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Deputy PM Chalerm Vows To Bring Thaksin Back Home This Year


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Deputy PM Vows to Bring Thaksin Back This Year

BANGKOK: -- A deputy prime minister has vowed to bring self-exiled former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra home to Thailand within this year.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung said he has his own ways to bring fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra back to Thailand within this year, but refused to elaborate.

The deputy premier further said the country needs reconciliation and it is time for all parties to unite.

When asked what he would do to bring Thaksin back without the need to serve his prison time, Chalerm declined to talk about the details. However, he insisted that the ex-premier will definitely return and the majority of the population will rejoice upon his return.

As for Thaksin's remark that he will return home within this year, Chalerm said he does not aim to gauge the public's sentiment while adding he has already completed the draft bill on national reconciliation.

Asked if there is any link between the return of the former premier and the reconciliation bill, he still kept tight-lipped on the issue.


-- Tan Network 2012-03-08


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Oh boy, Chalerm spouting off again, but won't reveal any details. Was he (allegedly) drunk again?

There is word for him that is just on the tip of my tongue. Something with a c.... What was it again?

Edited by EvilDrSomkid
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Why is the deputy prime minister wanting to bring back a convicted fugitive on the run? Presumably to serve his sentence?

Will he be saying this every year? Thought he said that last year.

How are all the parties going to unite? Does anyone know of any country in the world where all political parties agree with each other?

I obey the law and like others to as well. If people break the law then they may get caught. If they caught they will go to court and might go to prison; thats the risk you take when you break the law. Do the crime do the time.

Edited by MaiChai
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Exactly how does bringing back Thaksin and him avoiding jail (on the existing charge as well outstanding charges) help reconciliation in any way what so ever?

Do they really think the yellow shirts will sit back and let it happen without protests?

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Exactly how does bringing back Thaksin and him avoiding jail (on the existing charge as well outstanding charges) help reconciliation in any way what so ever?

Do they really think the yellow shirts will sit back and let it happen without protests?

Chalerm is just being his normal ass-wipe self. He has to keep the red mob thugs pumped up in their support of PTP. Consider the source.

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He and his boss in exile seem to expell sh/t on a 8 to 10 day time frame. They get the minions, PR people, etc, to fill in between their spurts of crap. Kind of like the soi dog I watched the other day. someone had set a broken morror out for collection and the dog was barking, growling at his/her reflection. All would probably chase their own tails if they had one.

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The garbled rantings of an innebriate.

With my left hand I make witnesses to a murder disappear. With my right hand I make convicted resigned prime minister appear.

He must see himself alongside Jatuporn as a modern-day Nostradamus. "Rain, famine and war shall not cease in Thailand, too great a faith shall betray the .........."

Yes indeed. Pity he can't bring back Sgt-Major Suwichai Rodwimut. Oh, he can't do that, can he. Because he is dead.

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The garbled rantings of an innebriate.

With my left hand I make witnesses to a murder disappear. With my right hand I make convicted resigned prime minister appear.

He must see himself alongside Jatuporn as a modern-day Nostradamus. "Rain, famine and war shall not cease in Thailand, too great a faith shall betray the .........."

Yes indeed. Pity he can't bring back Sgt-Major Suwichai Rodwimut. Oh, he can't do that, can he. Because he is dead.

an example of all that is the worst in Thailand.

an example of the caliber of person that can get to be a minister in the PTP government

nuff said

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Oh boy, Chalerm spouting off again, but won't reveal any details. Was he (allegedly) drunk again?

There is word for him that is just on the tip of my tongue. Something with a c.... What was it again?


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Exactly how does bringing back Thaksin and him avoiding jail (on the existing charge as well outstanding charges) help reconciliation in any way what so ever?

Do they really think the yellow shirts will sit back and let it happen without protests?

It doesn't. He knows it doesn't, it's just lie for PR purposes. They know and expect there to be opposition and that it will result in bloodshed, and they will be ready for it. They are getting their thugs ready for war.

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This appeared in BP today

"He said Thaksin was told by the Bank of Thailand that he could endorse the land purchase contract for his then wife Potjaman Na Pombejra. The endorsement later earned him a prison term for abuse of power. The Civil Court nullified the contract and ordered Ms Potjaman to return the land in exchange for the return of her money. But Thaksin's critics continued to use the issue to attack him.

Mr Chalerm repeated what he said last year that since the sale of the land was nullified, Thaksin has done nothing wrong."

He can come back because he did nothing wrong and therefore the court's conviction carries no weight.

I love the Thai thought process.

The Bank of ThaIland didn't have the authority to tell him that.

