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Pheu Thai MPs Want Nutt To Quit Over Girlie Photos


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In a Christian context, I can only say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

The more appropriate saying is that "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

The Democrats are getting a taste of what they have been dishing out since they lost the last election. Seems to me that the Demos brought this on themselves.

Frankly, I do not care. It is unfortunate that there is no opposition party in Thailand without some semblance of integrity and decency. If there was, the PTP would be history.

Compared to the beaming and shining light of who in the PTP that is most honorable person and an example for the whole of humanity to strive to become?
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PTP scramble up the hill to claim the 'moral-high-ground', so fast it makes their ears pop.

Sadly for them, it takes more than some nude photos to make most people forget the real crimes that are being committed in those same parliament buildings.

what crimes?

Yingluk taking money under false pretences?

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In a Christian context, I can only say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Well that is not just a christian context, it is in any context.

This is an unbelievable case of pot calling kettle black. If this guy has to resign, Chalerm should be well down the road. These guys just don't know when to keep their mouths shut and crack on.

This MP, who was even less attendant to issues in Parliament than Nutt, can't keep his mouth shut.


I wonder what punishment Police Sargeant-Major/Red Shirt Leader/Pheu Thai Party MP Pasit would argue for him.


I can't read the ID card. Who is this shining example for all other MPs?
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PTP scramble up the hill to claim the 'moral-high-ground', so fast it makes their ears pop.

Sadly for them, it takes more than some nude photos to make most people forget the real crimes that are being committed in those same parliament buildings.

what crimes?

Yingluk taking money under false pretences?

Yingluck committing perjury?

Perjury: the willful giving of false testimony under oath or affirmation

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In a Christian context, I can only say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Well that is not just a christian context, it is in any context.

This is an unbelievable case of pot calling kettle black. If this guy has to resign, Chalerm should be well down the road. These guys just don't know when to keep their mouths shut and crack on.

This MP, who was even less attendant to issues in Parliament than Nutt, can't keep his mouth shut.


I wonder what punishment Police Sargeant-Major/Red Shirt Leader/Pheu Thai Party MP Pasit would argue for him.


I can't read the ID card. Who is this shining example for all other MPs?

Shut-i Snoresalot


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My first reaction to the headline was.


And then I read the posts and realized that there was actually people who believed it.

As usual attack is better than defense so rather than defend there drunk members attack some one with a picture on their phone that shows a fully dressed sexy looking lady.

The sleeping member was obviously a PT member or they would have been up in arms over him to.

Makes one wonder if the PT would allow you in if you had integrity.wai.gif

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In a Christian context, I can only say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

The more appropriate saying is that "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

The Democrats are getting a taste of what they have been dishing out since they lost the last election. Seems to me that the Demos brought this on themselves.

Frankly, I do not care. It is unfortunate that there is no opposition party in Thailand without some semblance of integrity and decency. If there was, the PTP would be history.

Compared to the beaming and shining light of who in the PTP that is most honorable person and an example for the whole of humanity to strive to become?

You don't get it do you?

If there were honest, ethical people with integrity available for public service, the PTP, and Thaksin would be long gone.

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This MP, who was even less attendant to issues in Parliament than Nutt, can't keep his mouth shut.

I wonder what punishment Police Sargeant-Major/Red Shirt Leader/Pheu Thai Party MP Prasit would argue for him.

I can't read the ID card. Who is this shining example for all other MPs?

Here's another that is identifiable, especially to "Nutt should hang himself" Red Shirt Leader Prasit.

It's the role model House Speaker and his fellow Pheu Thai MP Somsak Kiatsuranon.



Edited by Buchholz
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My first reaction to the headline was.


And then I read the posts and realized that there was actually people who believed it.

As usual attack is better than defense so rather than defend there drunk members attack some one with a picture on their phone that shows a fully dressed sexy looking lady.

The sleeping member was obviously a PT member or they would have been up in arms over him to.

Makes one wonder if the PT would allow you in if you had integrity.wai.gif

Ahh, so you have no concern with the treatment of women as sexual playthings do you?

It explains why so many TVFers hate her Excellency the PM. They get nervous when confronted with successful, wealthy and powerful women.

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How many of those calling for resignation are avoiding serious prosecution by their status as MP?

Oh, I forgot! They WANTED to resign and face terrorism charges, but the party voted against it. It's a rule of the Prosecution Thwarted by Popularity party.


PTP ; Prosecution Thwarted by Popularity party

As well as

Persecution Towards Protagonists

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Ahh, so you have no concern with the treatment of women as sexual playthings do you?

It explains why so many TVFers hate her Excellency the PM. They get nervous when confronted with successful, wealthy and powerful women.

"treatment of women as sexual playthings"??

It's a picture of a woman posing for a picture.


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Pheu Thai MP Prasit Chaisrisa said Nutt should hang himself to escape the shame he has brought on Parliament and the Democrat Party.

I wonder what Prasit thinks Chalerm should do to himself. Hypocrisy in the highest order.

To be fair it is a long time since Chalerm was in the Democrat party or are you refering to the shame Chalerm has brought on the Democrat party more recently in opposition to them???

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In a Christian context, I can only say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

The more appropriate saying is that "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

The Democrats are getting a taste of what they have been dishing out since they lost the last election. Seems to me that the Demos brought this on themselves.

Frankly, I do not care. It is unfortunate that there is no opposition party in Thailand without some semblance of integrity and decency. If there was, the PTP would be history.

Compared to the beaming and shining light of who in the PTP that is most honorable person and an example for the whole of humanity to strive to become?

You don't get it do you?

