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Easter bomb blast kills at least 38 in Kaduna, Nigeria


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Easter bomb blast kills at least 38 in Kaduna, Nigeria

2012-04-10 04:24:20 GMT+7 (ICT)

KADUNA, NIGERIA (BNO NEWS) -- At least 38 people were killed and others were injured when a bomb blast hit north-central Nigeria on Easter Sunday, officials said on Monday.

The explosion occurred on Sunday morning at the busy streets of Junction Road and Sardauna Crescent near the Ahmadu Bello Stadium in the city of Karduna, the state capital which carries the same name as the state.

Kaduna State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) Abubakar Zakari Adamu told the Nation that at least 38 people were killed, while several others were rushed to local hospitals due to injuries. However, the media outlet said it accounted for over 40 casualties at different local hospitals.

Dozens of bodies were immediately seen scattered on the streets after the blast, which triggered flames and thick black smoke. The busy area usually gathers groups of residents eating at local informal restaurants and purchasing black market gasoline.

The target of the attack is uncertain, but a possibility is the nearby All Nations Christian Assembly Church, which was holding Easter services and was damaged by the blast.

According to witnesses, a motorcyclist tried to enter Gwari Road where at least two churches are located, the All Nations Christian Assembly and the ECWA Good News Church. However, a security blockade at the street junction had been set up and turned the bomber away.

The strong blast damaged some 60 buildings in the area, including several hotels in addition to the church. Several vehicles and motorcycles were also damaged. The bodies and wounded were transported to the Rakiya Memorial Hospital, the St. Gerald Hospital, the Barau Dikko Hospital and the Red Cross.

No group or organization has claimed responsibility of the attack, but authorities are suspecting the militant group Boko Haram.

The Boko Haram group has been blamed for most of the region's terrorist attacks and seeks the imposition of an extremist stance of the Shariah law, which is a Muslim code of conduct. The group's name, in the local language of Hausa, roughly translates as 'Western religion is sacrilegious' or 'non-Islamic religion is a sin.'


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-04-10

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As I have observed before this has the makings of a Sudan style civil war but on a much larger scale. I don't envy the authorities trying to sort this one out, but no doubt even deaths in the millions will hardly register a blip with the western press.

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As I have observed before this has the makings of a Sudan style civil war but on a much larger scale. I don't envy the authorities trying to sort this one out, but no doubt even deaths in the millions will hardly register a blip with the western press.

The Persecution of Christians in Nigeria is very well documented with Thousands of Christians murdered and hundreds of Churches burned to the Ground ,it would appear that it is of little interest to the outside world ,of course Nigeria is not unique in this respect as Christians are being murdered and their places of worship desecrated in many Muslim Countrys ,with Islam there is no " half way" you are either with them or against them , IMHO this word "multiculturalism" is just a myth ,but mouthed by many of the left wing PC brigade who avoid reality like the plague, Edited by Colin Yai
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As soon as the circus and all it's clowns are removed from office the better. Here is some willful denial by Obama's assistant secretary of state for African affairs.


Obama Official After Easter and Christmas Church Bombings in Nigeria: ‘Religion Is Not Driving Extremist Violence’

crazy.gif <deleted>! Bombing a church on Christmas eve and another at Easter whilst telling Christians to leave Northern Nigeria is nothing to do with religion!? But what should we expect from the team who told us the Muslim brotherhood were 'mostly secular'. emot-doh.gif

Edited by Steely Dan
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Thanks for noticing Colin, the silence of the many is most revealing as any serious analysis of the issue exposes the mainstream narrative as a tissue of lies. Here is Michael Coren spelling it out.


A phrase often used by myself is" A cry in the wilderness" and although as you are aware Dan I admire Spencer to a high degree , I feel that his words and people like him are often just ignored by some sections of the misguided closet minded populace , on the bonus side however I honestly feel that like the title of the song "Times they are a changing" and more and more members of society are becoming acutely aware that Radical Islam represents far more of a threat to the West than Communism ever did.
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As soon as the circus and all it's clowns are removed from office the better. Here is some willful denial by Obama's assistant secretary of state for African affairs.


Obama Official After Easter and Christmas Church Bombings in Nigeria: ‘Religion Is Not Driving Extremist Violence’

crazy.gif <deleted>! Bombing a church on Christmas eve and another at Easter whilst telling Christians to leave Northern Nigeria is nothing to do with religion!? But what should we expect from the team who told us the Muslim brotherhood were 'mostly secular'. emot-doh.gif

Beyond belief!!, No doubt Mitt Romney was quite pleased to get a freebie Ad for the Republicans cowboy.gif
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I guess for those Muslim boys fire crackers just didn't do it for them. May they rest in peace. Death sucks. I must say I am happy I am not European. A forerunner of what is to come. Is it really worth it for the sake of a good Muslim curry? I know they are good, very good! But come on. European leadership is morally bankrupt.

