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Reconciliation Meant To 'Absolve Thaksin'


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  • PTP attempt to 'whitewash' Thaksin = Dems'/Army's attempt to vilify him
  • Change of the constitution 2012 to benefit certain parties = Change of the constitution 2007 to benefit certain parties

Didn't see Abhisit bleating about it when it suited him.

Duuh!!! Abhisit nor the Democrats were in power when the 2007 was rewritten.

Edited by Roadman
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  • PTP attempt to 'whitewash' Thaksin = Dems'/Army's attempt to vilify him
  • Change of the constitution 2012 to benefit certain parties = Change of the constitution 2007 to benefit certain parties

Didn't see Abhisit bleating about it when it suited him.

Duuh!!! Abhisit nor the Democrats were in power when the 2007 was rewritten.

Duh! They're not in power now, but still bleating. At the time they knew quite well what was going to serve them well and were certainly not opposing it.

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reconciliation and Thaksin are two different subjects. If you mix the two it will ignite! Why dont Thaksin supporters see this? There are none so blind that those who cannot or dont wish to see.

He is yesterdays news, time to move on.

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Anyone with an active brain cell has known from day one that the whole PTP agenda has been about getting Big T off on all charges and allowing him to return and take control of the party officially. All of the smoke screens that people throw up about fairness ( no one else is ever tried for corruption why should he be) are just mudding the waters.

I guess I'm wondering about this and my question is: even if true - so what? What's so catastrophic about a popular politician other than he's not your favorite or in your favorite party.

How can anyone point to one politician in Thailand and say that one is more corrupt than others? Reconcilliation, yes....but the reforms needed elsewhere in Thai society are infinitely more important. Thaksin is merely a convenient distraction for what really needs to change.

Popular crim.more like it.They haven't caught the others yet.Thaksin is the distraction,if he stops spending money,end of reds,except die hards.
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Thai politics needs athorough clean up and ban all the crooks from Thaksin down. I know that won't leave many of the current shower but is that such a bad thing, and start afresh.

Well, we can all dream.

I agree in principle, but politicians "from Thaksin down" are not the main areas in need of reform. No substantive or lasting political reform will occur until the Army is put back in the barracks among other things. Without that, reform within the gov't is window dressing. Yours truly, Mr. Troll.

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Reconciliation certainly does have meaning, and in the current context only one - whitewash Thaksin.

The other side has gotten off scott free with their crimes, so let's just make that official too, and there you go, done and dusted, Thailand can get back to business as usual.

I'm sick of all the unrealistic spin fantasies about clean government, rule of law, public interest BS, everyone knows it's just a smokescreen coming from both sides, the real issue is stability, especially international perception of such, and hence the ability for corporations of all camps to be able to get on with growing the country's economy back to health.

And if he didn't have to micromanage everything via remote control from Dubai maybe the government could actually be effective in getting some things done.

"Everybody else does it" didn't work with my mother, or most other adults.

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It is not similar at all

Yes, as one of main proponents of returning Thaksin and all the while lying about it, Yongyuth's criminal behavior, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty, and malfeasance in office are not the topic.


As far as I can see Yonyuth was working as a caretaker permanent secretary of the Interior Ministry who signed the order not to revoke the deeds. He would be acting under the orders of the Interior Minister at the time, Sanoh Tienthong. How this makes Yonyuth a criminal in the Alpine Land Scandal I don't know?

Somehow you managed to lose your offtopic.gif But it's OK, I put it back for you.

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Anyone with an active brain cell has known from day one that the whole PTP agenda has been about getting Big T off on all charges and allowing him to return and take control of the party officially. All of the smoke screens that people throw up about fairness ( no one else is ever tried for corruption why should he be) are just mudding the waters.

I guess I'm wondering about this and my question is: even if true - so what? What's so catastrophic about a popular politician other than he's not your favorite or in your favorite party.

How can anyone point to one politician in Thailand and say that one is more corrupt than others? Reconcilliation, yes....but the reforms needed elsewhere in Thai society are infinitely more important. Thaksin is merely a convenient distraction for what really needs to change.

This must be a troll. No one can be this ignorant and stupid.

Calgaryll under cover?

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It is not similar at all

Yes, as one of main proponents of returning Thaksin and all the while lying about it, Yongyuth's criminal behavior, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty, and malfeasance in office are not the topic.


As far as I can see Yonyuth was working as a caretaker permanent secretary of the Interior Ministry who signed the order not to revoke the deeds. He would be acting under the orders of the Interior Minister at the time, Sanoh Tienthong. How this makes Yonyuth a criminal in the Alpine Land Scandal I don't know?

Somehow you managed to lose your offtopic.gif But it's OK, I put it back for you.

It was Buchholz who removed it. I don't think he would appreciate having it back, though you meant well of course............

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Anyone with an active brain cell has known from day one that the whole PTP agenda has been about getting Big T off on all charges and allowing him to return and take control of the party officially. All of the smoke screens that people throw up about fairness ( no one else is ever tried for corruption why should he be) are just mudding the waters.

I guess I'm wondering about this and my question is: even if true - so what? What's so catastrophic about a popular politician other than he's not your favorite or in your favorite party.

How can anyone point to one politician in Thailand and say that one is more corrupt than others? Reconcilliation, yes....but the reforms needed elsewhere in Thai society are infinitely more important. Thaksin is merely a convenient distraction for what really needs to change.

This must be a troll. No one can be this ignorant and stupid.

Calgaryll under cover?

My thoughts exactly.
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Yes, as one of main proponents of returning Thaksin and all the while lying about it, Yongyuth's criminal behavior, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty, and malfeasance in office are not the topic.


