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Amata Services For Spinal Adjustment...Anyone Ever Use?


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Has any one ever used this place for chiropracty? Since the only chiropractor I knew of in CM has left, I am trying to find an alternative. I know all about chiropractic, so don't need the negative rhetoric, just want to know if anyone has used this place and perhaps what you think of it. It is located on Sri Don Chai rd, Changklan Thanks ett

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Yes I have used them. I've posted on this before. I went with back pain in my lower back, I'd had it before and it took 4 months of physio/rest to fix. This time I went to Amata without any prior knowledge. On first impressions it doesn't fill one with confidence(mother feeding the baby,not really tidy -but hey this is Thailand) but I had one session which took about 10 minutes and my back pain was gone within a day. I still don't know if I'd go if I had something serious but I can only speak as I find and it did the job for me.If it recurs I would go back.

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Thank you Bluweyze, I really appreciate the input on this place. I live in Phayao and there isn't anything that even remotely resembles any kind of chiropractor or DO here. I will make a trip to try them real soon. Thanks again...ett

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I went to chiropractic college in the USA. I do not practice here.

I can assure you, that based on my conversation with the "Chiropractor", at Amata who claims to have a DC ( http://www.kritdc.com/index.html), he has no chiropractic education that anybody of any reason or intelligence would consider acceptable. He is not licensed in Thailand and is not a member of the Thai Chiropractic Association. http://www.thailandchiropractic.org/epage1.html Stay away!

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Do a search in this forum (I'm too lazy now). There was recently a thread about a fully qualified chiropractor here in Chiang Mai now who you can go see at Rajavej Hospital. His education and qualifications appeared top notch.

Edit: Here it is http://www.doctorphilip.com/

Well I have certainly heard good things about him. I believe he will only be here in Chiang Mai at Rajavej Hospital two or three days a week. If I remember correctly he will be connected with the physio therapy department who also has a good reputation.

The one thing that I noticed that he is smooth and no jerking you around. I have seen Chiropractors off and on for 40 years and noticed one thing the ones who did not cause me a moment of mild pain where not as effective as the ones who did, But that is just my experience. I know one who had a little gadget he would apply to a certain spot and click it hardly even notice it. Never did me a bit of good but he had a good reputation. The best one I ever saw after the adjustment had me just sit there for about five minutes.

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I've been using Dr. Philip for the past month. as compared to every other chiropractor, he is different.

I cannot report that after two sessions I'm cured, but I do feel better.

he's at that hospital (across from the Holiday Inn) on Tues and Fri after 1:00.

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Do a search in this forum (I'm too lazy now). There was recently a thread about a fully qualified chiropractor here in Chiang Mai now who you can go see at Rajavej Hospital. His education and qualifications appeared top notch.

Edit: Here it is http://www.doctorphilip.com/

Well I have certainly heard good things about him. I believe he will only be here in Chiang Mai at Rajavej Hospital two or three days a week. If I remember correctly he will be connected with the physio therapy department who also has a good reputation.

The one thing that I noticed that he is smooth and no jerking you around.


So what is it?

Have you heard good things about him or actually have the experience his smoothness and not being jerked around?

If you've used him then you surely would recall in what dept it was.

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Do a search in this forum (I'm too lazy now). There was recently a thread about a fully qualified chiropractor here in Chiang Mai now who you can go see at Rajavej Hospital. His education and qualifications appeared top notch.

Edit: Here it is http://www.doctorphilip.com/

Well I have certainly heard good things about him. I believe he will only be here in Chiang Mai at Rajavej Hospital two or three days a week. If I remember correctly he will be connected with the physio therapy department who also has a good reputation.

The one thing that I noticed that he is smooth and no jerking you around.


So what is it?

Have you heard good things about him or actually have the experience his smoothness and not being jerked around?

If you've used him then you surely would recall in what dept it was.

No I have not used him but I did read the link elektrified supplied.

I was just relating my past experiences with Chiropractors. I did not claim to have seen him. Suggest you read the link elekreified gave.

I am quite sure that I will see him when the need arises. Have been seriously considering going to that hospital for Physio Therapy. Also to have my hip checked by their specialist.

Any particular reason for deleting the part of my post that explained my experience.?

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Any particular reason for deleting the part of my post that explained my experience.?

Yep, I only feel it's necessary to respond to certain things and as you posts tend to waffle on somewhat, I find it best to do it this way. I think you'll find many seasoned campaigners prefer to do this.

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I went there three times for a recuring sever lower back problem, although there was some slight improvement eventually, I would not go back again. I have been to a excellent doctor in Bangkok for many years and by following his instructions I find I can cure myself most of the time. Now if things really get bad then it is a trip back to Bangkok, expensive but worth every penny.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went to chiropractic college in the USA. I do not practice here.