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As I have observed before this has the makings of a Sudan style civil war but on a much larger scale. I don't envy the authorities trying to sort this one out, but no doubt even deaths in the millions will hardly register a blip with the western press.

The Persecution of Christians in Nigeria is very well documented with Thousands of Christians murdered and hundreds of Churches burned to the Ground ,it would appear that it is of little interest to the outside world ,of course Nigeria is not unique in this respect as Christians are being murdered and their places of worship desecrated in many Muslim Countrys ,with Islam there is no " half way" you are either with them or against them , IMHO this word "multiculturalism" is just a myth ,but mouthed by many of the left wing PC brigade who avoid reality like the plague,

So much oil there makes death irrelevant. Isn't it time that you started to live in the real world? Heaven is a place you go to when you die. Sounds tough but that's how it is for many poor souls. Why don't the Christians fight back. Outnumbered? Outgunned? Partition the country like what happened with India/Pakistan. And then don't allow any Muslims into the Christian part. Extreme suffering causes from extreme measures. Sometimes we must confront the myth of multiculturalism and fight or accept there will be deaths such as these. There is a choice. However I concede bombers are rather invisible. Who to fight? Edited by heiwa
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Nigeria is a basket case thanks to Britain. The created Sudan out of many nationalities, see where it ended up. In Nigeria, the south and north were separate entities, in order to save administrative cost, the Brits amalgamated them to a state. On independence they made sure power went to the Muslim north, which had the least literacy, Muslim violence started after the first army coup in 1966, there was a pogrom in the north, all southerners left there and the east seceded but the north and west declared war with total support of the US and Britain.the east was bombed and starved into submission while the whole world watched. All the Nigerian oil you hear about is in the east, any Nigeria you have heard about that contributed anything to mankind is from the east. This current violence that now happens is simply because for the first time a south easterner was elected president last may. So some norther/Muslim elements are formenting an atmosphere of anarchy to destabilize the current chief executive.they started with sharia laws in some states during the last regime when a westerner was president, then came the current easterner, it escalated to bombings. But may be they would never rule the country again, there ar northern christians, but no southern Muslims, except in a few western states, th current powerlessness is the motive for church bombings just to provoke.

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The christians outnumber the Muslims. The state where the Easter bombings took place is in the north but have a Christian governor. Soon a new Nigeria will be born, that's part of reason why the core north is worried, they don't see themselves in any good light, after the transformation cos they have nothing to offer the federation except agricultural good and pre medieval diseases.

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Nigeria is a basket case thanks to Britain. The created Sudan out of many nationalities, see where it ended up. In Nigeria, the south and north were separate entities, in order to save administrative cost, the Brits amalgamated them to a state. On independence they made sure power went to the Muslim north, which had the least literacy, Muslim violence started after the first army coup in 1966, there was a pogrom in the north, all southerners left there and the east seceded but the north and west declared war with total support of the US and Britain.the east was bombed and starved into submission while the whole world watched. All the Nigerian oil you hear about is in the east, any Nigeria you have heard about that contributed anything to mankind is from the east. This current violence that now happens is simply because for the first time a south easterner was elected president last may. So some norther/Muslim elements are formenting an atmosphere of anarchy to destabilize the current chief executive.they started with sharia laws in some states during the last regime when a westerner was president, then came the current easterner, it escalated to bombings. But may be they would never rule the country again, there ar northern christians, but no southern Muslims, except in a few western states, th current powerlessness is the motive for church bombings just to provoke.

simple question ,are you of the opinion that Sharia law with all its implementations is a just law even for devout Muslims? Edited by Colin Yai
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The christians outnumber the Muslims. The state where the Easter bombings took place is in the north but have a Christian governor. Soon a new Nigeria will be born, that's part of reason why the core north is worried, they don't see themselves in any good light, after the transformation cos they have nothing to offer the federation except agricultural good and pre medieval diseases.

Guilty as charged relating to colonial map making causing big problems. I was always of the view that the situation in Nigeria would follow the same path as Sudan. Actually I suspect the Southern half of Nigeria is in a better situation than the southern half of Sudan because in the case of Sudan the oil pipelines all point North so Northern Sudan is holding the South to ransom. Actually in the long run Boko Haram may be doing the South a favour as the South keeps the oil and money and loses the bronze age savages into the bargain.

