural thing that I can't understand. Like the kamikaze driving, it is probably a cultural quirk that I will grow to love.

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My house didn't cost 1.5 million, neither did the messy one.

I don't live on a village with a 'headman', what ever that might be.

Some of you might live in places in a worse state than this garden, but is that something to be proud of?

Maybe I should let it go. Maybe general untidiness and noisy habits are a cultural thing that I can't understand. Like the kamikaze driving, it is probably a cultural quirk that I will grow to love.

So are you really saying that the pic below is what offends you so deeply?



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My house didn't cost 1.5 million, neither did the messy one.

I don't live on a village with a 'headman', what ever that might be.

Some of you might live in places in a worse state than this garden, but is that something to be proud of?

Maybe I should let it go. Maybe general untidiness and noisy habits are a cultural thing that I can't understand. Like the kamikaze driving, it is probably a cultural quirk that I will grow to love.

So are you really saying that the pic below is what offends you so deeply?



That's nothing... I should post a photo of my neighbour's yard... :o

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If the pic in your post is your neighbour's place, I don't see whatyou are complaining about? :o

Saying that you don't know what a village 'headman' is, just shows how alien your environment is to you.

It seems to me that you will need to adjust quite a bit, and apply patience and understanding. :D do you have Thai friends in your neighbourhood?

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TIT : Spend hours every day dusting the inside of the house, drop rubbish outside. That's what seems to happen at my partner's village.

Solution: Build a wall (as others have said) or move. Perhaps your neighbour is recycling. There's a lot of money to be made from recycling other people's rubbish.


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Every village has an elected headman, unless of course, it isn't technically a village but merely a housing estate.

And if that is your neighbors messy house you are overly fussy about what is going on in someone else's property.

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Looks more like a housing estate than a village. But I am afraid that in Thailand, like most places, there is little you can do about what the neighbors are up to. Don't complain, our neighbors finally removed their pig sty after a decade of having to wake up in the morning to be reminded of what lay across the path.

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Yeah, I guess that to some degree this environment is of course alien to me. Like most of you here I am not originally from Thailand. It's completely alien to me to have a village elder or headman. I don't know were you guys are living but I don't know any Thai that lives on a village with a head man. I'm not knocking it; I'm just saying I have no experience of it.

I was also wrong to refer to it as a village. As stated by some one it is in fact an estate.

You may also be right in saying that it isn't so bad. There are no chickens clucking around or buffalo wandering around. There aren't even any motor bike parts in the garden yet. It depends on what you’re used to.

My problem comes from expecting better standards. I was one of the first to build on the village and at the time all the houses where obviously spick and span and almost new. The owners of the 'estate' assured me at the time that there were strict restrictions on the village, including no stray dogs or noisy dogs and no vendors, as well as some actual building restrictions. I have had experience of living in other Thai villages and that’s why I was particularly looking for somewhere a little more European i.e. quite, clean and tidy.

Simply because this is Thailand I don't think that people’s consideration for other should go straight out of the window, and if it does I think I am well within my rights to at least have a moan about it.

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I've just remembered one of the restrictions on the village is the height of surrounding walls. They are only allowed to be 3ft or somewhere around that height. I thought this was a good idea and everyone on the estate has stuck to it. The roofs of the houses also all had to be the same colour. Someone build one with a different colour roof two years ago. The estate owners stopped them building and a court case is ongoing. The house has stood empty for the past year or so. This seemed promising top me. It showed that they were true to their word. It’s a shame there are limits to their powers when it’s obviously going on in someone property.

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You need to get out more. Then you would see how lucky you really are.

Just raise the wall or place something to obstruct your unpleasant view. Whatever you do, don't talk to them about it. reason is not a word likely used here. If it were me i would put something in the way of view and enjoy relaxing again. hope you sort out your problem.

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Yeah, I guess that to some degree this environment is of course alien to me. Like most of you here I am not originally from Thailand. It's completely alien to me to have a village elder or headman. I don't know were you guys are living but I don't know any Thai that lives on a village with a head man. I'm not knocking it; I'm just saying I have no experience of it.

That makes you a little different from all Thais and most foreigners here. I live in a village, btw, very different from an estate. :D

You may also be right in saying that it isn't so bad. There are no chickens clucking around or buffalo wandering around. There aren't even any motor bike parts in the garden yet. It depends on what you’re used to.
That's more like it, welcome to the countryside! :D

Btw, people also dress in colours which don't match, keep wandering about and talking to each other at an audible level... Not to mention insects, snakes and scorpions which seem to have little to no regard for one's sense of privacy and a clean front yard... :o

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I've just remembered one of the restrictions on the village is the height of surrounding walls. They are only allowed to be 3ft or somewhere around that height. I thought this was a good idea and everyone on the estate has stuck to it. The roofs of the houses also all had to be the same colour. Someone build one with a different colour roof two years ago. The estate owners stopped them building and a court case is ongoing. The house has stood empty for the past year or so. This seemed promising top me. It showed that they were true to their word. It’s a shame there are limits to their powers when it’s obviously going on in someone property.

Then why don't you go and have a word with the estate owners? Explain to them that you've had the Clampetts of Isaan move in across the road and you fear that they'll set a bad example for others.

Judging by the photo you've got it lucky. :o

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They live over the road to me and I must suffer the noise and mess every time I sit outside the house. An old women and her daughter live directly next door to the bad neighbors and have commented to us about their unhappiness at the situation.

Far from being paradise I feel I may as well be living on a bad council estate in the UK.

I work in environmental health here in the uk and I deal with this sort of thing regularly. As the law stands here you can basically have what you want in your own front garden as long as its not a 'health hazard '( by this i mean refuse that is encouraging rodents). People here have rusty old cars, fridges etc and we have no power at all so in Thailand I guess there will be none!

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I just heard that a Thai family living on an estate is complaining about invasion of privacy. Apparently, a farang neighbour has been photographing their home from his bedroom window and posting the images on the internet. Not you he's talking about by any chance? :o

Seriously, you should consider building a junk pile yourself. They can be very useful. For example, lost your lighter? Someone is bound to have dropped one in your yard. You need never be short of a motorcycle in an emergency. There will always be something for the kids to play with. Best of all, once the rats get in you'll never be short of bbq meat! I bet your neighbour is always having Thai bbqs.

I love the new avatar, by the way. He's an example to us all and sadly missed. 'I doon't believe it! He's taking ruddy photos again Margaret!'

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It always seems to me that these housing estates always start out nice and clean but after a few years degrade. Same goes for condo units which all seem to later become dormitories. Just another reason why Farangs should be thankful they are not allowed to own land, otherwise they would be complaining about what a lousy investment their housing estate homes are.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I dont no how you guys can live in a estate how boring and a 3 ft wall what is that going to keep in or out (nothing)

Give me the smell of pig shit while I have a beer and watch the cattle come home any day

In the middle east ? :o

No that would be camel shit Doc! :D:D !

Must be Isaan...... :D

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