I can assure you, that based on my conversation with the "Chiropractor", at Amata who claims to have a DC ( http://www.kritdc.com/index.html), he has no chiropractic education that anybody of any reason or intelligence would consider acceptable. He is not licensed in Thailand and is not a member of the Thai Chiropractic Association. http://www.thailandc...org/epage1.html Stay away!

Would you like to know just how many "qualified" chiropractors I went to in the US that were total quacks? "Oh let's do a spot x-ray and see what is the matter." I even encountered one yay-hoo that had a one size fits all mentality...I finally found a man that was indeed a credit to his profession in Tacoma, WA. He used applied kinesiology, along with a complete x-ray of my entire spinal column, taken with my mouth open (taped together just like a road map)....but I will tell you that it took quite a few to find a good one. When I hear this "maintainence program sh*t", it translates to....hell no I don't intend on fixing you right the first time...you wouldn't be coming back. I know the selection here in LOS is very, very limited...I can only hope I can find someone...qualified ???....to help me.

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Qualified to me would mean an educational and licensing certification offering the assurance that the chiropractor has at least been trained in things like detecting bone cancer so they don't seriously injure you with their adjustments.

A substantial amount of the time I spent in chiropractic college was devoted to learning when NOT to adjust and when to refer to an MD.

It has nothing to do with their ethics or skill. Kind of. If they get caught doing something really dishonest they might lose their license, but there still lots of room for overcharging and minor fraud.

And a qualified chiropractor is a hell of a lot more likely to know what adjusting technique is least likely to cause soft tissue injury than a guy that went to an adjusting seminar in Taiwan or somewhere else for a few hours.

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He's very expensive...500 baht for 10 minutes.......can't say I was much better.

I paid 1,200 baht in Canada.

And in Canada you often have to wait several days for an appointment - chiropractors get busy and earn big bucks.

Which begs the question...............why Chiang Mai............the occasional farang customer, temples, bars, elephants, the zoo?

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He's very expensive...500 baht for 10 minutes.......can't say I was much better.

I paid 1,200 baht in Canada.

And in Canada you often have to wait several days for an appointment - chiropractors get busy and earn big bucks.

Which begs the question...............why Chiang Mai............the occasional farang customer, temples, bars, elephants, the zoo?

Well actually I get a appointment if I call in the morning. You are thinking of Doctors where they interview you before they agree to take you on as a patient. Specialist's are up to 6 months. A friend of mine waited over a year for a triple bypass on his heart.

I had heard England was also slow with there medical Doctors.

As for why Chiang Mai he is only here two afternoons. He has a business in Bangkok.

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Well I finally made it in to see Dr. Parry...I must say I would highly recommend him in a heartbeat. He is what I call old school or just one that doesn't need to see with x-rays and that was a big plus for moi. I also found out that the guy at Amata Services is not Thai, but a Chinese fellow. Now let's see....China has been practicing medicine for how many centuries? Hmmm....in a pinch I would definitely give him a try as well. ett

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Been to Parry, he knows what he is doing, sorted out my problems, plus he was busy with patients so seems to be making a baht. Bear in mind that chiroprctic is not claimed as a cure all for everything, if the problem is a misalignment then it will will work, if degerative or really stuffed then maybe not. I don't think this topic is about coverting the allapathic obsessed, to each their own, but it is good to have the option of a qualified chiropractor in Chiang Mai. Massage helps lots of things and probably would go well with the chiropractic, however my experience is that if a joint is locked it needs more than a massage to sort that. but that is just my personal experience.

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Well I finally made it in to see Dr. Parry...I must say I would highly recommend him in a heartbeat. He is what I call old school or just one that doesn't need to see with x-rays and that was a big plus for moi.

Sorry, but can you clarify please.

Are you saying he didn't want to see xrays and if so what's the benefit of not seeing xrays, that made it a big plus for you?

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Went to see Parry a couple of weeks ago.

Nice guy & without me telling him any history he

told me things I knew & I felt he did know what the causes of the problem were.

I was quite surprised by technique. Having been a builder all my life I have had a lot of experience with

chiropractic treatments in the US. His style I have never had before but have read about it. A soft style

& does not involve manual/forceful adjustments for lack of a better description.

I cannot say how much the one treatment helped as I have a sciatic nerve flare up right now which masks the main problem/cause somewhat.

So I have used acupuncture to calm the sciatic successfully. I plan to now return to Dr Parry to hopefully get the original cause adjusted out.

Will see ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Well I finally made it in to see Dr. Parry...I must say I would highly recommend him in a heartbeat. He is what I call old school or just one that doesn't need to see with x-rays and that was a big plus for moi.

Sorry, but can you clarify please.

Are you saying he didn't want to see xrays and if so what's the benefit of not seeing xrays, that made it a big plus for you?

Sorry it took so long to respond....I meant that I did not have to expose myself to more radiation than I already have in the past doing x-rays. If someone can do the work by feel (oldschool) then I am all about that. Let's face it, Palmer didn't have x-rays to work with or to even develop chiropractic to what it is today. ett

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