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Isaan Trip Report


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Where they live is not far off a main road so the land is valuable. My wife showed me what they used to own and it was quite impressive or is that depressive? One of my wife's relatives just sold up some land split three ways, one million baht each although this did not stop her from putting her hand out at every opportunity. I saw plenty of johnny walker bottles abandoned in the yard. I don't know if the bottles are piled up in the front of the homes for the purpose of recyling later on or as a status symbol. overall the standard of living is not bad besides the bathroom situation and flies. the women are told what to do and when to do it and the young girls prounce around in tiny shorts and straddle the backs of motorcycles and float around the villiage with their jet black hair, smooth soft skin and piercing eyes and as they pass the young Thai men give them the most genuine smiles you will ever see.

i do not know what village you talking about in isan but for me my family and my friend and all in our village can not accetp this,,, better you choose your next wife more careful and come from a good village and good family then you will see people in isan very different. i'm interest in every bodys thinking on this?

I'm thinking you are way too much into your own "my shit don't stink" world... wherever that is in Isaan. Telling people THAT YOU HAVE NEVER AND PROBABLY WILL NEVER MEET that they probably didn't chose a good marriage partner is just rude.

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Having been ooooop there quite a few times id say the Op sums it up well, never met a lazier bone idle teen impregnating bunch. My wife is from there and works like a Trojan, she says she never wants to go back, she says this is how it is now, but not how it used to be when she was young.

Some do escape most seem to sit on their <deleted> p*ssing their lives away

Easy money gets them a scooter and associated BOOM BOOM stereo which is so "quaint" to hear around the village, id blow them all up, in fact recently whilst building a house down south a car came past with a row blasting out, I held up a make believe gun and shot the driver, the women builders thought it was hilarious and agreed .

The countryside is truly lovely though, if only they had'nt filled it full of pesticides so that all the things my wife caught and ate as a kid were still there.

Im still haunted by the brain dead gormless looks I saw in many of the faces, especially some of the young girls whose only future was to have a kid at 14-15, what a waste.

My wife thinks the same so you can go ahead and say how much Ive generalised.

Her best memory was the road outta there as she left at 14 to educate herself financed by working in real jobs not opening her legs for more "easy money"

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Where they live is not far off a main road so the land is valuable. My wife showed me what they used to own and it was quite impressive or is that depressive? One of my wife's relatives just sold up some land split three ways, one million baht each although this did not stop her from putting her hand out at every opportunity. I saw plenty of johnny walker bottles abandoned in the yard. I don't know if the bottles are piled up in the front of the homes for the purpose of recyling later on or as a status symbol. overall the standard of living is not bad besides the bathroom situation and flies. the women are told what to do and when to do it and the young girls prounce around in tiny shorts and straddle the backs of motorcycles and float around the villiage with their jet black hair, smooth soft skin and piercing eyes and as they pass the young Thai men give them the most genuine smiles you will ever see.

i do not know what village you talking about in isan but for me my family and my friend and all in our village can not accetp this,,, better you choose your next wife more careful and come from a good village and good family then you will see people in isan very different. i'm interest in every bodys thinking on this?

I think you are fortunate to have acquired such rose-tinted glasses.

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