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Diplomatically Confused About Thaksin? Let It Be


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God you are pathetic you lot, you'd think you were talking about a mass murderer, a deranged terrorist or a cult member about to brain wash everybody. He's only a politician, or should I say ex politician in self exile over a politically motivated court decision to jail the poor chap.

'Mass murderer'? Maybe not directly, but he was PM and #1 'take charge' guy when both mass murders of young Muslim men took place in the south. Additionaly there are the 2,000 or so extra-judicial murders which were encouraged by T's quota system re; druggies.

'Deranged terrorist'? Perhaps not completely 'deranged,' but he did bankroll terrorist activities in Pattaya and Bangkok (2009) and again in Bangkok (2010).

'cult member about to brain wash everybody.' That fits, except replace the word 'member' with 'leader.'

'poor chap' ....not quite

Without his mad, thoughtless pushing to cause a number of bad situations, the great number of deaths and injuries would never have happened. This includes Krue Se mosque, Tak Bai, the bombing victims around Bangkok, and the majority of deaths caused by red occupation rallies. But not exclusively to these, they are just the bigger numbers that have died to fulfill Thaksin's hubris, over-arching ambition to control Thailand, and make more face than anyone else.

Without this one central malign personality these things would not have happened.

Edited by animatic
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God you are pathetic you lot, you'd think you were talking about a mass murderer, a deranged terrorist or a cult member about to brain wash everybody. He's only a politician, or should I say ex politician in self exile over a politically motivated court decision to jail the poor chap.

.. poor chap, whatever. He is evil like almost every politician working at a national level, in almost any country.

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If there is a valid international arrest warrant issued for him then the UK should arrest him on entry. Simple.

This falling between the gaps of diplomacy, international law, and potential loss of trade is a joke.

They just told him he can't enter, because they rightly didn't want to get in a long legal squabble with Bangkok over getting him extradited. So they took the opportunity of his stepping of British soil to simply end it right there.

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.. poor chap, whatever. He is evil like almost every politician working at a national level, in almost any country.

Methinks your assessment that 'almost every politician,' is evil, is too cynical. Some are, but many are decent people who are sincerely trying to do good. Perhaps the majority of politicians fall somewhere in between decency and corruption.

However, comparing T to 'almost every politician' is a stretch. T falls in that small club, along with F.Marcos, Idi Amin, Bokhasa, Papa Doc, Sukarno/Suharto, - who have no qualms about amassing as much wealth and power as possible, with no concern for trampling on the 'little people' in the process. ....with no moral or legal restrictions on how they get there.

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