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Mafia Violence In Koh Samui


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As a prior expat resident of Samui, I'm still amazed that there is no reporting on the darker side of Samui and the fact that the police are powerless to stop it. Just last week, the same mafia shooter "Gao", that shot and almost killed me in Mar. 2005 was back on the streets on bail and shot and killed a local policeman and shot an English tourist during a shooting spree in Solo pub. I have been back in the US recoverying from my injuries and have wanted to return to Samui, but apparently the Justice system does not apply to the Samui Mafia families with enough money. This same shooter I was told by locals killed 2 men on Koh Phanang just last month also. I am still awaiting the Samui court system to bring this bad man to trial, but I feel like this will never happen. I would like to know how many other Samui expats are aware of this violent criminal activity going on. I certainly was not until I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Any thoughts on how to rid this beautiful place of these people before they make it where no tourists will visit. Anyone wanting more information can contact me on my e-mail at [email protected]

Kris P.

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As a prior expat resident of Samui, I'm still amazed that there is no reporting on the darker side of Samui and the fact that the police are powerless to stop it. Just last week, the same mafia shooter "Gao", that shot and almost killed me in Mar. 2005 was back on the streets on bail and shot and killed a local policeman and shot an English tourist during a shooting spree in Solo pub.  I have been back in the US recoverying from my injuries and have wanted to return to Samui, but apparently the Justice system does not apply to the Samui Mafia families with enough money.  This same shooter I was told by locals killed 2 men on Koh Phanang just last month also.  I am still awaiting the Samui court system to bring this bad man to trial, but I feel like this will never happen.  I would like to know how many other Samui expats are aware of this violent criminal activity going on. I certainly was not until I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Any thoughts on how to rid this beautiful place of these people before they make it where no tourists will visit.  Anyone wanting more information can contact me on my e-mail at [email protected]

Kris P.

good post.

I was involved in a drunken argument last time on Samui with a local. On my way home that night I was hospitalised in a hit-and-run road 'accident'. :o

I cant say if the 2 are linked whatsoever but the rumours of Mafia control and hitmen certainly had me paranoid. It was the first time I felt uncomfortable on Samui.

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As a prior expat resident of Samui, I'm still amazed that there is no reporting on the darker side of Samui and the fact that the police are powerless to stop it. Just last week, the same mafia shooter "Gao", that shot and almost killed me in Mar. 2005 was back on the streets on bail and shot and killed a local policeman and shot an English tourist during a shooting spree in Solo pub.  I have been back in the US recoverying from my injuries and have wanted to return to Samui, but apparently the Justice system does not apply to the Samui Mafia families with enough money.  This same shooter I was told by locals killed 2 men on Koh Phanang just last month also.  I am still awaiting the Samui court system to bring this bad man to trial, but I feel like this will never happen.  I would like to know how many other Samui expats are aware of this violent criminal activity going on. I certainly was not until I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Any thoughts on how to rid this beautiful place of these people before they make it where no tourists will visit.  Anyone wanting more information can contact me on my e-mail at [email protected]

Kris P.

as I see Samui rapidly grow infrastructure now, it should not be a suprise. what do you want by these post and e-mail is another darker side - is not it ? :o

Edited by Leo_Moscow
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Don't you people check out the Thai newspapers or know someone who can translate for you? EVERY DAY there is violence in this country, North, South, East whatever. Anyone can hire a hitman from anywhere. I doubt Samui is any more violent than anywhere else money can be made.

And lets face reality, violence is very rarely random in this country. It's almost always for a reason; business or personal, but very rarely some random psycho out to get you.

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Why I was shot?

The situation was that I just closed up my bar for the night, when I noticed one of my waitresses, that had previously called in sick for day, drinking at a loud party on the patio of the hotel which is above my bar and other stores. There was a loud verbal arguement for a few minutes with her and other locals who I had never met before. I remained outside in the parking lot for a while chilling out, when this Thai man started shouting at me in Thai from across the street. He was walking quickly toward me when I noticed the gun in his hand. He started shooting at me and I ran, but with no where to hide he eventually caught up to me and I was shot twice. I can only figure that "Gao" as he was later identified was at this party and someone told him to shut me up. I also found out later that he was working for the landlady of the hotel and they were involved in selling Yaba.

