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As Queues At Suvarnabhumi Grow, Airport Debate Rages


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I flew from swampy yesterday 13:00 and I have to say I spent less than 5 minutes in passport control! If you walk to the very end near U check-in block it seems there are more officials than passengers biggrin.png

Overall I had a very pleasant experience at the airport excepting for one thing - the price of drinking water is disgusting - at 7/11 (near domestic arrivals) small bottles are 7 baht, which obviously you cannot take through security but once inside the cheapest price for exactly the same product was 30 baht. I witnessed some fool buying a small bottle of Evian for 130 baht!!

I know we are talking small money compared to the price of flying but there is no need for such extortionate pricing, other than abject greed.

Thats the way airports work, money making cheating lot, I make a habit of not buying a single thing when I have passed immigration/security into departures, Tell the monopolistic extortionists to go to H**l

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We need a new discussion subject where readers can check in on the current status at immigration and which lines to try for a short passage coming in or leaving. Readers can post to this discussion. Could be useful to readers like the "Where is it flooding" during the flood crisis in bkk. Lets call the new discussion "Where is the short immigration line? ". Just passed through immigration departure, south entrance opposite counter U. Short line, no more than 25 people in front of me. Took 15 to get through. Hope this is useful

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Why do passengers have to go through immigration to get OUT of LoS? What a waste of time and for what? To see about overstays so they can collect more revenue? Shut down the outbound gates and make them inbound.

Cash cow for overstayers.

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Why do passengers have to go through immigration to get OUT of LoS? What a waste of time and for what? To see about overstays so they can collect more revenue? Shut down the outbound gates and make them inbound.

I cant think of any other country that does that, why should Thailand?

Which countries were you thinking of? All of them?

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Excuse me, am I missing something here? Three hours is a norm at Heathrow for non-EU passport holders. I don't get what the fuss is about. Never occurred to me to complain because we're either immigrants and students. Although paying tax without any recourses to public funds, we are still treated as if we're coming to UK to take. So complaining is the last thing on our mind.

Just curious. Were you drunk when you made up your user name?

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Excuse me, am I missing something here? Three hours is a norm at Heathrow for non-EU passport holders. I don't get what the fuss is about. Never occurred to me to complain because we're either immigrants and students. Although paying tax without any recourses to public funds, we are still treated as if we're coming to UK to take. So complaining is the last thing on our mind.

I understand your frustration-point but I guess that:

1. you're wearing a turban or a headscarf, maybe the one with only your eyes (???) visible or worse the one which do not distinct you any longer from a garbage bin outside your door;

2. you do not have a white skin (and I do not feel disturbed by this in anyway, but maybe the immigration officers in Heathrow do). Regret to say that in my country I carefully avoid rows where africans are queuing up... These are definitely the "slow" rows...;

3. You are dressed like an Arab NOT with the white-only turban, but the "white and red" kitchen towel, the one that Yasser Arafat was wearing all the time;

4. You are NOT holder of a diplomatic passport;

5. You are NOT an UN-employee;

6. You did NOT shave before presenting to the immigration officer and wear a long beard (like the Talibans) perhaps spreading a strange odour around;

7. You are a travestite;

If you're not one of the above, then you have been very unfortunate to have to wait so long... It's very unfortunate! But remember, carefully avoid to be one of the cases above: it may help!

I apologize if I have offended you but my only aim was to be helpful! You're welcome!

Well well someone has never have to queue as a non-European in their own country, have they? I'm a Thai women (born and bred), I'm a Buddist so no need for turban. I have long black hair like a typical Thai woman. I do work in the City in this country. I have a genuine work permit. I have tan skin but not black because a lot of golfing. There's only ONE row for international passport (non-UK/non-EU) and you do get stuck there for three hours, at least, if you're lucky. I'm queuing along with all the blacks (sorry I can't avoid queuing up where Africans are - there's only ONE row), arabs, Americans, Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese etc. I have been in and out in from YOUR country for five years and the experiences are consistent at Heathrow.

I'm sorry you are so ignorant and still have some courage to challenge a person with experience that you have never had. I was writing on other thread how much I love English people because they are so civilised, open-minded and full of humility. I may have to retract that unfortunately.

Oh well, maybe not, I might just need to add I only love English in England because they can become quite a <deleted> outside their own country.

And your point is.....

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I have just flown out and back into Suvarnabhumi today and I can tell you I have never seen anything like it.

I checked in early and entered the immigration at 09:45 - there were no queues at all, and I went to an immigration officer waiting for a passenger - not many at the security check and I was through by 09:48 and 2 1/2 hours to kill before the flight.

