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Celebrating Blue Skies


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After not getting out much the past month due to weather/health related issues, it's so nice to see blue skies again, and go re-discover some of the great places around Chiang Mai.

It's almost like a new spring, when you can go out again and enjoy. And it's good to see the temperature creeping up day by day, it feels more and more like Songkranny Weather. Some pics.

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Just last week:


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Agreed. Been going out every day myself to numerous waterfalls, etc. Yesterday it rained a little while up at Mae Sa Waterfalls and it was really cool and refreshing. Of course after a few sporadic raindrops one could hear all the Thais in the park shouting "tok laaaaaooooo!" and hightailing it out of there. It was great as I ended up having the place to myself.

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