"Gao" as I have found out now from other local in Samui is known for his bad temper, thus his recent shooting spree in Bar Solo. His family is well connected on the island, thus he just get's out of jail again and again after a short stay.

Kris P.

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Why I was shot?

The situation was that I just closed up my bar for the night, when I noticed one of my waitresses, that had previously called in sick for day, drinking at a loud party on the patio of the hotel which is above my bar and other stores.  There was a loud verbal arguement for a few minutes with her and other locals who I had never met before.  I remained outside in the parking lot for a while chilling out, when this Thai man started shouting at me in Thai from across the street. He was walking quickly toward me when I noticed the gun in his hand. He started shooting at me and I ran, but with no where to hide he eventually caught up to me and I was shot twice.  I can only figure that "Gao" as he was later identified was at this party and someone told him to shut me up.  I also found out later that he was working for the landlady of the hotel and they were involved in selling Yaba.

"Gao" as I have found out now from other local in Samui is known for his bad temper, thus his recent shooting spree in Bar Solo. His family is well connected on the island, thus he just get's out of jail again and again after a short stay.

Kris P.

so he is not in jail ? and you got nothing?

have you got papers for that and how long did it happened? what police and news said? it looks very strange you are saying

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Don't you people check out the Thai newspapers or know someone who can translate for you? EVERY DAY there is violence in this country, North, South, East whatever. Anyone can hire a hitman from anywhere. I doubt Samui is any more violent than anywhere else money can be made.

And lets face reality, violence is very rarely random in this country. It's almost always for a reason; business or personal, but very rarely some random psycho out to get you.

Hey there is violence in my country too ! Just in a different country , watch your butt , mind your p's and q's youll be alright.

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Why I was shot?

The situation was that I just closed up my bar for the night, when I noticed one of my waitresses, that had previously called in sick for day, drinking at a loud party on the patio of the hotel which is above my bar and other stores.  There was a loud verbal arguement for a few minutes with her and other locals who I had never met before.  I remained outside in the parking lot for a while chilling out, when this Thai man started shouting at me in Thai from across the street. He was walking quickly toward me when I noticed the gun in his hand. He started shooting at me and I ran, but with no where to hide he eventually caught up to me and I was shot twice.  I can only figure that "Gao" as he was later identified was at this party and someone told him to shut me up.  I also found out later that he was working for the landlady of the hotel and they were involved in selling Yaba.

"Gao" as I have found out now from other local in Samui is known for his bad temper, thus his recent shooting spree in Bar Solo. His family is well connected on the island, thus he just get's out of jail again and again after a short stay.

Kris P.

What is the name of your bar and are you the owner?

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Kperkins, You have to give more info on this whole thing or these guys aren't going to believe you and can't blame them for that. One thing for sure is that you should NOT have confronted the girl at that party as she lost FACE and that as a bar owner, you should have known already. You should have told her about it the next day at your own place. The world is getting crazier all the time so you have to be careful wherever you go and what you say.

Of all the time you spent there, you can only come up with a first name for this guy. Seems strange.

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Kperkins,  You have to give more info on this whole thing or these guys aren't going to believe you and can't blame them for that. One thing for sure is that you should NOT have confronted the girl at that party as she lost FACE and that as a bar owner, you should have known already. You should have told her about it the next day at your own place. The world is getting crazier all the time so you have to be careful wherever you go and what you say.

  Of all the time you spent there, you can only come up with a first name for this guy. Seems strange.

I have the Thai name of "Gao". I have police reports. I have been to a bail hearings in Samui and confronted him face to face and he was put back in jail one time only to be let out on bail again after I returned to the US. I am in contact with the police through my girlfriend and they just keep saying the trial will start next month. At this time "Gao" is in jail again, because of shooting another tourist and killing the policeman. My shooting and the recent one was in most of the Thai papers, but not any of the English language Thai papers. Everyone should understand that there is no real justice in Thailand if you have enough money and good lawyers. It is similar to the US and the UK.