On the way back at 8pm this evening the same, no queues, so either everyone has cancelled their flights or they are now processing people quicker - why could it not have been like this for the past 5 years?


Edited by crobe
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Can someone please clarify something for me? Are these 3 hour q's to enter or depart Thailand? Or both?


Can someone please clarify something for me? Are these 3 hour q's to enter or depart Thailand? Or both?


arivials only so far as can see
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The USA does not have immigration lines leaving an airport.

If you depart from Los Angeles LAX. You walk in the Bradley terminal. You go to the ticket counter, they check your passport and issue you tickets. You walk down the hall to the security checkpoint. You take off your jacket, shoes etc. Walk through the metal detector, then you walk to your gate and wait for your plane. There is no explicit outgoing immigration. Heck, i was surprised the one time I went to Tijuana Mexico with some friends. We drive down to the border. Park the car on the US side. We walked into Mexico. It never occurred to me at the time that the USA would not check you going outbound.

People want to get into America not many want leave. Anyway go idea let the bums leave if they want to

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In amongst all the bitching etc about BKK, here's an up to date experience.

Flew out Mon night and there were extra booths, lots of immigration officers and senior officers overseeing proceedings. Took me exactly 6 minutes to get through using Departure gate 3.

Coming back yesterday, arrived at about 3.20pm. Scooted off the plane and at immigration there were exactly 3 other foreign passengers, 8 open booths and lots of greeters and guys checking that landing cards had been completed. All of 60 seconds wait.

Maybe I was just lucky but it strikes me that they are taking it seriously and getting it sorted. No one likes losing face, so well done. I have no complaints re my most recent experiences of BKK and lots of praise.

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I went out very early last Thursday, 22nd. From check-in, through immigration and security less than 6 minutes! Arrived back last night at 11.05pm and was in taxi by 11.50pm. Only had hand luggage but stopped off at duty free to buy something. The immigration was very well staffed and excellently organised. No problems at all.

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I have a friend, ahem, who hasn't done a 90 day report in 3 years. Multiple entry non-B visa renewal every year no problems, no worries jap.gif

Just to be clear for others here, B business visas typically don't require 90 day reports. The visa itself is valid for a year, but the holder is required to exit Thailand by land or air every 90 days...hence the reason for no 90 day reporting.

That's in contrast to retirement extensions, where the holder doesn't have to exit Thailand anytime during the year, but does have to do 90 day reports.

BTW, as for the airport, if you have a Thai spouse, typically departure Immigration will let the two of you go thru the (often shorter) Thai citizen lines instead of going separate and you standing in the longer foreigner lines.

I cannot answer for Thailand, but it is a little known fact that British Customs and Excise are NOT ALLOWED to split up married couples travelling together. Your Thai wife can accompany you through the British passport holders booths even if she is travelling on a Thai passport.

HMRC do not have responsibility for checking passports. But, you are correct to say that a foreign spouse travelling with their UK partner will be allowed throught the the EU channel at Immigration.

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Excuse me, am I missing something here? Three hours is a norm at Heathrow for non-EU passport holders. I don't get what the fuss is about. Never occurred to me to complain because we're either immigrants and students. Although paying tax without any recourses to public funds, we are still treated as if we're coming to UK to take. So complaining is the last thing on our mind.

I understand your frustration-point but I guess that:

1. you're wearing a turban or a headscarf, maybe the one with only your eyes (???) visible or worse the one which do not distinct you any longer from a garbage bin outside your door;

2. you do not have a white skin (and I do not feel disturbed by this in anyway, but maybe the immigration officers in Heathrow do). Regret to say that in my country I carefully avoid rows where africans are queuing up... These are definitely the "slow" rows...;

3. You are dressed like an Arab NOT with the white-only turban, but the "white and red" kitchen towel, the one that Yasser Arafat was wearing all the time;

4. You are NOT holder of a diplomatic passport;

5. You are NOT an UN-employee;

6. You did NOT shave before presenting to the immigration officer and wear a long beard (like the Talibans) perhaps spreading a strange odour around;

7. You are a travestite;

If you're not one of the above, then you have been very unfortunate to have to wait so long... It's very unfortunate! But remember, carefully avoid to be one of the cases above: it may help!

I apologize if I have offended you but my only aim was to be helpful! You're welcome!

