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Malawi To Overturn Ban On Gays

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However, he says it will be an unpopular move with many church leaders, as well as the wider population in this conservative country.

After a storm of international condemnation, Mr Mutharika did pardon the two Malawian men on "humanitarian grounds only" but said they had "committed a crime against our culture, against our religion, and against our laws".

Might the (Christian?) church and their leaders have anything to do with homosexuality being considered a crime? The article make it sound like that.

Anyway, good on the new president to intend to overturn this law! Let's keep updated. This is a biggy for Africa, I understand.

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Yes, this is a good piece of news BUT the majority of countries in Africa and the Middle East have got a looooooooooooooooong way to go regarding gay, lesbian and transgendered rights.

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Agreed, JJ. As I recall, the number of countries where homosexuality is criminalized (75, though now apparently coming down to 74) is pretty well evenly divided between Muslim and Christian; rather disappointingly it looks as if the change in Malawi has nothing to do with any change of attitude but is just to restore foreign aid.

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