The thing is that I still love Thailand. My Thai girlfriend and I are to be married when her US visa is approved, and we plan to retire later in Thailand.

My real point of putting this posting was to hopefully get enough Samui Expat residents informed of the situation that maybe someone else with enough political pull on the island could really get this guy off the streets and in a real jail to stay for a long time.

This is a true story.

Anyone wanting more information can e-mail me at [email protected]

Kris P

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Kperkins,  You have to give more info on this whole thing or these guys aren't going to believe you and can't blame them for that. One thing for sure is that you should NOT have confronted the girl at that party as she lost FACE and that as a bar owner, you should have known already. You should have told her about it the next day at your own place. The world is getting crazier all the time so you have to be careful wherever you go and what you say.

This is a true story.

Anyone wanting more information can e-mail me at [email protected]

Kris P

Kris, it may very well be a true story but as Kringle says, there is some lacking info which creates an impression of a troll-like posting. Further, you suggest that people email directly for more info. What would be the purpose of that? You started this post to get the message out, why limit further communication to some individual's email address. Why not answer the questions and add additional information into this thread? If true, this is a really interesting story.

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I can understand why OP is a bit wary about revealing too much.

This guy has been shot, yes SHOT, for what appears to be a viable enough reason for having a go at an employee who's taking the piss. :D

If what he has told us is true, it was nothing more than a bit of verbal between him and a staff member and he was shot as a result. I would imagine he's pretty paranoid about who he can trust at the moment.

Before you all go down the 'you cant go around causing Thais to lose face' road, wouldnt you agree that pulling a gun on someone for such a trivial matter is slightly out of order? :D

Yes, shouting your head off is the wrong thing to do in Thailand, but maybe just a heat of the moment outburst and certainly wouldnt warrant a shooting.

I, and id imagine most others on this forum, have been a pissed-up idiot on occassions and had the odd stupid argument. The kind of thing in a western society would be split up and forgotten about or at worst a bit of a punch-up.

The problem is you dont know how far some people will take things. What you might shrug off as a stupid drunken disagreement might offend a proud local who'll seek revenge in any form. Unfortunately, it would appear you cant rely on the police on Samui for protection.

I know this problem isnt exclusive to Samui and Id imagine it would happen all over the world, but Samui is a small place where news travels fast and there arent many corners to hide in, a holiday island, not the Bronx or Brixton!! I just hope it can stay that way and it doesnt get out of hand.

Im not a Samui-basher, far from it. The island is my favourite holiday destination, hence the reason Im so concerned about the recent violence reports.

All I want is a troublefree holiday. :o

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Sorry, I do have trouble believing that any Thai can shoot farangs and policemen and get out of jail within weeks, months or whatever.

You think Policemen and farangs getting killed doesnt go up any higher than the local police? Regardless of how powerful Samui 'mafia' families are, theres always someone with more clout, and with more to lose (like any big politician, policeman, general etc.. with any sort of largish real-estate or tourist derived income).

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I think you may have mis-read the chronology

The OP states he was shot by Gao earlier this year.

Gao got out on bail for that and not for shooting the policeman and farang in the last couple of weeks.

He was not on bail for that murder and shooting

"Sorry, I do have trouble believing that any Thai can shoot farangs and policemen and get out of jail within weeks, months or whatever."


As for guys out on bail accussed of killing farangs and ultimately convicted we only have to look at the policeman in Kanchanaburi - he got bail even after absconding and going AWOL

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There is no doubt that Samui crime is on the rise. Yes, it's understandable. Yes, it happens everywhere. And yes, hiding it is stupid. Tourists arriving here should be aware of the real situation, not be sitting ducks after being lulled into believing it is a 100% safe paradise.

This from the local cops after my wife's handbag was lifted from her in a drive-by incident:

"It normally just happens to farangs, but Thai are being targetted more and more" (translated).

She grew up on the island. Two of her long-time friends died in shootings here lately. One over face, the other over money.

It's a small island. The amount of crime per capita is very high.

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