Well well someone has never have to queue as a non-European in their own country, have they? I'm a Thai women (born and bred), I'm a Buddist so no need for turban. I have long black hair like a typical Thai woman. I do work in the City in this country. I have a genuine work permit. I have tan skin but not black because a lot of golfing. There's only ONE row for international passport (non-UK/non-EU) and you do get stuck there for three hours, at least, if you're lucky. I'm queuing along with all the blacks (sorry I can't avoid queuing up where Africans are - there's only ONE row), arabs, Americans, Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese etc. I have been in and out in from YOUR country for five years and the experiences are consistent at Heathrow.

I'm sorry you are so ignorant and still have some courage to challenge a person with experience that you have never had. I was writing on other thread how much I love English people because they are so civilised, open-minded and full of humility. I may have to retract that unfortunately.

Oh well, maybe not, I might just need to add I only love English in England because they can become quite a <deleted> outside their own country.

You are right - the non-EU immigration at Heathrow is awfull. It's slow, and I've heard the officers being unecessarily rude on some occasions. The UK is not the only European country like this, and the US can also be daunting. Anyone who thinks Thailand is bad should try certain Middle East countries. I have flown a lot over the last 25 years and on average Thailand has been one of the best for immigration - time waiting and civility. Please don't paint all British the same - we're not all <deleted>! And I'm embarrased at how your teated when you arrive at Heathrow.

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I am flying in on Wednesday and having read all the recent positive reviews on the improvement, I am all optimistic and hopeful. The last two arrivals in Jan and Feb had been absolute nightmares for me. Good to hear to that something is being done and I hope they keep up the good work.

Edited by hands22
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With a population of 70 million, greater than that of the UK, it stands to reason than expansion of the existing airports and even additional airports will be necessary to accommodate growth. London has Heathrow, plus Gatwick, Stansted, Luton, City and St. Pancras. EasyBus and others offer efficient shuttle services.

What does not stand to reason, is that whatever the government does, this and/or the next, the Thai bashers here will criticise whoever - it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't, scenario. Foreigners here expect everything the way they like it, as though there is no one else to consider, and for a fraction of the price 'back home'.

As an interim plan, if moving domestic flights to Don Mueang can take a bit of pressure of Suvarnabhumi, then why shouldn't they. Many of you may be retired, but the world hasn't. All renovations entail some degree of inconvenience. Live with it.

Not sure what correalation the size of population 70m to 60m is to the number of users of airports - tourists, business, tansits etc. Don't let anyone fool you - St.Pancras is a train station! You can check-in there and get a direct train to Heathrow. But, don't buy a ticket to land there! smile.png

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st pancras is the station, from where the eurotunnel trains leave for paris and brussel. Before that departures were from waterloo.

you can check in for heathrow flights at paddington station, from where fast trains depart.

London has for the last few weeks a fast train connection (some 45 minutes) to southend airport, the train station is only 120m walk from the airport terminal. Now considered as the 6th London airport.

arrived Bkk this evening, fast immigration, but waiting for bags 15 minutes - so out of the terminal same like before.

the last week departure immigration was very slow, allow for time

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Went thru the middle international departure gate on Tues about noon.

Very short lines, and most of the Immigration booths staffed, both the Thai and farang ones, unlike many trips in the past.

Whole Immi process took 5 mins at most. And they let me go together with the Thai wife thru one of the Thai booths. But very short queues at farang ones too.

Had unified queue system ib place for both farang and Thai Immi. booth sections.

But, Id also think noon on a Tues isn't a heavy departure time for large plane intl flights.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Ok,ok...let me get this straight: you build an airport and you estimate a growing number of passengers over the next - let's say- 20 years!

You KNOW the number of planes and the approximate number of passengers on a daily basis.

You fit - lets say- 25 counters in the arrival sector and 25 in the departure sector.

After that, you man 50% of those and wonder why you got long lines of waiting passengers?!

...and NOW, your solution is, to move flights back to the old airport, with NO plan, how passengers with connecting flights might get there?


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...and NOW, your solution is, to move flights back to the old airport, with NO plan, how passengers with connecting flights might get there?


A little out of date now. That was the old plan that is now complete.

Regarding a policy to relocate domestic flights of low-cost airlines to Don Muang Airport, he said that there are no more airlines willing to relocate.
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Went thru the middle international departure gate on Tues about noon.

Very short lines, and most of the Immigration booths staffed, both the Thai and farang ones, unlike many trips in the past.

Whole Immi process took 5 mins at most. And they let me go together with the Thai wife thru one of the Thai booths. But very short queues at farang ones too.

Had unified queue system ib place for both farang and Thai Immi. booth sections.

But, Id also think noon on a Tues isn't a heavy departure time for large plane intl flights.

Came back thru the arrivals international Immigration area about 7 pm on Friday... Short lines and most of the Immigration booths staffed. Central queue in place.

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