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Australian Billionaire To Build Titanic II


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Actually the metal wasnt inferior, it was the best steel availible at the time (know as best iron) the problem was the amount of slag in the rivets ( the amount of slag would not be permissible these days)

Further at the time they didnt not understand the concept of ductile brittle transition in steels....Freezing cold Atlantic made the steel brittle, same as what happened to many liberty ships during WWII, where in hull welds started cracking

I'm fairly sure contact with a big iceberg at flank speed would sink almost anything, old or new, iron or steel.

Of course, just adressing a couple of the specific points raised in the post.....big ship moving fast...big iceberg....in all probability....bubble bubble...biggrin.png

Actually, the Titanic would have probably been OK if.

a) it had not seen the iceberg and simply ploughed straight into it as fewer compartments would have been damaged and let in water, which would have prevented the water going over the top of the watertight bulkheads.


B) It had had a bigger rudder. The rudder was essentially undersized for the size and in particular, the speed of the ship, so it didn't turn fast enough when the iceberg was spotted.

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