As far as I can see Yonyuth was working as a caretaker permanent secretary of the Interior Ministry who signed the order not to revoke the deeds. He would be acting under the orders of the Interior Minister at the time, Sanoh Tienthong. How this makes Yonyuth a criminal in the Alpine Land Scandal I don't know?

Somehow you managed to lose your offtopic.gif But it's OK, I put it back for you.

It was Buchholz who removed it. I don't think he would appreciate having it back, though you meant well of course............

By your continual response to what you said was off-topic, can we presume then that Yongyuth's criminal behavior, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty, and malfeasance in office is on topic?


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Anyone with an active brain cell has known from day one that the whole PTP agenda has been about getting Big T off on all charges and allowing him to return and take control of the party officially. All of the smoke screens that people throw up about fairness ( no one else is ever tried for corruption why should he be) are just mudding the waters.

I guess I'm wondering about this and my question is: even if true - so what? What's so catastrophic about a popular politician other than he's not your favorite or in your favorite party.

How can anyone point to one politician in Thailand and say that one is more corrupt than others? Reconcilliation, yes....but the reforms needed elsewhere in Thai society are infinitely more important. Thaksin is merely a convenient distraction for what really needs to change.

This must be a troll. No one can be this ignorant and stupid.

Oh yes they can............In a 2008 study, the Kasikorn Research Center estimated that Bangkok residents spent 2.5 billion Thai baht (about $81 million dollars) on fortune telling services.

Samak Sundaravej used his Sunday TV show to criticise (fortune teller) Varin Buaviratlert, whose clients are rumoured to include ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra's wife, and the man who overthrew Thaksin, former army chief Sonthi Boonyaratglin.

Mr Thaksin blamed the alignment of planets for current economic and political woes. "Be patient until July 2. When Mars leaves, the situation will improve," he said.

Yesterday, after a huge bash to celebrate the 62nd birthday of Thaksin Shinnawatra, core red-shirt supporter, Lieutenant General Pattrasilp Sudsa-ngaun, who is considered the 'army fortune teller' predicted that Yingluck Shinnawatra, the PM-elect would form the next government and govern the country smoothly.

Thaksin Shinnawatr did consult ET, the well-known Burmese fortune-teller, on several occasions about his political moves.

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By your continual response to what you said was off-topic, can we presume then that Yongyuth's criminal behavior, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty, and malfeasance in office is on topic?


Could you please provide proof of "Yongyuth's criminal behavior, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty, and malfeasance in office" with respect to the Alpine Land Scandal. Does or did he have shares in Alpine Land? What is his conflict of interest? Where was he derelict in his duty (in carrying out the orders of his boss, the Interior Manager)? What malfeasance in office did he demonstrate?

When or if you come up with answers to the above questions that prove he did what you accuse him of then I will accept his inclusion in this debate as on topic.

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By your continual response to what you said was off-topic, can we presume then that Yongyuth's criminal behavior, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty, and malfeasance in office is on topic?


Could you please provide proof of "Yongyuth's criminal behavior, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty, and malfeasance in office" with respect to the Alpine Land Scandal. Does or did he have shares in Alpine Land? What is his conflict of interest? Where was he derelict in his duty (in carrying out the orders of his boss, the Interior Manager)? What malfeasance in office did he demonstrate?

When or if you come up with answers to the above questions that prove he did what you accuse him of then I will accept his inclusion in this debate as on topic.

So your originalofftopic.gif reply was nonsense.

Amazing how cyclic things get.


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By your continual response to what you said was off-topic, can we presume then that Yongyuth's criminal behavior, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty, and malfeasance in office is on topic?


Could you please provide proof of "Yongyuth's criminal behavior, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty, and malfeasance in office" with respect to the Alpine Land Scandal. Does or did he have shares in Alpine Land? What is his conflict of interest? Where was he derelict in his duty (in carrying out the orders of his boss, the Interior Manager)? What malfeasance in office did he demonstrate?

When or if you come up with answers to the above questions that prove he did what you accuse him of then I will accept his inclusion in this debate as on topic.

So your originalofftopic.gif reply was nonsense.

Amazing how cyclic things get.


translation... you can't prove it?

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By your continual response to what you said was off-topic, can we presume then that Yongyuth's criminal behavior, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty, and malfeasance in office is on topic?


Could you please provide proof of "Yongyuth's criminal behavior, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty, and malfeasance in office" with respect to the Alpine Land Scandal. Does or did he have shares in Alpine Land? What is his conflict of interest? Where was he derelict in his duty (in carrying out the orders of his boss, the Interior Manager)? What malfeasance in office did he demonstrate?

When or if you come up with answers to the above questions that prove he did what you accuse him of then I will accept his inclusion in this debate as on topic.

So your originalofftopic.gif reply was nonsense.

Amazing how cyclic things get.

translation... you can't prove it?

clarification for the unaware.... They are accusations. The ones he faces in the Alpine case.


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The government is preaching reconciliation, but that is just a smokescreen for whitewashing fugitive ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra and it will lead to deeper divisions...

Pretty much says it all.

What I would like to see is reconciliation among the Thai people themselves.

reconciliation at the government level is a joke. The ideas put forth ammount to amnesty for crimanals and make the rule of law just a joke.

With a reconciliation of the people they could look for the good of Thailand not just one segment of it, The middle class and the rich would take into consideration how decisions would effect all of Thailand not just there personal pocket book. While it is a fact that the poor tend to follow Thaksin that is because he at least pretends that he is going to help them. If we were able to get rid of all the crooks in government we would then be able to start looking at the needs of all Thailand.

A good example of only looking at the needs of just one single part of Thailand (besides his own pockets) is Thaksin. He talked about the needs of the poor and ignored the needs of the South and the needs of drug addicts, Result a lot of deaths and worsening of a serious problem in the South.

Well that is my dream.

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