If the Bank head simply told him what he wanted to hear, that's his problem.

He was the PM, he had the Attorney General under him,

he had EVERY possible opportunity to find out his exact status to sign,

It was his duty and responsibility top do so. He didn't.

He signed and we know the rest.

But really, this was only the EASIEST charge to get through the courts,

that Kuhn T. has 7 other charges pending. Being in Jail for Racha would

have prevented him stalling the others going forwards.

There is the REAL problem for Thaksin.

Life in prison; case stacked after case after case.

Chalerm said " He has done nothing wrong."

So is THIS an official pronouncements of the truth,

or just more of Chalerms 'political grandstanding' to keep

the bosses stipends arriving in his accounts.

Edited by animatic
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Is the man drunk again or is he suffering from yet another episode of inner ear infection? Why to him 'reconciliation' is synonymous with 'bringing back Thaksin' remains a mystery. Maybe he has an eye infection as well, that's why he can't see clearly.

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This sounds scary. Not the fact that Chalerm wants him back, but the fact that Chalerm wants him back SO SOON? Doesn't take a goddamn brain surgeon to realise that Thaksin will be in danger if he came back while blood was still boiling over in a lotta people.

I'd be careful about Chalerm if I were Thaksin.

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Exactly how does bringing back Thaksin and him avoiding jail (on the existing charge as well outstanding charges) help reconciliation in any way what so ever?

Do they really think the yellow shirts will sit back and let it happen without protests?

Chalerm is just being his normal ass-wipe self. He has to keep the red mob thugs pumped up in their support of PTP. Consider the source.

He must be on the booze again.

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"After deadly clashes, Thai opposition regroups

"If you want everyone to be treated the same way under the eye of the law, vote Puea Thai! If you want to see democracy and equality, vote Puea Thai! If you want Thaksin back, vote Puea Thai!," Chalerm told cheering supporters."



"Parliament gets a hot potato

Deputy PM Chalerm vows to 'restore justice' and bring back Thaksin; PM Yingluck insists the amnesty decree is not meant for her brother

The government will put in place an amnesty law that can "restore justice to all parties" who were involved in the political conflict, including former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung said yesterday.

Chalerm added that he would wait for "right timing" to push the act through Parliament.

"I will not say when the time is right, but I will push for it and will do so openly," he told reporters.

The veteran politician added that this draft decree was not meant for Thaksin because the government was aiming to rescue him openly via a legislative act."


So, pray tell me, what's new ?

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This sounds scary. Not the fact that Chalerm wants him back, but the fact that Chalerm wants him back SO SOON? Doesn't take a goddamn brain surgeon to realise that Thaksin will be in danger if he came back while blood was still boiling over in a lotta people.

I'd be careful about Chalerm if I were Thaksin.

I agree. It seems reckless of Thaksin to keep such volatile, controversial and utterly embarrassing political company. I suspect that someone is a loyal hound and his absolute loyalty forces His hands, the Mighty Thaksin, He. Perhaps that's precisely what Thaksin has in mind. Let Chalerm kill himself, via his own mouth, slowly by putting him close to the limelight but not close enough to do any real damage. Som nam naa...

Edited by Unkomoncents
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Why is the deputy prime minister wanting to bring back a convicted fugitive on the run? Presumably to serve his sentence? Will he be saying this every year? Thought he said that last year. How are all the parties going to unite? Does anyone know of any country in the world where all political parties agree with each other? I obey the law and like others to as well. If people break the law then they may get caught. If they caught they will go to court and might go to prison; thats the risk you take when you break the law. Do the crime do the time.

Maybe this time he is considering doing it in chains.

Truth is Thaksin has to many enemies and he knows it. He is afraid to come back to Thailand and it has nothing to do with the charges hanging over his head or the one he has already been convicted of.

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The garbled rantings of an innebriate.

With my left hand I make witnesses to a murder disappear. With my right hand I make convicted resigned prime minister appear.

I wonder what he wants to do with the little thing in the middle...

He msut see himself alongside Jatuporn as a modern-day Nostradamus. "Rain, famine and war shall not cease in Thailand, too great a faith shall betray the .........."

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Oh boy, Chalerm spouting off again, but won't reveal any details. Was he (allegedly) drunk again?

There is word for him that is just on the tip of my tongue. Something with a c.... What was it again?


Thaddeus you do not get enough praise for wit among the dross!

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Oh boy, Chalerm spouting off again, but won't reveal any details. Was he (allegedly) drunk again?

There is word for him that is just on the tip of my tongue. Something with a c.... What was it again?


So Chalerm is Carcinogenic.

I just thought the old bugger was blethering on again ...


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