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Top Ten Proofs You Have Been Acculturated In Thailand

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When you start crossing busy streets without looking because you just know Buddha is watching over you as you made merit yesterday by feeding some soi dogs some left over, hardened, dried out white rice with fish sauce essence.

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You have special suits woven from shiny silk in seven different colours for special occasions.

You play on the beach in soaking wet jeans.

You slowly become more aware of the different types ghosts.

You come to believe in palmistry and cannot live without a nasel inhaler.

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You think nothing of parking across a driveway, blocking someone in despite there being plenty of other places to park

If there is no shade to park your motorbike, you will happily park it on a strangers driveway

Your whole life revolves around just 2 days every month - lottery day

You meet somebody and instead of saying good morning you ask them if they have eaten yet

You meet someone who is obviously going home and ask them where they are going.

You meet somebody who has just been to the shop and they are holding their purchase in their hand for all to see and you ask them what they have bought.

You agree a price of 10,000 Baht to have some building work done, then spend another 12,000 Baht to feed the workers and buying them beer/Lao khao without thinking it odd.

You realise that a smile is not at all strange, costs nothing and makes the world seem a brighter place.

No matter how bad things may be, you know that a bit of sanuk can always make things seem better.

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When you develop a second personality which is used when hanging out with thai people

When that personality has completely taken over because for the past ten years, the few farang you occasionally spend any time with are just as acculturated as you are.

When you start to believe that it makes more sense to use a fan all day rather than the AC and to just take 6 or 7 quick showers per day to freshen up.

Actually it does, if I run the AC all day the electric bill comes in at over 40% of my income for that month.

When you expect the kid marrying your daughter to fork over the cash.

Yes, he absolutely will have to, that's part of the divorce agreement with her mother, and he'll have to negotiate and hand it over directly to her, even if all of us (not counting the ex of course) are living back in the west by then.

The appearance of 3 truckloads of assorted relatives and the announcement that the are spending several days camping on your floor despite you deliberately building a 1 bedroom house does not phase you in the least.

Actually it's "faze", and why would it? I have tons of fun with the relatives, as long as my ex doesn't come along with them.

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