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Nigeria is a basket case thanks to Britain. The created Sudan out of many nationalities, see where it ended up. In Nigeria, the south and north were separate entities, in order to save administrative cost, the Brits amalgamated them to a state. On independence they made sure power went to the Muslim north, which had the least literacy, Muslim violence started after the first army coup in 1966, there was a pogrom in the north, all southerners left there and the east seceded but the north and west declared war with total support of the US and Britain.the east was bombed and starved into submission while the whole world watched. All the Nigerian oil you hear about is in the east, any Nigeria you have heard about that contributed anything to mankind is from the east. This current violence that now happens is simply because for the first time a south easterner was elected president last may. So some norther/Muslim elements are formenting an atmosphere of anarchy to destabilize the current chief executive.they started with sharia laws in some states during the last regime when a westerner was president, then came the current easterner, it escalated to bombings. But may be they would never rule the country again, there ar northern christians, but no southern Muslims, except in a few western states, th current powerlessness is the motive for church bombings just to provoke.

Nigeria is a basket case thanks to Nigerians.

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Nigeria is a basket case thanks to Britain. The created Sudan out of many nationalities, see where it ended up. In Nigeria, the south and north were separate entities, in order to save administrative cost, the Brits amalgamated them to a state. On independence they made sure power went to the Muslim north, which had the least literacy, Muslim violence started after the first army coup in 1966, there was a pogrom in the north, all southerners left there and the east seceded but the north and west declared war with total support of the US and Britain.the east was bombed and starved into submission while the whole world watched. All the Nigerian oil you hear about is in the east, any Nigeria you have heard about that contributed anything to mankind is from the east. This current violence that now happens is simply because for the first time a south easterner was elected president last may. So some norther/Muslim elements are formenting an atmosphere of anarchy to destabilize the current chief executive.they started with sharia laws in some states during the last regime when a westerner was president, then came the current easterner, it escalated to bombings. But may be they would never rule the country again, there ar northern christians, but no southern Muslims, except in a few western states, th current powerlessness is the motive for church bombings just to provoke.

Nigeria is a basket case thanks to Nigerians.

I disagree BB Those Evil white Colonists were the cause of Black Africa's sad decline, cos once they got their "freedoms" and Independence and adopted the tried and tested success story,s of the socialist policy's of Lenin ,Mao, and Castro the sky was the limit, indeed one only has to look at Zimbabwe under Comrade Mugabe's guiding hand for irrefutable evidence that once the Evil whiteman was booted out, the Country went from strength to strengthlaugh.png
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Actually if you read Huntington's Clash of civilizations and then peruse a map of Africa you can see how the European colonialists drew borders depending on the politics between themselves with no regard to the ethnic or religious mix of the areas they put together. This did cause enormous problems such as with Sudan. There is also the small matter of rivalries between English and French speaking areas too. Perhaps this led to many African Countries aligning themselves with communists when they started to take an interest in Africa; This was doubly unfortunate as the free market democracy model is demonstrably better, but in a post colonial world much of Africa backed the wrong horse.

There is a time limit for credibly blaming the past though and rolling sleeves up and making your own future has to happen eventually. First there is the thorny problem of establishing borders between populations which make sense locally, which is why equatorial Africa needs to separate imho from the predominantly Muslim Saharan areas.

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@ Colin yai, I can t educate you about sharia, I am catholic.

There was an unsuccessful military coup in the 90s, in the radio address to the nation, the coupist expelled 5 core northern states from the country, out of 36 states, 5 will not be missed much.

Much of the south are just bidding their time, hoping the recent event push things over the edge.

The elite that lives in Abuja are wary of any spontaneous change to the status quo.

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@ Colin yai, I can t educate you about sharia, I am catholic.

There was an unsuccessful military coup in the 90s, in the radio address to the nation, the coupist expelled 5 core northern states from the country, out of 36 states, 5 will not be missed much.

Much of the south are just bidding their time, hoping the recent event push things over the edge.

The elite that lives in Abuja are wary of any spontaneous change to the status quo.

Read my post again , I did not ask to be educated about Sharia nor did I mention Nigeria in particular but ALL Country,s that embrace it, ,just YOUR views of it will be sufficient , My opinion of it has not faltered in the slightest detail in the last 3 decades and for anyone to try and change my mind through "education" would be (for them) a trip into "fantasy land" Edited by Colin Yai
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