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Ive written about this before a few years back, but asking again, as it is still a very real cause for concern for me.

I at times wonder who the hell i am when i have pms (usually my worst day being just before my period is about to start). My emotions can become so intense that i feel totally irrational and its a frightening feeling. Its like a light switch of emotions.

I NEED to find a way to calm this down.

I have tried meditation, evening primrose, blackstrap molasses, dark chocolate, vitamins, dietary changes, none of which have helped. Its an ongoing battle to find what can help reduce the symptoms and its a bloody nightmare.

I havent tried progesterone cream yet, and have heard that could be possibly helpful. I have no idea if available here though, or, if it is, how to use it yet.

I am at the end of my tether at the moment and I really dont want this to be part of my life every single month. Its distressing for me and its horrible for my partner. I can handle the tender breasts etc, but the emotional aspect is impossible to live with.

If anyone has any understanding of severe pms and various options i could try, please offer advice.

Ive looked online, but its the same sort of stuff "try evening primrose", "try a nice warm bath"...zzz...as helpful as a chocolate teapot really...

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Regular, daily exercise, and not too light or too little, like running or swimming laps for an hour every day, morning or evening, or training Muay Thai at least 4, 5 times per week for 1 - 2 hours.

With regular I mean all the time, not just when you have symptoms, but every day of the month.

At least it is the only thing for me that helps and it also helps to stop cravings for sweet foods so it's easier to eat well than when I don't exercise at all.

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Pretty sure eek is a regular exerciser. Hormones can help (ie birth control) but not with everyone. I will get it quite badly when stressed and used to allow my emotions to take over but I forced myself to stop and look at myself and then recognize what was going on. By facing it and acknowledging that was what the issue really was, it allowed me to not allow it power over my life. I can't say that will work for you, just what worked for me.

You might want to consider PMing Sheryl as she is a whiz with this kind of thing

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Thank you ladies.

Appreciate the link Sally, and will look into Agnus Catcus. Ive also read now that B6 may help too.

g00dgirl, ask Sbk says, yes im a regular avid exerciser. Distance and sprint running (mainly sprint these days), as well as weight training. Im a great believer in it. But still, nothing seems to work (yet) for those days.

sbk, thanks, i will pm Sheryl. Would like her advice, especially her opinion on what i have been given today. I also will try giving myself that reminder, because at times i feel pretty much lost.

This morning I went along to a pharmacist i know well, told her about my problem, she suggested Remifemin and Oestrogel, but best to speak with a gyno first. So, i went along to the hospital to the Gyno and he said i can take both, but keep a diary to record what is happening and if any changes, particularly to my period. I have not had any Remifemin tablets yet, i will take the first one tonight. I have already spread 1.25g of Oestrogel on my stomach. I cant really say anything at this stage because im on my own at the moment and basically removing myself from anything stressful. I also went for a circuit bike ride at 7am, so that helped! I did feel tearful before at the hospital, but an hour or so after applying the Oestrogel not so senstive, but that might just be my own hormones. Do have a headache brewing though.

My period is due today or tomorrow, so cant really say how the cream and tablets will help until next month kicks in. I will write an update, purely for anyone else that may possibly benefit from knowing my own process.

Been reading about PMDD, and may be a bit of that going on. Not much i can do for now, except aim for a more balanced monthly cycle in the future months.

Edited by eek
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have you had blood work done? I had terrible hormone imbalance for several years & it was only when I went to speak with a fertility consultant that we found out about it. My pms would be like a black rage, total overload of anger & impatience. No fun for anyone around me. After getting the blood work done I went on medication for a while, can't remember what but it really helped balance me out. Now I just have usual irritability. Oh & I got a coil a few months ago (mirena) & it has completely changed my life. No more severe period bleeds, in fact after 3 months my periods are non existent & my pms has mellowed out even more. I get a little cramping, a bit of tenderness in my breasts but nothing in comparison to what I dealt with for years.

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have you had blood work done? I had terrible hormone imbalance for several years & it was only when I went to speak with a fertility consultant that we found out about it. My pms would be like a black rage, total overload of anger & impatience. No fun for anyone around me. After getting the blood work done I went on medication for a while, can't remember what but it really helped balance me out. Now I just have usual irritability. Oh & I got a coil a few months ago (mirena) & it has completely changed my life. No more severe period bleeds, in fact after 3 months my periods are non existent & my pms has mellowed out even more. I get a little cramping, a bit of tenderness in my breasts but nothing in comparison to what I dealt with for years.

Funny you should ask me that Boo, because i went back to the Pharmacist and she asked me the same thing. I feel stupid for not requesting, but i put myself (STUPIDLY) in the hands of the gyno. NO BLOOD REQUEST even suggested!!! So, im going to go get blood work done. I wanted to see a doctor fast, so went to a hospital here that supposedly is the best, but ive had bad experiences in the past. Never putting my trust in them again. Was charged quite a lot for basically no proper care. Will be going to another more trusted hospital for blood work then ill know for my next pms round what im actually dealing with. I will also ask the doctor there about the coil ..at this stage anything that might help, is worth finding out about.

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Hi Eek, sounds awful and very familiar, I had problems with imbalanced hormone levels with similar symptoms for years.

It's important you find a gyn. you feel comfortable with and if you find a good one he/she will start with blood work of course.

Lots of good advice here but keep in mind, in order to find what is causing your symptoms and in order to know what is relieving them [hopefully soon] its important to try one thing at a time, so if you use cream, dont start using other medication or pills or change something in your diet. It will be confusing and difficult to single out what is helping you. [speaking from expirience, my symptoms were so awful I was desperate and trying anything and everything at the same time...]

I truly hope you will find a solution soon...keep the faith!

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Thank you Carry.

Im going to find a way, even if it means doing things slowly over months.

Will find a good gyn (read a recommendation in the chiang mai forum, so will try there first), will keep a diary, and get the blood work done.

Hopefully several months down the line will be a lot less of an impact.

Feeling positive.

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It prob. goes pretty quickly once you found a good doc. and get the right meds i.e. treatment!

But like you I tried everything and anything, telling myself I should just calm down a little and do some yoga, it was such a relief to be told actually it is something physical and that it can be sorted!

Good luck, hoping you will be feeling better soon!.

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