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Thai Cabinet Members 'Good People': Prem


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A fine piece of irony and sarcasm. Hopefully, it made a few worms squirm, at least. Those who thought an accommodation had been reached had best think again.

I guess that without a sound effects machine in the background they thought he was being serious!

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I believe it will be seen that Prem's influence was profoundly damaging to the causes he held most dear.

What causes are those?

It means that no criticism of the state is tolerated at all. People live in fear of speaking the true and instead must believe only the manufactured truth

And when has this not been the case in Thailand?

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In the current political situation in Thailand, you would be much better referring to 1984.

Yes 1984 is another novel (often invoked but rarely understood or even read) by George Orwell but your point is obscure.

Do you mean the Big Brother aspect? If so how does this relate to Thailand now? I can only think of prosecutions for LM ramped up under Abhisit and further under Yingluck.

I was referring to New-speak, and institutions whose titles are opposite of the real interests. We have the red horde ranting about democracy and double standards with no apparent understanding of the terms, a Truth and Reconciliation Committee which apparently seeks neither, a DSI which hides crimes, a Foreign Minister appointed to be the servant of a criminal citizen, criminals appointed as MPs while the DSI fails to investigate their crimes, a fugitive criminal who is not even a member of the governing party appointing ministers while his sister performs a charade, and now a law to make any criminal behaviour legal if it can be portrayed as political.

Next will be a constitution change to make treason rewardable.

Actually Orwell never went that far, it would have made his story too incredible.

1984 was much to far fetched. Can you ever imagine a country being run by a big brother who only ever appears to the people on a video screen?

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In the current political situation in Thailand, you would be much better referring to 1984.

Yes 1984 is another novel (often invoked but rarely understood or even read) by George Orwell but your point is obscure.

Do you mean the Big Brother aspect? If so how does this relate to Thailand now? I can only think of prosecutions for LM ramped up under Abhisit and further under Yingluck.

I was referring to New-speak, and institutions whose titles are opposite of the real interests. We have the red horde ranting about democracy and double standards with no apparent understanding of the terms, a Truth and Reconciliation Committee which apparently seeks neither, a DSI which hides crimes, a Foreign Minister appointed to be the servant of a criminal citizen, criminals appointed as MPs while the DSI fails to investigate their crimes, a fugitive criminal who is not even a member of the governing party appointing ministers while his sister performs a charade, and now a law to make any criminal behaviour legal if it can be portrayed as political.

Next will be a constitution change to make treason rewardable.

Actually Orwell never went that far, it would have made his story too incredible.

1984 was much too far fetched. Can you ever imagine a country being run by a big brother who only ever appears to the people on a video screen?

while similar...


this is very, very different...


the latter Big Brother doesn't have mustache.


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Has it crossed anyone's mind that the powers that be, actually like PM Yingluck and see a stable government as a means to ensuring a stable Thailand?

As well, if PM Yingluck is in a secure position it is less likely that former PM can return as the PTP would be less inclined to desert her. As long as the government is secure, it means that the issue of the UDD can be quietly resolved. The core redshirts are not followers of the same political "philosopy" as are the core PTP & Democrats. I think the worst nightmare of both Democrats and PTP alike is if the UDD political purists gained a foothold. I've long said that a large portion of the UDD was using Thaksin as a means to an end. Sort of like having the tiger by the tail.

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Has it crossed anyone's mind that the powers that be, actually like PM Yingluck and see a stable government as a means to ensuring a stable Thailand?

As well, if PM Yingluck is in a secure position it is less likely that former PM can return as the PTP would be less inclined to desert her. As long as the government is secure, it means that the issue of the UDD can be quietly resolved. The core redshirts are not followers of the same political "philosopy" as are the core PTP & Democrats. I think the worst nightmare of both Democrats and PTP alike is if the UDD political purists gained a foothold. I've long said that a large portion of the UDD was using Thaksin as a means to an end. Sort of like having the tiger by the tail.

I don't think it will remain stable if they whitewash Thaksin's crimes and charges.

Sent from my shoe phone

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Has it crossed anyone's mind that the powers that be, actually like PM Yingluck and see a stable government as a means to ensuring a stable Thailand?

As well, if PM Yingluck is in a secure position it is less likely that former PM can return as the PTP would be less inclined to desert her. As long as the government is secure, it means that the issue of the UDD can be quietly resolved. The core redshirts are not followers of the same political "philosopy" as are the core PTP & Democrats. I think the worst nightmare of both Democrats and PTP alike is if the UDD political purists gained a foothold. I've long said that a large portion of the UDD was using Thaksin as a means to an end. Sort of like having the tiger by the tail.

There was a failed attempt to paint the reds as some sort of liberation movement but it didn't and does not wash. They did not and do not have a class political and economic programme. Their sole objective is political power for the positions of power. In short they want to be at the trough. They are unhappy with Thaksin? Big deal. Get in line.

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There are many people in Thailand who want to see justice done BESIDES those in their red shirts. They recognise that murder, arson and mob intimidation are neither democratic nor allowable forms of political expression.

Edited by OzMick
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As well, if PM Yingluck is in a secure position it is less likely that former PM can return as the PTP would be less inclined to desert her.

Except that Thaksin controls both the PTP and his little sister, who refused the premiership several times before relenting to his pressures.

If he says go, she would jump at the opportunity to leave all the unpleasant questions that maker her cry and return to her so-called business employment in some made-up position.

As for PTP, they don't do his bidding, he pulls out their pre-signed resignation papers.


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Actually looking ahead to posterity and the judgement of history I believe it will be seen that Prem's influence was profoundly damaging to the causes he held most dear.A terrible irony.

In the meantime, as far as the people of Thailand are concerned, the closing passage from Orwell's Animal Farm is hard to avoid remembering.

"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."

I don't think we've gotten to that chapter yet. I think we're about here:

"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

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I saw a guy wearing a tee shirt bearing an amusing message the other day. It read :-

Fairy Tales R' Us

Once upon a time there was an honest British MP

Anyone brave enough to supply a Thai version - and wear it in public?

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