If there were honest, ethical people with integrity available for public service, the PTP, and Thaksin would be long gone.

There are many "honest, ethical people with integrity available" but they won't go into politics because of the dirty dealing and smears that go on.

Only those so hard skinned or hard core to not care will do it

or are told to do it by their masters.

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This MP, who was even less attendant to issues in Parliament than Nutt, can't keep his mouth shut.

I wonder what punishment Police Sargeant-Major/Red Shirt Leader/Pheu Thai Party MP Prasit would argue for him.

I can't read the ID card. Who is this shining example for all other MPs?

Here's another that is identifiable, especially to "Nutt should hang himself" Red Shirt Leader Prasit.

It's the role model House Speaker and his fellow Pheu Thai MP Somsak Kiatsuranon.



I do hope these photos of the sleeping PTP MPs never make it to the international news media. Heaven forbid. In the words of the most esteemed Puea Thai spokesman Promphong Noppairt it would "bring shame on the Thai Parliament".
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The Thai parliament has little to worry about in losing reputation in the international community. They are already a laughing stock, It couldn't get worse!

with murderers, rapist and criminals of all stripes on active duty in the Thai Parliament it's a wonder any 1st world country pays any attention to them at all...


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The Thai parliament has little to worry about in losing reputation in the international community. They are already a laughing stock, It couldn't get worse!

with murderers, rapist and criminals of all stripes on active duty in the Thai Parliament it's a wonder any 1st world country pays any attention to them at all...


Pretty much the same as most parliaments around the world. Though they might provide entertainment they have little political power which mainly resides in the government of the day.

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It explains why so many TVFers hate her Excellency the PM. They get nervous when confronted with successful, wealthy and powerful women.

Wealthy-because of fer brother

Successful-because of her brother

Powerful job-because of her brother

Without her brother-nothing left to mention! Sorry!whistling.gif

Oh maybe left is, -clone puppet.giggle.gif

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The fact that there might have been worse misconduct in Parliement is no escuse for not going thru a proper investigation of this issue and penalize the culprit accordingly.

The fact that some MPs are suggesting that the phone might have interfere with the closed circuit video system is ridiculous. Not only these people are incompetent to make such claim but it worries me that people in power have such poor understanding of basic technology. I hope these are not the same selecting the specifications for the kid's tablets.

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Parliament is a joke, just a bunch of squabbling kids playing tit for tat. If this was 17th century Europe they would all be challenging each other to duels to the death. Actually, that would be a good idea.

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The fact that there might have been worse misconduct in Parliement is no escuse for not going thru a proper investigation of this issue and penalize the culprit accordingly.

The fact that some MPs are suggesting that the phone might have interfere with the closed circuit video system is ridiculous. Not only these people are incompetent to make such claim but it worries me that people in power have such poor understanding of basic technology. I hope these are not the same selecting the specifications for the kid's tablets.

S0, le'st see you are sitting at your desk and someone sends you an SMS with attachment, you open the message, only to find it is a picture of a barely clad girl, you do a double take, before closing it, but the camera looking over your shoulder shows it to the world. Your enemies leak it to the press and moan about your morals.

Oh darn... lose your job for answering a message sent by another, that is inappropriate.

I think not. He just needs to pick better friends.

And yes, the complaining MPs apparently are technical ludites,

who seem to get their expertise from BAD spy movies.

But it's more important to make an enemy lose face,

and maybe increase the political advantage in the house a notch,

than MAKE ANY SENSE with your public statements.

Unless there was a specific 'FTP link' set up on his phone

AND the Laptop used for the show and tell

AND an external powerful WiFi device on a 3rd computer,

then this is just absurd.

Or there was someone with lots of money and computer savvy hackers with very good skills

trying to make the Dems look bad, and distract from other things... like the Charter re-write.

We of course know people CAN be bought here at all levels to allow access to their masters tools.

On the other hand there are MUCH more incriminating things than half nude women to put on someones computer to distract or blame enemies with.

Edited by animatic
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Can anyone tell me of any occasion where they have been looking at a picture on their mobile phone, and that picture suddenly appeared on their television?

I suspect not.

Maybe because it's absolutely impossible.

You would have to use your mobile phone as a video transmitter to beam a picture to your television.

Not only that, your phone would have to somehow convert a mobile phone picture at one resolution to the exact PAL or HD resolution required by a television set, something that would normally require conversion and rendering.

Not only that, since the television picture is being fed by a cable rather than through an aerial, you would have to somehow enable the picture to hop into the cable and interrupt the signal stream.

Let's get this straight.

Looking at a picture on your mobile phone can NEVER EVER cause it to appear on a closed circuit television screen.

Anyone who thinks that this is possible must be a moron of unbelievable stupidity...

Or a Pheua Thai politician.

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Can anyone tell me of any occasion where they have been looking at a picture on their mobile phone, and that picture suddenly appeared on their television?

I suspect not.

Maybe because it's absolutely impossible.

You would have to use your mobile phone as a video transmitter to beam a picture to your television.

Not only that, your phone would have to somehow convert a mobile phone picture at one resolution to the exact PAL or HD resolution required by a television set, something that would normally require conversion and rendering.

Not only that, since the television picture is being fed by a cable rather than through an aerial, you would have to somehow enable the picture to hop into the cable and interrupt the signal stream.

Let's get this straight.

Looking at a picture on your mobile phone can NEVER EVER cause it to appear on a closed circuit television screen.

Anyone who thinks that this is possible must be a moron of unbelievable stupidity...

Or a Pheua Thai politician.

The technology is commonly available though difficult to do by accident.

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