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Girlfriend For Sale


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I would say that most women look for two things as a rule of thumb, they look for a partner that presses all their buttons, and they look for a partner that will provide security for their ( present or future ) children.

If they can get that magical combination together then they have hit the jackpot. Plenty of women do, there are still many marriages out there that last a lifetime.

pattayadingo has made a very good point in regards to the many people in Thailand that are prepared to live in poverty rather than sell themselves, I would say that the majority of Thai women are of that mind set. If you want proof, it's below your nose in places like Pattaya. For all the ladies that are selling themselves in the bars, there are even more working in 7/11's, hotel receptions etc.

This documentary showed a certain path from single parenthood to Nana Plaza, to me it did it in a way that was non sensationalist. I didn't see anything that I couldn't believe. ( except the Husband of the Year contest ).

I get the idea that the lady who made that journey did so with the best of intentions, to get a new life for her kids, but as soon as she saw the rough reality she hopped on the bus home. Good on her.......

f1 is putting forward the view that women want more from a man than just money or financial security, I agree with that, however sometimes there is a compelling need to put the interest of others first. As far as I'm lead to believe that is quite a prevalent view in Thailand.

Bookman asked me a lot earlier if I had an epiphany watching that documentary, it put me in mind of some of the social history that I have read and some of the people I have spoken to over the course of years.

People will deal with the circumstances as they find them. WW2 is a case in point, it is well documented that the level of acceptance of prostitution and criminality went up during the war, as people in the UK underwent the deprivations of war. Women from respectable backgrounds went on the game as they had to try to provide for their kids, and in their own mind that was the best way of doing it. On top of that the spivs showed up with the knocked off and rarer items, and these same guys who were reviled before the war were sought out. The attitude to criminality underwent a sea change during the war period.

Right, why am I going back to this? I had a friend who went to his grave guilty about taking advantage of a particular woman during the war. His conscience bothered him up until the day he died in 1989. He was in Germany at the end of the war, and starvation was rife, many people don't realize how starved the German population was. A woman asked him for food for her family, and he prostituted her several times in return. 44 years he lived with that memory, and I bet you it was one of his last thoughts, that's how much it scarred him.

So the answer to bookman is.......the documentary put me in mind of my friend, am I at risk of making the same error? Am I at risk of taking advantage of someone in reduced circumstances? Am I at risk of causing emotional damage to both the lady and myself?

I've always known that there is a line somewhere that shouldn't be crossed, I think that documentary showed me more clearly where the line is. I would have to think long and hard about getting involved with a Thai lady again, as I would need to be sure there was some equivalence in the relationship. Setting myself up as being the "prize husband" is not for me, so the documentary did hit home a couple of points to me. It made me think.

ps Sorry about the rambling post, I can't help myself sometimes. rolleyes.gif

edit for grammar

An excellent post Blether ! Thank you. Your remarks "equivalence in the relationship. Setting myself up as being the "prize husband" is not for me," are so spot on!

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So so documentary. It does invoke some compassion for many poor women who end up as prostitutes. I don't look down on them. However....frankly to

pity them and perhaps commend or even applaud the fact that they are 'just earning a living' due to a bad situation....I can't buy it. I have much more respect for

most men who earn an honest living. Men need to use actual brains and or effort. At the end of the day it's not really that difficult for a woman to move to Bangkok and make

comparitively very good money from gullible men to just have sex with them now is it? Men from poor families have a MUCH more difficult plight in life.

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So so documentary. It does invoke some compassion for many poor women who end up as prostitutes. I don't look down on them. However....frankly to

pity them and perhaps commend or even applaud the fact that they are 'just earning a living' due to a bad situation....I can't buy it. I have much more respect for

most men who earn an honest living. Men need to use actual brains and or effort. At the end of the day it's not really that difficult for a woman to move to Bangkok and make

comparitively very good money from gullible men to just have sex with them now is it? Men from poor families have a MUCH more difficult plight in life.

thai men can get the first crack at these girls and most of them get pregnant at a young age

then the girls are emotionally tied to them

(many like to think their lovely gf or wife hasnt been passed around in the village long before she came to the big smoke ) but

its very commen for these girls to get started that way ,many of then will say "thai men are bad etc etc " ever wonder why really ??

the guys can lean on the girls to go to the city and make "good money" and send it home

many men in esan lounge around playing computer games and drink beer all day because a girl is sending them money from bkk and shes bouncing on farang dick to pay for their lifestyle

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Well, not all Thai men....I work with lots of construction workers who work their asses off all day for 250 baht. Hookers wake up at 3pm

and go to 'work' in an air-conditioned bar, open their legs and voila...couple/few thousand baht...every night.

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Well, not all Thai men....I work with lots of construction workers who work their asses off all day for 250 baht. Hookers wake up at 3pm

and go to 'work' in an air-conditioned bar, open their legs and voila...couple/few thousand baht...every night.

youre a farang and you work in construction in thailand ? seriously ?

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(many like to think their lovely gf or wife hasnt been passed around in the village long before she came to the big smoke ) but its very commen for these girls to get started that way ,many of then will say "thai men are bad etc etc " ever wonder why really ??

Yeah the old "Thai man no good" line. Look at the type of girls/women who trot this one out and there's a distinctive pattern.

It has nothing to do with the fact that she may have been put through a few headboards back in Isaan - I mean, girls like sex too, right??

It does, however, have everything to do with the fact that she may have had an illegitimate child or two or she may simply too old to be considered eligible marriage/partner material for the overwhelming majority of normal, gainfully-employed Thai men.

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(many like to think their lovely gf or wife hasnt been passed around in the village long before she came to the big smoke ) but its very commen for these girls to get started that way ,many of then will say "thai men are bad etc etc " ever wonder why really ??

Yeah the old "Thai man no good" line. Look at the type of girls/women who trot this one out and there's a distinctive pattern.

It has nothing to do with the fact that she may have been put through a few headboards back in Isaan - I mean, girls like sex too, right??

It does, however, have everything to do with the fact that she may have had an illegitimate child or two or she may simply too old to be considered eligible marriage/partner material for the overwhelming majority of normal, gainfully-employed Thai men.

well ,take your pick

thai men got her pregnant and deserted her when she was barely a teenager

thai men in the future see her as damaged goods because that has happened

and dont think shes fit to be a wife for them etc

either way ,she isnt going to have much (slim to zero) chance of getting a "good"

respectable thai man etc because now shes not something they go for ......

along comes the city and the farang and we all know the rest.................

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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

i have a girlfriend you can have ,il even deliver her for free wink.png

Wana you are a piece of work. I thought I was bad when I put mine on the transfer list - but you are really into 'marketing'.

Couldn't stop laughing when I readyour post.

Sad really, because often it is not about the girls but the poor kids who have no chance in life.

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I look forward to a documentary filmed at the other end of this business - back in Farangland, examining the personal lives of the foreign men who come to Thailand seeking Thai wives, their troubles, tribulations and mindset.

title for the docu ,

how to lose a fortune , in the land of smiles.

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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

i have a girlfriend you can have ,il even deliver her for free wink.png

Wana you are a piece of work. I thought I was bad when I put mine on the transfer list - but you are really into 'marketing'.

Couldn't stop laughing when I readyour post.

Sad really, because often it is not about the girls but the poor kids who have no chance in life.

i thought it was a fair deal ! she costing me money just to keep her here

and if i traded her in now i could get a newer model with power steering and cruise control for the

same price ;)

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