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Farang Con Men In Chiang Mai


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65 craig

re your pantip plaza friend

he told me exactly the same story almost word for word by the moat about three months ago

and i reported it on here under a topic about cheats .. liars or something like that about a month ago

but he asked me for 2 thousand not 500 hundred and i gave him 100 to get rid of him

anyway if you want to see him again he hangs out with the little short haired girl

in the bar to the right of easy corner bar at the top of loi kroh ... most afternoons .. evenings

and the last time he was here it was for about 5 days

dave2 ... down 100 b : (

There are guys that have the same scam in almost every tourist destination in Thailand. I have been sold the same story by a different con in Phuket. Has been going on for many years.

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Considering the amount of elderly retirees in Chiang Mai (some suffering varying levels of dementia), I would not be surprised if there are farang cons here doing things on a much, much larger scale than is being discussed here. Check out the current thread in the Phuket forum on the cons there who are taking elderly people's life savings and promising them ocean front villas. There are people here loosely affiliated with expat clubs offering financial advice, investment counseling, legal advice and so forth. Of course they recommend that the retirees invest their money with them.

I can't find the Phuket forum article so I hope it is not against the rules to post the original source ---> http://andrew-drummo...s-scam-central/

100-500 THB scams are chump change compared to what may really be happening here. Have you ever seen how many websites there are telling gullible foreigners that they can own real property in Thailand?

Edited by elektrified
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It was all over the Thai news channels last week. What I dont get is why they thought it would be a good Idea to put computers, cameras etc in the luggage hold of a bus that makes stops. I never do it even on a plane it all goes in a carry on ruck sack.

I met a really good one here in Chiang Mai. Set up the business, had a great web site and good products. Looked for investors. Fantastic talker, the kind of guy you couldn't argue with. Had a monopoly on truth and loved to tell you how honest he was. If there was any hint of opposition then he'd accuse you of stuff that didn't happen. Frightening type of guy really because behind the smile was a cunning and scheming brain. Then got his girlfriend to borrow money from banks and soon after did a runner out of the country. Now the cops are looking for his girlfriend so in the end, if she comes back to Thailand, she'll suffer because here it is a criminal matter not a civil matter. His product was headsets if you ever come across him. But you see this kind of duplicity leaves you scratching your head ....... perhaps he was genuine after all. But as I write stuff it's a great basis for a series of short stories for an English language publication (which is why I'm researching this stuff). I hate lies and cheating of any sort which is why I find Thailand and the Thais so disgusting ........ but this guy was a farang not Thai.

Well your feelings are your feelings and no one can deny you them.

What I don't understand is why with the attitude.

"I hate lies and cheating of any sort which is why I find Thailand and the Thais so disgusting."

Why you would stay here. I mean no disrespect or any of that get out stuff. I am genuinely curious as to why one would stay here with that attitude towards the country he lives in and the people in it. I see you have been on Thai Visa seven years you have me by one but that seems like a long time to put up with the conditions you claim to live in. I know for myself if I had to live in those conditions I would be out of here like a shot.

I have lived here 3 years and a couple of months and yes, I am very disillusioned. Seriously considering going back to the UK, France or Timbuktu.

When I say 'lies' from Thais you only have to look at the politics from Thaksin downwards, the corruption so that every shop in Baan Tawai has to pay the forestry guys 1000b a month under the counter (that's 500 shops) and if you want a permit to do anything you have to pay 3x the cost of the permit as a backhander and then the cost of the permit before anything happens, look at the scheming girls in the bars and its not limited to them: Hi-so girlss cheating farangs so they can buy even more

expensive handbags. Open your eyes, these people have no morals whatsoever. I've posted here about my ex-wife who even though she is a scammer and cheater and liar has a management job in international relations at the main government hospital in a city close to here. And so it goes on ..........

I see you have been investigating things. I don't so I miss a lot of those things as for politics I have to say yes it is there. The big difference here in Thailand is that it is more open you really don't have to do munch research to see it. According to transparency international it is in the top 50% of the countries with the least corruption that figure includes all the examples you have sited. It is still a far cry from the least corrupt and not that munch more honest than the ones behind them.

Sorry about the wife but if one was to judge all thais by their wife I would have to say they are the most honest care giving women in the world. I d however know that is not a fact. All women are different. But I do blame the culture for their what would appear to be greedy attitude. To me it is moire of a built in need for security.

As for going to Timbuktu I doubt you will find any less corruption and you better like Shari Law as the Muslim rabble has taken over the city.

One of the things I like about Thailand is unlike many western countries they do not feel the need to try and run other countries by using armed forces or their money.

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I get like that every now and then, it lasts around ten minutes and then i realise how much a sh1t country the UK has become and no matter how bad my life became I couldn't think of anything worse than moving back there. The grass may seem greener on the other side, that's because it usually has more bullsh1t.

thats the problem, all the shit is coming to thailand from the uk.
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I get like that every now and then, it lasts around ten minutes and then i realise how much a sh1t country the UK has become and no matter how bad my life became I couldn't think of anything worse than moving back there. The grass may seem greener on the other side, that's because it usually has more bullsh1t.

thats the problem, all the shit is coming to thailand from the uk.

Read the line about grass is greener KL1T, then think about the US Edited by thaimiller
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I hope they do not come to the north but the Absolute holiday touts in Phuket are the worst. I always thought a good Tshit slogan would be: "Absolute Rip Off"

There used to be a timeshare in hillside, not sure if its still there, this maybe the group of westerners that one poster mentioned, but Ive never been stopped in the street to do a survey etc like in Phuket.
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  • 1 month later...

One of Chiang Mai's ConMen, has now escaped to Spain where he was last heard of in Barcelona 5 weeks ago. He defrauded peeps in Chiang Mai through fake investments and owes money to companies that supplied products. He set his 'wife' up to borrow money from Thai Banks that was not repaid. Indeed, exposure on this site about these dubious characters may be a good public service that saves people from suffering the pain of being defrauded.

Edited by sbk
Name removed-- you know we do not allow defamation.
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<link removed> Typical wording associated with phishing or money laundering enterprises - maybe I should introduce Mr Zurama to one of the generous people whose invitations to let me share in their unclaimed account windfall clutter up my inbox weekly? Better hurry, I don't think the link will work for long.

Edited by onthedarkside
classified link removed
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I reside in C.Rai, but here's what comes to mind: On two occasions, just after visiting C.Mai and using public computers, I had my computer hacked - keyloggers enabled unscrupulous buttplugs to get one or two passwords. In each case, I later found out the culprits were British.

Now, if I visit C.Mai, I don't use public computers for anything which requires a password.

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<link removed> Typical wording associated with phishing or money laundering enterprises - maybe I should introduce Mr Zurama to one of the generous people whose invitations to let me share in their unclaimed account windfall clutter up my inbox weekly? Better hurry, I don't think the link will work for long.

Five minutes exactly laugh.png

Happily they took the ad down right away.

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