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Pork Pie Thread


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I seem to recall the pie thread but cannot find it,i have just been given a good oven and would like to try the recipe out,there was some great pictures and how to do it by a member anybody know the guy or which thread it was in.

The Pork Pies he made looked wonderful.

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any recipe you want is on the internet...I don't like pork-pies meself as they are very rich and upset my digestion but I understand their value as traditional food and the 'comfort' aspect...

Nigel Slater's food column in the Observer on Sunday is worth looking at (available on the internet)...he's a bit pedantic and traditional but it's possible to pick up some ideas...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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Thanks for the input Tutsi,i have looked around the web like you do,just remember the photos and the method that the guy posted on here but cannot for the life of me find it...i think it is within a thread on something else,as i recall maybe to do with the hash run or something like that....i am going to have a good look again today and will post a link if i find it,but thanks for the link jap.gif

Edited by MrRed
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Found the recipe i liked courtesy of GrimleyBob TV member

To make 6 small Pork Pies.


400g minced or chopped Pork ( For best results you want about 20% fat content ---- this will disapear in cooking)

100g chopped or minced Bacon

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

half teaspoon mixed spice

half teaspoon msg (optional)

half cup water

Mix together and form into 6 round balls. Place on tray and put in freezer for about 3 hours to set the meat.

Hot water crust

350g Plain Flour

125g Lard

Quarter pint of water

Half teaspoon salt

Place water and lard in a pan and bring to boil

mix salt into flour pour the boiling water and mix together

tip onto floured board and knead pastry for 3-4 minutes as soon as cool enough to handle.

Using plenty of flour , roll out pastry to about 3-4mm thick. Cut 6 round disks 5" and 6 disks 3" (CD's are 5")

Take one 5" disk place ball of meat in center put lid on top

lift the base up to meet the lid at back of the pie, cup the pie with your right hand and pinch the lid and base together with your left, workig round the pie until it's sealed

You can the spin the pie between your cupped hands to get an even shape.

Complete the rest, place on a tray an refridgerate for an hour or so.

Glaze the tops with beaten egg and bake in a medium oven for 40 mins (If the pies start to brown too quickly turn the oven down a little)

Please post pictures of your results.

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very interesting as I thought that the fat content came from the pork shoulder alone....bacon would certainly do the trick...

there have been some good recipes on the forum, a lot of which are adapted to local availability of traditional ingredients...lets keep on rockin'!

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yeah...I was wonderin' about lard meself as I've never seen it packaged in the meat section of the supermarket...probably not hard to find if you look around fer a bit down the fresh market...if you explained what you wanted to use it for there would then probably be some local guidance and assistance available...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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a 'half time' pie? are there special pies available for consumption during football matches in the UK? in the US we got 'chicken pot pies' which are a favorite of low income folks like the USD0.50 package of Kraft macaroni and cheese and here is tutsi with disreputable associates in 1974: 'say, man...let's go get some more shit while it's still there...'...'after I've had my chicken pot pie...'...'heh, heh, heh...tutsi is gonna fix the pot pie...'

disgraceful drug addicts with misguided priorities...'gotta have' a chicken pot pie...

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a 'half time' pie? are there special pies available for consumption during football matches in the UK? in the US we got 'chicken pot pies' which are a favorite of low income folks like the USD0.50 package of Kraft macaroni and cheese and here is tutsi with disreputable associates in 1974: 'say, man...let's go get some more shit while it's still there...'...'after I've had my chicken pot pie...'...'heh, heh, heh...tutsi is gonna fix the pot pie...'

disgraceful drug addicts with misguided priorities...'gotta have' a chicken pot pie...

Ah yes - a "meat" pie - steak and kidney or beef and onion, washed down with a mug of hot bovril! Half time delicacy during a football match. You've missed out! Try the "Pukka" brand if you're in the UK.

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Hollands used to be the best although i have not tried them in a few years it appears like most things mass marketing and processing has diluted the quality,they used to be very tasty.

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Lard is a available in every market in Thailand. It is pigs fat atter all.

Buy some pigs fat and render it down.

I need an update on where some one has seen lard on sale in the past couple of days. Pattaya or Bangkok


I buy the the frozen pigs fat in Friendship (Freezer section by the lamb and pork chops) then render it down. Round by the baking ingredients they do also sell big tubs of "shortening" for pastry but you cant beat using lard for pork pie pastry. Also I believe Western Wholesale sell lard already rendered.

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Lard is a available in every market in Thailand. It is pigs fat atter all.

Buy some pigs fat and render it down.

I need an update on where some one has seen lard on sale in the past couple of days. Pattaya or Bangkok


I buy the the frozen pigs fat in Friendship (Freezer section by the lamb and pork chops) then render it down. Round by the baking ingredients they do also sell big tubs of "shortening" for pastry but you cant beat using lard for pork pie pastry. Also I believe Western Wholesale sell lard already rendered.

I will tell you this boy, Yoos is a beezer so yoos is

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