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Bangkok Bank Scanner Scam?


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Went to Krabi ( Ao Nang) a few days ago. went to a BKK ATM and wanted to withdraw money.

Looked and saw this ? thing? (Photo 1) over the card insertion slot. Panicked and went to another without this addendum thingy sticking out

Am I paranoid or was this some magic thingy introduced recently in the south?


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that protruding card slot is suppose to deter card skimming, an anti skimming device. instead of using that secured one, you had choose to use the other one.

now you should be really paranoid, there must have been cases of skimming in that area to have such device installed, but you choose to use the one without it. good luck

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It is indeed an anti-skimming device, they're fitting them in the UK too.

Unfortunately, it has many of the attributes that we're told to watch out for in a skimmer such as being fixed over the card slot.

Logical next step, skimmers that look like anti-skimming devices sad.png

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Thanks for the information. I can understand why the OP would be worried.

However, I am just paranoid enough to only use my ATM card during business hours. It there is a problem I can get someone in the know to help me. All it takes is a little PRIOR planning. I actually plan ahead what I am going to need BEFORE I travel. I've been to enough ATM machines to know they don't always carry enough cash to make my transaction.

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that protruding card slot is suppose to deter card skimming, an anti skimming device. instead of using that secured one, you had choose to use the other one.

now you should be really paranoid, there must have been cases of skimming in that area to have such device installed, but you choose to use the one without it. good luck

Sorry, we are not all as intelligent and up to date as you clearly are. Humblest apologies, sorry for asking and bothering you.

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It's actually a brain scanner. I bet you touched it didn't you. Big mistake. You should have worn your tin foil hat.

Wow, have you thought of becoming a stand up comedian? ( Advice- don't give up your day job)

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Thanks for the information. I can understand why the OP would be worried.

However, I am just paranoid enough to only use my ATM card during business hours. It there is a problem I can get someone in the know to help me. All it takes is a little PRIOR planning. I actually plan ahead what I am going to need BEFORE I travel. I've been to enough ATM machines to know they don't always carry enough cash to make my transaction.

You can get through money VERY quickly in Ao Naang!

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